Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Naruto Chronicles ❯ Good Kyuubi ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: There will be another Naruto/Kyuubi chapter later on after this, since I want to do one with Good Kyuu and another with Evil Kyuu. I did forget to mention this before, but there will be character deaths... and not just Naruto's as last chapter. I don't mind flames, but be productive with them otherwise I won't understand what the hell you’re talking about and delete the review. And yes I do use a dictionary/thesaurus for this as I don't want to repeat the same words over and over again.

I Still Don't Own Naruto Even Though I Wish I Did.


Chapter 3 Kyuubi no Kitsune: Good

Naruto gritted his teeth as he stared at the young man with blood red eyes with three tomoes surrounding his iris. His raven colored hair blew in the wind as he held a stoic glare at the panting orange and black jumpsuit wearing teen in front of him.

"Sasuke, stop this madness and come home!" Yelled Sakura as she was held back by Juugo and Suigetsu. The only reason they could hold her back was that they drained her chakra with Samehada since Suigetsu managed to kill Kisame and take it away from him.

She was slapped by Karin as she smirked and put a kunai at her throat. "That's Sasuke-kun to you. And why should he stop? This little brat somehow managed to kill Itachi, so by Sasuke killing him proves that he could have killed him. Now shut up or I will slit your throat."

Sasuke stared coldly at Naruto and pulled out his Chokuto and activated his Chidori Nagashi and appeared in front of Naruto with his sword at Naruto's heart while his other hand was placed on his head, preventing Naruto from using Kyuubi's youki. Sasuke pushed the blade through Naruto's flesh and it pierced straight through Naruto's heart and went out his back as the electric current around the blade burned the surrounding flesh and organs, making it unhealable even by Kyuubi.



The said teen's body was floating in the waters of his mind in front of a large cage that could hit the five heads of the Hokage monument if rearranged correctly. Two crimson eyes opened as a black shadow appeared in the cage sunk in the water. The shadowed figured placed its face to the front of the cage to reveal a large fox with reddish orange fur with nine tails twice the length of his body.

It tried to flow it's youki to Naruto but it failed to be released from the cage. It snarled as the room around it began to dark as Naruto's heart stopped. The growing dark increased rapidly as it surrounded the two making the kitsune snarl in anger. "I will not die here! I refuse to DIE!"

Kyuubi's youki flared to the max and filled the cage surrounding it with an eerie crimson glow. The cage around the fox started to crumble as the output of youki increased to levels never seen before as its powers kept rising. Kyuubi noticed the cage starting to crumble around itself and in one last ditched effort, rammed itself against the gate, destroying it.

It smirked as it saw this and started to walk out, but grabbed Naruto with one of its tails and lifted him up to its face. "It finally has come to be. Fu fu fu. It seems I have a body to transmute to form mine."

An evil smirk crossed its face before moving out of the darkness.


Sakura's scream was cut off as Karin ripped her kunai through her throat. Seeing there was no use of holding a dead body back, Juugo and Suigetsu threw her body onto the ground next to Naruto's as Sasuke kicked it off his sword. Sasuke turned to team hebi with his usual cold demeanor as his Sharingan eyes were no longer the three tomoe surrounding a pupil, but a three bladed shuriken. "We leave."

Juugo and Suigetsu nodded as Karin attempted to grab Sasuke's ass but he easily avoided her and walked between the psycho path and the water shape shifter. Karin pouted and walked besides Suigetsu and stopped suddenly as she felt a large amount of youki beginning to build. Sasuke saw Karin stop and turned around to see what the chakra and youki sensor was feeling.

His eyes widen as he saw Kyuubi's youki burst out of Naruto's stomach and cover him. Naruto's body slowly rouse in the air as the youki increased dramatically and started to heal his wounds at a unbelievable pace that could rival that of Cell from Dragon Ball Z. All the burned tissue, muscle and organs complete healed within seconds as if the fatal wound never occurred. The Uchiha's eyes narrowed and was about to rush him once more when Naruto fell back to the ground, breathing slightly.

But Kyuubi's youki did something that no one expected. It separated from Naruto's body and surrounded Sakura's. The youki burned the tanned and unblemished skin of Sakura's and started to enter her body furiously. Her skin started to flake and turn to ashes as the youki intensity increased as it drilled its way in. Within seconds the youki output increased ten fold and instead of turning Sakura's body into ash it started to melt from the intense heat. The youki continued like this for a few moments, but it seemed like hours for the ones watching as the intensity of the youki started to decrease as it flowed into her body till it was completely inside.

Karin, Juugo, Suigetsu and even Sasuke puked as the saw what was remaining of Sakura's body. It looked as if a giant had stepped on her and then set her body on fire to get rid of the evidence but failed to do so. Karin was about to puke again when she felt another surge of youki coursing through Sakura's veins. As she felt it, Kyuubi's youki erupted from Sakura's body sending her parts flying as her body exploded, but the pieces of flesh and bone stayed within a barrier of red youki that was shaped of that of a human.

The pieces of meat started to form and compact into a ball of bloody flesh and started to form the internal organs of a woman as it clearly had ovaries. The meanwhile, the small and shattered and melted pieces of bone started rapidly reform into a different, harder yet more flexible shape but still that of a human’s, but with nine long, boney tails sprouted from her tail bone.

As soon as the bones and organs that were floating in the air as of the wild youki were stable, muscle tissue began to grow. The muscles were lean and tough and very well toned even without the skin. As the muscles formation completed the skin started to grow rapidly, grossing out everyone nearby. As it was finally finished, reddish orange hair began to grow from her head and stopped at her waist as the same color fur covered her tails.

Even if they were completely disgusted by the transmutation of Sakura's body, team hebi minus Karin nearly got nose bleeds as they stared at a woman around eighteen years old with an athletic body, creamy tanned skin, three whisker marks on each cheek and had a pair of D-cup breast with pink nipples standing erect in the center. She had two little fox ears where normal ones should have been and was around the same height as Naruto if not a taller by an inch.

