Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Generation ❯ Akatsuki Strikes-Sasuke Falls (Part 2) ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Don't own Naruto, only Ryu, Hitori, Shikato, Fuji, Kitaro and Koteshi
Akatsuki Strikes - Sasuke Falls (Part 2)
Shikamaru slammed his hands on the table.
“Deploy four units to evacuate the civilians and four at the village borders! I want all Anbu and police forces stationed at every emergency post! This is a state of emergency!”
“Hai!” The shinobi saluted before rushing off to fulfil their duties.
Looking out the window, Shikamaru could see that the Akatsuki was wrecking the village. He cleared his head and headed back to organise the shinobi efforts.
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Ryu ran to the training grounds where Sasuke was fighting Tobi. He hoped that Shikato and Kitaro could hold their own against Kisame before reinforcements could arrive. Most of the shinobi, including Naruto, had targeted the Akatsuki leader and his partner while the rest was helping to evacuate the civilians. Ryu knew that his mom was healing the injured and that Kakashi, Koteshi and Fuji were travelling to help Shikato and Kitaro. However, he had no idea where his younger brother was. Hitori was an exceptional jonin who was only bested by the Legendary Sannin, the Hokage, Kakashi and himself, so he was sure that he could look after himself. But he still felt uncomfortable that he didn't know where Hitori was.
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Sasuke had his Sharingan activated and had seemingly rammed his right hand right through Tobi's heart. However, his hand ended up passing through thin air as the Akatsuki forced his hand through the Uchiha's heart.
Pulling his hand out with a jerk, Tobi watched as Sasuke fell onto the ground on his knees. Blood was trickling slowly out of the corners of his mouth and a bloody hole could be seen where his heart was. Sasuke fell sideways as his breathing become shallower. His vision was blurring and he could feel consciousness slipping away.
Tobi knelt down and held his chin, forcing him to look directly into his crimson orbs.
“You know, that kid is Itachi's. But you have no reason to hate him or his father.”
“He killed my clan and joined you scumbags. I have every reason to hate him,” Sasuke choked out between coughs of blood.
Tobi sighed. “Itachi was under the elder's orders to eliminate the Uchiha clan as they were planning a coup d'état. To ensure peace and protect his village, Itachi chose to betray his clan rather than his village. He didn't really have much of a choice, did he? He fulfilled his duty but did not have the heart to kill you. He spared your life and misled you into thinking that he did it for his own reasons. By joining Akatsuki, he could work as a spy and by misleading you, he ensured that you could become more powerful.”
Tobi stood up and continued. “He even freed you from Orochimaru and his cursed seal by forcing you to use up all your chakra, thus setting Orochimaru free. Now, you even have his Mangenkyou powers. He did all this just to save you. My goal is completed here. I should be going.”
Performing the hand seals, he started to disappear and fade away like a genjutsu.
“Remember Itachi Uchiha. He was a great man,” he whispered as he vanished.
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Ryu leaped over the training ground gates just to see his sensei's battered and bruised body lying on the ground. He ran over and kneeled beside his mentor. Hot tears poured out of his eyes and blurred his vision as he took in the scene in front of him.
“Oh god… no Sasuke…don't die,” he choked out between sobs. Channelling chakra into his hands, he placed them on Sasuke's chest and tried to heal him. After attempting to heal him a few times, he stopped and held onto Sasuke's hand.
Sasuke's eyes were also wet as tears leaked out of the corner of his eyes as he gazed at his student.
Sasuke pulled Ryu closer to him until his mouth was next to Ryu's ear.
“Ryu…you are strong and I am very proud of you. Take my katana as a parting gift. Tell Sakura and Naruto… that I will always be with them. Ryu…you are like the son I never had…and please…forgive me for killing your father…please.”
Ryu nodded, his face tearful with tears and blood streaked across his face.
“I never blamed you, Sasuke. You were like the father I never had…”
Sasuke smiled a genuine smile before closing his eyes forever.
Ryu threw back his head and screamed in anguish and his howl of agony echoed through the entire village. Ryu held Sasuke's body against his own and cried bitterly into his shoulder as he rocked back and forth. His body racked with sobs as he cried uncontrollably, his breathing became shallower and he hyperventilated. He could not believe it. His sensei, one of the Legendary Sannin, was dead. In his eyes, Sasuke was invincible. Sasuke was second to none in fighting and was fearless. How could he die? After what seemed like ages, Ryu felt his strength leave him and he allowed sleep to embrace him gratefully.
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Three hours later…
Shikamaru shook his head sadly. He looked at Tsunade and said, “We lost Gai, Lee and Kiba. The others were injured but none were fatal.”
Tsunade patted him on the back and said, “Why don't you go home to rest. You can have the week off.”
Shikamaru looked at the Hokage gratefully.
Just as he reached the door, the door swung open and Ryu walked in carrying Sasuke bridal style.
Ryu had Sasuke's katana strapped on his back with a leather strap and his eyes were red and swollen. Swallowing his tears, he choked out, “Sasuke…is dead. He was killed by Tobi.”
The other two shinobi were too shocked to speak.
Ryu carried on.
“Hokage-sama. I accept that mission. I will investigate and personally kill the traitor who is helping the Akatsuki and I will kill Tobi. I will avenge Sasuke's death.”