Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Tamming Two Hearts or Breaking One ❯ Sakura's obssesion ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2 Sakura's obsession
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Konoha Hospital
Sakura enter in one of the many rooms of the hospital, in three years she still look the same she still had her short pink hair and she was still wearing her same old uniform and of course she still look as beautiful as she was. Because of her amazing progress Tsunade has made her take shifts at the hospital she has become the best medic ninja in the leaf village, she was able to surpass her teacher and Tsunade couldn't be any proud of her. With all the progress she has made she was very happy with herself but she wasn't that happy during the past three years she has been thinking about one thing or rather someone it was none other than Naruto. Three years ago she realized her feelings for the blond ninja but she was too late because he was dating Hinata and she choose for him to be with the Hyuga heiress even if she was dying of jealousy. She has reach the point when her loved for the blond ninja became an obsession every night she had the same dream she and Naruto go on a date they talk, laugh enjoying themselves but her dream take the next level as she and Naruto ended up making out and they go into more intimate contact. Sometimes she ended up touching herself while fantasizing about the blond making her feel more ashamed of herself, when she enter the room she saw Rock Lee who look the same the same old lame hairstyle same old large eyebrows and the same old green spandex uniform. She looked at his injury which it was an injured arm and she shook her head while sighing.
Leesan what did you do know?” Sakura said
“I was on my usual youthful training” Lee said
Sakura sweat dropped” what kind of training did you went trough to have a hurt arm I swear let me see” she check Lee's arm while making her left hand glowing green” there all done”
“Thank you Sakurasan now I can continue my youthful training” Lee said while getting up from the bed
“WHAT” Sakura gasp she glared at Lee” you are NOT going to do anymore reckless training do you hear me think Leesan instead of having an injure arm you could have had a broken arm or a broken leg now I mean it Leesan you are not allowed to do anymore of your crazy training and make sure you tell Gai about it”
“But Sakurasan I must train I” Lee didn't finish because he was staring at a very upset Sakura
“Leesan if you do anymore of the crazy training I swear I will beat the crap out of you and then I will healed you and then Ill beat you up again are we clear?” Sakura said
Lee gulp” y….yes Sakurasan I will have a basic training” he was about to leave when he stop before opening the door” um…..Sakurasan?”
“What is it Leesan?” Sakura said puzzle
Lee blush a little before clearing his throat” um…..I was thinking if you……will like to go out with me?”
Sakura's eyes widened(WHAT A DATE WITH HIM) Inner Sakura said in horror
(Maybe I should go with him)
(WHAT HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND) Inner Sakura said in horror
(This could be a new start to get over Naruto)
(And you think Leesan can replace Naruto you're CRAZY) Inner Sakura said
(I didn't say any of that I just need someone to hold me and be there for me someone that isn't Naruto)
(Whatever I don't know you anymore) Inner Sakura said
Sakura sighed while looking at Lee who had a hopeful look on his face” Leesan I….I….Im sorry but I can't you see I have lots of work in the hospital I don't have time for that okay?”
Lee sighed” I….I understand Sakurasan I know you have a lot of work since you're the best medic ninja in the village well Ill see you later” he left the room leaving Sakura behind
(PHEW that was close) Inner Sakura said
(Oh shut up) Sakura scolded her inner self
Sakura left the room and was going to check out from the hospital she was going to call it a day. When she was reaching the entrance to the hospital she saw someone entering someone who she knew very well it was none other than the boy she loves with all her heart Naruto. Naruto was a little taller his spiky blond hair was a little longer like his father's hair he was still wearing his black and orange uniform and his black headband. Sakura stood a little frozen while admiring his handsome features he really look very handsome, just then she began to have some impure thoughts about him thoughts that she immediately erase from her head while blushing and having a nose bleed. She started straightening her hair and she began to check herself to make sure she was very pretty and attractive for the blond ninja.
(Mmmm hot blond at twelve o' clock) Inner Sakura said while drooling
“Hey there Naruto” Sakura greeted
Naruto looked at her and gave her a big smile” oh Sakurachan hi”
Sakura smile” why are you here don't tell me you came here to visit me?” she blush a little
Naruto gave his usual fox grin” well of course I did I wanted to ask you something”
Sakura look interested” really and what might that be?”
