Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Tamming Two Hearts or Breaking One ❯ Choices ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 10 Choices
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Naruto's apartment
Naruto slowly woke up from his bed he grumble under his breath he was never the morning person, he slowly got up before he change his mind. He was really surprised that the first thing he saw was Sakura's jade eyes she gave him a warm smile.
“Morning Naruto” Sakura said sweetly
“Oh Sakuracan morning um…..why are you here?” Naruto said surprise
“Naruto Im hurt aren't you glad to see me” Sakura said while giving him the sad puppy eyes
Naruto blush” no of course not Im just surprise to see you that's all” Naruto said
Suddenly Hinata came and seated next to Sakura” morning Narutokun”
“Hinatachan why are you here I thought you were on a mission” Naruto said
“I just got back and Im so glad I did I missed you so much Narutokun” Hinata said while giving him a peek on his cheek making him blush
“Look um…….Sakurachan Hinatachan Im glad you guys are here but it's a little weird that you're here don't get the wrong idea I like that you guys are here I mean I……” Naruto paused he didn't know what to say he was really surprised to see his girlfriend and teammate in his own bedroom
Sakura giggle” why are you nervous?”
Naruto blush” Im not Im just surprised”
“Are you aroused Narutokun?” Hinata said with a smile
Naruto blush even harder” N…….no…..Im not”
“Yup he's aroused such a pervert you are Naruto” Sakura said with a grin
Naruto gulp finally giving up” al right what if I am I guess it turns me on to see you guys here in my bedroom”
“Well maybe we can make you feel better” Sakura said
Naruto felt like bells were ringing in his head” Sakurachan what are you planning?”
Sakura didn't reply instead she looked at Hinata who also looked at her they both do something her never ever thought it would happened in all his life. Both Sakura and Hinata started kissing which it shock Naruto a lot both were using their tongues while moaning, Sakura started to massage Hinata's butt while Hinata did the same with Sakura's butt. Naruto felt his manhood getting bigger the sight of watching his girlfriend and teammate kissing and moaning turn him on so much that he was ready to take them both and make love to them but he decided to let them continue so he could enjoy the show even more.
Things turn even hotter as Sakura was now massaging Hinata's voluptuous breast which got a reply from the Hyuga Heiress as she moan loudly, Hinata got a chance to slid her hand trough Sakura's black shorts and she started rubbing her clit making the cherry blossom moan in passion. She couldn't take anymore she remove Hinata's lavender vest and remover her bra revealing her heavenly breast she started sucking her nipples making Hinata moan. Naruto's breathing quicken as he was very aroused watching the two kunoichi's that he love very much pleasuring each other was a very arousing sight he then saw that Hinata blew him a kiss and gave him a very seductive look.
“Narutokun please I want you please fuck me AH” Hinata moan feeling Sakura's tongue caressing her nipple
Sakura stop her ministrations on Hinata's breast and looked at Naruto while licking her lips” come on Naruto don't kept us waiting we want you fuck us both”
Naruto felt from his bed he rub the back of his head as he was all alone in his bedroom he immediately got to a conclusion.
“AHA I knew it was a dream it was too damn good to be true” Naruto said he then notice that he had an erection that could probably last for days” whoa morning wood again I think a very cold shower should do the trick”
He left for the bathroom to take a very cold shower when he was finish he got dressed in his uniform and eat some noodles in a cup. After he was done with his meal he left his apartment while walking he began to think what Sakura told him, he couldn't get her words out of his head no matter how hard he try.
(In the end you will have to choose between the two of us)
Naruto sighed (what am I going to do? I can't choose between Hinatachan and Sakurachan and even if I do choose one of them I can't escape the fact that I will be breaking the heart of either Hinatachan or Sakurachan I can't do this)
He decided to forget the complicated situation he was in and continue to walk maybe some ramen from Ichiraku will get him to relaxed.
Konoha hospital (cafeteria area)
Sakura was eating a small meal a couple of rice balls and some tea she was at her break time she still hasn't touch her rice balls because she was too much in deep thought at what happen a few days ago at her house. She couldn't stop thinking about Naruto she made it clear to him to choose between her and Hinata but she felt her heart reaching the limit of heartbreak because of the horrible feeling in her gut about Naruto choosing Hinata. She try not to cry again but she couldn't get the image of Naruto choosing Hinata over her in the end she was going to be alone and heartbroken never to be destined with the blonde ninja that she love and desires, she was too caught up in her thinking to see Moegi next to her with a small lunch box.
