Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Tamming Two Hearts or Breaking One ❯ Suffocating Under Words of Sorrow ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4 Suffocating Under Words of Sorrow
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
In the streets of Konoha
Naruto was running at high speed he was so angry that he overslept today was the day that his girlfriend Hinata will return to the village and he wanted to greet her back at the gates of the village. When he reached the village gates there was no one standing in the gates he cursed under his breath.
“Damn I knew it Im too late I shouldn't have overslept, I will have to go to the Hyuga compound and check if Hinatachan's there” Naruto said while looking at the vicinity
What he didn't know that someone was watching, the person walk slowly so he doesn't figure who was behind him Naruto knew that there was someone behind him and he knew who was the person he smirk and decided to play along. Suddenly the person was right behind him and cover his eyes the person went to his ear and whisper.
“Guess who?” the person said in a sweet and innocent voice
Naruto just smirk” well I don't know who might you be?”
“You're so mean” the person said in a pout
Naruto chuckle” Im just kidding I know very well who you are how can I forget the most beautiful kunoichi in the village and Im so lucky that she's my girlfriend”
The girl giggle at his comment she finally released her hands from his eyes, Naruto turn around and saw none other than his girlfriend Hinata who was blushing and smiling at him she took the chance and bring him close to her and kiss him passionately which was a shocker coming from the shy Hyuga heiress. Naruto accepted her kiss as he put his arms around her waist and she put her arms around his neck deepening the kiss, they stood there savoring each others lips for a while. During the past three years Hinata has change a lot she wasn't so shy anymore and she completely lost her insecurity and she was finally more confident about herself all thanks to her boyfriend. For Hinata it was a dream come true to finally be the blond ninjas girlfriend she remember that fateful day at Ichiraku's where she confess her feelings to him it took a lot of her courage and confidence but she did it and she hasn't regretted in doing so. Now when it comes to physical appearances she was more beautiful than before her dark blue hair was a little longer she was still wearing the same uniform she had when she became a chunin, she was a few inches taller without her sandals her body was considered by any other guy heavenly all the curves in the right places but one thing has change a lot that her chest have develop even more from a C cup to a D cup so she was considered voluptuous making most of the boys in the village jealous of the blond ninja for having a hottie like Hinata as his girlfriend. The couple finally broke the kiss due to lack of air by now most people in the village were looking at them looks they were the center of attention but they didn't care so they just ignore them.
“Wellcome back Hinatachan” Naruto said with a smile
Hinata smile” thanks Narutokun I have missed you so much” Hinata said while giving him a hug
Naruto return the hug while smiling” and I have missed you too, so Hinatachan when did you got back from the mission?”
“A few hours ago” Hinata said while breaking the embrace
“Naruto gasp” what you mean you were waiting here all this time”
Hinata nodded” I kind of figure you overslept so I decided to wait for you and it was worth the wait”
Naruto chuckle” thanks Hinatachan Im sorry for making you wait so long”
“Not at all come on lets go to eat” Hinata said taking his hand
“Um….Hinatachan are we going to that restaurant?” Naruto said nervous
“Yes why do you ask?” Hinata said she then saw her boyfriends face which was a little unsure she then smile” oh don't worry Narutokun I wont say anything to Teuchi and Ayame that you were eating in another place”
“Thanks Hinatachan they can't know that Im eating in another place besides Ichiraku and just between you and me the ramen in that restaurant is better than Ichiraku but don't say that I said so” Naruto said
Hinata giggle” don't worry Narutokun I wont say a word lets go” she took his hand and they both walk hand in hand to the restaurant
Konoha hospital
Sakura was doing a daily check up on all the patience that were staying after she finish with the check up she went to one of the empty rooms she was preparing the sheets of the bed when suddenly someone came behind her.
She then fell a pair of strong arms embrace her waist she was startle she immediately turn around to see Naruto with a grin on his face.
“NARUTO YOU STARTLE ME” Sakura shouted while trying to calm down
“Sorry Sakurachan I didn't mean to” Naruto said
“You really startle me I should punch your lights out” Sakura said while clenching her fist when she look at him she was surprised to see him smiling warmly at her she glare at him” why are you smiling about?”