“Well I was thinking if you would like to spar with me?” Naruto said
Sakura raise an eyebrow” spar with you, and what about Hinata?”
Naruto scratch the back of his head” she's on a mission with Shino and Kiba she won't be back for a few days” he sighed at the last part
Sakura's face lit up after hearing that” really?”
(Oh yeah baby this is our chance to make Naruto ours) Inner Sakura said
(What are you talking about?)
(You know what Im talking about with Hinata gone for a few days we can take Naruto and make him ours FOREVER) Inner Sakura said
(I am NOT going to hurt Hinata understand?)
(You can't hide it from me I know that's what you were thinking so we should put our plan into action) Inner Sakura said
Sakura didn't say anything as she continue to argue with her inner self until Naruto woke her up.
“Um…..Sakurachan can you hear me?” Naruto said while waving his hand in front of her face
“Huh?” Sakura said snapping back to reality” did you said something?”
Naruto sighed” are you going to spar with me?”
Sakura smiled” of course”
Naruto gave a big smile” al right lets go to the training grounds”
The two left the hospital heading to the training grounds
(Oh yeah training with Naruto and maybe we can have a make out session and also we can get more intimate) Inner Sakura said while having a nose bleed
(WHAT that's enough you better keep your comments to yourself)
(Come on you know you want to its way better than touching yourself) Inner Sakura said
(Im ignoring you)
(Well see how long you can ignore me) Inner Sakura said
The two ninjas continue to walk towards the training grounds
Training Ground number seven
The two ninjas face off in the familiar training ground
“Boy this sure brings back memories” Naruto said
“Yeah how can I forget the same place where we had the bell survival test” Sakura said
Naruto took a fighting stance” don't go easy on me Sakurachan”
Sakura smirk while putting her black gloves on” like Im going to go easy on you, you are a Jounin now”
Sakura was the first to make a move as she took a kunai from her hostler and threw it at Naruto who reacted fast and dodge it he then form a hand seal.
Ten Naruto clones appear Sakura smirk” like I didn't see that coming”
The Naruto clones charge at Sakura but she dodge all of them and started punching every one of them, out of nowhere a Naruto clone came from underground and grab both of her arms.
“Got you Sakurachan” the Naruto clone said
Sakura looked to the real Naruto with a grin” very clever Naruto you created a shadow clone and make it hide underground you really took me by surprise there however” she then quickly launch low kick hitting the clone that grab her and she grab him by the leg and threw him at full force at the rest of the clones hitting every last one of them.
Naruto was shock he gulp a little(oh man I forgot how insane Sakurachan can get in battle)
Sakura smirk at him” you'll have to do better than that if you want to bring down this cherry blossom”
Naruto grin at her” Ill show you Sakurachan don't take me lightly” he perform a different hand seal
Now more than fifty Naruto clones stood they were all surrounding Sakura as well as the training ground. Sakura was shock at the sight even as strong as she was she couldn't take down so many clones, but her inner self was drooling at the wonderful sight in front of her.
(Mmmm an army of hot blondes I want some of that) Inner Sakura said while having a nose bleed
(Now is not the time for that) Sakura scolded while blushing like her inner self she was getting some impure thoughts about the Naruto clones, she finally snap back to reality and gaze at the mighty shadow clone army” very impressive Naruto but two can play that game” she perform a hand seal
Ten Sakura clones appeared” even if I can't make as many clones as you can I will give you one hell of a work out”
The Sakura clones charge at the Naruto clone army they started punching every one of them but the Naruto clones were fighing back making the fight a lot toughter. As the Sakura clones continue their battle over the Naruto clones the real Sakura took a step back she gaze at the Naruto army.
(I have to think there's no point in fighting the clones if I don't fight the real one, now where are you Naruto?) she looked a few feet away from the Naruto clone army and saw Naruto standing with a smirk on his face she smirk(found you)
She ran fast passing the clone army while they were still fighting she make a quick hand seal and both of her gloved hands started glowing blue. The real Naruto gasp at the sight of her hands filled with chakra he didn't have time to react because she caught him in time she hit his chest with one of her hands.