“Hi Sakura” Moegi said cheery
Sakura was startle as she looked at the genin” oh Moegi hi you really startle me”
“Im sorry I didn't mean it you look like you were thinking too much I hope you don't mind if I eat with you?”
“No of course go ahead I don't have a problem with it”
Moegi smile as she got seated on the other side of the table she open her lunch box and there were a couple of rice balls and a glass of orange juice.
“Oh Moegi you have rice balls I have rice balls too I made them myself”
Moegi smile” well I made the rice balls myself too”
“How about sharing each of our rice balls?” Sakura said
“Yeah here” Moegi said as she gave one of her own rice balls while receiving another rice ball from Sakura
The two ate each others rice balls and were very impressed with the taste
“Wow Sakura you're rice balls are very good”
“Yours aren't bad either”
The two smiled and finish the share rice balls until Moegi started looking nervous, Sakura notice her look.
“What's wrong Moegi?”
“Well Im sure that sensei has told you right?”
Sakura blink (sensei?…..Naruto) she started thinking about the blond Moegi wave her hand in front of her face over and over again
“Sakura are you okay?” Moegi said worry
Sakura woke from her daydream with the blond ninja” huh what is it?”
“I said if sensei has told you…..about me wanted to be a medic ninja?” Moegi said in a hopeful tone
Sakura smile” of course he has, he told me that you want me to train you right?”
Moegi nodded while blushing” yeah…..Sakura I want to be a great medic ninja like you if you accept me as you're apprentice?”
“Hmmm……let me think?......hmmm…..why of course from now on you're my apprentice”
Moegi gave a huge smile” YAY I can't believe you're going to train me I promise sensei I won't let you down”
“Don't get too excited training won't be easy so I hope you can handle it?” Sakura said with a smirk
“Of course I will try my best so watch me”
“Good so how about we finish our rice balls?”
The two got back eating their rice balls while Moegi was blushing” you know sensei I always cooked for Konohamarukun and he likes my food a lot”
“Oh really?” Sakura smirk” so you cooked for him and he likes it is there something going on Moegi?” her smirk became wider
Moegi blush harder while Sakura was still smirking” I guess I should tell you but you have to promise me not to tell anyone?”
“Crossed my heart and hope to die” Sakura said while doing the crossed heart promise
Moegi was still blushing” okay…….I like Konohamarukun……a lot”
“So you like him good for you Moegi now the big question is does he feels the same?” Sakura said while smiling
Moegi continue to blush” I…..I don't know I mean he likes hanging around with me but I don't know if he likes me in that way”
“So what are you going to do about it?”
“What? What do you mean?”
“Come on Moegi are you going to tell him how you feel?”
Moegi blush like the blood from her body has flooded to her head” I…..I can't do that I don't know if he'll accept me or the other way around I don't want to be rejected it will hurt too much”
Sakura got up from the table and went to Moegi's side she put her hands on her shoulders she look deep into her raven black eyes with a serious expression.
“Listen to me good Moegi you have to tell him how you feel now that you have the chance that he's free because if you don't he might find someone else and he will fall in love with that person and you will regret never telling him the truth you will feel heartbroken and believe me the pain of heartbreak hurts more that the pain of rejection”
Moegi was stun at the great speech her sensei has said” sensei…..have you experience heartbreak?”
Sakura was shock her expression change to a depressed look” No….I haven't ( but I feel like Im about to soon)
“But you talk like you have experience it?” Moegi said worry
“I haven't experience it but you have to take my advice and tell him before its too late okay?” Sakura said with a smile
Moegi nodded” al right….Ill do it but I need time to tell him its gonna be hard”
“Good that's more like it” Sakura said as she took another bite of her rice ball
“Sensei is there someone that you like?” Moegi said
The question caught Sakura by surprise because she choke on her rice ball and she have to take some of her tea to stop the choking she was blushing hard. Moegi looked at her confuse of course Sakura was still blushing because there was only one person she was thinking right now, she thought about Naruto she loved him so much and the fact that she had sex with him TWICE help a lot with the love part and right now she wanted to have sex with him…..again.
“Are you okay sensei?” Moegi said worry
Sakura stop blushing while praying that she didn't had a nose bleed for thinking about Naruto” Im…fine Moegi what was the question again?”
Moegi sweat dropped” is there someone that you like?”
Sakura blush and sighed” yes…there is someone I like its not like him I love him a lot but he's already taken and also I don't deserve him”
“Don't say that sensei he might feel the same way about you?”
