Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Naruto Chronicles ❯ Yugito ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I'm putting this on here as I want this to be read by more than just the people on Adultfanfiction. This is also a modified version of this chapter on the one on there as I've worked a bit on it since then. Each chapter will be a one shot for Naruto and every girl in Naruto (including the bijuu and multi pairings) and a few from other animes and video games as well. It will not be just a straight lemon but a one shot showing how the relationship is possible (under the right circumstances), with a lemon or two maybe three. This chapter is based on a scene from my fic on, The Battle of the Shikon, and some of it is word for word, since I originally planned it for this. Yugito's life is unknown for the most part and never says if her village loves her or not, so I'm going to go with the NOT. Reedited Chapter added a few new scenes and fixed some other scenes that I didn’t like.

I Do Not Own Naruto.


Chapter 1: Nii Yugito

Both Jiraiya and Naruto were just allowed into Kumogakure to meet the Raikage as he requested Jiraiya for some unknown reason, probably Akatsuki and their movements of lately. Fourteen year old Naruto knew that there was a jinchuuriki here in Kumo, as Jiraiya told him so and was hoping he could me him/her. He felt that since he was one as well, he could get them to open up to him as he did Gaara. Jiraiya had told them that Kumo use to have two jinchuuriki, the two and six tails, but Akatsuki had already captured the older of the two which happened to be the Rokubi vessel.

Naruto followed the self proclaimed super pervert to the center of Kumo, heading for the kage's tower. Once they arrived at the tower they were stopped by the guards. "Halt... Oh Jiraiya-sama. Sandaime-sama is expecting you."

Jiraiya nodded and walked in as Naruto tried to follow but was pushed back by the guards. "Sorry only Jiraiya-sama may enter."

Naruto face twisted into a scowl. "That's bullshit! Why can't I go in?"

Jiraiya turned to Naruto and sighed. "Security protocol here in Kumo. So just wander around the village and relax for a change. We'll be here for a week or two anyways so I'll come get you when I have our rooms. Now go relax and have fun, just don't do anything I wouldn't do." Jiraiya said with a perverted grin on his face as he finished.

Naruto just waved him off "Whatever, Ero-sennin. It's not like I'm a pervert like you."

Jiraiya faked a pout before turning back around and headed in while Naruto walked off to see if they have a ramen stand. After a few minutes he finally found one and ordered three bowls of miso. Normally he would order more than this, but since Jiraiya took gamma-chan once more, he had just enough money for about five bowls.

As he started inhaling the bowls at an unhealthy pace, he noticed a girl with long blonde hair that was bounded into a pony tail that looked to be anywhere from two to five years older than him walked into the stand. She had slanted eyes that reminded him of a cat with dark emerald pupils with slitted irises in the center. She had a Kumogakure hitai-ate tied around her forehead and wore a shirt which was white at the stomach and black on the shoulders and sleeves. Her black pants were baggy on her so it didn't show her figure and was tapped at the ankles were she wore the standard blue sandals. Her face was somewhat tomboyish, but could be contributed that she was serious shinobi and didn't care about her looks as other girls her age would do.

The owner sneers as he sees her and growled viciously at her. "Get out of, here demon whore. No wants your taint around."

The girl's head sank and looked to the ground, indicating she was holding back her sorrow. "I'm sorry; I just thought I could..."

The owner cut her of as his face was turning red from anger at the teenage girl and spoke with venom. "You are only allowed in here when there are no other customers. You should be lucky that I even let you in here at all, wench. NOW GO! Or do I have to call some Anbu here to escort you out forcefully."

The girl headed out of the stand holding back the tears threatening to fall and spoke in such a low voice that most people wouldn't be able to here it. But Naruto heard it as clear as day as he had hyper sensitive senses due to Kyuubi. "I'm sorry tou-san."

Now that didn't sit well with Naruto. He looked at the ground and remembered the same thing happening to him more than once at some food stands, but to think that this was her father treating her like that was unforgivable. Naruto used all his will to contain his anger from tearing the man in front of him in two, speaks calmly. "Hey, can I have one seafood ramen to go."

The man nodded at Naruto's request and started to prepare a bowl to go. Paying for his meal and the extra bowl and heads out with the bowl to find the blonde haired girl that he had a feeling was Kumo's jinchuuriki.

He found her on top of an old, run down apartment building, probably the one she lived in. Naruto noticed that she was huddled in a ball as tears streaked her face. Seeing this reminded him of what his life had been in Konoha for his life until her stopped Gaara. After that they praised the ground he walked on till he failed to bring back Sasuke, and then it was back to the regular hate once more.

Unable to stand it any longer, Naruto jumped in front of her, startling the teenage girl as she reaches for a kunai and prepared to defend herself. Naruto waves his free hand in front of him to gesture that he wasn't a threat to her. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Here." Naruto hands her the bowl of ramen. "I saw what happened and decided to get you a bowl."

She looked surprised at the kind gesture. A knot developed in Naruto stomach as he sees this. 'It's like I was back in Konoha.' She slowly reached out and took the bowl from Naruto. Naruto smiles kindly at her as she stared at him in confusion. "Why?"

Naruto flinched at the question, but he did expect it. He smiled sadly as he answered her question as he sat down on the roof top. "You remind me of myself. I treated the same from my village."

The girl raised an eyebrow as she listened and noticed his Konoha hitai-ate and followed his example by sitting down as he spoke once more. "So why are you hate so much here?" 'I think I got a good idea why though. Just want to make sure though.'

She flinched at the question and looked sadly towards the ground. "You would only run away if I told you." Naruto understanding the meaning of that looked at her as she looked towards the bowl of ramen longingly.

"Is it because you are a jinchuuriki."

Yugito's head shot up so quickly Naruto swore he heard a bone crack. "What?!"

