Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Smiling Mask of ANBU ❯ The Forest of Death ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.
I'm sorry for the long wait. Things got away from me. Please check my profile. There is a poll I would like people to do. Thank you all for waiting for so long. And thank you to the people who yelled at me to get my ass up.
Yes, I know that Orochimaru is more than a little out of character. I have no idea what to say about that. This chapter was meant to out across the fact that although Naruto is powerful he is not all-powerful. He can be beaten. Not easily but he can.
I wanted to make this chapter longer but I couldn't. I still have a bit of a writer's block. On the bright side I now know where I'm going to put Naruto's and Team 5's back-story. It was a topic I had argued with myself about a lot.
Please see my profile for update information. In your reviews please make a note of what side-pairings you'd like to see. As long as they don't mess with the original pairing any will do. So far I've got one vote each for Kakashi-Iruka-which I was thinking of doing anyway- Sasuke-Sakura-Which I might be able to pull off here somewhere-and Shikamaru-Temari-Which I have no idea how I'm going to pull off.
Kyuubi Talking
The Smiling White Mask of Anbu
Chapter 8- The Chunin Exams; Forest of Death
Naruto stared up at the tree-covered sky with a frown. “We'll go from above.” He said to his teammates. Sakura frowned at him, “Um…why?” she asked. Naruto smiled at her softly. “Because, dear Sakura-chan, the one place a person almost never looks is up. When was the last time you looked towards the sky for an enemy?” The girl thought about it for a minute before she jumped up into the cover of the trees.
The blonde watched as Sasuke followed her up and took a deep breath. “Separate.” He ordered to the empty area around him. “Find me a few scrolls, girls.” Four shadows darted off into different directions. Naruto sighed and jumped up. Time to get to work.
Naruto looked down as he felt a large amount of chakra ahead of him. He held up a hand to stop his team mates and looked around. “Naruto, what's wrong?” Sakura whispered. He frowned at the girl and made a shushing motion. He looked around again. (Kyu', you feel that?) The demon shifted and lifted its head. “Yeah. Whoever that is isn't a Genin.”
His frown deepened and he jumped down from the top of the trees to the ground. Sasuke and Sakura shared an exasperated look and went after him. “Oi, Dope! What are you doing?” Naruto glanced back at them. “You can't feel that?” he asked. “A large amount of chakra building around us?”
The two just gave him odd looks, causing him to roll up. “Genins.” He muttered to himself. His eyes widened and his head snapped up. “Incoming!” he shouted as a wave of intense chakra slammed into him, followed immediately by a gust of wind. His eyes widened as Sakura was blown away. “Sakura!” he shouted. He growled and let himself be picked up off the ground, flying after her. Finally he slid to a stop, the wind still whipping around him. “Sakura-chan, where are you?”
Naomi appeared next to him. “Yuri found the girl. Apparently the Uchiha is with her.” Naruto relaxed just a little. “Thank god for the little mercies. Where are they?”
Naomi turned. “This way.”
Naruto slid to a stop as he stared at the man talking to his teammates. Fear crept into every pore of his body. This close he knew that chakra. “Orochimaru...” He whispered, shaking.
He shook himself out of it. He reached up and turned on the com hidden in the base of his ear. “Neko-san. We have a problem.”
Natsuki's voice echoed in his ear. “What's wrong?” He took a deep breath but still couldn't stop his voice from trembling. “Orochimaru.”

Takako shouted over the link. “Taicho! Taicho, don't engage! Do you hear me, Taicho! Don't engage!”
Naruto closed his eyes. “I don't have a choice. He's got my team.” He reached up and shut off the link, ignoring the others shouts.
He took a deep breath and jumped down, snapping open his tessen. “Kamaitachi-no-Jutsu!” Orochimaru looked up at him in surprise and jumped away.
“Naruto!” Sakura shouted in surprise. Naruto kneeled down as he landed in front of them, raising the tessen into a defensive stance. “You two just can't stay out of trouble can you?” he snapped.
Sasuke frowned at him. “What's your problem, dope?” the blonde glanced back at them, eyes hard and cold. They flinched away. “That is no Genin.” He informed.