“Its complicated Moegi but anyway thanks for trying to help me”
“If you need help Ill help you just like help me”
“I will so Moegi where is Konohamaru?”
“He's with Naruto sensei at Ichiraku”
“Oh?” Sakura said thinking about the blond ninja(I wonder if Naruto will give some advice to Konohamaru then again Konohamaru doesn't have a clue that Moegi likes him so there wont be any advice given)
Moegi was staring at Sakura with concern reflected in her eyes (you can't fool me sensei I know that you love Naruto sensei I wish there was something I could do?)
Ichiraku's ramen shop
Naruto arrived at Ichiraku and saw none other than Konohamaru who smile at him.
“Hey boss you won't mind if you treat me to some ramen right?” Konohamaru said
Naruto sweat dropped” yeah I do mind”
Konohamaru gasp” WHAT you're so mean boss”
Naruto gave his fox grin” Im just kidding Konohamaru of course I don't mind come on”
Konohamaru smile and both took their seats they were greeted by Teuchi and Ayame, however Teuchi was not happy because he still thought that Naruto was eating ramen in another place besides Ichiraku, Naruto was nervous but he convince the old man along with Ayame that he was faithful to his ramen shop. After a few minutes Teuchi calm himself and gave the two ninjas their bowls of ramen, they began eating Naruto finish his first bowl and order seconds but Konohamaru was still eating his first bowl slowly. After Naruto finish his fifth bowl and saw that Konohamaru was still eating his first bowl, by now he could tell something was wrong with the genin so he decided to ask what was going on.
“Hey Konohamaru are you okay?”
“Huh? Im fine I guess Im full from eating my first bowl that's all”
Naruto sweat dropped” you're full from eating one bowl of ramen…..yeah right?”
Konohamaru grin” Im lying I want another one”
Naruto grin” that's the spirit hey old man a second bowl for Konohamaru”
“Right coming up” Teuchi said from the back
“Boss there is something I want to ask you?”
“What is it?”
“I want to be you're student”
Naruto eyes widened at the statement” what….you want to be my apprentice?”
Konohamaru nodded” I just thought that the rest of the team has their own sensei's Udon has TenTen and Moegi told me she was going to ask Sakura to be her sensei so maybe I thought if you could accept me as you're student you know Im very amazed by you boss you were trained by one of the legendary sanins and you master the jutsu of the Fourth Hokage so what do you say boss?”
Naruto gave a thoughtful look”humm…..I don't know I don't think you could handle the training you know learning rasengan its not easy”
Konohamaru frown” you think Im not strong enough to handle it I will show you boss Im strong I will do it I never back down on my word that's my ninja way”
“Hey that's my line” Naruto said with a sweat dropped
Konohamaru smirk” you're the one who taught me that”
Naruto sighed” okay…..fine Ill accept you as my apprentice but I wont go easy on you just because you're my friend”
“YEAH I won't let you down boss just you wait” Konohamaru said cheery” I can't wait to tell Moegi”
“You're going to have one hell of a training session from me so you better rest and relax while you still have the time” Naruto said with an evil grin on his face
“Don't worry boss you can throw me anything that you like” Konohamaru said with confident in his voice
(Well see about that?) Naruto thought
The two continue to eat ramen while Konohamaru have a happy look on his face he was going to be trained by his so called worthy rival.
(With the boss training me I will be one step in becoming the Seventh Hokage after the boss)
In another part of Konoha Sakura was walking the streets she was deep in thought about Naruto, she left the hospital after talking to Moegi who was very happy that she accepted her as her apprentice. She couldn't stop thinking about the blond ninja, the only thing she feared so much is that Naruto would choose Hinata she knew she couldn't avoid heartbreak no matter how positive she try to think it wasn't going to happen she wasn't going to have Naruto. Since she was so caught up in her thinking she accidentally bump into someone, she snap back to reality and was going to apologize to whoever she bump into but suddenly her eyes locked in slight anger as she was trying to hold her anger to the person she bump into.
The person which was none other than Hinata was got up from and look at Sakura she immediately bow down her head in apology.
“Oh Sakurasan Im sorry I didn't saw you I guess I was a little eager to meet up with Narutokun I just got back from the mission so Im going to surprise him he must be at Ichiraku?” Hinata said
Sakura was trying to hold her anger while her inner self was dying to beat her up like a punching bag, jealousy was taking over her and she was bout to lose control, she was standing in front of the person who was Naruto's girlfriend the position she should be having.