Naruto just went to her and took her hands in his” I can't be any happier to see you Sakurachan”
Sakura was taken by his comment she was no longer angry at him she blush slightly she saw that he was still holding her hands she felt like melting as she was feeling the warmth touch of his hands she wanted to keep holding his hands forever.
All of the sudden Naruto pulled her closer to him meeting his blue eyes she froze while blushing” N….N…..Naruto what are you doing?”
Naruto released his hands from hers making her look a little disappointed at the loss of contact instead his hands went to her face making her blush even more he lean closer to her his lips very closed to hers.
“My Sakurachan” Naruto whisper as he move his lips and claim Sakura's lips making her gasp in shock
(OH MY KAMI he's kissing me Naruto's kissing me) Sakura thought as she didn't wasted no time and accepted the kiss and pulled him closer she put her arms around his neck deepening the kiss
She decided to go a little further and open her mouth letting her tongue do the work to her surprised and delight Naruto accepted and open his mouth letting his tongue out and their tongue duel began they moan from their passionate kisses. Naruto without breaking the kiss he took her to the nearby bed and lean the pink hair kunoichi on the bed, he broke the kiss and saw her breathing heavy while blushing looking very sexy on the bed. Sakura's eyes widened when she saw Naruto running his hands on her breast he looked at her with a seductive smile.
“If its okay with you Sakurachan would you let me seduce you” Naruto whisper
Sakura didn't nodded nor she said a word instead she reach for the zipper of her red vest and zip it open revealing her pink bra she was still blushing.
Naruto grin” I will take that as a yes” he continue to massage her breast gently and softly making Sakura moan softly even if she still had her bra on she could feel his warmth hands as they continue massage her breast.
Naruto was doing a very good job in turning her on he continue his massage therapy on her breast but that was the last draw, Sakura decided that the teasing has to end and she reach for her back and untie her bra she let it fall near the bed with no regrets. Naruto was now looking at her exposed chest her breast weren't so big but they were nice he saw her pink nipples very appealing.
“No more teasing Uzumaki Naruto if you want me take me now” Sakura said seductively
Naruto smile and was about to kissed her when suddenly everything turn black, Sakura woke up in the room but Naruto wasn't there instead there was one of the nurses with a worry look on her face.
“Are you okay Sakurasan you were asleep” the nurse said worry
Sakura gasp when she heard that(it was all just a dream)
“Maybe you should call it a day you have been working very hard lately” the nurse said
Sakura sighed” yeah I guess you're right but it still the middle of the day I can't go yet”
The nurse wave her hand” its al right Sakurasan Im sure the director and Hokagesama wont argue if you take the rest of the day off”
Sakura smile” thanks I do need a break” she left the room and started walking while thinking about her recent dream
(That dream seem so real) Sakura thought
(And it pisses me off that it was a dream) Inner Sakura said
(Now that I think about it the same thing that happen on my dream happen on one of the stories from Kakashi sensei's book I should really stop reading it) Sakura thought
(Hey don't threw away the book you need it to relief your sexual stress about Naruto) Inner Sakura said
(If I keep reading that book Im gonna become a pervert)
(No you're not don't throw it away please) Inner Sakura beg
(You really like that book don't you?)
(And you don't?) Inner Sakura said
(Whatever I should go look for Naruto)
(But hey isn't Hinata returning today?) Inner Sakura said
(Oh that's right I forgot damn Naruto must be spending time with her)
(This sucks) Inner Sakura said
(I know)
She continue to walk the hospital while thinking what to do while jealousy was taking over her the thought of Naruto spending time with Hinata and not her hurt her a lot and more thoughts came to her mind as she began to imagine Naruto and Hinata kissing and then getting into the next level. She violently shook her head while erasing those horrible thoughts out of her mind she continue walking while trying to forget those thoughts and not letting jealousy getting the best of her.
Azuchi restaurant
Naruto and Hinata were sitting in a table of the Azuchi restaurant which was one of the best reataurant in Konoha however Naruto was still nervous because he wasn't getting used to eat in another place that isn't Ichiraku's.
