Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Things Change ❯ The Girl ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Things Change
“Mr. Uchiha has minor bruising and scratches all over his body that will heal in a few days. But the real problem his the wound done from his left shoulder to his left side.” Said the medical- nin.
“Thank you for the update, may we see him?” asked Kakashi kindly.
“Yes you may, but he's unconscious so he can't hear you.” With that said the medical nin walked away.
Naruto had been sitting on a bench on the right of where the two were talking. The accident running through his mind.
The Uchiha jumped between the enemy and Naruto and stabbed the ninja in the heart.
The ninja gasped and quickly jabbed his kunai into Sasuke's left shoulder and brought it down his side.
Naruto watched in horror. Paralyzed.
The ninja fell off the tree while Sasuke fell backwards and towards Naruto.
Naruto caught the Uchiha.
End flashback
The blonde snapped out of his thoughts and slowly looked up at his sensei.
“Come Naruto, we're going in to see Sasuke.”
The older man turned down the hall with the blonde slowly following.
When they entered the room; to Naruto's horror; they found Sasuke plugged up to what seemed to be a million machines.
Naruto dropped his head. He couldn't stand to see his comrade looking so inhumanly pale and weak.
The Uzumaki felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He looked up at Kakashi.
“I know you feel you're at the fault for this, but nothing could have stopped it. Either way one of you would have been injured.”
“Yeah? Well better me then Sasuke!” the blonde tore away from the man's comforting hand and glared up at him.
You could see it in Kakashi's one eye that he was smiling a mix between sad and amused.
His next words struck Naruto by surprise.
“I bet Sasuke feels the same way.”
After Naruto left the hospital he took a walk around Konoha, trying to clear his head. But Kakashi's words kept worming their way into his head.
Finally he gave up and went home.
He took a long shower and got ready for.
He laid in bed for what seemed forever, tossing and turning.
When he finally fell asleep the memories on the mission and seeing Sasuke in the hospital came flooding back.
He woke dripping with sweat, his heart beating wildly.
“Maybe it would be better if I wasn't here; maybe Sasuke would be okay if he never met me.”
“You think he would be better off?” asked a light, female voice.
All a sudden a girl came out of the shadows.
She had shoulder length, red hair. Small violet eyes. And she wore a simple blue kimono.
“Well, do you?”
A/N: DUM DUM DUM!! Well, what do you think so far. I wanted to get to the point of the story quickly so please REVIEW!!