She try to remain calm while she gave a fake smile at the Hyuga heiress” its al right Hinata I didn't saw where I was going so it was my fault too”
“Well I have to go Sakurasan I don't want to make Narutokun wait Ill see you around” Hinata said while walking off
(YOU HYUGA BITCH GIVE ME MY NARUTO BACK) inner Sakura shouted in rage
(What are you talking about stop talking crazy?)
(Just let me at her Ill make her pay for taking Naruto from us)
(Remember that Hinata reveal her feelings to Naruto unlike me) Sakura thought regretting not telling the blond sooner about her feelings
(But you did told him and he loves us)
(And he also loves Hinata and its not right to love two people at the same time)
(He better choose us?)
Sakura sighed( I doubt it I never deserved him I didn't treated him right, but Hinata she was always nice to him and she loved him for the being who he is I…..well Naruto was never attracted to me at the beginning)
(That's because we like that gay idiot Sasuke just thinking about him makes me sick)
(Yeah but it doesn't matter now Naruto will pick Hinata and I will be alone in the end)
(Damn you're so depressed you need a drink?)
(Yeah I guess where can I get sake)
(Where do you think? Tsunadesama has it)
(I don't know she was very upset when I drank all of it I don't think I should do the same?)
(Well take it without her noticing its us come on lets do it?)
(That's not going to be easy lets do it)
(That's the spirit lets go)
Sakura nodded and left heading straight to the Hokage's tower where she woill get some sake.
Back at Ichiraku Naruto and Konohamaru finish their meal Naruto was full and he had a big smile on his face.
“Ah a dozen bowls of ramen always hit the spot” Naruto said
“Ill say the ramen was delicious” Konohamaru said
“Yeah but next time Konohamaru you will be the one treating me okay?” Naruto said
“Okay since Im you're apprentice I have no problem with it” Konohamaru said he then notice Hinata a few feet away from Naruto and grin” well boss look you're girlfriend is here?”
Naruto immediately turn the other way and smile seeing Hinata” Hinatachan you're back?”
Hinata only kissed him passionately while Naruto didn't look surprise at all he accepted her kiss, Konohamaru's jaw fell to the ground he gave the couple a devilish grin.
“Well boss I better go so you can spend some quality time with you're girlfriend” Konohamaru said while leaving the couple alone
The couple broke their kiss
“Hinatachan Im glad that you're back”
“I missed you very much Narutokun”
Naruto grin while staring at Hinata he suddenly got an image from his dream of Hinata and Sakura tongue kissing and pleasuring each other, his whole face turn crimson red he turn his face away from Hinata who gave him a puzzle look in return.
“Narutokun what's wrong?” Hinata said worry
Naruto manage to erased his blushing face he look back at his girlfriend and smile” its nothing Hinatachan”
“Are you sure Narutokun?”
“Yeah Im fine so Hinatachan wanna gor for a walk?”
Hinata nodded and smile” sure Narutokun”
They both hold hands and left the ramen shop
Hokage Tower
Sakura was walking the halls of the Hokage tower she has been looking for the secret room where Tsunade holds her sake, it seems the elderly Hokage made sure to hide her precious sake very well because this time Sakura has been having some difficult finding the sake. She thought that Tsunade thought she was going to try and take the sake again so she made sure she couldn't find the new secret room to the sake, she growl in frustration she needed the sake badly so she continue to search the halls for the secret room.
She check there wasn't any ninjas around so they didn't get suspicious, to prevent that from happening she cast a genjutsu to fool them. She then reach a very suspicious looking wall Sakura had a strong feeling about the wall and it hit her, the wall was nothing but a fake it was genjutsu she made the hand seals to dispel the genjutsu once the wall vanish a door took its place.
(YEAH BABY JACKPOT) inner Sakura shouted in triumph
Sakura grin to herself(Tsunadesama was smart to hide the room with a genjtusu too bad for her that Im smart I can tell if it's a genjtusu without the need of a bloodline like the sharingan) she open the door to reveal the hidden treasure a large supply of sake probably to last for months
And just before Sakura had the chance to grab one of the bottles
“Sakura I hope you're not thinking in drinking my sake again”
Sakura turn pale hearing the cold and serious voice and she knew the owner of that voice, she slowly turn the other way and she was meet by Tsunade brown eyes and right now they were full of anger. Sakura was really scared in the years she was training with her she has never seen her so angry she knew the only reason why she was so upset no one gets in her way of her precious sake to Tsunade it was like gold and it worth more than all the money in the world.