Sakura grin in satisfaction” its over Naruto I hit your central chakra point in doing so all of your chakra points are down meaning you can't use any jutsu's” she let her guard down for a moment and suddenly one of her own clones was now pointing a kunai to her throat making her gasp in shock
“What are you doing?” Sakura aid shock she then took a quick look at behind her where the clones were fighting she gasp all of her clones were down and they vanish in a cloud of smoke shortly the Naruto clone army vanish too
She then gasp in realization(wait I only created ten clones so how come they are eleven OH NO) suddenly the Sakura clone that was pointing the kunai to her throat was replace by a Naruto clone making her gasp even more, she looked back at the real Naruto who she hit his central chakra point making him unable to use any jutsu's out of nowhere the same Naruto fell to the ground and vanish in a cloud of smoke
Sakura was shock(WHAT A CLONE IMPOSSIBLE I was sure that was the real one) she then looked to the Naruto who was holding the kunai to her throat he smirk at her
“No Im not the real Naruto either” the clone said making Sakura gasp even more
“The where is the real one?” Sakura said puzzle
She got her answer when the real Naruto came bursting from underground he smirk at her” fooled you didn't I Sakurachan?”
“I guess you did” Sakura said shock
“My plan work I made you think that the real me was backing off from the fighting and then I suspected you were going to use that jutsu to prevent me from making any jutsu”
Sakura smiled” and then you made one of your clones use a transformation jutsu to look like one of mine you really got me there Naruto” she smile warmly at him while blushing(he has become such a strong and clever ninja Im glad that he became a Jounin)
(And you forgot to say that he's a hot and sexy blonde) Inner Sakura said
Sakura nodded in agreement with her inner self
“Well I win Sakurachan but first let me show you something cool” Naruto said as he show her his palm and started to form a small blue sphere
Sakura gasp” rasengan but you didn't” she paused
“That's right I don't need a shadow clone to created it anymore I can finally created it just like the perverted hermit and my dad” Naruto said
Sakura blush again(amazing Im so glad you have become such a strong ninja and handsome too) she blush even more
“So Sakurachan are you going to give up?” Naruto said while his clone tighten the kunai to her throat
Sakura panted a little(damn using the shadow clone jutsu use a lot of chakra how can you do it Naruto?) she then grin at him” and what if I say no?”
Naruto grin at his was still holding the rasengan in his palm he didn't say anything as he launch himself at Sakura with rasengan in hand.
Sakura gasp in horror(WHAT IS HE GOING TO) she try to break free from the hold of the shadow clone but he wouldn't let her she was still exhausted from using the shadow clone jutsu
While Naruto was running he accidentally trip the rasengan vanish and he collided with Sakura the Naruto clone vanish and they both fell to the ground. For a moment time stop for Sakura as she realized the situation she was in and she couldn't believe it she thought that this was one of her fantasy dreams with the blond ninja. But it was really happening Naruto was on top of her legs were spread wide open and they were in a well provocative position and also Naruto's lips were so closed to hers that she could taste his heavenly lips. At that moment temptation enter her door and her desires were raging in her mind she was in the brink of losing control while her inner self was drooling at the position and having the largest nose bleed in history. It wasn't long until she felt her whole body reacting to their position and closeness, her body became hot and she was getting hot and wet in a certain part of her body her breathing was quickening she couldn't think straight anymore the only thing that came to her mind was to kiss him and have her way with him already. That's when she felt something unusual between her legs something big and hard she gasp in realization and blush hard it seems she wasn't the only one reacting to their position and proximity. Naruto was in the same boat as Sakura he could smell the wonderful smell of her hair fueling his hormones at overdrive and the contact her breast with his chest turn him on even more. He looked at her jade eyes that were shining and her lips begging to be kissed he was so closed to hers his mind was racing out of control.
(Oh Kamisama what should I do?) Sakura thought nervously
(DUH looks like you're so horny you can't think isn't it obvious kissed him and tamed him you know what Im talking about?) Inner Sakura said while having a nose bleed
(But I can't)
(Geez all you have to do is take off his cloths take off your cloths and well you know where Im getting at) Inner Sakura said
(WHAT) Sakura gasp while blushing(Im not going to have sex with him in the training ground that's not right)
(You're unbelievable you know that you've been dreaming of this moment for three years and know you don't want to do it) Inner Sakura said shock
Sakura didn't answered, she then notice Naruto getting up while blushing a little” ar….are you okay Sakurachan?” he offered his hand
Sakura slowly nodded while trying to hide the blush on her cheeks she took his hand and got up she then snap back from her fantasy world and glare at the blond ninja.
