Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Road Less Travelled By ❯ Terror of the Sands! Sasuke vs Gaara ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Chuunin Exam Part 2
Terror of the Sands! Sasuke Versus Gaara
Naruto vaulted the rail into the waiting room in one smooth motion, landing in between Sasuke and Shikamaru. Sasuke was unsurprised to see that Naruto was still grinning from ear to ear, and that he was seemingly awaiting judgment from his team-mate.
Sasuke folded his arms across his chest and nodded. “Not bad, Naruto. You're through in one piece.” He glared at him. “Now don't ever expect me to shout like that again.”
Naruto laughed and turned to Shikamaru. “How about that? Was he really shouting?” He looked at Shikamaru, eager for an answer that could tell him whether Sasuke had even cared.
“Think he nearly vaulted the rail to go help you out at one point,” said Shikamaru.
“Really?” Naruto blinked and looked at Sasuke. He really started to try to help me out? He saw him look away, and realised that Sasuke was embarrassed by his reactions. Naruto made an effort to tone down his grinning and shifted round to be in the centre of Sasuke's view. “Thank you, Sasuke,” he said, trying to infuse the phrase with as much sincerity as he could muster. He saw Sasuke's eyes flicker up to him then away again.
“…shut up, Naruto.” He sighed and tilted his head back to look upwards, before flicking his eyes to look at Naruto again. “And you're welcome.” His eyes flicked back to the sky.
Naruto's grin widened again. “So even the mighty Uchiha Sasuke thinks I did okay. You just wait, I'll so kick your ass in the next round.” He saw Sasuke's face return to a slightly more normal expression. Good. He seems less creeped out if I'm mean to him. “That is, of course, if you even make it. You got beat up back in the Wave Country after all.”
Sasuke glared back, falling into their usual pattern of antagonism. “I got hit protecting your worthless behind, idiot.” And I'd do it again.
Naruto turned to Shikamaru. “So what did you think, then? Wasn't I awesome? You know, kinda cool?”
Shikamaru shrugged. “It was a good fight, Naruto. There's nothing else to say really.”
Naruto snorted, looking annoyed. “Can't you say something like `Oh that was so cool', or `Wow, I wish I could be as amazing as you, Naruto!' Why've you gotta be so dull, Shikamaru?” He looked between Shikamaru and Sasuke, both of them giving him blank gazes back, and rolled his eyes. “Geez. No fun to be had here. Lighten up a little, why don't you? We've got a whole crowd cheering for us.”
Sasuke shuddered slightly. “Great.”
Shikamaru gazed over the railings, back into the arena. “Hey, looks like the medics are about done with that Neji. They're carrying him off on a stretcher.”
Both Naruto and Sasuke moved to look over the railings, Naruto leaning out to the point where he almost went toppling over.
Genma looked up at the balcony. “Next two. Uchiha Sasuke. Gaara. Come down here.”
Sasuke turned his head and watched Gaara leave the box in a flurry of sand to reappear on the floor of the arena, where he started walking towards the centre. Guess I can't let him show me up. He took a deep breath. I'm ready. He let his familiar mask of calm descend over his face, knowing that he'd not have time for any emotions in the arena.
“Hey, Sasuke!”
Sasuke turned to Naruto slightly, moving his arms through some quick stretches. “What?” He's not about to keep gloating over his win is he? I'm busy.
Naruto seemed to hesitate a little. “Remember what you promised to me and Sakura-chan. Don't be stupid, and don't risk your life.”
Sasuke nodded sharply before vaulting the rail in a smooth action, landing in a crouch on the arena floor below.
Damn it, thought Naruto. I can't leave it there. Not when it looks like I still don't trust him. He leaned out over the rail. “Oi Sasuke!” He waited until he saw Sasuke turn his attention up to the balcony before grinning down. “Kick his ass!” Naruto thought he saw a flicker of a smile from Sasuke, before he turned and continued his walk to the centre of the arena where Gaara and Genma were waiting.