Tsunade glare at Sakura” well were you thinking to drink all of my sake again?”
Sakura gave her a very innocent look” Tsunadesama how can you say something like that I wasn't going to drink your sake I was just admiring the large amount of sake that's all”
“Cut the bull shit Sakura you are not drinking any sake too much alcohol in you're body can kill you so back off” Tsunade said as she closed the door to the sake
Sakura sighed” Im sorry Tsunadesama I really need help Im passing trough a lot of depression lately”
Tsunade sighed” let me guess does it have to do with Naruto?”
Sakura nodded while Tsunade sighed again” lets discuss this in my office”
Sakura nodded and follow Tsunade to her office
Once they arrived at the office Tsunade closed her door and got seated in her seat
“Now what is it?” Tsunade said waiting for her apprentice to answer her
Sakura blush hard while Tsunade was confuse she started twiddling her fingers which shock Tsunade a lot she was acting like the old Hinata since she has nothing close of being shy.
“I guess it will be better if I get this off my chest, Im not telling anything to my mother so Tsunadesama I hope you don't said a word about what Im about to tell you” Sakura said
“Al right speak” Tsunade said waiting for Sakura's answer
“I……..slept with Naruto”
Tsunade's eyes widened in shock” Sakura you're telling me that you and Naruto….”
“Yeah we had sex” Sakura said while blushing she could clearly remember the first time she made love to the blond ninja
“I guess its obvious since you love him but the bad part is that Naruto cheated on Hinata if she find out she'll be devastated
“I know so I hope Tsunadesama that you don't say a word about this”
“I won t say anything but have you told someone else about this?”
“I told Ino but I trust her she won't say a word about this she's the only one I have told before you”
“I see so what are you going to do about this?”
“Wait Tsunadesama there's more you should know…..a few days ago Naruto and I slept together again”
Tsunade sweat dropped” so he cheated again on Hinata oh Kami this is turning into one bad soap opera”
“After that I told him that he would have to choose between me and Hinata either is me or her” Sakura said she looked at Tsunade and she was upset
“Now Sakura sleeping with Naruto twice wasn't a mistake having sex with someone because you love that person is not wrong, however you're mistake was that you made him choose between the two of you how can you do such a thing?”
“But Tsunadesama I….”
“NO BUTS you did this thinking for yourself because you weren't thinking about Naruto when you did, did you know how Naruto must be feeling right now he must be going crazy because he can't decided who to pick the poor guy must be so full of stress right about now”
“Tsunadesama I have to do this I have to make sure that Naruto loves only me and not Hinata”
“There you go again you're being selfish just listen to yourself you're acting like you're old self if you remember?”
Sakura gasp in shock she remember how selfish she used to be how badly she wanted Sasuke to love her and only her she was acting the same with Naruto tears were forming around her jade eyes.
“Tsunadesama is it wrong to love someone very much?”
“Of course its not wrong to love someone truly Sakura”
“No but its wrong to love him when he's already taken”
At that moment Sakura started sobbing, Tsunade did the only thing she could do she got up from her desk and embrace her apprentice like a mother would do to her daughter.
“Tsunadesama I love him so much I don't know what to do I want him but I know I don't deserve him this pain is killing me it hurts”
“There its al right let it all out Sakura just cry you're pain out” Tsunade said as she was still embracing the kunoichi
After a couple of minutes Sakura broke the embrace she dry her tears” thank you Tsunadesama Im feeling a little better now”
“You might feel better if you get some rest you can also do some training?”
“Training?” Sakura said puzzle
“Yeah you can punch and destroy rocks in order to relieve you're stress until you calm down”
(I rather relieve my stress by having sex with Naruto) inner Sakura said
“I guess training sounds good Ill give it a try then” Sakura said as she reach for the door and open it” Tsunadesama thank you for listening to me”
“Of course that's why Im here for” Tsunade said with a smile
Sakura left the office and closed the door behind her, Tsunade sighed looking at the closed door.
“This situation is going to take a turn for the worst in the end either is going to be Sakura heartbroken or Hinata I think its time I have a talk with Naruto”
In another place of the village Naruto and Hinata were on top on one of the highest buildings they were watching the sunset, Hinata love looking at the sun until the night comes. However Hinata was paying little attention to the sunset and focusing her attention to her boyfriend she knew that there was something bothering him and she wanted to know what was wrong with him. She squeeze his hand a little tight getting his attention Naruto gave her a confuse look while Hinata gaze into his sapphire eyes.