Karin looked at the women with contempt as she believed she was trying to steal HER Sasuke. 'This fucking whore better back off. Sasuke is MINE!'

The women looked at her with a harden glare that made Karin flinch. "Don't flatter yourself whore. I don't want anything from the bastard." Came from the women as she covered herself with the nine fury tails behind her. This snapped the other three out of their staring as Karin was shocked. The women eyes opened to reveal bright crimson eyes and a black iris in the middle as she smirked at her.

"I'm telepathic wench. You didn't think the strongest of the bijuus wouldn't be able to do something that Yonbi is capable of, as I am the Kyuubi no Youko, lord of the demonic realm." At this all four tensed in fear as they realized it actually was Kyuubi in front of them and were ready to bolt at a moments notice.

Kyuubi's eyes turned towards Sasuke and she snarled at him. "You've cause a serious grievance in my life as I lived in the kit. Die now."

With lighting speed that the Sharingan couldn't track, one of her tails impaled Sasuke through the head splattering his blood over his three teammates. Kyuubi removed her tail from Sasuke's head with a sickening plop as his body slumped to the ground in the horror of the others.

Not caring if they had recovered yet, Kyuubi used three more of her tails to impale Juugo through the heart, Suigetsu through his throat and tore Karin's torso of her legs leaving her alive. Kyuubi walked towards her torso and looked at her with her crimson eyes burning into Karin's memory. "Never call me a whore."

Kyuubi wrapped three of her tails around Karin's arms and neck and pulled with immense strength, ripping the said appendages off. Her blood gushed out of her neck in spurts, covering Kyuubi's uncovered breast.

Seeing her work was done, Kyuubi turned around to see a woman with blue hair with a paper flower in it and a man with spiky auburn hair with piercings covering his face wearing black cloaks with red clouds were standing in front of her with Naruto's body in hand. The man placed a quick seal over Naruto's stomach, thinking Kyuubi was still bounded to him and would be forced to return, as she probed his mind with her telepathy.

She smirked at that. "That won't work since I am freed from that prison, Pein, no Nagato is it."

Both Pein and the women's eyes widen in fright as Kyuubi smirked wickedly at them. "So you work under Madara. I'll be killing him soon as he is the reason for my imprisonment."

Before the two could move Kyuubi disappeared. Pein heard a gurgling sound and turned to Konan to see Kyuubi's clawed hand rip out the women's throat. "KONAN!"

He attempted to rush Kyuubi but four tails pierced his limb and severed them and left Naruto unharmed as he fell to the ground. She walked towards Pein and looked at him with contempt before stabbing him in the groin. Pein screamed in agony as his manhood crushed and torn to pieces by the strike before she removed her tail. "Your group attempt to murder my mate and to seal and control my sisters. Now that I know where they are, I will release them in due time."

With that said Kyuubi using some of her youki sent a claw swipe that looked something like Inuyasha could do at him, obliterating his body as it connected. She turned around without care and walked towards Naruto's body with an euphoric look on her face as she picked him up and held him to her bloodied breast. "Soon my Naruto-kun."

Red and white flames started to swirl around them before they became a burst of flames and disappearing from the area as a small dog wearing shinobi gear followed by a man with silver hair with a Sharingan eye in his left socket and a man with blackish brown hair and a hitai-ate similar to the Shodaime Hokage. They paled as they saw the bloodied and destroyed bodies in the area. "Pakkun, can you still smell Naruto and Sakura."

Pakkun nodded shakily. "I smell neither, though Naruto is alive... Sakura's on the other hand... disappeared completely except for some blood. But there is something more disturbing here. A scent I haven't smelled in fifteen years."

Both Kakashi and Yamato's face pales at the implication. "The fox has a body back... and last scent was here... the same place as Naruto's."

Kakashi turned to Yamato in fright. "We got to get back to Konoha and warn them of a potential attack."

Yamato nodded and both took off towards Konoha with blinding speeds.


Naruto's eyes slowly began to open as he heard a loud purring sound echoing around him. Everything was blurry so he blinked a few times before he took a look at his surroundings. He noticed the room was dark, but still seeable as there was a torch lit, he was in a circular bed with crimson sheets covering him and a women sleeping on his chest with reddish orange hair with...


Her purring ceased as she looked up at Naruto. "Is there something wrong with it being me? I thought this was your fantasy except with Sakura with little fox ears instead of me."

Naruto backed away in surprise in fright. 'For her to know that... SHE REALLY IS KYUUBI!'

She nodded in response to his unasked question. Calming himself down and remembering the events before he ended up here he turned towards Kyuubi. "What happened and how are you free from the seal?"

Kyuubi sighed and took a deep breath and should have known he would have asked her question instead of going straight to her devirgining. Yes, the fame Kyuubi no Youko was still a virgin as she had not found a male worthy of her time and thus hadn't made love. There were a few exceptions but something always kept them from her.

With Uchiha Madara it was his world domination schemes and superiority complex, the Shodaime Hokage as he died by Madara's hands and Namikaze Minato as he was taken and already had a child that she was oddly enough sealed within. It made some sense that his child would be worthy of her attention but didn't happen with the others so she made no big deal of it.

"Alright, where to begin. Well that bastard Uchiha stabbed you through the heart with his sword covered in electricity and used the Uchiha's youki inhibitor that a few posses, stopping my youki from healing you. Sakura screamed as she saw your heart being pierced but was cut off short as the red hair girl slit her throat... killing her instantly.”

Naruto's eyes widen and tears began to fall onto his cheek but continued listening to Kyuubi explanation.

"You appeared in front of my cage as you were dying so I tried to flow my youki into you but was still inhibited so I couldn't do so. The seal was weakening as you were dying so I flared my youki to my full extent and busted through the cage. After I was free I healed you and kept your soul from reaching the other world."