Naruto smiled sadly at her face twisted in fear and confusion. Naruto shrugged trying to calm her down. "It pretty easy to figure it out. I used to act the same way towards most people in Konoha. So which one do you hold?"

Yugito looked back towards the ground "Nibi no Nekomata."

Naruto nodded as his eyes daze out and back in for a second. "The life of the jinchuuriki is always a sad thing. There are others out there that are just like you, looking for a purpose... Oh, Kyuubi says hello to Nibi and is sorry for attempting to kill her. She was pissed that she was woke up during her time of heat."

Once again he swore the girl cracked her neck as she turned to him. Naruto flashes his eyes crimson to show her that he wasn't trying to trick her. The girl looked absolutely shocked that one of the others out there was with standing in front of her. She remembered her older sister was the container of Rokubi, but she didn’t know there would be others with Akatsuki extracting the bijuus.

Naruto smiled his foxy smile at her shocked form. "My name is Uzumaki Naruto, the next Hokage of the leaf.”

The girl snaps out of her shock and smiles back at him. "I'm Nii Yugito, nice to meet you."


The Raikage and Jiraiya were looking at the crystal ball all kages have. Jiraiya had pulled out his notebook and started scribbling notes down praising how quickly his student got to work. 'Naruto, you truly are my apprentice. I couldn't be more proud of you.'

The Raikage coughed to get his attention away from the crystal ball. "Okay, let start. Not that I'm not waiting for your next book, but we need to get to matters at hand. Besides, we can watch what happens later." Jiraiya nods and puts his notebook up.


Naruto nodded with his smile still planted on his face. "Same here."

He scooted closer to Yugito, only because he was sitting on a lose tile and it was very uncomfortable. Yugito stiffened at this action, but relaxed as Naruto didn't move any further and looked at the clouds. "So, that was your father back there."

Yugito's eyes widen briefly. 'He heard me. Oh yeah, he must have heighten senses from Kyuubi as I do from Nibi.' She looked back to the ground and started to silently cry. "Yes."

Noticing the tears sliding down her cheeks made Naruto wish he could do something to the man. He finally understood now how the old man Hokage felt all those years after every beating he received from the villagers.

Deciding to change the subject before she became further depressed, Naruto spoke in a slightly upbeat tone. "Hey, I'm sure you have good memories too. I heard that another vessel use to be here. I'm sure whoever it was treated you well."

Unfortunately for him, it had the opposite effect that he wanted. She dug further into herself which made Naruto raise an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

Yugito continued to look at the ground as more tears escaped her eyes. "She was my sister."

Naruto eyes widen in realization, panicked. "I'm sorry! I didn't want to bring back painful memories!"

Yugito smiled sadly at his slightly absurd overreactions. For some reason his actions lifted her spirit a bit and uncovered the bowl and started eating. As she was eating, Yugito noticed that Naruto was staring into the sunset in the horizon before he turned back to her. "So your sister was the other vessel." She nodded as she continued eating. Naruto sighed, knowing his next words weren't going to be pleasant for her. "So, Akatsuki got her then."

Yugito nodded sadly as she stopped eating her seafood ramen. "Yes, she was the only one that took care of me. Tou-san was always cruel and did things..."

She stopped her speech and started to become further depressed. Naruto at first tried to figure out what she meant, but it dawned on him what the man did to his own daughter. Naruto had to use every ounce of his will power not to race over there and tear the man limb from limb, and it wasn't helping Kyuubi was sending her youki through his system encouraging him to do so. Seeing Yugito's shivering and shuddering form made his thoughts all the more justified, but instead of rushing to the man an introducing him to his new Futon: Rasengan, he leaned over towards her and hugged her lightly.

Yugito was surprised by the action but even more so with his next words. "It’s okay to cry. You need to let it out, to have someone else hear it. Otherwise you'll end up like Gaara use to be and kill people without care."

Not being need to be told twice she stared to cry into Naruto's shoulder. He just sat there and stroked Yugito's back, not really sure if this was helping, but hoped it was. As she cried, she began telling him of the things that happened to her. She would get beaten weekly by the villagers and came home to be beaten further by her father, and even raped her a few times afterwards. After hearing this, Naruto wanted nothing better than to personally execute the man as he was nothing more than shit that even dung beetles wouldn't touch.

But it didn't end there. Yugito cried even harder when she spoke of a particularly beating that turned into a raping and they would have killed her if the Raikage hadn't stepped in. Naruto trembled in rage as he heard this, but a small part deep down inside of him was glad he wasn't born a girl or he might have gone through the same thing. He silently stoked her hair as she continued her story. Yugito next started telling him of when two Akatsuki members came after both of them at the same time and her sister sacrificing herself to their goals to protect her from capture and future extraction since she was too long at the time.

Naruto couldn't do much more than listen as she spoke; since he was shell shocked as he heard what happened to her. As she finally calmed down she jerked away from him and pulled back.

Yugito looked at him with a blank face before speaking. "I must go now."

Naruto just nodded still trying to absorb everything he just heard. Yugito jumped off the roof and most likely went to her apartment in the building. Naruto sat on the roof top looking at the full moon with an empty look on his face. He didn't even notice Jiraiya when he came by and gave him the room number; he just nodded to whatever he said.

Jiraiya frowned as he saw this, but didn't comment on it before he left since he knew how Naruto took things like that close to heart. Naruto had no clue how long he stared at the moon before it started to drizzling and eventually a downpour.

Yugito ran into her room and through herself on her bed. She was startled as to why she let him know everything like that, hell even the old man Raikage didn't know of some of what she told him. She curled up into a ball on her bed and started to slowly rock back and forth as she vividly remembered everything that happened to her in the past. She absently noticed that the Raikage came in to check on her, but dismissed it as it was his nature to look after everyone in the village. She fell asleep moments after he left.