“Narutokun what's wrong?”
“What do you mean Hinatachan?”
“The whole time we were walking you were so quiet and its not like you to be so quiet you always make me laugh and safe but now you're silence its worrying me a lot”
“Is that why you're so worry Hinatachan? Oh come on I guess I was just thinking that's all”
“About what?” Hinata said in a curious tone
Naruto eyes widened a little he was really in trouble, he immediately come up with something to tell her he knew Hinata would be devastated if she find out the truth about him and Sakura.
“I…..I was just thinking about my genin team you know they have different teachers Udon has TenTen and Moegi has Sakurachan and now I made Konohamaru my student I guess Im surprised that the three are not students that's all”
Hinata's worry look was replace by a smile” so that's why you look so gloomy you're disappointed that you're not the teacher of the three”
“Yeah but that doesn't matter Im still proud of them either way though”
Hinata smile her concern vanish and she lean her head in his shoulder and started watching the sun going down welcoming the night while Naruto felt relief.
(Phew that was close) Naruto thought
The sun has set and the sky turn dark the moon appeared shinning, Hinata was admiring the beauty of the scenery while Naruto took his hand and put it around her waist the couple watched the beautiful night before them.
“Its so beautiful its very romantic” Hinata said as she looked at Naruto with passion in her pale eyes
Before Naruto got the chance to say anything he was tackle by Hinata and she kissed him very passionately Naruto dispelled what he was going to say to her and let his tongue do the talking. Hinata comply as she let her own tongue dance with his both started moaning as they taste each others lips and tongues, Naruto grab Hinata's butt and gave it a squeezed which made a reaction on the Hyuga heiress as she moan in surprise she kissed her boyfriend with even more passion than ever.
Hinata then reach for the zipper of his jacket and zip it open Naruto was now in his black fish net and Tsunade's necklace hanging from his neck, Naruto took one of his hands and touch one of her breast which made her moan she smile wickedly as she continue to kiss him like there was no tomorrow. Guided by his hormones and senses he slightly open Hinata's lavender vest and lift her bra revealing one of her breast he massage it softly while touching her nipple with his index finger making the nipple hard and erected.
Hinata moan again as she felt her boyfriend's hand touch and caressed her breast she was getting very wet she scold her self for being so urgent in making love to him because she wanted to take him back to the private residence but now that she was aroused she wasn't going to go all the way to the place she was gonna do it with on the roof of a tall building of the village. Naruto manhood was already in hard mode since Hinata first kiss him, he then stop kissing her and started licking her breast which made Hinata moan he took her voluptuous breast in his mouth sucking it with passion, he was caught off guard as Hinata kissed him again and he took the kiss without arguing for stopping his licking on her breast.
Suddenly Naruto got an image of Sakura and the times he made love to her he couldn't stop thinking about the cherry blossom and then he remember the words she told him the twisted fate that he had to choose between Hinata and her and he didn't know what to do he loved them both very much. He growl under his breath he sadly broke the kiss with his girlfriend and he stop touching her breast he got seated and sighed while Hinata was looking at him with a puzzle look.
“Narutokun what's wrong?” Hinata said worry
“I…..I….Im sorry Hinatachan but I don't feel like it” Naruto said even if his hormones were lying because he still had his member in hard mode
Hinata was more confused” what… don't want to make love Narutokun…..why…..aren't I good enough to please you?” Hinata said in a hurtful tone
Naruto immediately shook his head” no of course not Hinatachan you're more than enough believe me its just…….Im not in the mood and besides its getting cold in here” he pick up his jacket and he put in back on
Hinata adjusted her bra back and she closed her vest she was disappointed but most of all she was hurt because Naruto turn her down when she was in the mood for some hot steamy sex with her boyfriend. Naruto saw her expression and he knew she was disappointed for spoiling the mood and the moment for some hot sex with his Hyuga girlfriend he hated himself for being such a jerk.
“Its getting colder we should get back, Hinatachan Ill walk you home” Naruto said as he gaze at his girlfriend who was still quiet and upset he sighed he then took her in his arms” Im sorry Hinatachan but I will make it up to you I promise and you know I never back down on my word”
Hinata didn't look convinced but she still nodded in agreement” okay Narutokun….next time Ill be wearing something very provocative so that you don't get any second thoughts” she gave him a seductive look
Naruto gave an evil grin” oh I wont have second thoughts when that happens” he kissed her and they left the building
They got down from the building and started walking hand in hand, however Hinata was still upset about Naruto's behavior.