Naruto was still in tears from Sakura's death making Kyuubi sigh. "You won't like this part as I know you actually loved her. After I healed you I used Sakura's body to transmute my own since there was no way to revive her."

Naruto's eyes widen in horror and jumped away from Kyuubi even if he had no clothes on and back as far away as he could since he couldn't find an exit which Kyuubi had an illusion over to keep him there. "You monster!"

Kyuubi flinched at his words and had a tear fall from her eyes as it hurt coming from him. "I can't say anything that can change your opinion about that, but nothing could revive her as she was. I couldn't heal her as my youki only heals you and is harmful to everything else it touches. The giant breasted hokage wouldn't have been able to heal her as her chakra cords, a large number of nerves and wind piped were severed from the cut. Even if the wound was somehow healed, she still would have died as her body wouldn't have been able to function properly as her brain could not send any messages to her body... making it useless to prolong her life. So I used her flesh to revive my own as if I didn't you would be dead and I would be sealed with my sisters."

Tears were streaming down Naruto's face like waterfalls as he heard Kyuubi's explanation. "You still didn't have to use her body! You could have used someone else! Like that Karin girl that Sasuke is with!"

Kyuubi shook her head and took a deep breath before explaining. "No I couldn't. It had to be a recently dead body that the soul has left. If I could I would have used her body to do so. And she was with the Uchiha gaki."

Naruto blinked in confusion and made his vision blurrier as his tears had yet to stop. "What do you mean was?"

Kyuubi looked at him with some glee on her face. "I killed him, her and his two companions before I killed the man that killed Jiraiya and the blue hair girl that arrived to capture you since they believed I was a summon."

"Y-you killed Sasuke. Now I'll never be accepted by the villagers. Now they'll just see me even worse than I was before." Kyuubi snarled at that and reminded herself to pay a few of them back for their cruel punishments over the years.

"I don't care about them. I only care for you well being." Naruto looked up at her in questioning as his tears stopped falling, but only because they had dried out.

"Why is that? Are you still attached to me?" Kyuubi crawled off her bed and walked towards Naruto and kneeled down next to him and wiped some of the tears of his cheeks.

"Can't say I'm attached to you anymore by the seal... but I am still attached to you... since I like... no love you. Your one of the few that meets my expectations of what a mate of mine should be. You made it through torture no other could go through and came out of it with your head held up high. You treated everyone with kindness, even if you didn't know them and even if they were enemies. Everything you do is something I find worthy in a life partner. Know this, if those villagers don't accept you, you will always have me since I have accepted you since the day you were born."

If he could cry more, he would have been crying a river. He jumped on Kyuubi and hugged her and attempted to cry about everything in his life. Kyuubi mentally sighed as her plan didn't go as she wanted it and she had no clue how to comfort someone but did so as she did care for the boy. After a few minutes, Naruto had passed out as the stress from losing his crush, failing to retrieve Sasuke once more and his burden proclaiming her love to him.

She picked him up and set him in her bed once more. She looked over to the clock and noticed it was midnight and sighed and tucked herself under the covers as well and curled up next to Naruto and covered him with her tails. She played with his blonde locks for a little while before she tired as well and fell asleep with him firmly pressed between her breasts.


Kyuubi woke to feel movement between her breasts and noticed a red faced Naruto trying to get away from her without being noticed. She smirked and pulled him closer only to feel something hard poke her inner thigh. She looked down to see Naruto's considerable length poking against her and blushed a bright red as she had an evil smirk growing on her face before looking back up to Naruto. "Oh, so are you happy to be between my babies."

He blushed madly as he didn't want to give an answer in fear of her wrath as the same thing happened with him and Tsunade and... Well, it wasn't pretty. Kyuubi smirked and used her tails to throw the cover off and crawl towards his large cock and put it between her breasts turned back to him. Naruto blush turned purple as he saw this and was close to a nose bleed as she bounced and her breast slid across his member making Naruto moan in pleasure. Her smirk widened seeing his reaction. "Oh so you do like it. Then I guess I'll do it then."

Kyuubi gripped her breast and started to slowly pump them around Naruto's large and thick member. He moaned loudly as her giant breast slowly bounced on him giving him immense pleasure. She tried to go faster but the friction hurt her breast a bit so she decided to slicken his member so it would be easier to stroke.

She pulled her breast away from him earning a groan of disappointment but changed into a loud surprised moan as she licked the underside of his shaft slowly. Her tongue reached the crown and swirled her tongue around it with gusto finding the taste satisfying. As she finished lick his crown she noticed the pre-cum on seeping out of his slit and kiss his head and flicked her tongue on the top. 'Hm. Sweat yet salty... kind of like sweat and sour pork without it being so sweat.'

She sucked lightly on it for a few moments before licking the sides till they were wet enough to slide between her breast without it being to rough for her. Setting herself up a little higher, Kyuubi placed Naruto's thick member between her breasts and slowly started to pump slowly once more. She gradually increased her pace and lowered her head to and kissed the tip once more. She lightly sucked on the plump purple head as her breast slowly milked his cock while she used one of her tails to rub against her womanhood, making her shudder in pleasure. Kyuubi started to pick up the speed and used a few of her tails to restrain Naruto from thrusting into her mouth.

Naruto was in heaven as his member felt like it was between two warm, fleshy pillows and the hot wetness sucking his little soldiers head as to drink something. He wasn't ignorant of sex, hell being around perverts all your life makes it nearly impossible, he just never though it would feel this good and never once thought that the demon that was inside of him would be the one giving it.

He felt something churn in his sack and felt as if his blood was liquid fire as he came into Kyuubi's mouth. Kyuubi felt his cock grow harder and bulged between her breasts and felt his warm seed shot into her mouth. Surprised at the sudden outpouring, Kyuubi spit Naruto's cock along with his cum out of her mouth. Another blast of the white hot seed shot out and splashed on her face and top of her breast. Four more blast of a large amount of cum landed on her face, into her nose, hair and on top and in-between her breast.