Naruto rocked back onto his feet and sighed. He'd better take care. If Gaara really has a demon inside him, Sasuke could get hurt. He watched the two opponents move to stand facing each other, seeing Sasuke's body language change to the shut down, focused sort that he was used to seeing from Sasuke when he fought. He said Gaara told him that his eyes were full of hatred and murderous intent. I wonder if that's what Gaara is seeing in them now. He saw Genma drop his arm and leap back from the pair. Instantly, sand began to spill from the gourd Gaara wore across his back, causing Sasuke to leap back to increase his separation to Gaara.
Naruto grinned to himself. Good. Stay away from that stuff, Sasuke. It's the only weapon he's got. He saw Sasuke's body language shift from outright guarded to uncertainty as Gaara spoke. Guess he's hearing the whole `I like killing' speech me and Shikamaru got.
“He's started to talk with it. This is bad.”
Naruto noted that Shikamaru's attention was drawn as much as his by the comment muttered by Kankuro. He met Shikamaru's gaze and raised his eyebrows slightly. Not good, huh?
Shikamaru shook his head slightly, his gaze moving back to the arena, listening to Temari.
“I've never seen Gaara become like that before a battle. It must mean that his opponent is strong.”
Naruto felt pride for Sasuke at that remark. You bet he's strong. I don't want to fight just any old push-over and he deserves the title `number one rookie' for our year. Or at least he does now that he's gotten rid of that stuck up attitude. As he watched, the cloud of sand scattered and fell around Gaara, and even from a distance Naruto could feel the contest of wills as Gaara locked eyes with Sasuke. He gripped the rail. Don't you dare die, Sasuke. I can't count your smiles, or hammer you into the ground myself if he gets there first.
As Naruto watched, Sasuke drew shuriken and threw them, only to have a wall of sand spring up and block. Naruto shook his head. “What good was that? Sakura-chan already told him about the sand being like armour.”
Shikamaru leaned in slightly, so as not to attract the attention of the other Sand ninjas from their own discussion and so silence their revealing of information. “He's testing response and speed, Naruto, just like you did when you started with Neji. He's just not throwing himself in too fast.” As he watched the sand morphed into a copy of Gaara and a tendril struck out at Sasuke as he tried to close in.
Naruto yelled a warning as Sasuke jumped clear before turning his attention slightly back on Shikamaru. “Well, you're smart. How's Sasuke gonna win this?”
Shikamaru shook his head. “With what I know of Sasuke, he can't. Not even the sharingan can copy something that's demon-tainted like that sand will be.” He saw Sasuke intercept Gaara's recycled shuriken with more of his own before he attempted taijutsu on the bunshin. “Gaara's going to win.”
Naruto watched Sasuke take out the bunshin using the taijutsu forms he knew almost as well as his own from their hours of training together. Now, Sasuke! Strike while the sand is gone! He watched as Sasuke advanced, then tensed as he saw a wall of sand rise to block Sasuke's outstretched fist. Oh shit. He saw Sasuke's posture shift to what Naruto had mentally dubbed the `I'm going to beat you senseless and enjoy it the whole time' posture, and he fancied he could almost see Sasuke smirk even though both he and Gaara were indistinct figures in the distance.
Then Sasuke disappeared.
“Wha?” Naruto saw Gaara fly through the air as if hit by an unseen force, then finally spotted Sasuke stood some distance from where Gaara came to rest. When did Sasuke get so fast? Sasuke stood in a pose, with one hand extended and the other behind his straightened back. That's not his usual taijutsu style, and that certainly not his normal speed. What's going on here?
As he watched, Sasuke disappeared in a cloud of dust and Gaara went flying again. When Naruto's eyes finally found Sasuke again he was returning his leg, extended from a kick, back to the taijutsu stance that Naruto could finally recognise. That's how the fuzzy-eyebrows stands, realised Naruto. That's why that stance looks wrong, it isn't Sasuke's taijutsu style. He saw Sasuke's posture change a little from the one that he remembered Lee using, and take on a slightly more natural-looking stance for Sasuke. He's going to be gloating at Gaara, Naruto realised. Sasuke is stark raving mad, trying to goad him into screwing up. He grinned at Shikamaru. “You still think he's gonna lose, Shikamaru?”