(Narutokun there's definitely something wrong with you why are you lying to me?)
When they were near the Hyuga compound Hinata took Naruto to a corner making him confuse at her actions.
“Hinatachan what are y….” Naruto was silenced by Hinata's finger
“Shhh…quiet Narutokun” Hinata said as she check at the entrance to the compound she gulp a little because there was someone standing at the entrance
The person was none other than her father Hiashi he had a serious expression on his face it seems he's been standing at the entrance for a while.
“Looks like he's waiting for me?” Hinata said
“What are you talking about Hinatachan who's there?” Naruto said in a whisper
“Its my father he's at the entrance I don't know why he's there but I think he's waiting for me”
“Oh that's so nice of him” Naruto said
Hinata sweat dropped at his comment” Narutokun you know father doesn't approved of our relationship so its obvious he's waiting for me”
“Even if that's the case its nice of him to wait for you”
Hinata sighed” Narutokun Ill go on my own from here you go back Ill see you later then”
“Okay” Naruto said
The two kissed each other before Hinata left to the compound, Naruto left the way he came. When Hinata arrived at the compound she was greeted by her father who seems to be a little relief.
“Hello father” Hinata said while bowing
Hiashi nodded” you're back its not so late so why are you back so early?”
“I guess I am a tire why would you say that is there something wrong father?” Hinata said while keeping an eye on her father
“No there's nothing wrong I thought you were going to be with him a little longer?”
“He's name is Naruto father please addressed to him by his name?” Hinata said
Hiashi was surprised but he became upset” Hinata are you threatening me?” his voice sounding cold
“No father of course not Im just simply stating that Naruto has a name that's all please don't take it as a threat I will never do such a thing” Hinata said while bowing
Hiashi change his expression he wasn't upset anymore” Hinata I won't called him by his name because I don't see him as a worthy person to be with you”
“Are you saying that because he has the Kyubi father?” Hinata said trying not to make it as a threat
Hiashi didn't answer instead he went back inside the compound; Hinata shook her head in disappointment.
(Father I will take you're silence as a yes) Hinata thought she went inside while thinking about Naruto and he's sudden behavior
(Narutokun I will find out why are you lying to me?)
Naruto got back to his apartment he went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and change to his pajamas he went to his bed he only though about what Sakura told him to choose between her and Hinata he was thinking too much that he didn't realize he fell asleep. He had a dream that he was standing in a white room, in front of him stood a giant golden scale and on the sides of the scale stood the two kunoichi's he love, Hinata was on the left side while Sakura was on the right side the scale hasn't move an inch because it was in perfect balance.
“Narutokun I love you” Hinata said
Suddenly the scale began to move with Hinata on top whule Sakura was on the lower side of the scale.
“Naruto I love you” Sakura said
The scale move again in Sakura's favor
“Narutokun I love you more than anything” Hinata said
“I love you even more” Sakura said
The scale kept on moving up and down, Naruto was too confuse he dint know which one to pick.
“Here Narutokun I have some ramen for you” Hinata said while showing him a hot bowl of ramen
Naruto's eyes were shining at the delicious sight of the ramen
“I have five bowls of ramen for you Naruto” Sakura said as she was showing the bowls
“I have ten bowls” Hinata said
“I have twenty” Sakura reply
“A hundred” Sakura said in triumph (HA BEAT THAT HYUGA BITCH) inner Sakura said
Hinata look disappointed but she then got an idea she removed her vest and her bra revealing her massive breast” look Narutokun my breasts are bigger than Sakurasan”
The luscious sight gave Naruto a nose bleed while falling to the ground
Sakura growl in anger because it was true” SO WHAT I have a nice ass and its all yours Naruto come and get it” she gave her butt a spank
“I love you”
“I love you”
Naruto couldn't take it anymore he was about to go crazy
After shouting at the top of his lungs the large scale along with the two kunoichis vanished.
“Naruto you do need some help”
Naruto's eyes widened he was shock he recognize the owner of that voice perfectly, he looked behind him and he gasp the person who was standing in front of him he felt like crying but he hold the urge to cry while looking at the toad sanin Jiraiya.
“Hey how you've been Naruto?”
“Now I know Im dreaming” Naruto said shock
“Of course Im just here communicating trough your dream and it seems you're in a tight situation?”