Kyuubi stopped rubbing herself and took a whiff of the semen that was caught in her nose. She instantly became woozy and felt herself starting to become wet as her body heated up as she stared at Naruto with lust in her eyes. She used her tongue to taste the cum covering her face and found it had a salty taste, sort of like ramen, which she loved with a passion and passed on to Naruto as part of the sealing.

Kyuubi instantly wiped her hand on all the semen on her face and brought it to her mouth and licked it clean. She brought her breast to her mouth and licked off and savored the taste of what cum she could get. Naruto felt himself grow even harder as he saw this as it was highly arousing to him to see her enjoy his essence.

She crawled on top of him and kissed him on the lips as she rubbed her body against his. Being caught up in the moment, Naruto deepened his kiss and wrapped his hands around her waist to keep her from moving. He licked Kyuubi's bottom lip letting her know he want access and gave it to him delightfully. His tongue roamed into the surprisingly submissive kitsune's mouth before he had to separate as he needed air.

As they both panted heavily, they stared into each others feral yet loving eyes. They quickly continued their kiss as Naruto grabbed her waist and attempted to line himself up with her. Feeling his cock head rubbed her clitoris; Kyuubi instantly stopped the kiss and broke free of his grip. She rolled of him and placed herself on her hands and knees and waved her ass in the air as her tails slowly wrapped around Naruto and brought him closer to her.

Naruto getting the hint as he saw Ero-sennin take that girl he paid to show Naruto what the bird and the bee was about the same way, placed his dick at her slick entrance, slowly pushed in as he gripped her waist. Kyuubi squeaked loudly as he pushed his way to her barrier and whimpered in fear and pleasure as she turn her head back towards Naruto. "Please... be gentle... This is... my first time."

Naruto nodded, recalling that as the girl Jiraiya taken was a virgin as well. Pulling his hips back he whispered comforting words into Kyuubi's fox ears before her impaled his rod through her barrier. Kyuubi screamed and fell to the ground writhing in pain.

He hugged her lightly and nibbled on her ear, trying to soothe her. After about a minute of getting used to his length and the pain dying away, Kyuubi slowly pushed herself back on all fours and used a few of her tails to keep Naruto as the way he was. Figuring what she wanted, Naruto grabbed a hold of her breast as he laid on top of her back and slowly started to thrust inside her as he continued to nibble on her 'cute' fox ears.

She moaned loudly as he kneaded her breast as he slowly picked up the pace of his thrusting. She started to rock her hips to match his speed increasing the fiction, allowing it to be more pleasurable for them. Her moaning was mellifluous to his ears as he increased his pace further, which she matched easily. Her walls were tight and continued to squeeze tighter after each thrust, forcing him to go faster and harder just to get through.

His blood was feeling like liquid fire once more and knew he was close to coming and if the heat he could feel from Kyuubi was an indicator, she was as well. "Kyuubi-hime... I'm gonna..."

Kyuubi interrupted him with a loud and painful scream as her inner walls clamped around him. "YES! PLEASE DO! I WANT IT ALL!"

He really didn't have a choice in the matter due to her walls clamping around him so tightly that he couldn't help but release into her. Kyuubi's eyes widen as she felt the hot liquid pour into her womb in six massive waves allowing her orgasm to reach an even higher peak as she screamed his name to the heavens as Naruto bit down on her collar bone to keep himself from screaming as well.


Kami eyes twitched as he heard Kyuubi's loud scream from his desk full of papers. "Dammit! That's going to be more paperwork! I hate that fox!"

Nearby, Namikaze Minato was sitting with his wife with Jiraiya and Sarutobi nearby as they also heard the loud scream but he said a completely different thing. "I'm so proud of you son. You've managed to tame the kitsune."

Minato said with tears streaming down his eyes in happiness. A loud smack was heard as a woman with red hair glared at him with unholy rage in her eyes.


He had only one coherent thought as she approached him ominously. 'This isn't going to end well.'

"Kushina I can explain..." No sooner than those words left his mouth she started to beat the living day lights out of him.

Jiraiya on the other hand had a telescope in hand and was looking out of heaven giggling perversely as he was writing rapidly in his notebook while Sarutobi had a small smile on his face as he shook his head. "I had a feeling that this would happen sooner or later. I hate being right all the time."


Kyuubi fell to the ground with Naruto on her back, panting heavily as they were both worn out. He pulled himself out and rolled off of her and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her lightly. Kyuubi panted slightly as she wrapped her arms and tails around Naruto and pulled him closer to her. "That... was incredible."

In response Kyuubi nuzzled Naruto lightly but felt a sharp pain on her collar bone as she did so. She ignored it and continued nuzzling her head against Naruto's neck and chest. It wasn't long till he pasted out due to his physical and mental fatigue. Kyuubi pulled herself away from him and got off the bed and walked towards the mirror hanging on the wall. She looked at her neck and nearly jumped screamed in surprise as she noticed a black spiral like that on Naruto's jacket on her collar bone. 'He marked me! D-does t-that mean h-he wants m-me.'

She turned back to Naruto and probed his mind with her telepathy to get her answer. She didn't want to jump to conclusions as he could have done it accidentally. Once finding her answer, she smiled lightly and crawled up next to him and cuddled against him using her tails to bring the sheets to cover them as it was quite cold and was very early in the mourning.

As she covered them with the sheets and her tails she looked towards Naruto's collar bone and slowly opened her mouth to reveal her rather large canines and sunk them into his neck and pushed a minute amount of her youki into his system. She released and licked up the blood and saw a black fox form. She let a small smile grace her lips before pulling him close and cuddling into his chest before drifting off to dream land.