She didn't know how long she was asleep till a loud roar of thunder was heard.

Yugito jumped from her bed in fright, and realized it was only the storm outside and relaxed. As she was about to fall asleep she noticed that Naruto's chakra signature was still on the roof, as if he hadn't move an inch after she left. Perplexed, Yugito grabbed an umbrella and walked outside and jumped on top of the roof.

She noticed Naruto was soaked to the bone as he looked up to the dark rain clouds of the night sky as if it held the answer in the world. She walked over to him and placed him under the umbrella. Naruto jumped in shock and relaxed in shock as he saw Yugito. Naruto shivered as he finally noticed that he was completely soaked. "Thank you. Yugito-chan. I kind of forgot what I was doing after you left."

Yugito tried to hide her blush as he called her chan, but failed miserably as it was it was the first time someone around her age had called her that. "Well, I guess I will see you late... damn, I don't know were my hotel room is. I really wish I didn't zone out when Ero-sennin was talking to me."

She smiled slightly at Naruto. "You can sleep in my apartment for tonight."

Naruto waved his hands at her. "I don't want to intrude."

Yugito rolled her eyes at him. "You’re not intruding. It's the least I can do for you hearing me out."

He smiled his foxy grinned and scratched the back of his head. "Thank you."

Yugito nodded and lead him to her small apartment. Neither of them noticed, but both Kyuubi and Nibi were manipulating there bodies to start releasing a small amount of pheromones into the air. Once in the apartment, Yugito put up the umbrella and walked towards the kitchen. Naruto looked around the room and noticed it was a lot like his. She opened a cabinet before speaking. "Go take a hot shower to go warm up. By the time you’re done, the tea will finished."

Naruto nodded and headed towards the one of two doors in the house that didn't lead outside, luckily it was the bathroom. He walked in and turned on the faucet and waited for the hot water to get going as he stripped his clothes off. He got in and felt immediately relived as he wasn't so cold. But he had to wonder why he wasn't heating up as fast as he normally would since the fox normally never allow his body temperature so low.

'Hey fox! Why aren't you helping my body to warm up?'

He heard a growl from within his head as he grabbed the soap. "I didn't want to. Besides, what better reason to be closer to that girl in there."

Naruto shook his head at the fox. 'Whatever your planning fox won't work.'

Kyuubi actually snickered at him. "Planning? I'm not planning a thing other than to find us an acceptable mate since I'm stuck in here till you die." Naruto rolled his eyes mentally at the fox.

'It's not like that fox. I'm still trying to get Sakura-chan to...'

"YOU WILL NOT SAY THAT PINK HAIR SLUTS NAME! SHE IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE MATE FOR US!" Calming down after interrupting him, the fox continued. "I wouldn't have a problem with it if it wasn't for her treatment of you and her still being hung up on that Uchiha gaki. By the way, as you die of old age and I'm freed, remind me to finish off the Uchihas, other than Itachi. He did most of my work for me."

Naruto cut the link between the two and climbed out of the shower and sighed as he realized he had no dry clothes. Just then a knock on the door was heard. "I have some dry clothes here for you. It's not much, I think they'll fit."

He opened the door slightly and took the clothes that Yugito pushed through, not wanting to invade his privacy, even if Nibi was sending her images of her straddling his waist and other erotic things. She blushed madly and walked towards the kitchen muttering something about cats and blenders (A/N: I never would do that to a cat. Just to let you know.).

The water in the kettle started whistling as Yugito took it off and poured it into to saucers with tea bags already in them. She turned to the small couch that was in the room and blushed madly at Naruto who walked in, since the clothes she gave him were tight and showed off his figure... among other things. Regaining her composure she sets the two cups on the coffee table on motions Naruto over. He walks and sits next to her and takes a cup before sipping on it and sighing in content.

Yugito smiled a bit before speaking. "You know, I never got to ask you how your life went."

Naruto flinched but was hard to tell if you weren't paying very close attention. "Well, I can't say it was as bad as yours since I never had a family and no ever even attempted to rape me, just try to kill every chance they got."

She nodded in understanding as Naruto took another sip of tea. Once again, unknown to them both of their tenants were increasing the pheromone level get there vessels in the mood. Yugito sighed while shaking her head a bit. "So how long are you going to be staying here?"

He shrugged as he had no clue really. "I'll be here for the next couple of weeks for training as Ero-sennin track Akatsuki's movements before we head out. Why?"

Yugito blushed slightly before shaking her head. "Well, I want to get to know you better. I mean there isn't very many of us."

It wasn't the full truth, she just Nibi to shut up and sending her images of her sucking him off. Naruto blushed at the same exact moment getting a similar image from Kyuubi. He shook it off and turned to Yugito to notice her cheeks were flushed as well. "Hey Yugito-chan. Are you feeling alright?” Naruto placed his hand on her forehead as he looked at her worriedly.

Of course this had Yugito face flush red in embarrassment. She swatted his hand away and stared into Naruto's deep cerulean eyes and got lost in them before she could reprimand him. Before either realized it their lips met and were kissing the other passionately. Once they realized this they both jumped away from each other and turned red in embarrassment and Naruto apologized to Yugito. "Gomen nasai, Yugito-chan."

Yugito shook her head while blushing madly as well. "No it was my fault as well. I apologize as well."

"Come on kitten. You know you enjoyed that."

'Shut up! I'm beginning to think you behind this.' She cut the link from Nibi and turned back to Naruto, and accidentally tripped on the coffee table and landed on top of Naruto, who tried to catch her.