Sakura punch him sending him a few feet away she went to his side and grab his collar” ARE YOU INSANE RASENGAN ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME”
“Ouch” Naruto said while regaining consciousness” I wasn't really going to hit you with it”
“Well you could have fooled me” Sakura said still glaring at him
“Come on Sakurachan I didn't mean it how about I take you to Ichiraku's?” Naruto said” it Ill be my treat so what do you say?”
Sakura blush a little since she was taking his invitation to Ichiraku's like a date” well I guess its okay”
When they arrived at Ichiraku's they were greeted by Teuchi and his daughter Ayame they took their seats and wait for their food Naruto as always order a big bowl of miso ramen and to his surprise Sakura also order a bowl of ramen.
“Sakurachan you're going to eat ramen?” Naruto said sounding a little shock” but you don't like ramen”
“Well it never hurts to try something new right?” Sakura said
“I guess” Naruto said still shock
Ayame came with their bowls of ramen” here you go you two” she place then on the counter
Naruto and Sakura pick up their chop sticks and began to eat their meals, Naruto in a second devoured the first bowl and order another while Sakura was still eating her first bowl. By now Naruto ate ten bowls and Sakura finally finish her first bowl, Sakura then order another bowl making Naruto gasp in shock she didn't like ramen and here she was about to have her second bowl.
“Hmm hey you know what Naruto ramen does taste good” Sakura said happy as she received her second bowl
Naruto smiled at her” it is isn't?”
Sakura nodded as she began to eat her bowl Ayame saw this and smirk” oh no father looks like Sakurasan is becoming a ramenacholic too”
Teuchi chuckle while Naruto frown” and what's wrong about being a ramenacholic I am one too you know”
“There's nothing wrong Naruto Ayame was just kidding” Teuchi said while Ayame giggle
Naruto grin and saw that Sakura has finish her second bowl” did you like it Sakurachan?”
Sakura nodded” yeah I might eat ramen again its all your fault Naruto” she playfully hit him in his shoulder while giggling
“Its not my fault that Teuchi's ramen is the best ramen in the world” Naruto said with a grin
“Why thank you Naruto for the compliment but if you're looking for a free bowl you can forget it” Teuchi said with a smirk
Naruto sighed while hanging his head down” ow it didn't work”
Teuchi, Ayame and Sakura laugh at his comment
Sakura got up from her seat” well I better get going I promise my mother that I will cook dinner before she gets back bye Naruto Ill see you ater” she left the ramen shop
“Bye Sakurachan” Naruto said while waving his friend goobye he the took out his frog wallet and open it he left the money in the counter” well Im leaving bye guys” he left the ramen shop while Teuchi and Ayame wave him goodbye
As Naruto was walking on the streets of the village a sudden thought struck him which was when he fell on top of Sakura he admitted that it turn him on being on top of his teammate.
(Dear Kami she smells so wonderful and she's more beautiful than ever but I…..I only liked her as a friend right? or maybe I still loved her no that can't be I love Hinatachan now but Sakurachan I wonder if she's still in love with Sasuke then maybe I should find him and bring him back to the village even if Sakurachan told me to forget about the promise but I want to make her happy no matter what) Naruto thought as he continue to walk the streets of the village
(But what if I am still in love with Sakurachan I could never hurt Hinatachan's feelings what should I do? And even if I loved her she still loves Sasuke or maybe she doesn't love him anymore oh Im thinking too much about this I need to get some rest) with that thought in mind Naruto left for his apartment maybe he will finally solve his love dilemma with his pink haired teammate
At Sakura's house
Sakura was lying on the bed of her bedroom she was thinking about the whole situation she got with Naruto at the training ground, when he was on top of her she felt his whole body it made her blush a lot. She began to regret the fact that she didn't get to kiss him when his lips were very close to hers she cursed under her breath knowing that she may never get a chance like that again. How badly she wanted to kiss him how badly she wanted to have him in her arms and most importantly how badly she wanted to make love to him.
