Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Color of Evil ❯ Humor: A Difficult Concept ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3. Humor: A Difficult Concept
Glaring at me Naruto completely ignored me and introduced us to the girl he'd dragged with him. "Hey, Bushybrows, Pepperhead, this is, Kagami. She's a traveler and totally kicks butt! She came into the middle of a fight between my team and some stupid sound ninja's." She said hello, and Lee introduced us. "Okay, Naruto I'm going to punch you twice as hard later just for that," I thought continuing to glare. Then rejoining reality I realized that Naruto and Lee were once again fighting over something pointless. "We are going to the curry shop for lunch, Naruto, and if you, Miss Kagami-san would like we'd love for you to accompany us," Lee said, turning towards Kagami-san. Then Naruto shouted, "No, she's coming with me, Bushybrows, and we're going to the ramen bar. Right, Kagami-san?"
"Well, I don't know they both sound good. Why don't we compromise I'll go to whichever is closest first, then to the other restaurant next. And don't worry about me getting full before I make it to the next restaurant I have a big appetite," Kagami-san answered politely. Then Naruto got mad because the curry shop was closer so we ended up going there first. Kagami-san enjoyed her meal and obviously Lee did since it was his favorite place to eat, while Naruto and I just sat waiting on them to finish eating so we could head over to the ramen bar. Finally I'd get to eat something besides curry! As we left the curry shop I punched Naruto so hard in the face I could already see the black eye forming. He fell to the ground covering his right eye and screamed, "What'd you do that for, Kaminari-chan?!" I just stared down at him and said, "If you can't figure it out then you're dumber than I thought." Kagami-san bent down and helped Naruto up, and then she took him back into the curry shop to get some ice for his eye. Lee turned and glared at me then started up on another lecture which I tuned out until Naruto and Kagami-san returned. Naruto glared at me the entire way to the ramen bar, when we finally got there he forgot he was mad at me and ordered some ramen. Kagami-san and I did so too, while Lee just sat beside Kagami-san trying to flirt, which he sucked at miserably. She just humored him and went along with it, or at least I think she did, I'd certainly hope so. I mean who would have a crush on my baka of an older brother?