Shikamaru shook his head. “I don't know what to think.” He watched, stunned, as Sasuke disappeared again and a dust cloud started to circle Gaara. “Wow, he's fast.”
“Oh you bet!” Naruto grinned, as he watched Gaara be attacked by what seemed to him to be a black blur, before the Sand ninja was knocked out of the ring of dust Sasuke had created with his run. Naruto leaned out over the rail. “Go Sasuke! Take him down!” He saw Sasuke turn his head slightly towards where he was standing, his body language showing confidence, but tiredness. If he's panting like that, his speed must be tough to keep doing, unlike the fuzzy eyebrows's. He saw Sasuke nod faintly, before his attention was back on Gaara.
Shikamaru grabbed the back of Naruto's jacket and jerked him back over the rail. “Knock it off, you. Sasuke can't afford the distraction right now.”
Naruto pouted, but nodded. Be terrible if my yelling made him miss an attack by Gaara. As he watched, Gaara staggered to his feet while bringing his hands together in what Naruto guessed would be a seal. Naruto tensed at the same time as he saw Sasuke do so, both noticing the sand around Gaara starting to rise up, much slower than before. He wondered what was going on as he saw the two Sand ninjas in the waiting room tense. It took Naruto a moment to realise that Gaara was about to encase himself entirely in a sphere of sand, and that the sphere was starting to close much faster. He saw Sasuke disappear, only to reappear much closer to the now complete sphere, which was a sphere no longer.
Sasuke was entwined around several spikes of sand that had extended out from the sphere in an obvious attempt to skewer him, with his fist extended to strike at where the sphere had closed. From the unnatural-looking posture, Naruto guessed that Sasuke had needed to almost skid to a halt while bending unnaturally to avoid being hurt badly by the sand.
As Naruto watched, Sasuke leapt away, breathing hard. He breathed a sigh of relief. That's a good idea. Stay back so you can see those things coming. He also privately hoped that Sasuke had activated his sharingan, although Naruto knew that he would have no hope telling if Sasuke had from this distance. A Sasuke-shaped pincushion isn't a great idea.
He watched Sasuke flex his hand painfully, and realised that Gaara had created a shield Sasuke couldn't penetrate. “Damn. What's he gonna do now?” As he watched, a cloud of sand gathered together into a round shape that floated above the shield that Gaara had created. Sasuke seemed taken aback by this development, then proceeded to disappear and reappear at various points around the sphere as its surface seemed to undulate. Sasuke's obviously testing it with his speed again, only now he's so fast, I can't see him do it. He saw Sasuke pause on the far side of the sphere and seemed to Naruto's eyes to be considering his next move.
“What good was that?” asked Naruto. “All he did was find no weak spot to use. Testing something isn't any good if you can't find that.” As he watched, Sasuke seemed to fiddle for a moment with the leather strap around his injured arm, before leaping away and attaching himself to the arena wall, resting on one knee. Naruto saw him move his hands in front of his body, probably in a sequence of hand seals, before bracing his arms flat against the surface of the wall. What's he doing? Is this how he hurt his arm?
“Damn it.” Naruto heard Kankuro start to talk again. “Nothing can be done now that he's like that.”
Naruto grinned, but held his tongue in case he could get any more useful information. That's what you think.
Temari shook her head. “Is he trying to ruin the plan and everything else here?” She tapped the railing agitatedly. “Damn that Gaara.”
Naruto pretended very hard not to be listening to them. They have a plan for what? He turned his attention back to Sasuke and was surprised to see blue light circling him, concentrated about his hand. What the hell is that thing? As he watched, Sasuke drew his injured arm back, bracing it with his other arm, the light still held within his hand. Is that… chakra?
Naruto winced as Sasuke started to move, the speed of the move and the brightness of the light contriving to leave nothing but a blue-glowing L-shaped line imprinted on his retinas. He closed his eyes and shook his head to try to dislodge the memory of the sound of tearing masonry and the strange tweeting, fluttering noise that had come from the mysterious jutsu, before he opened them again to look at the result of Sasuke's last high speed run. He saw that Sasuke had his entire left arm embedded up to his shoulder in the sphere of sand that Gaara had created. Around him, spikes of sand were extended, and Naruto wondered how Sasuke had managed to avoid serious injury as to his eyes Sasuke was brushing right up against them.