Sickening laughter met his ears, causing him to turn back to his enemy. He slowly stood up. “Orochimaru, classified missing-nin. Once a member of the Legendary Three Sannin of Konoha. What are you doing here?”
Orochimaru laughed again. “My, my, my. What an interesting little boy. It's truly nothing for you to be concerned about.” A smirk crossed the man's lips and he dove forward to attack Naruto.
Naruto frowned and jumped up and away. When Sasuke stepped forward he shouted down at the boy. “Stay there! You're no match!”
Sasuke glared up at him. “And you are?!” the blonde growled and jumped away again when the missing-nin attempted to hit him again. “Think you dumbass! This is a high-level missing-nin? What purpose do you think he'd have coming after a simple Genin team?!”
The Uchiha frowned. Before he could respond Naruto replied. “Against a couple of weak Genins, none! Unless there was something on that team that he could nowhere else!” when Naruto saw the boy wasn't getting it he rolled his eyes. “And they call you a Genius!” he shouted in disgust. “You're eyes Sasuke! He couldn't get the Sharigan anywhere else! Probably from your brother but you're the easier target right now!”
He felt a brief wave of relief flow over him when he saw fear flash through the dark eyes. “That's right, Sasuke. He's here for you! I might not be any better than you but if you fail, than it's over! You're just too damn important!”
Orochimaru stopped and carefully examined the blonde in front of him. Something wasn't right. He growled and brought out Kusanagi. “Brat, don't you know not to look away?” he asked as he dove forward.
Naruto's eyes widened and he slapped the tessen closed so he could use it to hold off Orochimaru. He grinned at the man. “You have no idea just who you're dealing with do you?” he asked.
He pushed his chakra out of him at a rapid rate, causing the wind to spin out of control. He let the tessen slide open two notches. “Futon: Blade Dance-no-Jutsu.”
Orochimaru's eyes widened as hundreds of thin slices jumped out from around the blonde and moved in intricate patterns around him, almost like performing a complicated dance. And he was right in front of the boy.
Naruto snapped closed the tessen the minute Orochimaru moved away and reduced the tessen to its seal form. As he replaced it he drew out two more. He looked up and threw the seals in the air, jumping away to avoid Orochimaru as the man jumped back at him.
In the air the seals unwound, revealing their true forms. The cut through the ground, landing on either side of Naruto as the blonde stood. Naruto took a deep breath, ignoring the Kyuubi shouting in the back of his head.
“What the hell are you doing, brat?! Why are you getting into close combat with that CREEP!” Naruto shook his head and reached out, pulling the two swords out of the ground. “Well, come on.” He taunted, sliding into the pose. (I just have to wait for Sasuke to get out of here!)
Sasuke sat down, dragging Sakura down beside him. “Alright, listen. We probably don't have much time. How much do you want to help Naruto? Remember you could die.”
Sakura thought for a moment before she looked back up. “What do we do?” she asked.
Naruto groaned as he braced against the man's attack. Taking a deep breath he pushed back and restarted the intricate dance using two blades required. He spun and flipped and tried to land a hit with no success.
Orochimaru jumped back from his striking range with a smile. “You're not bad, brat. One chance. Join me.”
Naruto growled. “Not a chance in hell!” he shouted. “This is my village. I'm not leaving it!” Orochimaru frowned. “What a shame. All that talent. Gone.”
Naruto's eyes widened as snakes suddenly flew at him from all angles. “Shit!” he cursed, bringing one arm up to block his face.
A wave of heat swept over his fire as he felt chakra bathe the area. Chakra he knew well. (That idiot!) He thought, turning to stare at his teammates. Sasuke let off the flow of chakra, extinguishing the flame taking care of the snakes. The Uchiha turned and smirked at him. “Need help, dope?”
“You idiot! What the hell are you thinking?! What point of him wanting the Sharigan did you not understand?”
Sasuke glared at him. “So you think you can just get away with being the hero, the martyr?” Naruto glared back. “That has nothing to do with this! I told you not to risk you life for me! Were you not listening or are you just dumb?!”