A few hours later Kyuubi awoke smelling very familiar scents. She was confused as she had never smelled them before, but then realized that it was scents that were familiar to Naruto, not her. She figured them to be his friends and foster family, so she pulled out a black battle kimono as she had no regular ones and walked towards the illusion covered door to greet them till she heard rustling in the bed. She turned around to see Naruto sitting up and looking around the room and noticed Kyuubi. "Kyuu-tenshi, where are you going?"

Kyuubi smiled slightly at him. "Your friends are here, I was going to greet them for you."

Naruto's eyes widen. "They're here! Your not plan…” Kyuubi shock her head. "No, I was just planning on scaring them a bit before taking them to you. But since your up, mine as well get dressed and come with me."

Naruto nodded then realized he didn't have any clothes and turned towards a snickering Kyuubi. She pointed towards the dresser and noticed his jumpsuit was on it. He smiled and tried to walked over to the dresser but stumbled as he got off the bed, but was caught a tail. "Your body will be weak for the next week since your body did die so you're still recovering from it and last night only set the healing process back. It would be best to wait here for now."

Naruto nodded in understanding as Kyuubi grabbed his jumpsuit and handed it to him. He started to get dressed and noticed his reflection in the mirror that he had a mark in the shape of a black fox with nine tails on his collar bone.

"It's a mark that proves that we are mates for life." Came Kyuubi’s said behind and stretching out her neck, showing him the mark he left on her.

Naruto looked at it and noticed it looked like the spiral he always had on his clothes. "Wait, how did I mark you? I know about them I just didn't know how."

She nuzzled her head against his neck and bit down lightly on his collar bone before looking up to him. "That's how, only you send chakra and/or youki into the bite. And if you want to know when, it was during our little session earlier."

Naruto nodded remembered doing so and cupped Kyuubi's face before kissing her deeply on the lips. She moaned lightly before pulling away as the approaching scents were nearing. "Alright, get dressed and I'll bring them in." Naruto nodded and was about to do so but turned back to Kyuubi.

Kyuubi knowing what it was answered. "You wish to know why I attacked Konoha, correct."

Naruto nodded. "I attack because I was summoned by a man I thought long dead. He summoned me to make me his, one way or another. So I went into a blind rage and tore one of his eyes out before he ran away while I was transforming into my true form. After I finished, I followed his scent to Konoha. The rest you know is history, though I smelt a scent that was identical to his there during the ordeal."

Stunned from the revelation, Naruto asked. "Who was the man?"

Kyuubi took a deep breath before answering. "Uchiha Madara, the originator of the Sharingan, and the leader of Akatsuki."

Naruto's eyes widen at the implications. Kyuubi nodded as she read his mind. "Yes, Madara is the reason for me being sealed into you, but all blame cannot be place on him as a lot was my own and a little was that of your fathers."

Naruto looked confused at her as he didn't know his family, yet Kyuubi somehow did. She sighed; annoyed that no one had bothered to tell him his lineage. "I know you can figure out Madara and my own blame but your father's you do not know."

He nodded as he was wondering that as Kyuubi sighed before continuing knowing he would most likely freak out once she finished. "Your father sealed me within you instead of the other recently born children, as he couldn't burden or allow them to turn the child into a weapon."

Realization dawned on Naruto. "M-my father was t-the..."

"The Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato. Yes he was." Interrupted Kyuubi. Hearing this, everything made sense to him. Why would he take someone else's child and burden them, he chose his own son, believing that it would be for the best... only it was nearly the opposite. Kyuubi sensing his emotional distress and picked him up and laid him on the bed once more.

"Stay, I will be right back." Kyuubi white flamed shushined out of the room, leaving Naruto to think on what she had said.


The remaining members of the Rookie Nine along with team Gai, team Konohomaru, the sand siblings without Gaara as he was screaming at the amount of paperwork he had, their sensei's, Sai, Yamato, Anko, Ibiki, Genma, Yugao, Inoishi, Shikaku, Chouza, Hiashi, Tsume, Tsunade and Shizune were following Pakkun, Kuromaru and Akamaru as they had managed to locate Naruto's scent and were led to a large cave that had a opening larger than that of the Hokage tower. They all were there as it was a SS-rank mission and wished to confirm if Kyuubi was resurrected and if Naruto was alive and if he was to rescue him.

Tsunade stopped the group before they went in. "Alright. Be warned, Kyuubi is freed and is keeping Naruto captive. If you see it, run away and don't attempt to fight."

Everyone nodded and was about to head into the cave when a shadowy figure was seen moving towards them. Everyone tensed as they saw the figure walk into the light. They almost dropped their guard until they saw the nine tails flowing behind her. Her red eyes looked over everyone before she let a small smile grace her lips making everyone jump back in fear. "I guess you here for Naruto."

Everyone tensed at that and Hinata jumped forward with her Byukugan activated. "Where is he?!"

Kyuubi looked towards her with a raised eyebrow. "Calm down little girl. Don't pick a fight you can't win. Especially since he has chosen me."

Kyuubi swayed her hair revealing the mark on her neck to everyone there. Each elder shinobi recognized the mark and tensed further seeing it and hoping it wasn't what they believed it was. Hinata didn't budge and held her ground as the kitsune moved towards her. Everyone tensed and was about to scream at Hinata, but Kyuubi passed by her and walked towards Kakashi and stopped with inches of him and glared into his regular and Sharingan eyes. "You. Why did you never tell Naruto his lineage? The same for you breasted bimbo."

Kyuubi said the last part glaring at Tsunade. Everyone there that knew his lineage flinched at this and Tsunade decided to answer for them, albeit somewhat timidly. "Minato left us instructions on not to do so till he became a chunin or turned 18. He had many enemies that would have come after Naruto if they knew he was his child and worse if they knew about you. It was for his best interest."