Naruto felt his jaw drop open. What kind of move was that? Did Kakashi-sensei teach that to him and never thought about telling me? How am I going to stop something like that? Around him he could see that Shikamaru and the two Sand ninjas were similarly stunned. Shino looked the same as always to his eyes.
“You've got to be kidding. Gaara's absolute defence was…”
“This can't be true,” replied Temari to Kankuro's disbelief.
Naruto felt like gloating. Oh you better believe it's true. Sasuke is gonna take your precious Gaara down! He looked over to where Sasuke was still twisted around the sand spikes, seemingly disturbed by something Naruto could not see. What does he know that I don't? He heard a scream from the arena, then saw Sasuke trying to struggle free from the sphere, blue chakra starting to dance along his arm, before he managed to force his way out again.
As Sasuke retreated a huge veined limb, seemingly made of sand followed his retreat, before retracting back into the sphere. Naruto watched worriedly as Sasuke gripped his injured arm, the bandages that had been protecting his hand flapping freely about his wrist. He's injured his bad hand again. What was that thing that had hold of him?
“Has he changed into his complete possessed form?” Kankuro asked Temari.
She turned her attention to him, seemingly oblivious to the other three genin in the balcony. “I don't know. He seems wounded.” She looked back to the arena. “This has never happened before.”
Naruto saw an expression of pure fear cross both their faces. What's scared them so much? Was that part of the demon that's inside him? Naruto blinked. Sasuke's gonna get killed! Beside him, he could sense Shikamaru tense.
“This is bad,” he muttered quietly, not wanting the Sand ninjas to realise that they were being listened to.
Naruto couldn't agree more, as he could see that whatever was within the sphere terrified Sasuke as he looked into where the limb had retreated. It reminded Naruto of the fear Sasuke had displayed when Orochimaru had been chasing them through the Forest of Death. Sasuke is no coward. Whatever he just saw must have really unnerved him. He felt something strange and sickly brush past him briefly, then heard a loud cracking as the sand sphere shattered and started to collapse, bathing Gaara in loose grains of sand. Naruto could see that Gaara held a bloody hand to his shoulder, and was panting. That glowing thing must have hit him while he was in that ball, he realised. Sasuke really did manage to hurt Gaara.
“He really is wounded!” worried Temari. “His shell was broken prematurely.”
Naruto kept his eyes on Sasuke, hurt and panting in the arena. What's going on? What's this plan, and what are the sand ninjas trying to do?
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Things are not going as we had arranged, thought Kabuto, pretending to lounge nonchalantly in the back row of the spectators with his face mirroring the confusion and wonder of those around him. The Sand ninja with the demon is acting earlier than we had anticipated. At least Orochimaru-sama had planned for such an eventuality. He moved slightly, a gesture meant to be seen to be doing nothing more than fidgeting in his seat, but crucially it brought the skin of his arm in contact with that of the civilian sat on his left. And so, I must act to stop the inevitable panic and excess of targets that these civilians would cause. Keeping them pacified and stopping any unworthy ninjas from acting is exactly what Orochimaru-sama's plans require. He focused on the point where his skin brushed the arm of his neighbour, channelling chakra into a careful genjutsu meant to inspire sleep. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the man's head droop forwards once, twice, and then a third time from which he did not rise.
Satisfied that his first victim was asleep, Kabuto brought his hands together, focusing on the sleep of the man and projecting it out in a silent genjutsu over the arena. Around him he saw people start to drowse, then to fall into a deep slumber, with only a few ninja showing the wisdom to use the dispel seal. Kabuto smiled. And for that cleverness, they shall be the first to die. He stood, other Sound ninjas leaving their hiding places and moving to assemble around him. It was time to end Konoha.
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The explosion tore through the Kages' balcony, drawing Naruto and Shikamaru's gaze up there. While they stared, Kankuro and Temari vaulted the rail, heading for where Gaara was stood, shaking and clutching his head. The movement caught Shikamaru's eye.