“Relax Narutokun Teuchi found out that you're eating in another place” Hinata assured him
“I don't know for all we know he could be a ninja in secrecy” Naruto said
Suddenly Hinata imagine Teuchi wearing a Konoha ninja uniform and a leaf head band she then began laughing” oh Narutokun you're so funny Teuchi is not a ninja don't worry just enjoy the food”
Naruto nodded the waiter came with their food he gave a large bowl of pork ramen to Naruto and then he gave a small bowl of Miso stew for Hinata he then left.
Naruto grab his chop sticks” al right time to dig in” before he started to eat Hinata took his chopsticks from his hand she gave him a warm smile making his heart melt he then nodded like he knew what to expect to happen
“Al right Hinatachan you can give me the ramen” Naruto said with a smile he got used to the fact that when they eat Hinata was the one giving him the ramen so he didn't mind at all he like being served by Hinata
Hinata smile again and took the ramen from the bowl” open wide Narutokun” she gave him the ramen and Naruto gladly open his mouth to received it” mmm delicious”
Sakura was walking still thinking about Naruto and it was driving her crazy she try to think about something else but no matter what she thinks it always ended up with Naruto.
(What's wrong with me?)
(Duh isn't it obvious you have Naruto on the brain) Inner Sakura said
(I know I can stop thinking about him its like Im under some kind of spell)
(Yeah its called love with Naruto) Inner Sakura said
Sakura sighed knowing that her inner self was right she continue to walk when she pass the Azuchi restaurant and she looked at the window of the restaurant and she gasp when she saw Naruto she was happy but she frown when she saw Hinata with him giving him the ramen. She felt her heart break at the sight of the two ninjas enjoying themselves she looked at Naruto who was very happy while eating the ramen, she suddenly remember when Naruto got his hand injured from using the rasenshuriken against Kakuzu she ended up giving him the ramen for him she smile at the memory. She then look at Hinata who was very happy giving Naruto the ramen soon Naruto eat the ramen and both started talking while laughing. Sakura felt like a huge hole was growing in her heart she gasp when she saw then kissing tears started to run from her eyes she couldn't take it anymore.
(I have to get out of here) Sakura thought as she left crying
After a couple more bowls of ramen Naruto was finally full Hinata couldn't be any happier they both left the restaurant walking hand in hand.
“Thanks for the food Hinatachan” Naruto said
“No problem Narutokun Im glad, so Narutokun did Hokagesama gave you your genin team?” Hinata said curious tone
Naruto sighed” no….she still looking for available teams” he didn't wanted to tell her the truth
“But Narutokun they are plenty of genin teams available this year how come Hokagesama is having trouble finding a team for you?” Hinata said in a suspicious tone
“Don't think too much about it Hinatachan” Naruto said while putting his arm around her shoulder
Hinata stood silent for a moment before speaking” is it the Kyubi?”
Naruto's eyes widened it was like Hinata had read his mind he sighed” I can't hide things from you Hinatachan”
Hinata giggle at his comment she went closer to him” if that's why they don't want to give you a genin team?” she looked at him with a serious look
Naruto nodded” the council don't want me to have a genin team because they fear that the Kyubi might take over me and killed them and their parents agree”
“But they don't have no right to do that that's just an excuse so you can't have a genin team its unfair” Hinata said upset `
“But they do have a point Hinatachan what if the Kyubi takes over me and I end up killing my own team I wont be able to live with that” Naruto said
“That will never happen Narutokun” Hinata said
“It has happen in the past it might happen again I don't want to be responsible for the death of my own team” Naruto said while a couple of tears fell from his eyes
“You have to remember that you control the Kyubi it doesn't control you” Hinata said while pulling him into a hug
Naruto smile as he return the hug they he broke the hug and kiss Hinata softly on the lips” thanks Hinatachan and don't worry Im sure I will my genin team granny Tsunade told me she will do whatever it takes to give me a team”
Hinata smile” then she will give you a team Im glad” she gave him a peek on his cheek” I have to go Narutokun I have business with my father” she gave another peek before leaving
“Bye Hinatachan” Naruto wave his girlfriend goodbye he then walk off walking to the streets of the village while thinking about the situation with his genin team
Hokage's office
Tsunade enter her office with a angry look on her face Shizune and her pig TonTon were with her.
