Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Generation ❯ Rage of the Kyuubi ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Don't own Naruto, only Ryu, Hitori, Shikato, Fuji, Kitaro and Koteshi
The Rage of the Kyuubi
Naruto slammed his palms on Tsunade's desk.
“Oh come on Baa-chan! This “guy” is my student's brother AND the ANBU captain! Let me look for him!”
Tsunade stood up. “Naruto! That's what you said about Sasuke as well and my answer still hasn't changed!”
Naruto looked at the ground. “Yeah, and look where Sasuke is now. I owe that teme. Ryu is his student and Sakura's son. I don't know who his father is, but I know that Sasuke and Sakura would want me to personally look for him. I am the future hokage, you know.”
Tsunade glanced at Shizune. She knew that Naruto would not be allowed as it would jeopardize Ryu's mission. Clasping her hands, she shook her head firmly.
“No Naruto, you will stay here and help Konoha. However, if Ryu happens to appear, you may confront him. Is that understood?”
The jinchurikii swallowed and nodded.
“Understood, Hokage sama.”
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
The five Akatsuki members gathered around a circle table as they examined a map of Konohagakure.
“I have received word that the Hokage will be away from Konoha in three days' time. She will be attending a meeting with the Kazekage in Suna.” Pein stated in a monotone.
Looking up, he continued, “This will be the time for us to strike. We will go after the Kyuubi. However, I need Ryu and Kisame to distract the Konoha shinobi. We will leave today.”
The two mentioned ninjas nodded. Ryu's stomach clenched as he thought about Naruto. The hyperactive blond was his sensei's best friend and he didn't want to attack his village as well.
Dismissing the thought for the moment, he asked, “How do you know these stuff?”
The Akatsuki leader stared at the newest member. His Rinnegan seemed to see right through Ryu's soul. After what seemed like ages, he answered slowly, “The Akatsuki has a contact in Konoha. He defected from Konoha seven months ago and has been supplying us with information all along.”
Ryu kept quiet. He did not want the Akatsuki to suspect him and instead he nodded and turned to leave the room.
He stopped as Pein spoke again. “You will meet him at the training grounds when Kisame distracts the Konoha shinobi. He will report to you and you will report to me.”
Ryu's face darkened. He grunted Sasuke's infamous monosyllabic word and went his way.
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
The storm clouds were gathering and the sky was darkening gradually. The wind was picking up and rain started to fall from the sky.
Ryu looked up at the sky, allowing the rain to mask his tears. With the Hokage gone, he could not warn Konoha as Tsunade was the only one to know of his mission. He sighed as the wind swept his hair backwards. His black and red Akatsuki robe fluttered wildly in the downpour as he stood on the tree branch where the ninjas were resting. They were now just at the border of the Leaf Village.
Pein spoke up, “Let us start now. Kisame, go.”
Kisame smirked as he disappeared through the trees. Pein carried on, “Tobi and I will go after the nine tails. Konan will be wrecking havoc somewhere else and Ryu, meet up with our contact.”
The three shinobi went their ways, leaving Ryu standing on the branch. The Konoha shinobi growled slightly as he made his way to the training grounds. He was finally going to catch that traitor and boy, would he make him pay.
An explosion in the village centre rocked the whole village. Ryu could hear screaming and fighting as he hurried on. Panting slightly, he stopped at training grounds 7. He shivered slightly as he remembered Sasuke's death.
A figure interrupted his thoughts as it emerged from the shadows.
“It's been a while, Ryu.”
Ryu stiffened as he recognized the voice.
“No way, it can't be…”
The figure chuckled as he stepped into the light.
“Oh believe it.” He said as his eyes bled red. “Aniki.”