“Naruto” Sakura whisper while thinking their recent position in the training ground
(I can't believe you didn't kiss him back there DO YOU LOVED HIM AT ALL) Inner Sakura said angry
“ I do but its not right he has a girlfriend” Sakura said sadly
(Who cares what happened in the training grounds is one of those once in a lifetime opportunities and you let it go to waste) Inner Sakura said
“I know that's why I am so down I can't believe I let such a chance get away what am I going to do now?” Sakura said
(Well I do know someway to make you feel better) Inner Sakura said with a wicked grin on her face
“And that would be?” Sakura said
Inner Sakura's grin grew even wider(the book?)
Sakura's eyes widened slightly she then reach for the small table next to her bed and open a drawer she then pick a small blue book entitle Itcha Itcha Fantasies by Hatake Kakashi. Yes its true after Jiraiya died Kakashi vow to continue his work of writing the famous Itcha Itcha series and he was able to release his own book the next installment of the series which it has become a huge success.
Sakura lie on her bed again and open the book she took her marker to the last part of the book when she stop reading the had different short romantic stories and she was about to read the next story. As she began to read the story she gasp a little because the woman in the story was in the same situation she was, the woman was deeply in love with her closest friend but he had another girlfriend. Sakura became more interested as she continues to read she found out that in the end her friend choose her they have their first kiss and eventually they ended up having sex. She blush as she got a vision of the two lovers lie on a warm bed naked kissing each other before she realized the two couples were replace by her and Naruto. She blush even deeper as she continues to imagine Naruto and herself kissing passionately both lock in a warm embrace touching each other and exploring each of their bodies. Once again she got hot and wet as she continues to imagine her sexual fantasy with her blond teammate, she was holding the book with one hand while her other hand reach to her stomach to her black shorts. She slit her hand trough her shorts until reaching a certain part of her body she touch it and began to slowly rub it she moan softly while having the blond ninja in her mind. The more she thought about Naruto the louder her moans were she quicken her rubbing on her sex and moan as all her desires for the blond ninja were running in her mind. She imagine Naruto kissing her lips her neck her breast every part of her body and eventually the part where he becomes one with her. Sakura was lost in the pleasure as she continued to rub her sex faster while moaning uncontrollably.
(Yes AH Naruto hold me kiss me make me yours forever) Sakura thought while moaning and rubbing her sex
It wasn't long before she reached her climax
“NARUTO” Sakura shouted in passion
She gave a loud moan as she came her breathing was getting back to normal, she gave a satisfactory smile as she was feeling better she closed the book and put it back in the drawer.
(There now don't you feel much better) Inner Sakura said with a satisfactory grin on her face
Sakura smile” I do but now I feel ashamed of myself I can't believe I have become such a pervert”
(You're not a pervert you're in love with Naruto and you're completely obsessed with him) Inner Sakura said
“Yeah but I shouldn't have done that” Sakura said
(What touching yourself that's a normal thing Im sure Naruto does it too) Inner Sakura said
Sakura blink” Naruto” she then blush at the thought while shaking her head
(Well he was train by Jiraiyasama) Inner Sakura said
Sakura chuckle knowing that it was true and Jiraiya to Naruto he was known as the perverted hermit she got up from her bed and headed to the bathroom.
“I better take a bath and I better start cooking dinner before mom gets back” she pick a towel and closed the door of the bathroom before having one thought in mind
(I wonder if there's a way to have Naruto with out breaking Hinata's heart but there is not such a way either my feelings will be hurt or it will be hers everything will depend on Naruto and he has chosen Hinata in the end I am the one who has to suffer and the one with the broken heart)
To be Continued
Whoa Sakura has become a bad girl I hope you guys enjoy the Naru/Saku lemon teaser and the Sakura solo please send me your reviews an comments. I bet you guys were surprised that Kakashi became Jiraiya's successor in writing the Itcha Itcha series I think it's a good idea since he is kind of a pervert not as much as Jiraiya though. Farewell and until the next chapter. Oh by the way I haven't forgotten about Legend of the moon shinobi because I will be writing the next chapter soon probably during the week so don't miss it.