They both were flooded with erotic pictures as the two looked at each other once more and blushed madly as they found themselves in a very comprisable position. Yet neither moved as they stared into each others eyes before locking lips once more. Yugito deepened her kiss as the heat between her legs intensified and began to rub herself against Naruto. She felt Naruto attempted push his way into her mouth and pushed her tongue against it, not wanting to be outdone.

After a few more minutes of passionate kissing, the two finally separated from each other long enough to speak. The first one to do so was Naruto. "Yugito-chan. I think we should stop."

Yugito nodded thinking the same. "Yes we should." The two looked each other in the eyes once more before she continued. "But we need this out of our systems. And the fastest way is to just get it over with."

Naruto couldn't argue with the logic but still didn't want to do this, especially after hearing about what happened to her during her life. Before he could speak his lips locked with hers once more and was overwhelmed with passion. His hand roamed around her hips and stomach till they reached her fleshy mounds. He grabbed them softly out of instinct and started to knead them earning a loud moan into his mouth from Yugito.

Her hands weren't idol; she had one wandering around his chest while the other reached down towards his crotch and found her desired target. Naruto gasped as Yugito rubbed it as she was trying to determine how large he was. She unconsciously attempted to lick her lips as her tongue battle Naruto's as they kissed. Releasing to get air, Yugito panted out to. "Bedroom... now."

She lifted herself off of him and head straight for the bedroom. Naruto didn't need to be told twice and jumped up after her and entered the room behind her. Once in the room, Yugito discarded her shirt quickly and started to take her bra off as Naruto took the shirt Yugito gave him off. Once she took it off her 32-c cup breast were exposed as she started to tug her pants down. Once she shimmied out of them she found Naruto just got out of his boxers and she jumped Naruto, kissing him deeply while pulling him onto the bed.

Naruto noticed the position they were in as his member was rubbing against her inner thigh. Yugito gasped as it rubbed up against her and subconsciously arched her back, preparing for him to enter her. She pulled him pulled him further up to where his head was rubbing against her clitoris. Yugito delightfully shuddered at the feeling and bucked her hips forcing the head of Naruto's cock inside of her.

The feeling around his member's head snapped him back into reality as he saw Yugito shudder underneath him. He looked down at her and spoke with sympathy remembering what she had told him earlier. "Are you sure you want to continue?"

Yugito looked into Naruto's eyes with a pleading and lustful look in her eyes and whimpered to him. "Please... continue. I... need this."

Naruto nodded as he saw her look and slowly push further in. Yugito scrapped the Naruto's back with her finger nails as her slowly filled her up. Once he was completely in they both gasped in fulfillment. Yugito pulled Naruto's head down and kissed him deeply while slowly flipping them over so she was on top. Naruto looked up at her in confusion as he really never heard of a girl being on top. Seeing it Yugito spoke in a soft tone. "I want to be the one in control. I never had the opportunity before."

He nodded at her and moved his hands to her hips. "Wait, let me do this first."

Naruto looked confused as Yugito grabbed her wrapped hair and pull the bandages off to reveal her long golden luscious hair. Even if she didn't care about her looks very much she always took precious care of her hair since it was one of the few things she was proud of. As her hair was unbound her face seemed too loosened up, making her look somewhat younger and less boyish. Naruto looked on in aw seeing this and brushed her cheek just to make sure it wasn't an illusion. Yugito blushed at the contact. "W-what..."

Naruto shushed her by placing his finger on her lips. "I was just admiring how beautiful you look with your hair bounded."

She blushed deepened as Naruto moved his hands back to her waist. "Are you ready?"

In response Yugito slowly started bounce her hips. Naruto gasped in pleasure as he felt Yugito's walls gripped his erection and slowly started to massage it. He started to pump into her matching her speed to increase the pleasure she felt along with his own. Yugito moaned quietly as she felt him slowly moving inside of her and started to increase her pace as the tingling feeling between her legs began to increase.

Surprisingly, Naruto kept in sync making Yugito moan a little louder as her burning desire increased. As she rid him, Naruto remembered something Jiraiya had told him. 'Always remember, most women don't get as much pleasure as they make love as the man does. So you need either pleasure her before hand or find the sensual points. With most women with larger breast love it when you massage them and pinch their nipples during sex since it helps them reach their orgasm much faster.'

Naruto moved his right hand of her waist and traveled to her bouncing breast, cupped it and slowly started to squeeze it. Yugito gasped in surprised as she felt him grip her breast but turned into pleasure as he kept up his ministration. After a few moments he moved his head closer and flicked his tongue over the nipple making Yugito gasp loudly. Grinning to himself, Naruto did it once more earning the same response from her. He kept flicking his tongue over it making Yugito shudder and repress her urge to release right there. She slowed down her hips to make the pleasure for both of them last as long as possible.

After an about a minute of teasing her right breast, Naruto switched to give the other the same treatment. Yugito grabbed the back of his head and firmly locked him on her breast to keep up his ministrations. The tingling feeling within her had nearly reached it max and instinctively knew she was close to releasing. She let go of Naruto's head and placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed him down on the bed and bucked her hips as fast as she could trying to gain the release that she was so close to.

A feeling started to slowly spread through Naruto's body like fire, but was very pleasant. As the feeling spread through him, he remembered Jiraiya's speech to him about the birds and the bees since no one else would teach him, 'Now when you feel like you’re close to cumming, warn the girl you are making love to so they can get off if they choose to. If you don't you might make them pregnant and because of your tenant your seed are probably more potent than most males.'

As this memory hit him Naruto moaned loudly. "Yugi-chan I'm gonna cum!"

Yugito absent mindedly noticed what he said, but didn't care as she was more concerned on her own release. She moved her hips even quicker than before and felt something inside of her snap and arched her back and fell on top of Naruto, screaming loudly as her orgasm hit. Naruto felt her inner walls clamp around his throbbing member painfully and thrusted in as deeply as he could as he his semen shot out in a massive loud. The still screaming Yugito felt Naruto push into her deeper than before and something started to flood her making her orgasm double in intensity and bit Naruto's collar bone, unintentionally sending some of her chakra and Nibi’s youki into his system.