Kyuubi glared at her, but nodded grudgingly. "You still should have told him since Akatsuki was after him and the fact that the leader was the man that killed your grandfather himself."

Tsunade's eyes widen hearing that as well as every other shinobi there knowing it was Uchiha Madara that ended the first reign as Hokage. Shikaku was the first to speak for them. "How is that possible? He would be a hundred years old and his fighting capacity would be much lower than it was back then."

Kyuubi looked at him and shrugged her shoulders. "All I know is when he summoned me fifteen years ago he was much younger than the last time I had seen him. It's as if he transmuted another body to create his own as I have, though he would have need and Uchiha's to do so."

This had everyone's eyes narrowed as they had somewhat figured out what had occurred on the night of her attack. "Yes, you are correct in your assessments. I would not have attack if I wasn't summoned and didn't go into a blind rage."

"Then why did you attack us if he was the one you were after?" Shikamaru having the sharpest mind of the group asked.

She shrugged. "His scent was in Konoha and it was mingled with his families so it was hard to tell if it was him or Sasuke as his scent is nearly identical to his. So I attacked thinking he was there as I didn't know of the bastard back then."

Everyone there couldn't dispute her information but weren't going to let their guards down as she could very well be lying to them. Hinata had listen but didn't care as she was focused on her goal. "Where is Naruto?"

Kyuubi turned back to her and was starting to get a little annoyed at the girl’s attitude towards her. She walked towards her and wrapped her neck with a tail, putting everyone on alert. "Little girl, I will be treated with respect, so do not demand things from me. As to where my... what do you call him in your terms... ah yes, husband."

Hinata's eyes widen further than everyone else as they heard this and tears streamed down her face. "He is currently on our bed with severe emotional distress because of the Uchiha bastard almost succeeding in killing him, the pink hair girl’s death, my killing of the said bastard and his team, my transmutation of Sakura's body to make my own and finally the fact that his own father sealed me inside of him. Now if it isn't too much trouble to ask, leave us alone. We will come back to your village when we are ready, if he ever is. And if we do come, I will not tolerate any disrespect to him as I will kill them without thought, understood."

Tsunade and the clan heads nodded in confirmation as it was wise not to piss off a being that only was defeat by a sealing that the Shinigami itself had to help. "Then we will go back tenshi."

Kyuubi turned around to see Naruto completely dressed, walking out of the cave towards her. Everyone could easily see that he was mentally and physically exhausted and shouldn’t have been up. Kyuubi raised her eyebrow and walked over to Naruto. "Not in your condition. You really shouldn't be moving and your mental condition isn't much better."

He shook his head stubbornly and stumbled forward and tripped over his feet only to be caught by a few Kyuubi's tails. Noticing the looking in his eyes, Kyuubi sighs and pulls him towards her. "Fine. We'll go, but you must not exert yourself. As I said before, your body is still recovering from you resurrection. Pushing yourself will only set back the healing and your soul readjustment.”

Naruto nodded in confirmation as Kyuubi wrapped her tails around him tighter and placed him on her back. Kyuubi turned back towards the group and motion them to lead the way. Everyone tensed at this, remembering what she did to Konoha the last time she was there and were not looking forward to a repeat performance. Kyuubi glared at them with her fiery crimson eyes, making them shrink back into themselves. "Either lead me, or there WILL be a repeat performance, except with no one to stop me."

Blanching in fright, the majority of them turned around and headed off towards Konoha at a quickened pace. The only ones left were Tsunade, Shizune, Kakashi, Konohomaru, Yamato and Sai as Kyuubi had a twitch developing. She turned towards them with a vicious glare. "Now that they have left us behind, you show me the way."

Tsunade sighed and turned towards Kakashi. "You do it. I have a village to run and to make sure no one starts a mass panic over this. Shizune, make sure Naruto's condition doesn't worsen. Konohomaru. The rest of you stay just in case."

Kyuubi narrowed her eyes and growled at Tsunade, but Naruto spoke on her behalf. "Baa-chan, tenshi is going to do anything unless it's in retaliation, so I would be more worried about them."

A tick mark developed on Tsunade's head hearing him call her that, but sighed in irritation. "That's what I meant. They aren't going to openly welcome her for what she did fifteen years ago. They will probably even attempt to attack you and her."

Kyuubi snorted. "Like I care what they think. And if they do attack either of us, I will personally send them to hell."

Tsunade rubbed her temple as a headache was building and was about to head off before she turned back to Kyuubi and whispered in her ear. "I don't care if you are a demon, if you hurt him, I will make you suffer."

Kyuubi's nose wrinkled at that, but shook her head anyways as Tsunade was very protective of Naruto. Tsunade turned around and jumped off to reach the village before anyone else so there wasn't mass hysteria. Kyuubi walked off in the direction she went, making everyone else hurried up to catch up to her. Once they caught up, Konohomaru was the first to say anything. "Naruto-ni-san! Your okay! What happened to you?!"

Naruto smiled at Konohamaru’s exuberant. "I really don't know very much after me and teme's fight. I remember as I was tired, he put his hand at my head to keep her youki from flowing in my coils, a sharp, shocking pain in my heart then nothing."

Kakashi and Yamato eyes narrowed as Shizune and rushed over to Naruto and started to check him out. The former Anbu captains moved up closer to her and Kakashi spoke first. "What exactly happened after that?"

Kyuubi eyed Kakashi carefully before responding. "If you must know, after Naruto was stabbed through the heart, the seal began to weaken as his soul started to move on to the afterlife. I broke out and pulled Naruto out of the abyss, healed his body and placed his soul back in. I used Sakura's body to transmute my own and killed the bastard and the ones with him."

Even though he looked stoic, Sai was interested in what was being said. Yamato looked surprised at this and "So you killed Sasuke and his companions."

