Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The forgotten memory ❯ More memories, MIA!!! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
wrote more todae while writing chap 2... hmmm my inspiration... likely those ppl in IRC, fanfics [yaoi, too bad i dun think iruka and kakashi are ghey enough to be in this fan fic to be yaoi that is... hehe... :P]

No gammatically correct, slangs, abberations... dun mind... :P
so enjoy, review and have fun... :P


"she looks abit like her, the grace is not like her's, she was aloof, didn't even had manners... geez how long has it been, 5 yearz, 10 years... They claim she had committed sucide, but i believe she didn't, there no way..." Iruka's thought trailed off...


"Iruka, u'll be my a-ni san 4ever..." Rin said with that michiviveous look on her pretty face... "*ma, ma, *mitadakunai, u'r younger, u'll be my a-ne chan", Iruka replied teasingly... tis girl infront of him would be his onli relative, counting that most of his relatives had died while fighting the *kyubi...

*end of flashback*

"back den, she seemed too happy, there no way she'll ever do anything that silly..." Iruka looked at the bride... "her beautiful, her delicate looks, she like a goddess... if onli she was, den maybe... Oh god, what i am thinking, she dead, it's time i let go..." Iruka smiled sadly to himself...

the introduction ceremony had go as planned, the couple decided to retire and have a cosy dinner in their room... Jaken had went to fecth dinner, as the maid were busy with the following days preparation for the wedding... "i see you again, my heart beats faster and faster, who are u, y do u often in these visions of mine??" Sukiya, laid helplessly on the floor "that symbol, the symbol of the leaf, y can't i remember... that symbol make me feel a sense of... proudness??" Sukiya could help herself, tear were streaming down the delicate face of her, hot wet tears... she began to pass out soon after

"Sukiya!!!! do u hear me?? i wun let anything happen to u..." Jaken sama said quietly to his future wife... "Jaken-san, dun worry, i have prescribe some medicines... she should be fine... May i suggest as wat u have told me that has been happening, i think Sukiya is having recollection of her past..." the dotor said suggestively...

"recollections??" Jaken looked into the doctor's eyes... "yes, recollections... as the whole village and i know, she was found on the shores of our country, we dunnoe her past.. so maybe it's working up in her..."

"WAR?!?!, that sand villager really rank themself high, knewing that i was to have my son become kage so i can retire... Wat the hell!!!!" A loud booming voice awoke Sukiya, tis morning wasn't the same... she was suffering from drousiness... "dear, dun get angry we still can negociate..." his wife said worryingly... "my foot, i know wat the want, the scrolls for our village kinjutsu, our village... i'll tell them over my dead body..." the kage replied in a uproaring voice...

"master, young master is missing... according to the maid the last she saw of young master was when..." a servent came crawling into the family hall... "what the hell is happening..." As the kage expected a *kunai with a note came flewing past him left shoulder grazing him abit...

he took the note and read it aloud...

We the sand has taken ur son hostage, we demand u hand us the entire village den commit sucide... hahaha... bless you of chaos...

Yours truely
Sand Village
*end of note*

"What, Auntie, tell me it isn't true... Tell me it a joke..." Sukiya came crashing through the door with tear flowing... "Suki-chan i am afraid it's true" the kage's wife replied....


Quote:everyone i knew has died, and now u'r going to die tooz... i am a avenger not meant to fall in love....
[minor spoiler for coming chaps... :P, quoted, misquote by my interpretation of sasuke's POV in the manga... :P]

kunai = ninja dagger
ma, ma = remind of wat iruka alwayz start his convo is jap, it's like now now or something liddat... :P
mitadakunai = i dun accept