As her climax to a halt, she looked up from Naruto's chest and smiled tiredly before passing out. Naruto mouth twitched as he refrained from laughing at the scene and pulled the sheets over them and fell asleep within moments as well, reaching his limit as well.


As the sun rose, it bright beams of light had to pour through the window of the room that the two jinchuurikis were sleeping quite contently. The light of course shined straight into Naruto's eyes forcing the boy awake as he couldn't take the bright light. He tried to sit up but was weighed down by a large object that was... purring?

Memories of what happened during the night hit him and made him smile slightly as he looked down to the goddess sleeping on his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair, enjoying the way it felt between his fingers. Naruto had no idea how long he was stroking her hair before she stared to wake up herself.

Her eyes flickered open and noticed someone was running their hands through her hair, but instead of being freaked out like she normally was, she purred louder knowing it was Naruto. As she looked up at him and he smiled his foxy smile at her. "Good morning Yugi-chan."

Yugito about to respond as well noticed the mark on his neck. "Um... what is that on your neck?"

Naruto looked down to where she was looking at but couldn't see it. Yugito grabbed her hand held mirror from the bed stand and handed it to him. Looking at his reflection, Naruto noticed that there was indeed a mark were Yugito had bit him as the climaxed together. It was in the form of a small cat head with two wiggly lines underneath it.

Both were confused to what it was till both Nibi and Kyuubi told their vessels. "Kit/Kitten, when you bit/were bitten both her/your chakra and Nibi's/my youki were put into it, creating the mark. Basically, she/you declared you/him her/your mate."

At this both of their eyes widen and screamed. "WWWWHHHHAAAAATTTT!!!!!"

"Ow! Dammit keep your voices down. I'm writing here." Both of their heads turned towards the voice to see Jiraiya scribbling madly into his notebook. He unconsciously gulped as he felt the two killing intent focused on him and combined with that of their tenants’ intent as well as all four screamed one thing.


Yugito kicked Jiraiya in the nuts and Naruto slammed a Rasengan in his gut sending him through the conveniently opened window. Slamming the window shut, the two turn to each other and nodded their heads in a job well done and turned around to find Jiraiya in front of them, no worse for the wear.

"Now that you have severely damaged my clone... Naruto, please tell me that's not what I think it is on your neck." Spoke Jiraiya with a little worry seeing the mark on his neck. Naruto nodded making Jiraiya worry more as he checked Yugito's neck and sighed in relief that she didn't have one, otherwise the entire situation would have been very complicated.

"Alright, seeing as he didn't bite you it is okay." Jiraiya turned to Naruto and sighed. "The mark will disappear in one month so you won't be bounded to her for the rest of your life."

Honestly, Jiraiya didn't mind if he was bounded to someone, but not from another village. Especially a jinchuuriki as she was seeing as it could cause some massive trouble as neither village would be willing to give them away seeing they wouldn't dare give another village more power than it has, which probably result in both jinchuuriki abandoning their villages.

"Naruto get dressed, we have training to do. I'll be back in a second." Jiraiya poofed away and appeared in the Raikage's office as he seen the whole thing as well. 'Sorry about this gaki, but we can't have either of you abandoning the villages to be with each other.'


It had been nearly two weeks since the mark was placed on Naruto and he had not once seen Yugito as she was constantly out on missions. Ever since they had made love Naruto mind wandered to her every few minutes making it more difficult for his training. Jiraiya saw this and tried to get his attention of her by offering him to teach him a new jutsu. Naruto accepted but couldn't put his full heart into it as he attempted to do it. This of course made Jiraiya more worried about him and when they spared they tended to be more vicious then normal.

During one spar Jiraiya told him that he had to do with Yugito's disappearance from the village so Naruto wouldn't give her a mark like his as well. For some reason that angered level Naruto beyond reason. It wasn't as if he was planning on doing so, but the fact that if he wanted to do it should have been his own damn business and no one had should have interfered. It angered Naruto enough that he went into four tailed form frightening Jiraiya as Naruto actually went for killing blows against him.

In the end Jiraiya was forced to summon Gamabunta and transform into his sage form to stop Naruto from killing the old pervert. After that event Naruto trained on his own, far away from the pervert not trusting himself not to be civil towards him. Jiraiya attempted to apologize for it and asked him out for ramen, but Naruto refused as he would not touch ramen from a man that would do something horrible to his own daughter.

That caught Jiraiya's attention for two reasons. One, Naruto point blanked refused ramen and two, said that the man did something to Yugito as he knew who his daughters were. He went to the Raikage to speak about this and confirmed it was true, but he didn't have any proof on the man to do anything.

He sighed and walked out of the tower absently noticing that Yugito was walking up, probably finished with her mission. Jiraiya winced as he noticed her depressed expression and toyed with the idea of telling her that they left tomorrow. He decided against it, but wouldn't have if he knew where she had come from. Jiraiya notice the change in her face as she walked past him and he decided he was going to help the Raikage if this got ugly.

Yugito was walking towards the Raikage's office with purpose in every step, even if she was partially depressed since she hadn't seen Naruto the entire time after they made love. She nearly kicked the door down which made the Raikage jump up in alarm as he looked at her.

"Oh, Yugito. Don't scare me like that." said the old kage in relief it was her instead of someone highly skilled assassin.

"Where is his hotel room?" Yugito said in a growl as she stared into the Raikage's eyes.

The Raikage sighed, knowing he would get this reaction sooner or later once they split the two up. "I'm sorry, but I can't give you that information."

