Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy ❯ Daddy ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Welcome to chapter 4! Note: Aki is short for Akizakura.
Aki: All right, places people! We're going live in 3, 2, 1! Action!
With the bet made, Uchiha Sasuke departed from Haruno Sakura's office with bandages over the wounds he had received from her. He strolled down the streets. A familiar lazy Jounnin had his nose dug deep into his Icha Icha book.
“Kakashi-sensei,” The older man let out a perverted giggle. The Icha Icha was pretty good, not that Sasuke would ever admit it out loud but Kakashi took it to the next level. You got to admire his guts to bring out such a book out with him into the public.
“Ah, Sasuke,” Kakashi lowered his book a bit.
“I just talked to Sakura; she says it's probably nothing”
“He seems familiar though,”
“Yes, like I seen him before, somewhere. Something tells me this is not going to be a normal year for Konoha,”
“Was Konoha ever normal?”
“By the way, what happen to you?” Kakashi pointed to Sasuke's bandages.
“I bet you pissed Sakura off again,” Twitch. Kakashi buried his nose yet again into his books before disappearing.
“Let's see,” A young man scratched his head, “How should I say this?”
“Hello Naruto, I'm a real ninja!”
“No, too perky,”
“In reality I'm a blonde!”
“That's just creepy,” he snorted, “Think; put that brain to use Minato!” There was a light knock on the wooden doors.
“Henge,” he whispered before shouting out, “Come in”
“Um, Arashi,” Naruto was still unsure on what to call him, “We need a new fridge”
“I figure so,” Arashi shuddered at the thought of what leftovers were left in that ancient fridge.
“And who's this?” Naruto held up a picture of a red haired woman. He gently took the picture from Naruto's hands and wiped away the dust that clung onto the picture frame.
“That's,” He paused, was this the best way to tell him? You'll have to tell him sooner or later, he'll hate you even more if you lie about her. “Your mother”
“B-B-But we don't look alike,” Azure eyes were clouded with confusion.
“That's because,” Arashi released the henge, “You look like me” As the puff of smoke disappear, an older version of Naruto appeared.
“B-B-But, y-y-you're,” This was too much for our favorite blonde. He fainted from the shock. The last thing he heard was his father crying out his name.
“Oi, Naruto, are you home?” Sasuke knocked on Naruto's apartment door, “Guess he's not here”
“Ah, Uchiha-san,” an elderly woman carrying a bronze eyes made her way upstairs. Sasuke had regained all the respect in the village by holding off an unexpected invasion.
“Are you looking for Uzumaki-san?”
Sasuke nodded, “And you are?”
“His landlady,” the elderly lady replied, “He's moving out”
“Tsunade-sama told me herself,” She gave Sasuke a sad smile, “It's a pity, at first I hated the boy but he's actually really sweet”
“He helped this old hag back to her apartment,” she chuckled.
“Thank you,” Sasuke left to find Tsunade.
“Uchiha-san, please tell Uzumaki-san to come over anytime he wants to,” the elderly woman said, “He'll be by later to pick up his stuff” Sasuke nodded before heading towards the Hokage Tower.
Where am I? Am I dead? I feel like I'm floating. Azure eyes flew open.
“Naruto, you're okay!” He gave his son a bone-crushing hug.
“Y-You're choking me,” Naruto manage to force the words out despite the luckiness of air.
“Sorry,” He gave Naruto a sheepish grin.
“So you're really,”
“Why didn't you tell me earlier?”
“Are you mad?”
“No, more like shock,”
“So shock you fainted?”
“Shut up!” Naruto's face was flushed with embarrassment. He grabbed a pillow as a weapon and began trashing it onto his father.
“You can't catch me,” his father cried out childishly.
“I will!”
“Is that a promise or a threat?”
“Run for your lives!”
“Tsunade-sama, why did Naruto move out?” Sasuke demanded.
“How should I know?” said the blonde, sipping her sake while looking over documents.
“You told the landlady he was moving out!” Sasuke argued. He was curious and he wanted to know, NOW!
“Really?” Tsunade raised an eyebrow, “I don't recall doing that”
“Stop lying!” Sasuke shouted.
“Uchiha Sasuke, are you calling me a liar?” there was a heavy pause.
“Yes,” Sasuke look straight into the Godaime's eyes.
“You got guts kid, I'll give you that much,” Tsunade replied, “I think you had a hard day, go get some rest,”
“But-,” he saw he wasn't going to pry anymore information out of her.
Feathers laid scatter on the bedroom floor. Two blondes were exhausted on the ground. They were exact copies of each other, like Gai and Lee.
“You're good old man,” Naruto said.
“Not half bad Gaki,” he chuckled, “And I'm not old”
“And I'm not a Gaki,” Naruto pouted. He ruffled Naruto's golden locks.
“So you're,”
“But our last names don't match,”
“Don't match?” He sat up.
“Yeah, my last name is Uzumaki and yours is Namikaze,” Naruto copied his father's movements and sat up.
“I guess you took your mom's last name then,” He grinned.
“How was mom like?” Naruto questioned, his curiosity swelling up inside of him like a balloon.
“Well, you got her personality,” he recalled, “She had the fieriest red hair you ever saw and the loudest personality you'll ever see”
“Her smile was like the sun and sensei always said she was like a boy,” He laughed out loud.
“Really?” That had been more then enough to perk Naruto's interest.
“Yeah, he was telling the truth in a way but, that's what is so special about her,” Naruto looked at his father with a puzzled face.
“Special?” He asked, eager to learn more.
“She wasn't like the other girls, they were clingy and like me for my handsome looks,” He stork his own blonde hair, “I was like a god to them and I still got it”
“Yeah I know some one like that,” A certain pink-haired girl flashed through her mind.
“Really?” He noticed his son's blush, “Do you like like her?”
“W-Wha?” Naruto was caught off guard, “I had a crush on her since academy days” he whispered the last part. His father nudged him.
“Go for it!”
“She isn't interested in me,” Naruto replied sadly, “She's interested into someone else”
“Don't give up, she doesn't know what she's missing out if she just keeps turning you down,”
“Namikaze Minato,” Naruto let the name roll on his tongue.
“Yeah?” this was getting painful, his own son calling him by his full name.
“Could I stay as Uzumaki Naruto then Namikaze Naruto?” he looked at his father with his azure eyes.
“Of course,” Minato closed his eyes and smiled.
“Thanks daddy,” Naruto had wrapped his arms around his father.
“You're welcome son,” Minato ruffled Naruto's lemon colored hair. A warm feeling was stirring inside Naruto. Somewhere inside his heart, he felt all warm and fuzzy; the part that had a hole in his heart was beginning to fill up.
Don't leave me alone again, daddy, Naruto silently prayed, Please God, don't' take him away from me again
Naruto's born without a lot of things that most kids are born with; Minato thought as he silently embraced his son, I really wish I could have seen him graduate from the academy, throw his first kunai, get his first crush, and maybe just maybe, I'll see his wedding.
A daddy and son moment, it was hard and kind of easy to type that part. Sasuke is going to play a big part in this just to let you know. The ending of this story, it might have a tragic ending. I feel so mean but, it will be a good way to end the story.
There will be some matchmaking due to a certain someone thinking about his coughwifecough. If there are any mistakes, please tell me. I'll have it fix in a jiffy.