Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The forgotten memory ❯ Rin's History ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tis in my 2nd fanfic, my first was about high sch love and other things... but i gave that one up too complicated... :P

so anywayz here i am again, tis was suppose to be a RPG intro, but it looked too much like a fan fic so i decided to put it out... :P

All characters belong to naruto anime/manga belong to the author of naruto, the rest belongs to my imagination... :P

p.s. Rin is my dream character :P


Name: Rin Houjoin [Past] / Sukiya [Present]

Age: 24

Height: 1.6m

Description of clothing:


wear a bandara [like sakura's], a kimono [has 5 colours; red, blue, black, pink, gray; wears as her mood changes...] and hold a fan [same as the old fan but she has fogotten how to use it.... reasons refer below to bio section]


wore a pink head band with the leaf bagde on it, a jounin suit and carried bag full of tools, jutsu and has a hand fan [special type] as a main weapon

Rank: Jounin/Chuunin [Reason for specifying 2 ranks, refer below, gomenesai.. :S]

Jutsu Specialty: Deathbed Wish no Jutsu

Country/Village: Cloud Village/Leaf Village

Element: Multi-Elemental... [reason refer to below]

Techniques Used:

1.Deathbed Wish no Jutsu

2. Fracture Kill no Jutsu

3. kage bushin, henge, and others... [other techniques are learn by her sharingan]

Created Move : Spawn no jutsu


Who would remember her, a girl who was alwayz beside the hokage, never did once stand out, expect during exams when her presence was felt, missing that is, no matter how she tried to make friends she would alwayz been known as the teacher's pet and as a strange character... she had the looks, the skill but onli few dared to be her friends... cos it was rumour that she was a curse child... a curse that was passed down a 100 yrz ago....


Born as houjoin, Rin had everything a girl would want, parents who loved her... all was peacefully for once... But everytime she visited either of her grandparents, her cousin would shun her off, it pained her parents to see her suffering, only one of her cousins made her feel welcome...

it wasn't surprising y everybody was using eye of coldness and haterd at her... she was quick in learning things, alwayz good at tests and so on... But there's one thing her parents hid from her... The painfully truth of the curse, "the curse of the double eyed"...

Her parents were decendents of the Uchiha and the Hyuuga clan... Rivals for the last 1000 odd years... a 100 yrz ago a fortune teller fortold that a curse child will be born when the 2 clans merge, and on her 16th birthday, either clan [didn't state which one though...] would be exterminated fully remaning 2 survivors onli [obvivously it was the uchiha clan]...

Despite the objections of the 2 clans her parents decide to get married... as it was a forbidden marriage their parents asks them not to carry on the Clans surname but change it to Houjoin [a lousy clan name, lowest in konoha...] As it was necessary to kill of the child that was born to stop the curse, both clans sent out their house assasins but neither assination teams suceeded [becos there was alwayz mishaps during these missions...]

So the child was born, to the happiness of the parent and the anger of the head of the 2 clans... named rin, after the nun who sheter the couple, she was given all a child could ask...

meanwhile her grandparents kept a close eye on her, they forbid the parents to teach her any jutsus or skills [they didn't have the chance], they decide to write it in a book and seal it with their blood combine, and one day b4 her 4th birthday, due to the ever happening quarrels between their parents over rin they jump to their death from a cliff...

In their will they wrote that the child shall be brought up by the 3rd hokage, and would be under his protection until her 20th birthday... and on her 10th birthday she shall be able to unseal the book and learn the secrets of the families and the curse...

As since the 2 clans really wanted her dead so that the curse will not happen, they tried all means but didn't suceeded, like in the past, it was becos or mishaps or unucky... the hokage knew about it, so he called on the 2 sides to have a compromise...

The compromise was to have Rin learn the art of "eye changing", a method of making the eys look normal, every weekend was spent being at either one grand parents house and learning how to perform this high torture jutsu... as alwayz she usually asked more question den did it, she was often tortured by her grandparents and bullied by her cousins...

the cousin that sympatise her alwayz gave her medicines b4 she left the house... year by year, time past quickly that she had already master the technique and join the ninja acdemy, but whenever there was a exam she was tested personally but the hokage, she outperformed the best student becos of her double eye... the hokkage, had no choice, he choose Rin as his successor and she learnt everything quickly...

The sealed book wasn't needed actually cos now that she learned she should be able to out right defeat the jounin level ninja, but as the hokkage had a heart for kids, he decided to let her enjoy her youth.... She made it to the genin level at the age of 8, she was under the care of Jiraiya... Even he was suprise at the her level...

But to every sweetness there is alwayz bitterness...before she could take the bi-yearly chuunin exam, disater struck... on the order of her grandparents the cousins who used to shunned her made friends with her... one day they lured her to the same spot her parents jumped to their death and push her down....

Everyone, including the hokkage and her grandparents tot she was dead [her cousins said she jumped to her death by herself], her cousins got off scot-free [no one saw, no one knew, but the cousin who was nice to her suspected it was her grandparents but dared not speak up... the hokkage had the same sentiments]...

few years later the entire uchiha was wiped out by Mr. D, a rogue killer... he maniplulated itachi and thus making him to be the mastermind of the killing of the Uchiha clan[Creator: ok Dr. D hate uchiha!!! and den manipulates Itachi... :D so Itachi killed his clan, to learn a special jutsu...]


She's been found on the beach 12 years ago by Jaken, ever since they have been good friends... so good that even Jaken's parents love her, she's hardworking and love Jaken alot... one day jaken propose to her, she agreed... but recently she has been having tis flashbacks from the past...

Wat will happen, Who is Mr. D?? [Creator: I dunnoe?? he might die seperately by means of MY hand... :D]


Stay turned... next chapter spawning out soon... :P

Review and Comments Welcomed... :P

suki ne minna san... :P