Her eyes burned with cold fury as she heard him and hissed out with as much venom as she could. "Can't or won't."

He winced at the tone but stood firm. "Yugito, if it were anyone in this village I would allow this seeing your life up to know. But I can't since he is the same as you and neither of our villages would be willing to let go. Now go. I have paperwork to do."

She growled loudly at him and stood her ground. The Raikage stared at her with a cold glare that he never really had to use against the girl since she was obedient. "That was an ord..."

"I'm pregnant."

Those words froze the Raikage to his chair. He looked at her in mild shock as she spoke once more. "Now where is his room, and don't tell me they left cause I saw that old pervert that he trains with as I walked in."

The genjutsu in the corner faded as a stunned Jiraiya was standing there as the information finally sunk into his head. 'Damn brat! Even if he didn't mark her he just created a whole new fucking problem. I swear he’s even more troublesome than his father… AND THAT IS HARD TO DO! And yet this is so similar to how he and Kushina met... without the pregnancy part.'

Jiraiya stepped forward, shaking off his shock. "And what if we don't?"

Yugito hissed loudly at him. "I will not have MY child be raised without a father. So if you don't tell me, I will follow you and probably become a nukenin."

The Raikage recovering from his shock spoke up. "You could always just abort the child. There is no reason you have..."


Both men flinched knowing it to be the truth. But they weren't going to back down knowing that the council wouldn't allow it since the giving up of one shinobi to another village was in their hands, not the hands of the kage's otherwise it probably would've been done already. Even then it would have been Konoha to give up Naruto since the Hyuuga would do everything in there power to execute her for being from Kumo since Kumo and the Hyuuga weren't on good terms with each other.

"I'm sorry Yugito, but this is an order. You can have the child if you wish but you will NOT be allowed to see him." spoke the Raikage sternly, even if his heart was breaking as he saw tears rolling down Yugito's face.

Yugito looked down to the ground as the tears fell and spoke the words he hoped he never hear from the girl he basically adopted. "I hate you."

And with that said Yugito broke free of Jiraiya's grip and rushed out of the room. The Raikage looked down at his desk and clenched his fist tightly in anger, but at himself. He had always told himself that if she ever fell in love he would not get in the way, but he had to this time since it really wasn't up to him in the end. The Anbu station in the room walked up to the Raikage as he motioned him over. "I want you to watch her to make sure she doesn't leave the village, because as of right now... she is a flight risk."

The Anbu nodded and disappeared in a swirl of static leaving the kage with the Sannin. Jiraiya sighed as he hated to do this and was having regrets on doing so since he already sent a message to Tsunade and knew what the answer would be. The Raikage had made sure with the council before he decided to send Yugito on those missions to keep her away for a little while since the council had said no way in hell they were going to get rid of KUMO’S weapon and knew Konoha would be the same.

Just as they were about to speak once more, a messenger bird flew through the window and landed on its perch. Jiraiya walked over to it and took the bird and took the message of before throwing it to the old man. He opened it quickly seeing it was from Konoha and his eyes widened. "Um, Jiraiya. I might have a way around this now."

Jiraiya blinked in confusion and walked over and read it as well. "Oh hell no. Tsunade isn't going to use that... never mind. She loves playing match maker."


The villagers of Kumogakure were treated to a rare sight as the living weapon of Kumo, Nii Yugito ran down the streets crying her heart out. To them it was strange since she was a demon and didn't have feelings and for others knowing that wasn't the truth were just stunned that something had hit Yugito hard enough to show her emotions in public.

She kept running not knowing where she was heading and to tell the truth, she didn't care. So when she ran into someone she just kept running even if they called her name. She finally made it to here destination, which was where she normally went when she was upset. On the top of her apartment building.

She crawled up into a ball and started crying even harder, not caring about what was happening around her. Until a pair of arms wrapped around her, making her stiffen and get ready for the worse until she heard the voice. "Yugito-chan. What's wrong?"

She turned around to she noticed Naruto in his orange and black jumpsuit looking at her in worry. Yugito couldn't help but jump into his arms and started crying once more. It started to rain as Naruto held onto Yugito, trying to get her through whatever made this happen. The two didn't know how long they were out in the rain till they began to shiver in the cold water.

Naruto jumped down with her in his arms and went to her apartment door as he turned to Yugito who was pulling out her key and unlocked the door and ran straight towards the thermostat and turned it as high as it could go. Yugito was about to head towards the shower when she stopped and turned towards him.

"Naruto..." She took a deep breath and tried to get back her courage as he looked on curiously. "I'm pregnant."

Naruto looked at her in shock, but that turned quickly into excitement and fear for her. He rushed over to her and hugged her tightly, which she accepted easily having some sort of connection to him that wasn't because of their bijuus. "Naruto, I want both of us to raise her, but..."

Naruto looked at her confused. "But what?"

Yugito swallowed the lump in her throat. "Our villages won't allow us to be together. That's why I was crying when you found me."

Naruto stiffened as he heard that, remembering what Jiraiya had said. Taking a few breathes he calmed down enough not to go four tail once more and murder the gamma sennin, or others for that knowing it wasn't just him.

"Yugito-chan, I..." Naruto didn't honestly know what to say, he knew that in Konoha that the Hyuugas would do everything they had to get rid of her, especially Hinata seeing that she had an immense crush on him and had on a few occasions eliminated any competition that reared it face, one way or another.

Yugito looked at him and kissed him on the lips, having the same feeling he was. "Even if we can't be together forever, maybe we could have one more night with each other." Naruto looked at her drenched form with a little confusion. "Besides, I rather not tell our child that we only had a one night stand."