“Please Tsunadesama calm down” Shizune said
“I can't damn council they agree that Naruto shouldn't have a genin team bastards they really piss me off” Tsunade said angry
“Tsunadesama please try to calm down Im sure you will find a way” Shizune said scare knowing very well how angry her teacher can get
“I can't think Im too pissed at those council bastards I can't believe they can looked down on Naruto like that even if they know that he's the son of the Fourth, I need a drink Shizune bring me some sake” Tsunade said while rubbing her head” the last thing I want is a headache”
Shizune sweat dropped while she nodded” yes Tsunadesama” she left the office
Tsunade seated on her desk she then notice the large pile paper work on her desk and sighed” damn I forgot about this I really hate paperwork” she pick one of the paper when she heard a scream nearby she gasp” that sounded like Shizune” she left her office and headed to one of the rooms of the Hokage tower where she secretly hides her sake
When she arrived to the room she saw Shizune with a shocking look on her face when she saw what she was looking at she gasp too in shock she couldn't believe at the sight in front of her all of her sake has been drank completely and the culprit was still in the room. Tsunade glare hard at the culprit responsible for drinking all of her sake it was none other than her own student Sakura who was obviously drunk she looked a her and gave her a goofy look.
“Oh hiccup Tsunadesama you're here Im hiccup sorry for drinking all of your sake but here there still a bottle left see hiccup” Sakura said while showing the surviving sake bottle
Tsunade snatch the bottle from her hand she was obviously angry” Shizune take this bottle to my office NOW I really need a drink”
Shizune she left the room with the bottle Tsunade looked back at her apprentice with an angry look she the took a look at her empty bottles of sake(by Kami my SAKE)
Sakura got up” Oh Tsunadesama hiccup come on lets have a toast hiccup” she raise her empty glass” to Naruto and Hinata may they be happy forever and to me the most miserable person in the whole world hiccup”
Tsunade was ready to explode like a volcano she went closer to her student and grab her by the collar” Sakura ARE YOU CRAZY DO YOU WANT TO END UP IN A COMA OR WORSE FOR HAVING SO MUCH ALHCOHOL IN YOUR BODY”
Sakura hiccup again before speaking” yes hiccup Im crazy hiccup CRAZY IN LOVE WITH NARUTO hiccup”
Tsunade shook her head she knew this whole situation for quite some time she was able to calm down she could feel she was about to have a headache she sighed” Sakura listen to me and listen to me GOOD you are going to your house and you're going to take a cold shower and then you're going to take a rest and you will see me tomorrow we'll talk about this are we clear?”
Sakura nodded” crystal clear hiccup”
Tsunade sighed again” no go I need some time alone”
Sakura walk out of the room while she hiccup over and over again, Tsunade started sobbing” oh dear Kami my sake it took me a lot of my allowances to buy all of those bottles” she continue sobbing when she Shizune enter the room and sweat dropped
(Tsunadesama take losing sake very hard) Shizune thought
Konoha streets
Naruto was walking in the streets when all of the sudden he saw someone sited on the ground he recognize it the person immediately he went to her side.
“Sakurachan what are you doing here?” Naruto said
Sakura looked back at him and smile” hey there Naruto hiccup”
Naruto blink he saw that there was something wrong with her” are you okay Sakurachan?
“Yeah hiccup I just have a few drinks of sake hiccup” Sakura said
“Oh I see I guess that's explains why you have the big case of hiccups you're drunk” Naruto said he then gasp in realization” WHAT you're drunk?”
Sakura wave her hand” Im not that drunk hiccup”
“Oh really then how many fingers I am holding” Naruto said showing her five fingers
“fifty hiccup” Sakura said
Naruto sweat dropped(yeah she's definitely drunk) he saw Sakura getting up” whoa Sakurachan where are you going?”
“To my house hiccup” Sakura said
“But you Sakurachan you can barely get up how about I carry you to your house?” Naruto said
The drunk kunoichi blush a little” if you said so hiccup”
Naruto got one knee and Sakura got into his back he started carrying her in his back which she was blushing he carried her all the way until reaching her house. When they got to Sakura's house he let her off in her bed all of the sudden she started giggling.
