Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Generation ❯ Clash of the Uchiha Brothers (Part 2) ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Don't understand Naruto characters. Only Ryu, Kitaro, Shikato, Hitori, Fuji and Koteshi
Clash of the Uchiha Brothers (Part 2)
Hitori squared his shoulders as he stared at the Hokage. Behind him, the door opened and his team mates entered.
Tsunade frowned. How could Ryu be so stupid to allow himself to be discovered? Now, she had no choice but to declare him a missing-nin. She leaned backwards against the back of her chair and she rubbed her temples.
“Hitori, take team 8 and pursue Ryu and bring him back for interrogation. You are dismissed.”
“Consider it done, Hokage sama,” Hitori turned on his heels as Koteshi and Fuji followed him out of the room.
Tsunade glanced out the window worriedly. “I hope you can complete your mission, Ryu,” she said softly.
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Ryu shot through the trees, pushing chakra into the soles of his feet as he tried to distance himself from his pursuers. His senses started to tingle as he felt three large chakras behind him. He urged himself onwards as a bad feeling settled into the pits of his stomach.
Arriving at a clearing, he stopped to catch his breath. He had no idea who his pursuers were but he doubted they were pushovers. Usually, jonins or Anbu members were sent after missing-nins, except for the Uchiha incident.
He looked up in alarm as he felt the three chakras descend on him. Throwing himself aside, he looked up. His brain seemed to shut down as he recognised the faces.
Koteshi and Fuji were looking at him with disappointment but his brother was looking at him with disgust. Ryu got up as he got ready to fight.
Koteshi stepped forward. “Ryu Tazumi, surrender or we will be prepared to use force.” Ryu could see the betrayal in the young Sarutobi's eyes. He clenched his fists as he tried to play his part of missing ninja.
“I'm an Uchiha, you'll do well to remember that,” Ryu snarled as his eyes bled red.
Hitori's eyes were filled with hatred and sadness. “Like father like son. Like sensei like student,” Hitori said sadly. “You're just like that traitor, Sasuke.”
Ryu felt anger course through his veins as he surveyed his brother.
“No, Sasuke had his reasons for leaving. He made a mistake but he was a great man. Now, get out of my way!” Ryu shouted.
Hitori signalled for his team to attack as he ran forward. Ryu slammed his hands onto the earth as he summoned a pack of wolves. The wolves shot towards Fuji as Ryu ducked just as Koteshi thrust his chakra blades forward. The Anbu captain slipped on his brass knuckles and channelled chakra through them. Aiming a swipe at Koteshi's legs, he punched Koteshi in the face, sending the other flying through the air, landing three feet away from him. A fist slammed into Ryu's face, sending him flying through the air. Ryu flipped backwards before he landed and saw that Hitori had joined the fight. He could see out of the corner of his eyes that Fuji was unconscious and that the wolves were going after the Sarutobi. Pulling out Sasuke's katana, his body erupted with the Chidori. Running forward, he slashed at his brother. Hitori deflected it with his kunai and pushed Ryu back. Performing the necessary hand seals, he shouted “Futon Ryu!” as a dragon formed from Hitori's wind chakra emerged. Ryu stepped backwards before the wind dragon engulfed him.
Hitori watched as his dragon consumed his brother. As the jutsu ended, he could see Ryu lying on the ground. Walking forward, he could see a fresh scar on his face, next to the one gifted by the rain genin. Bending down to pick up the shinobi, he flew backwards as a fist met his stomach. Hitori could hear the crackle and chirps of the Chidori. However, Ryu's jutsu looked different. Ryu had formed the Chidori and started to spin it until it resembled a silver Rasengan. He pushed more chakra into the ball and silver lightning started to randomly appear from the Rasengan.
Ryu was very tired and he was running out of chakra. He only had enough for one more technique. “This is my ultimate jutsu that I've been working on, the one which Kakashi Hatake failed to create. I call it the Chidori Rasengan.”
Before Hitori could react, his brother had phased in front of him with the Chidori Rasengan. At the last minute, Ryu slammed the jutsu onto the ground and a massive crater erupted from the ground. Hitori smashed through a tree and against a rock and was knocked unconscious.
Ryu steadied himself as he grimaced. He had not missed the look in his brother's eyes. Fear was what his brother had felt and Ryu felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. Did Hitori really believe that Ryu would kill him?
He shook off the feeling before setting off again.
It would be another three hours before team 8 would be found.