“Oi, oi. Where do they think they're going?” He watched them move to Gaara, then looked at Naruto who was staring up at where the explosion had come from. A purple barrier had formed around the top of the building and Shikamaru could see dark figures that he took to be ANBU guards waiting outside the walls. He moved a hand to slap at Naruto's chest. “Hey, come on. Nothing you can do up there.”
Naruto blinked and turned to look at Shikamaru, realisation dawning. “Sasuke!” His attention turned straight away down to the floor of the arena where Sasuke was still cradling his arm.
“Come on, Shikamaru, we have to do something!”
“We?” echoed Shikamaru, starting to worry. “We can't enter the arena unless it's our match. This could end up being troublesome and getting us thrown out of the exam.”
Naruto shook his head. “I don't think the exam is something we should worry about now.” He looked down at the arena again. “Besides, it's fairer if it's three versus three, isn't it?” With that he grabbed onto the front of Shikamaru's jacket.
Shikamaru wasn't a genius for nothing. He could see where this was going and he didn't like it one bit. “Naruto, oi, let go, you're going to drag me…” Naruto vaulted the rail, overbalancing Shikamaru, causing him to land in a heap at the base of the arena wall. “... Over the edge.” Shikamaru sighed. How troublesome. At least the view is pretty good.
Naruto loomed over Shikamaru, frowning. “Hey, come on, Shikamaru, get up! Sasuke needs our help!”
Shikamaru sighed again, then rolled off his back and onto his feet while stretching, and slouched after Naruto.
Naruto quickly moved to Sasuke's side, dropping to one knee to be level with him, “Hey Sasuke, that was pretty cool,” he said, moving to look at Sasuke's cradled arm. He could see that Sasuke had reopened several of the wounds on his hand, and from the spots of blood appearing on the bandages, he'd done similar damage all down his arm. He looked back up to Sasuke's face and grinned. “No harm done then.”
Sasuke nodded once, then started tying the tattered remains of the bandages back around his hand. “What's going on, Naruto? Didn't I tell you not to interfere unless I said so?”
Shikamaru joined them, watching the Sand ninjas. “Well, they jumped in, so Naruto said we had to come to even the numbers.”
“Stop, Gaara,” pleaded Temari.
Sasuke's attention snapped away from his injuries to watch Gaara stumble forwards slightly towards him. “I'll kill you,” threatened Gaara weakly.
Naruto gulped. I was right. He wants to do to Sasuke what he did to the fuzzy eyebrows. He stood and moved into a guarded stance.
Kankuro stepped in front of Gaara, blocking him from view. “There's no point in fighting him any longer, Gaara.”
“Don't forget our mission,” reminded Temari sternly.
Gaara moved a hand to Kankuro's arm and shoved him aside. “Get out of my way.”
Naruto tensed and sensed Shikamaru, who was behind him, and Sasuke, still in a crouch, do the same. If he keeps going from where he left off, we're going to die. Only Shikamaru is fresh on our side, and both that weird guy in the black suit and the crazy lady with the big fan will have all their chakra and stamina. This is bad.
A man who could only be their jounin sensei teleported in, standing between Gaara and where Naruto, Shikamaru and Sasuke were. “What are you three doing? The mission has started already!”
And it gets even worse, thought Naruto. He could see no way to get around having a jounin present, as well as the three genin, but he was sure that between him and Sasuke they'd come up with something. After all, it worked against Zabuza that time.
Gaara moaned and clutched at his head, causing worried looks from the other three Sand ninjas.
Shikamaru watched with vague disinterest. Obviously Gaara is somehow important to their plans. The only reason that could be so is if their plans involve the demon he claims to have. He looked from Naruto to Sasuke, both of whom tensed for a fight. These guys seem to want to start something that I don't think we could end. He was relieved when Genma teleported in front of them, his position giving the most protection to Sasuke. The Sand ninjas looked worried at this development.
Sasuke had had enough. “What the hell is going on?” he demanded, trying to drill holes into Genma's back with his glare. First there's an explosion, and now there's a load of people disrupting our fight. Something is happening and no one is telling us anything. He angrily tied off the end of the bandages, wishing that he had time to properly redress his arm, but knowing that such a wish was futile.