Naruto coughed as something slammed into his side, knocking the breath out of him. He and the other person slid to a stop a few feet away from Sasuke as an explosion rocked the area he had once been standing. He turned around and stared at Sakura as the girl grinned. “Hah. Beat that.” She stated, staring at the smoke.
Naruto stood up and glared at Sasuke as he walked towards them. “You brought her too?” Sakura stood up and glared. “I can take care of myself!” she shouted.
“Well, I'm not really convinced with that little act of stupidity!” he threw his arms up. “I cannot believe you two! Have you no concern for your lives?”
Sasuke stepped up and hit him across the face. Not expecting the move, Naruto's head jerked to the side. Only years of training preventing him from falling to the ground. “You have no right to berate us. You have no concern at all for your own life so forgive if we try and make sure you don't die!” he snapped.
“You, Uzumaki Naruto, would raise you head and stare death in the face and not even fight back. We are not just going to stand by and watch that happen.” Sasuke growled out.
Naruto jaw trembled slightly and he kept his eyes on the ground as he replied. “I told you. I'm not worth your life!”
His eyes snapped to his left and he grabbed Sakura to push her out of the way as Orochimaru burst from the cloud. The attack ripped through his jacket and the holster for the tessen and his shirt. A cry was started out of his throat as his jacket fell away. Never before had he been glad for the bandages he wrapped around the mark on his arm.
Sakura sat up quickly, pushing at him. “Naruto!” she shouted. The blonde winced, resisting the urge to curl into a ball from the pain. “Idiots.” He muttered. “The both of you. To think that would take him out.” Slowly he pushed himself and looked around. “Where's Sasuke?” he asked, looking around.
He wasn't there. “Shit!” He shouted, pushing himself up.
They found him curled into a ball in front of Orochimaru, one hand holding his shoulder in pain. Naruto jumped forward. “Stay away!” he shouted, aiming a hit at Orochimaru. The man grabbed his fist and spun him around. Naruto growled and the minute his feet hit the ground again he spun back around, his leg shooting out. Orochimaru easily moved away. “You might be strong against the other ninja's of Konoha, Naruto-kun, but you're still no match against me!”
Naruto growled and continued the onslaught. “Take care of him.” He shouted at his other teammate as he tried to lead the man away. Orochimaru grinned. “You're too late, Naruto-kun. The boy is mine.”
“Not yet!” he shouted. “I won't allow it.” He jumped back, pulling three senbon out. He threw them up, hands starting to fly through hand seals. As the senbon fell back down he stopped and pushed the chakra out. “Ninpon.” He shouted. The senbon froze, hanging in the air. “Dance of Illusions.”
Slowly the three senbon multiplied until he was surrounded. He flipped through a few more seals. “Solidify.” He whispered. Slowly he brought one arm up above his head and pointed the other towards the ground. He gave a malicious grin. “Dodge this.” He whispered.
He swept one hand forward quickly, the needles following his movements. Orochimaru jumped away, trying to weave through the numerous objects. Several managed to cut through his clothes. One nicked his cheek. “Not bad Naruto-kun. That must take fine control and a lot of chakra to create so many.”
Naruto growled and brought his other hand forward, the rest of the projectiles flying forward. The other hand carefully guided the other senbon back. Orochimaru shook his head in amusement and moved away. He let his hands moved seamlessly through the seals and aimed a fire jutsu at the blonde. Naruto eyes widened and he jumped away; the senbon fell to the ground lifelessly and disappeared, leaving only the original ones there.
Orochimaru jumped through the fire and Kusanagi came out of his mouth. Naruto's eyes widened but he couldn't move while in the air. He tried to twist to avoid the sword from piercing any vital organs. The blade cut straight through his side.
Naruto hit the ground hard, rolling slightly before he stilled. His breathing started to shudder slightly as his skin lost color. The poison on the blade was quickly spreading through his body. “Naruto!” Sakura shouted, trying to figure out how to get to the boy without leaving Sasuke.
Orochimaru chuckled. “Soon. The boy will be mine soon.”