Kyuubi not even looking at him answered. "Yes, I also killed the two Akatsuki members that arrived and tried to capture me. They placed a seal on Naruto's stomach, thinking I was still bound to him, so I killed them as well after I read their minds."

Naruto closed his eyes as his weariness began to take its toll. Within seconds he was fast asleep using one of Kyuubi's tails as a pillow.


Naruto was awakened by a furry object poking his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes to see blurred red hair that he guessed to be Kyuubi's. Once his eyes cleared up, he noticed that it was Kyuubi's tail that was poking him in the face as she had a slight frown on her face as she looked worriedly at him. Naruto blinked in confusion at this and noticed he was in a hospital bed and noticed that both Tsunade was in the room as well. Seeing that he was awake, Tsunade rushed over to him and started to check him out. Getting further confused by this, Naruto spoke up. "Um… What's going on? The last thing I remember was going to sleep."

"We were attacked by Madara when you were asleep. He used my sister against us. He sealed Hachimata inside of himself to match my power in an attempt to capture me. He easily killed everyone around except Konohomaru and Shizune who took you and ran off to allow me to fight him. After I had him on the ropes and was about to finish him off, he found them and took you hostage. ...he ..."

Kyuubi had tears begin to well up in her eyes as she hugged Naruto tightly to her chest. Naruto hugged her back but was still confused as to what happened and why she was breaking down. "Tenshi, calm down. What happened?"

It took a moment for her to calm down before she looked up at Naruto with her fiery crimson eyes that showed fear. "H-he... he..."

Seeing Kyuubi nearly breaking down again, Tsunade told Naruto for her. "From what I know, he slit your throat, ending your life a second time."

Naruto's eyes widen at, but then something hit him. "T-then how am I..."

Tsunade knowing what he was going to ask interrupted his question. "Shizune. S-she couldn't stand to lose some else that was precious to her. So she used the jutsu we were creating together." Tsunade took a deep breath as she had tear roll down her cheek as she continued. "It is kind of like the medical jutsu that Chiyo used to revive Gaara. But unlike hers, ours would be like the Shiki Fuin. In exchange to bring you back to life, Shizune offered her soul to the Shinigami. But it wasn't enough as one soul isn't worth another, so Kyuubi offered her soul as well, but it still wasn't enough."

"He wanted Madara's along with Shizune's soul since she summoned him. So I managed to capture him and gave him to the Shinigami who brought your soul back and placed it within your body." Kyuubi finished for Tsunade as she held on to Naruto tighter. Naruto's eyes were covered by his bangs as he looked at the floor, but it was obvious what he was feeling. Kyuubi held him tighter as she knew this all to well and would probably blame himself like he had done in the past with Sasuke's defection and Jiraiya's death at the hands of Akatsuki.

Naruto was indeed blaming himself as he heard what Shizune did for him. 'Why? Why would she do that for me? I know she cared about me, but I would never want her to do something like that for me. I know I would do it for her if I was in her position...' Realization dawned on Naruto and lightly smiled even if he was sad at losing her. Reading his thoughts, Kyuubi smiled as well and pulled Naruto closer to her.

Tsunade smiled seeing the two and quietly walked out of the room after using a privacy jutsu just in case they were to do anything. It normally would be against the rules, but she didn't give a damn at the moment since the villagers had burned down his apartment once they had learned of him being with Kyuubi. 'Ungrateful morons. If it wasn't for him, Kyuubi would have destroyed us years ago. Now he's the only things standing between them and her, now let's hope they don't do something to him otherwise Konoha will fall.'

Kyuubi unconsciously rubbed her body against Naruto as she gripped him as tight as physically possible without him breaking under the pressure. Naruto accepted her hold of him and leaned closer into her. He noticed a peculiar scent around her and took a deep breath, trying to figure out what it was. He was quite confused as he couldn't quite tell what it was, but it smelled like cinnamon and honey with something else that he couldn't quite place. Confused as what it was, he looked up to Kyuubi to see a large blush on her face.

She had been scanning his surface thoughts as soon as he woke and kept on doing so, so when he noticed the scent around her and blushed madly as she realized what it was. Naruto looked confusingly at her as he asked her the question on his mind. "Tenshi, what's that smell around you?"

Kyuubi's blush deepened as she released him and started pressing her fingers against each other like Hinata does when she was embarrassed. "Um... I... uh."

Naruto raised his eyebrow at Kyuubi's reaction and lightly grabbed her wrist. "Okay, what's got you acting like this?"

Kyuubi's blush nearly turned violet as he looked into her eyes. Being hypnotized by his deep electric blues, she answered. "I'm just starting to go into heat and being around you is intensifying it by two fold."

Instantly understanding her reasoning, he blushed a shade equal to that of Kyuubi was and jumped out of her grip and began to apologize. "SORRYIDIDN'TMEANTO..."

Kyuubi placed her finger on Naruto's mouth to silence him before replacing it with her mouth. Naruto was surprised by this at first, but accepted it and deepened this kiss earning a moan from his lover. One of Kyuubi's tails wrapped around Naruto's waist and started to pull up his hospital gown to reveal his semi hard member. She purred at the sight of it and licked the bottom of his lips.

Getting the idea, Naruto opened his mouth and pushed his tongue into her mouth and exploring every spot. Kyuubi moaned blissfully as she used her tails to strip her kimono as she rubbed up against Naruto's chest. As they separated from their kiss, Kyuubi pulled off her kimono and used her tails to rip off the hospital gown off of Naruto. She pulled him towards her and eagerly pushed her tongue into his mouth. Naruto moaned slightly and pushed his tongue against her, not wanting to be outdone.

She smirked slightly and pulled back and gave Naruto a lustful look before lowering her head towards his crotch. She purred loudly as she saw he was rock hard and gripped it with both of her hands and slowly started to pump it. Naruto moaned in surprised as she slowly increased the pace as her head came closer to the tip as pre-cum was forming. She slowly extended her tongue and licked his slit, enjoying the taste of it immensely. She looked up to see Naruto's excited face and smiled before kissing the tip and slowly started to take his cock head into his mouth.