Gaara moaned again and fell to his knees, prompting worry from his team and their sensei. From what Shikamaru could gather, Gaara had run out of chakra and so was unable to use the demon which was somehow vital to the Sand village's plans.
“Gaara is the Sand village's trump card,” said the jounin, with the air of giving orders to subordinates. “He must fight, no matter what. You three must get away from here and treat Gaara's wounds. Once his chakra recovers, you are to resume your mission.” His gaze fell on that of Genma's as Kankuro lifted Gaara to rest on his shoulder. “I will stop these guys.”
Genma snorted slightly. “You expect that everything will just go your way?”
“I will make it happen.” He kept eye contact with him, while barking an order at his subordinates. “Go!” The paused slightly, before making for the wall, leaping over it and away into the village beyond.
Genma hissed angrily, watching them go. “Is Orochimaru the one who organised this party?”
“I don't know,” replied the Sand jounin, shifting his weight forwards, ready to attack. “Let's enjoy, it for now.”
Orochimaru? Sasuke moved his gaze to meet with Naruto's, seeing the same worry in his eyes. Orochimaru again. What does he want with Konoha? With me?
Genma shifted slightly. “Sasuke. Naruto. Shikamaru. I'm sorry, but the chuunin exam ends here.” He ignored the grunt from Sasuke and the disgruntled `what?!' from Naruto. “You guys may well have what it takes. If you're ninjas of Konoha, be useful to Konoha.”
Sasuke stood slowly. “So, you want us to catch up with them and stop whatever their mission is?”
“Don't chase them too far,” warned Genma, not taking his eyes from the Sand jounin. “From here on, it's not an exam. It's the real thing.”
Naruto laughed. “Think that makes a difference to us? We're still going to give it our all.” He looked at Sasuke, then Shikamaru, grinning widely. “Let's go, guys.” He set off at a run, Sasuke and Shikamaru keeping pace close behind him. Dimly, he heard a clang of metal on metal as the jounin started to fight. He ignored it and jumped over the wall, hot on the trail of Gaara and his two team-mates.
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The arena had grown pleasantly warm to Sakura and she stretched slowly, trying to fight against the drowsiness the heat was causing. Around her, she could see other spectators starting to droop, slumped over the chairs with their chins resting against their chests. A quiet snore told her that Ino, who was sat next to her, was already asleep. This isn't right. People don't fall asleep in large groups like this all at once. Her hands moved into the familiar tiger seal, even as her mind tried to make sense of what was happening around her. This doesn't seem natural, which means… She closed her eyes and sent a surge of chakra through her inner coils. “Kai!” Immediately the world seemed clearer and her eyes stopped trying to shut. Then it was genjutsu, but why would someone do that to everyone in the arena? A loud explosion came from the balcony where the Hokage and Kazekage had been sat, and the area was covered in a blanket of smoke. Ah. That's why. So no-one sees what must be an assassination attempt. As she watched, two figures in white moved to the roof and a purple barrier seemed to form around them, blocking the ANBU that had been making their way up there.
“Those guys controlling the field aren't normal ninjas,” said Kakashi, blandly. Sakura turned in her chair, comforted by the jounin's presence. “Stay there, a moment, Sakura.” He started forwards, but was blocked by a familiar figure flanked by sound ninjas.
Kabuto smiled benignly up at Kakashi. “Ah, Kakashi-san. It's been a while since we last saw each other.” He turned slightly. “Sakura-san, it's a pity you didn't sleep like all these other sheep.”
“So you're the one responsible for this,” said Kakashi, drawing Kabuto's attention away from Sakura. “You're a spy and a traitor for the Sound, then?”
Kabuto waved a hand slightly. “Traitor is such a harsh word, Kakashi-san. And no, this isn't my doing. The one who organised this is occupied elsewhere.”
Kakashi turned to look up at where the purple barrier was pulsing slowly. Damn. How could they get this many enemy ninjas into Konoha while still leaving us unawares? How can they strike at the Hokage himself without us being aware of the attempt? As he watched, the Kazekage dispelled the disguise around himself, allowing Kakashi to see who was undoubtedly the mastermind behind the whole attack. “Orochimaru?”