Naruto smiled knowing that he wouldn't want that either and followed Yugito to her bedroom. As they entered the room both stripped off their drenched clothes and crawled into the bed with each other. She crawled over to him rubbed her head against his cheek till her collar bone was at his mouth level. "Mark me. I want to be able to prove to our child that we love each other."

Naruto nodded and pushed some of his chakra and Kyuubi's youki towards his mouth and bit down and sent them both into her system. Yugito winced at the pain of the bite but felt happier as she felt the chakra and youki enter her body and watched with a mirror as a mark with a fox like head and nine wiggly lines underneath it appeared where he had bit her. She smiled happily and put the mirror back on the night stand before she crawled towards Naruto, like a cat stalking its prey and stopped when her head reached his erection.

She purred happily to see it was completely hard already and had a wicked idea pop into her head, courtesy of Nibi. She gripped the large shaft and started to pump it slowly. Yugito was licked her lips as she looked at the long thing she was pumping and lowered her head towards it and licked the tip of it. Naruto's eyes widen when he felt her tongue lick his cock head and looked down to see Yugito purring as she stroked his member. "This is payback for my nipples.

Naruto gulped as she had a wicked gleam in her eyes before she turned back to his hard member before licking the shaft. Naruto moaned loudly as Yugito lick the underside of his cock and was doing everything he could not to release. Yugito grinned widened as she knew it as well and was happily took Nibi's advice and kissed the head to taste the precum. 'Kind of salty yet tangy. Taste kind of like ramen.'

She slowly started to engulf it to the surprise of Naruto and smiled as it tasted pretty well. She slowly started to bob her head down his shaft taking it in little by little till it hit the back of her throat. She tried to force it in back her gag reflex kept it out. "Kitten, loosen your throat muscles then take him all the way. Once in hum if you wish to finish him off quickly."

Listening to what Nibi said, Yugito loosened her throat and slowly took into her throat earning a stunned look by Naruto as he saw her pull it off. She continued to bob her head slowly on his cock, not yet ready for him to cum and wanting to make him feel as much pleasure as possible. After about a minute or two she noticed the agony on his face and decided to let him cum. She took him in all the way once more and hummed.

The reaction was almost instant, she felt his rod become even harder and a hot substance shot into her throat. Yugito took it out her throat so that she could taste it instead of it going straight to her stomach. Four more large blast of cum were shout into her mouth making Yugito have a tough time swallowing it. In the end she managed and grinned manically at Naruto. "That was wonderful. But now on to the main course."

She crawled on top of him and flipped them so she was on the bottom this time. Naruto didn't mind as he wanted to be on top and lined himself up with Yugito's slit since he recovered quickly thanks to Kyuubi's regeneration. He looked at Yugito, who nodded her head, and thrusted in causing both to shudder in pleasure. Naruto started off pumping in slowly as Yugito met his thrust each time. They slowly started to pick up speed as Naruto leaned down and kissed Yugito passionately.

Yugito's hands scrapped Naruto's back as the fire between her legs began to near its peak. She looked up at Naruto's sweating face longingly. Naruto thrust picked up speed as he was reaching his limit while she tried to match his speed, but was unable to do so. But it didn't matter as she clawed Naruto's back and kissed him passionately as her orgasm rocked her body. Her inner walls clamped around Naruto's cock tightly making him shoot his semen deep inside of her as they deepened there kiss.

Once the orgasms wore off, Naruto pulled himself out and rolled over panting from the exertion. Yugito crawled on top of him and laid down on him, planning on using him for a bed. Naruto kissed her forehead which in turn made her purr loudly and cuddle closer into him. Naruto smiled at her reaction as he stroked her hair.

Yugito stopped purring and looked up to Naruto with a dead serious face. "I want to go with you."

Naruto winced mentally as he knew this was going to happen, yet he wanted it to happen somewhere deep inside of him. "I do to, but I don't want you to become a nukenin for me. There must be another way."


As Naruto and Yugito made love, both Jiraiya and the Raikage stood in front of Kumo's council as they looked over the document. The council spokesman spoke up "The treaty sound good as well as the marriage proposal since it is with the last Namikaze and we get a shinobi in exchange for sending one of ours."

The Raikage smiled as he signed the treaty along with the other council members as the same council member spoke up. "Now if I may be so kind, I would wish to send my granddaughter for the arrangement if it’s good with you.”

Most of the council nodded there head while the Raikage shook his head. "Well it up to ME to send who I choice. And I have chosen to send Yugito for the arrangement."

The council burst into an uproar at this news. "SILENCE!"

They shut up quickly remembering there place. "Since you've signed the document you cannot dispute my word." One of the council members spoke up. "That's true, but she just got herself tested and was pregnant at the hospital."

The Raikage smiled widened at that. "That is true. And do you know who the father is?"

Everyone shook their heads not knowing making his smile widen even further. "Her future fiancé since he has been her for the last two weeks."

The council exploded at this information as they didn't want to lose there weapon. He and Jiraiya walked out, not caring what the said with the biggest smiles on their faces, even if they were for two totally different reasons.

Jiraiya went to Naruto's room only to not find him there and decided to go to Yugito's apartment since he could have gone there to say good bye. He arrived the same time the Raikage did to see the Anbu the Raikage sent to watch over her, guarding the door. He turned towards the two and spoke. "You don't want to go in there right now. I accidentally disturbed them and had to dodge a blue spinning orb from that blonde kid, even then I couldn't dodge Yugito's kick to my groin."

The gamma sannin winced as he nearly had the same fate when he discovered the two in bed together the first time. "Well, we got good news for them. Besides, Jiraiya is entering before I am so he'll take the punishment instead of me." came from the slightly happy Raikage as he pushed an unwilling Jiraiya through the door.

Soon as they entered they noticed the bedroom door was opening as two blondes walked out and noticed the others in the room. Yugito squeak undignified as she noticed the Raikage and jumped behind Naruto, remembering what he said earlier. "Yugito, you can come out. I have good news for you two."