“What's wrong Sakurachan?” Naruto said in puzzle
“Naruto you're my hero hiccup” Sakura said as she embrace him which he blush a little
“Well I it was nothing Sakurachan” Naruto said while blushing a little
“Oh yeah I forgot I have to take a shower hiccup” Sakura said
“Well Ill be seeing you later Sakurachan” Naruto said while waking from her bedroom
“Wait Naruto hiccup?” Sakura said while stopping him” can you help me get to the bathroom?” she then gave him the sad puppy eyes
Naruto sighed while trying to erased the dirty thoughts that were invading his head” I guess” this time he carry her bridal style which made her giggle and blush
He led her to the bath room and put her where the toilet was” well Ill be seeing you later Sakurachan” Naruto said he was about to walk out of the bath room when Sakura stop him in his tracks again
“Wait Naruto c…can you help me take off my cloths hiccup?” Sakura said
This time Naruto was stun at what he just heard he wanted to make sure that he heard right” what did you said Sakurachan?”
“I said if you can help me take my cloths off hiccup?” Sakura said
Naruto blush hard and got a nose bleed more dirty thoughts came to his mind he shook his head” Sakurachan I can't do that”
“Please Naruto hiccup” Sakura said while giving him again the sad puppy eyes
(Oh I hate it when she does that) Naruto thought he gulp while blushing” o…o…okay Sakurachan I….I will help you take your cloths off BUT Im only going to leave you in your underwear you do the rest okay?”
Sakura whined but she nodded Naruto took first her black boots then took off her pink elbow pads follow by her pink skirt that holds her shuriken and kunai hostler, now the worst part was coming Naruto was having a nose bleed he zip down the zipper from her red vest revealing her pink bra he then follow by removing her black shorts revealing her pink panties. Naruto was having a war with his hormones right now he was staring at his first crush and teammate with her underwear on he then got a vision of how she would look naked he immediately erased the thought and left the bathroom closing the door behind him. A few minutes later Sakura came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel around her body making Naruto blush like a tomato she went to her room but since she was still drunk she didn't tie the towel well enough and the towel fell to the ground and that's when Naruto lost his senses. Naruto had the biggest nose bleed he had ever had he blush to the point where all the blood from his body has gone to his head he was now seeing Sakura in all her naked glory and a certain part of his body has reacted to her body. He try to talk but he couldn't no words came out of his mouth he stood there frozen like a statue Sakura notice that her towel fell.
“Oh whoops my towel fell how silly of me hiccup” Sakura said while picking her towel she then looked at Naruto who was still frozen she then gave him a seductive smile” Naruto do you like what you see?”
Naruto was still blushing he didn't how but he was able to snap from his fantasy world” Sakurachan cover yourself please”
Sakura looked hurt” why don't you like what you see hiccup?”
Naruto was breathing hard” Sakurachan I….I really like your body its just that its not right to show yourself naked to me like that so please cover yourself”
Sakura sighed before wrapping the towel covering her naked body Naruto was finally able to relaxed (remember that Hinatachan is your girlfriend)
Sakura went to her closet and put a long white shirt she took off her towel and got into her bed.
“Well Sakurachan Im really leaving this time” Naruto was about to walk out of her room
“Wait Naruto can you come a little closer hiccup?” Sakura said
Naruto gulp before getting close to the pink hair kunoichi he looked at her and without warning Sakura has lean closer and kiss him on the lips he gasp in shock but he accepted the kiss, she then broke the kiss and lie her bed before he realize she was already asleep she was sleeping with a big smile on her face. Naruto left her bedroom and left her house he closed the front door and left he was still shock about everything that has happened.
(I can't believe I just saw Sakurachan naked I still haven't seen Hinatachan naked the first thing Im going to do when I arrived at my apartment is take a very cold shower)
To be Continued
Oh no the lemons are coming the lemons are coming that's right lemons in the upcoming chapters now who would be the lucky girl to lose her virginity to Naruto? So for those who are reading this story that are younger than eighteen LEAVE NOW but of you are the right age then welcome and I hope you will all enjoy the lemons since it will be the first time writing lemons so go easy on me send me your comments and reviews farewell.