Sakura was on her feet in an instant, looking up at the same figures Kakashi was. “Orochimaru? What's he doing here?” She blinked as a piece of the puzzle jogged into place. “Sasuke-kun!” She turned her attention back to the arena, only to see two jounin from opposing villages locked in combat below. Sasuke-kun? She scanned the arena frantically, looking for any sign of him. He's gone, and so is Gaara. What happened? Did one leave and the other follow? Or did one of them drag away the other?
Seeing Kakashi and Sakura's attention waver, Kabuto gave a miniscule nod to his troops, causing them to spring into action. Two of them bore down on Sakura, kunai drawn, with an intent to kill. Sakura did not notice their presence until they were almost on top of her, when she ducked, covering her head and making a terrified squeak.
When she felt no pain, she cautiously looked up again, only to see Kakashi at a most unflattering angle as he stood crouched on the back of the seats in front. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the sprawled forms of the Sound ninjas that had attacked. Thank goodness for Kakashi-sensei. I was almost dead because I was too busy worrying and not paying attention. That's a basic error that I shouldn't be making.
“Sakura,” trilled Kakashi in sing-song, his head tilting down to look at her through his legs. “Stay like that a moment. I'm going to decrease the number of enemies.”
Sakura nodded then watched Kakashi spring away, joined by other jounin from the village. They started to drive away the Sound ninjas, incapacitating them however they could, sometimes permanently. Kakashi-sensei is doing his best to protect me. If I had been under the genjutsu then I'd not be a target for all these ninjas. The best I can do is stay down and pretend I'm asleep, or else Kakashi-sensei will spend all his time having to protect me. She tipped her head down, watching the action through slitted eyelids and marvelling at what fully trained ninjas could do. They make Sasuke-kun and Naruto look as bad as I do next to them. She watched and waited for instructions.
Finally, Kakashi landed in front of her again, shielding her from the Sound ninjas. “Sakura!” She sat up, telling from Kakashi's tone of voice that he was giving orders rather than humouring her. “I'm glad that I showed you genjutsu during our survival training. You have a talent for recognising when someone tries to influence your mind. I want you to dispel the genjutsu on Ino and Chouji. I have a mission for you.”
Sakura blinked. “A mission? Kakashi-sensei, this is a war-zone. It's no place for three genin who couldn't even make it pass the preliminaries.”
“I have faith in you, Sakura. You're not about to get killed, I promise.” He turned back slightly to smile at her, before turning his attention back to watch for enemies. “Proceed with caution. This will be an A-rank mission, just like our mission to the Wave Country.” He intercepted a Sound ninja, slitting his throat and sending him over his shoulder in a smooth motion.
Sakura tried not to squeak as the dying man landed across the seat behind her. “Sensei! You can't give us an A-rank mission in all this! How are we supposed to complete it? What can we do in all of this?” Have you gone totally crazy?!
Kakashi sighed. “Look, Sakura. Sasuke, Naruto and Shikamaru have all gone after Gaara and his two team-mates. Dispel the genjutsu on Ino and Chouji and go after them.” He moved his kunai to his hand, cutting a long, shallow cut along his thumb and letting the blood well up. That weird chakra from Gaara has been bothering me. It almost reminds me of what I've felt from Naruto. “You'll be moving in a basic, four-man platoon through Konoha, so you can keep a low profile and avoid drawing the attention of the Sand and Sound ninjas in the village. You remember how from your academy classes, right?”
Sakura nodded, feeling relieved. “Of course I do. So, you're coming with us, then, to make up the four-man unit?”
Kakashi shook his head, his hands moving through a sequence of seals. “No, I can't leave here.” He thrust his hand down onto a nearby sleeping spectator's back. “Kuchiyose no jutsu!”
Sakura peered through the smoke of the resulting summon, finally making out a small dog with a Konoha forehead-protector on. Huh? What use is that thing going to be?
“Pakkun here will chase after the others, using their scent,” said Kakashi.
Sakura blinked hard. “So the fourth member of the team is going to be this puppy?”