Both walked towards the small couch and down on it. The two kage level shinobi noticed the mark on Yugito's collar bone but didn't make anything of it.

A scroll was thrown at the two by Jiraiya. "Read it."

Naruto unrolled it and both read it quickly. Naruto's eyes widen reading while Yugito was in tears. Naruto jumped up in anger. "YOU TWO ARE HAVING HERE MARRIED OFF TO THIS NAMIKAZE GUY!"

Jiraiya sighed and remembered he forgot that Naruto didn't know of his heritage. "Naruto, do you know your true clan name."

Naruto blinked in confusion as he didn't get what this had to do with the situation at hand. "And what does that have anything to do with this!"

Jiraiya refrained from bashing his student’s skull in for being a moron. "Naruto your clan name is not Uzumaki; it is your maiden name. Your clan name is Namikaze."

Naruto's eyes widen in realization as Yugito's tear stopped and jumped up and hugged the Raikage. "I'm sorry Ojij-san! I didn't mean what I said."

The Raikage smiled and patted her head. "I know magomusume, I know."

Naruto smiled at their interaction as it reminded him of Sarutobi-ojij and himself. After a few minutes Yugito let go of him and turned to Jiraiya. "When do we leave?"

Jiraiya thought about what he saw in the council room and answered. "Best to leave now while a carrier bird gives this copy back to Konoha."

Yugito nodded her head and rushed to her room to get packed." The Raikage looked towards Naruto and shook his head. "Boy, I don't know how you did it, but I'm glad you did. This is the happiest I have ever seen her before. Just know one thing, if you hurt her, I WILL hunt you down. And if I'm dead, I WILL haunt your ass."

Naruto gulped deeply and nodded his head, it wasn't everyday a kage threaten you and turned to Jiraiya with an angry glare on his face. "You knew who my family was and didn't tell me!"

Jiraiya winced as he figured this would happen when he told Naruto, he was just hoping he did it around Tsunade so she could use her super human strength to hold him down. "Yes."

Naruto looked angrier and was about to attack when Jiraiya continued. "I will tell you once we left the village, fair enough."

Thinking about it for a few moments, he nodded his head in agreement. Just then, Yugito ran out of her room with a bag full of scrolls on her back. While Jiraiya threw Naruto his pack before speaking to both of them. "We'll travel till we're out of Kaminari no Kuni then rest before we begin training for the next 5 months before heading back to Konoha."

The two nodded as they walked out of the apartment. "Yugito, your hitai-ate please." spoke the Raikage as he held out his hand.


Yugito smiled sadly as she took it off her forehead and gave it to him. "Ja ne, ojij-san."

He smiled at her before giving her a light hug. "Bye, magomusume."

With that Yugito ran off to catch the two in front of her. The Raikage smiled happily before turning back to go get some rest since he would have to deal with the council all day tomorrow.


Six Years Later

Naruto was standing in front of the entire council of Konoha along with Tsunade and Jiraiya with Yugito and his five year blonde haired blue eyed old daughter Namikaze Kihana and their two year old blonde hair emerald eyed son Namikaze Arashi. Mitokado Homura smiled a bit before becoming stoic as he spoke up. "Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto, Konoha no Nidan Kiroi Senko. Do you know why you have been summoned?"

Naruto nodded in response. "I have a pretty good idea, but it's best for you to say it just to make sure I'm not jumping to conclusions."

Homura nodded before speaking out as the spokesman. "As we have looked at your records of performance, leadership, proficiency, chakra capacity, control, ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, kenjutsu, kinjutsu and your background we have decided that you are the best among the other candidates that were up for the running of Rokudaime Hokage."

Naruto smiled lightly as he heard this and was controlling himself from Hiraishining around the village screaming like a mad man, even if it happened twice before during Kihana and Arashi's births.

"Now this doesn't mean were giving you the position yet." This came from Utatane Koharu.

Hyuuga Hiashi nodded his head as he continued for her. "You’re still to green as of now even if you have the skill."

Akimichi Chouza continued. "So in order to get you ready you will come to each clan complex once a week to learn the guidelines each different clan has."

Nara Shikaku continued where he left off. "You will also learn how to plan ahead instead of making complex plans on the spot."

Yamanaka Inoishi picked up were he left off. "You will need to learn what every facial movement can mean so you can tell if you’re being lied to or if they are telling the truth.”

Inuzaku Tsume continued on. "You will also need to keep your skill honed so you don't fall behind others."

The last person just smirked as he looked at Naruto with his glowing red eyes. "Now get out of here and Hiraishin around like a mad man like we know you want to... dobe." This was none other than Uchiha Sasuke as he smirked at his friend... no brother that saved him from himself and destroyed most of Akatsuki single handily while leaving Itachi for Sasuke to finish off.

Naruto smirked back at him before turning to his wife and kissing her deeply. As they unlocked lips both chibis jumped on Naruto's back. "Oh, you two want to celebrate with daddy." Both nodded their heads energetically as Naruto laughed and turned toward his wife.

Yugito just nodded and rolled her eyes at Naruto. "Alright, just don't drop them."

Naruto kissed his wife's cheek before disappearing with the chibis in hand in a flash of yellow light. The flash of light was seen throughout the town as the two chibis and Naruto were running screaming about being the Hokage.

Most of the villagers smiled at their actions as they finally saw that Naruto was not the Kyuubi, but the shinobi that saved them from being destroyed many times over. There were a few that still hated him, but knew better than to do anything about it if they didn't want to be shredded by the Rasengan or electrified by the Chidori, courtesy of Sasuke...



A/N2: I'm thinking about turning this into a fic, so if anyone can give me their opinions on this will be a great help.