“Yeah you can say thar” Naruto said happy he really miss the toad sanin
Out of nowhere a bench appeared and Jiraiya got seated Naruto follow but he sweat dropped when he saw that Jiraiya started reading a familiar book.
“Great so you are reading Kakashi sensei's book?”
Jiraiya grin” why of course Kakashi left it next to my grave and I must say it's a very nice book Kakashi has become my successor in the Itcha Itcha series Im so proud of him”
“Whatever so aren't you going to help me with my problem?” Naruto said annoyed
“Oh yeah of course now Naruto why are you going crazy?”
“Duh isn't it obvious I have to choose between Hinatachan and Sakurachan”
“That's right you have two beautiful girls trying to tame your heart so which one are you going to pick?”
Naruto look annoyed” isn't that why you're here you're supposed to help me decided”
“Al right well begin with the details Ill ask you a question and you will give me an honest answer is that clear?”
Naruto nodded” okay”
“When it comes to terms of friendship which one makes you feel special you know who do you consider to be your best friend?”
Naruto gave a thoughtful look” well Hinatachan is my best friend she understands me a lot and always makes me happy, but Sakurachan is also my best friend too she understands me too and she's been there for me even if at first she didn't get along with me”
“I thought you might say that okay now which girl you have more fun?”
“Hinatachan invite me to a picnic once I really like it I have a lot of fun, but Sakurachan once treat me to ramen I was really surprised and I really enjoy it”
“The same answer again this is gonna be harder than it looks” Jiraiya said annoyed” okay now well move on to a more private matter when it comes to intimacy which one you enjoy the pleasure of sex?” the toad sanin gave a small perverted smile
Naruto blush hard at the question he growl a little” perverted hermit that's not a topic you should be bringing”
“You want to choose a girl right well this is the only way to do it remember that you have to be honest”
Naruto sighed” I guess…..when I first have sex with Hinatachan I felt warmth, happy, alive glad to be alive it was like both of our hearts were beating as one it was amazing and……..she has such big and nice soft breasts they are very sensitive Hinatachan moan easily just by a simple touch to her breasts……they are all mine” he blush while having a nose bleed and a lot of perverted thoughts came to his mind he regretted not having sex with the Hyuga heiress back at the building
Jiraiya gave a grin” now now Naruto don't get aroused okay so you love being intimate with Hinata al right now what about Sakura?”
Naruto blush again” Sakurachan she was amazing she beg for my love and of course I deliver her breast may not be big as Hinatachan's but they are very playable her nipples get easily erected and her ass oh man I love giving some spankings to that sweet ass” he got another nose bleed thinking about the sexy cherry blossom
Jiraiya sweat dropped” so you like being intimate with both of them damn Naruto are you going to make up you're mind or what?”
Naruto growl” I don't know okay both of them are special to me I love them both oh I can't decided its too hard”
Jiraiya sighed in defeat” that's it I give up there's no way I can help you its obviously that you love them both so there's nothing I can do”
“Of course I love them that's why I enjoy having sex with them”
Jiraiya smile” you know Naruto watching you it makes me think about the past……I have had sex with many women but I have never did it for love only for the pleasure I never found such a thing as love, but you are different you found two beautiful women who love you and accept you and I am proud of you Naruto”
Naruto couldn't help but smile at his teacher” thanks perverted hermit”
Jiraiya frown” with it kill you to called me by my name for once?”
Naruto grin” sorry old habits die hard” he stood quiet before talking again” perverted hermit thanks for coming I really missed you”
“Come on Naruto don't get too emotional”
“You know granny Tsunade really loved you”
Jiraiya look surprised and smirk” really so she loved me all along after all too bad for her that Im already dead”
“She misses you too”
“Yeah I know I missed her too, well I gotta go”
“What do you mean you have to go I thought you were going to help me with my problem?”
“I will give you some advice Naruto some times you need to be greedy” Jiraiya said with a smirk
“Huh what do you mean greedy I don't understand”
“Too bad this is the part when I go and you wake up farewell oh and say hi to Tsunade for me tell her that I missed her” he started to vanish
It was too late Jiraiya vanished and Naruto rose up from his bed confuse at the toad sanins strange advice.
“What did he meant by being greedy I don't know what it means”
Naruto growl in frustration he went back to his sleep but not before murmuring that he didn't get it after a few minutes he drifted back to sleep expecting to understand what Jiraiya meant.
To be continued
Well that's it for the chapter now remember to send me your comments and reviews farewell.