Pakkun hopped over the backs of the spectators to sit nose to nose with Sakura, and spoke with a voice far deeper than Sakura felt should come from such a small dog. “Hey, little girl. Don't call me a cute puppy.”
Sakura scowled, worriedly. I'm still not convinced. And I didn't call you a `cute' anything.
“Okay, Sakura,” said Kakashi, still standing guard over them. “Dispel the genjutsu and wake Ino and Chouji.”
Sakura nodded and shuffled round to face Ino, moving her hands back into the tiger seal. “Kai!” She sent chakra through into her fingers, then tapped Ino on the shoulder. Ino yawned and stretched slightly before Sakura grabbed her arm and pulled her back down. “Do you want to get killed, Ino?” She dragged Ino onto the floor, out of easy striking range.
Ino looked around. “What's going on, Sakura? Last thing I knew, my Sasuke-kun was kicking butt against the Sand guy, and now there's some battle going on.”
Sakura nodded, trying to inch around Ino to get to Chouji. “The Sand and Sound villages have attacked. Everyone who isn't fighting is under some sleep genjutsu,” she explained quickly and quietly. “Sasuke-kun, Naruto and Shikamaru have gone after Gaara and are going to get into trouble.”
Ino sighed. “For someone who hates work, Shikamaru has a talent for getting into trouble.” She rose up and started tugging at the corpse of the Sound ninja Kakashi had killed earlier.
Sakura looked up from her hand seal. “What are you doing, Ino-pig? Get down!”
Ino snorted. “If you think I'm going out there with only my backup kunai you have another thing coming.” She quickly unbuckled the leg holster the enemy had been wearing and strapped it around her own thigh. “This guy isn't going to need any of this ever again, so why shouldn't it go to me instead?” She looked around and started unbuckling another holster from a nearby sleeping Konoha ninja. “Hurry up and wake Chouji up.”
Sakura nodded. “Kai!” She was relieved when Chouji started to stir, and less amused when he made a groan that might have been `where's breakfast?'
Ino looked over. “Wake up, Chouji. We're in trouble again.” She gave Sakura a liberated holster filled with shuriken.
“Again, Ino?” Chouji sighed. “Why is it that you're always getting us into trouble?”
“You think I arranged all this?” asked Ino, waving a hand about to indicate the fights around the arena. “I don't think a part-time flower-shop worker has these sorts of contacts.” She pressed another liberated holster into Chouji's hands. “Now come on. Forehead-girl seems to know what's going on. She says Shikamaru is in trouble.”
Sakura nodded. “Right. So's Naruto and Sasuke-kun. Now come on, follow me, and keep your head down.” She crawled out cautiously, and made her way up the stairs, trying not to draw any attention. At the top she found herself nose to nose with Pakkun again. What is with this dog?
“Dynamic Entry!”
The wall to the arena buckled, crumbled, then exploded as the green spandex-clad figure of Gai came flying through, leg still raised in a flying kick, to land beside Kakashi.
“You're late, Gai.”
Gai automatically moved to stand back to back with Kakashi. “That's rich coming from you, my eternal rival. I couldn't leave the adorable Lee stranded when this battle started. I had to get him to safety before I could come to your aid.”
Kakashi snorted, then turned his attention to the genin inching closer to the hole Gai's entrance had made. “Listen up, I'll tell you your mission now. Once I've fully explained, make your exit through that hole.” He paused slightly to make sure he had their attention before continuing. “Go after Naruto and the others and once you catch up, stop them from going any further. Find a safe place to stop, then hide and await further orders.”
Sakura nodded. “I understand, Sensei.” She turned to Pakkun. “Since you're our tracker, lead the way. We'll follow behind. Ready?”
Chouji nodded slightly, while Ino grinned. “Don't get any heroic ideas, Sakura. Let's leave that to our idiot men-folk, huh?”
Sakura smiled and nodded back. “You've got it, Ino. Pakkun, let's go.”
Pakkun darted out of the hole in the wall, followed closely by the three genin.
Gai watched them go. “Think they'll be okay, Kakashi?”
“Only if they don't catch up to Gaara. Otherwise, they'll end up dead.”