Naruto growled in pleasure and started to comb through her hair as she slowly took his throbbing member deeper into her mouth. He figured she was enjoying herself from the muffled moans and the nosily slurping that she was making. As she continued to suck on his shaft like a Popsicle, it reached the back of her throat. She pulled his member out of her mouth and took a deep breath as she begun to relax her throat muscles before engulfing it until she completely swallowed his large member.

Naruto's eyes widen in surprise as she did this and but slowly turned into pleasure as he moaned her name as he started to pet her fox ears. Kyuubi purred loudly at his fondling as her ears were very sensitive. Naruto was already having a hard time holding off his load from spilling, but the vibrations from her purring was too much and he moaned loudly. "Kyuu-tenshi… I'm cumming!"

Kyuubi looked up at Naruto with her fiery crimson eyes and somehow managed to smirk with his cock in her mouth as the first blast of cum shot down her throat. She moaned as the second blast hit the back of her throat as she was sliding it out of her mouth. Once she pulled it into her mouth another thick load of semen blasted into her mouth. She swallowed it greedily as three more loads shot into her mouth. Surprised by the amount of it, she wasn't able to swallow it all as some of his cum dripped out of the edges of her mouth.

Licking her lips, she looked up to Naruto with lustful eyes as she laid down on the small bed. "Come on lover boy. I know you’re ready so take me."

Seeing as he was still hard, he nodded and crawled on top of her and lined himself up with her slick slit. She arched her back to allow him better access and to let him drive in deeper. Taking that as an invitation, Naruto pushed the head of his cock into her and easily slipped it in her accepting vagina. Kyuubi moaned and pulled Naruto closer to her as he completely filled her up.

She nibbled on his ear slowly as he gently started to rock his hard organ inside of her. Kyuubi hissed in pleasure as his speed started to pick up the pace and whispered into his ear with a provocative voice. "I know you can go faster. So come on, I want it as hard and fast as you can give it."

The tone of her voice made Naruto shiver as he started to pick up the pace until he was pounding into her with all he had. Kyuubi was in ecstasy as she screamed Naruto's name as she scraped his back with her sharp nails, leaving small cuts were her fingers were. She wrapped her tails around him as she was nearing his orgasm and looked him in the eyes before kissing him passionately.

Naruto's hand weren't stationary as they found their way to her large breast and slowly started kneading them, making her moan deeply into Naruto's mouth. He found the nipples and slowly started to roll them between to of his fingers and pinched them lightly. Kyuubi squeak and squirmed in shock as he did that but oddly enough found it pleasurable.

Feeling her orgasm was close, she pulled herself into Naruto and started screaming out in bliss as it overtook her making Naruto temporarily deaf. Her inner walls clamped around his slick member, trying to milk every ounce of his seed it could get. Naruto gritted his teeth and growled out in satisfaction as his semen shot into her demanding cunt. Kyuubi climax soared to new heights as his seed spilled inside of her with untold force as she screamed louder than even the privacy barrier could hold in.

Both were panting heavily as they looked each other in the eyes and lightly kissed before they both passed out from exhaustion.


Eleven years later, we find Naruto, who oddly looked like he was twenty one, sitting in a very familiar office that had a window view of the entire village. He was currently looking out towards the academy as his kage bunshins worked on what every kage had called their only unbeaten enemy, paperwork.

He shook his head as he heard the door open to see a woman around his age with fiery red hair and eyes that match with nine tails flowing behind her with a young girl with long, spiky snow white hair and two pink eyes with one regular iris and the other slitted. Other than that she was pretty normal... except the three white fox-like tails wrapped around her waist.


The young girl screamed and ran over and enveloped Naruto in a bone crushing hug. He chuckled at the young girl and kissed her on the top of her forehead. "Well hello to you to Byakko-ojou."

Byakko gave Naruto his patented foxy grin as Kyuubi walked over, shaking her head with a smile on her face. "So how's your day been Naru-kun?"

Naruto rolled his eyes and pointed at his kage bunshin. "Uneventful. I've been sitting here and checking up on what everyone was doing with the all seeing crystal ball."

He turned back towards Byakko with a smile on his face. "So how did you like your first day at the academy."

Byakko smiled and started speaking excitedly. "It was great! Iruka-sensei was kind of boring with his long, drawn out speeches, but I've made friends this girl with pale blonde hair and light blue eyes, um... I think here name was Kikyou. There was this dog boy as well; I didn't like him to much. The guy was bugs didn't say anything so I don't know anything about him. There was also this big kid that constantly was eating a bag of chips. I tried to steal some but he somehow managed to keep me away from them."

Naruto smiled at her and ruffled her hair which made her give a false pout. "Toooouuu-ssaann! You know I don't like that."

He smirked at her. "Why do you think I keep doing it?"

"Your mean! Kaa-san help me beat tou-san up!" Kyuubi bit her lip from laughing at the scene, but it failed as a light chuckle escaped from her lips.

Byakko frowned at her. "Not you two! Your both mean!"

She stomps out of the room, allowing both parents to bust out laughing at the scene. After getting control of herself and wiping a tear from her eye, she turned to Naruto. "You know she gets that from you."

Naruto could help but laugh a little more as he nodded. "Yeah, now I think we better get her before she comes up with another prank like the one last week. My clones are still signing the paperwork on that event alone."

Kyuubi rolled her eyes at him as she turned towards the door. "As I said, she gets that from you. Now come on, we have dinner at the Hyuuga's tonight."

Kyuubi was about to walk out the door when she felt an feeling she hadn't gotten in awhile and turned around to see Naruto finishing the seals for the privacy jutsu making her eyes light up with enjoyment. It would be sometime before they could get ready for the dinner...