Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Things Change ❯ The Brothers Uchiha ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chap: 4 - The brothers Uchiha
A/N: This is going to be a long chap. And Sasuke will make his appearance *squeal* Anyways, enjoy and review!
Naruto was shocked stiff.
“Here, let me help you.” Itachi motioned his hand toward the blonde.
Naruto cautiously took it, letting Itachi pull him up.
“Are you new here, I've never seen you before, and I'm pretty sure my family's got tabs of everyone in Konoha.” The older Uchiha said lightly.
“Um….yeah, you could say that.”
“Well, I'm Uchiha Itachi, you are?”
“Uzumaki Naruto.”
“Naruto eh? So, where are you heading?”
“Me? Oh! I don't have anywhere to go. I just got here.”
Naruto replied softly, a bit embarrassed by how dumb he sounded.
“You just moved here and have nowhere to stay?” Itachi was clearly amused.
“Well, it wasn't really planned!”
The older chuckled lightly.
“Well, tell you what, as an apology for ramming into you, how about you come stay with my brother and I till you find a place.”
“What?! S sstay with you….and your brother?” Naruto stammered.
“Yeah! Sasuke won't mind. Follow me.” Itachi continued foreword down the street with a dazed blonde following.
The Uchiha compound Itachi and Sasuke lived in was two stories and the size of 2 and a half lighthouses out together.
So it wasn't really huge. But you wouldn't confuse it with a normal civilian's house either.
The house was dark considering it was almost 2:30 in the morning.
Itachi led Naruto up to the second floor. They stopped in front of the first wooden door to their left.
“Give me a moment to talk to Sasuke about the arrangements, okay, stay out here.”
It wasn't 20 minutes he was gone and through the door came a scream of an all too familiar voice.
“Now Sasuke, he's not from the streets. He just got into town and has nowhere to go. Now please just except that and follow my plans.”
“Fine, but why does he have to stay in my room?”
“Because, my room is clustered and I have a lot of comings and goings, if he stays with you he won't be alone so often, plus, he's in good shape, you come probably get a better training partner out of him then me.”
The room grew quite for a minute, as Sasuke pondered this.
“Fine! But make sure he's cleaned up before setting foot in my room.”
“Done.” Naruto could feel the smile in Itachi's voice.
Itachi then came out of the room. “So, you'll be rooming with Sasuke. And just to tell you, his temper is rotten, so don't try to get on his nerves alright?”
With that he walked farther down the hall to his own room.
Naruto took a deep breath, slowly turned the knob, and entered the room.
The room was medium size. The furniture consists of a bed at the far right corner; under the window; a closet; straight across from the door; and a computer desk.
The computer held a lap top and a few note books.
“Are you finished looking around my bedroom?” said a slightly annoyed voice.
The blonde turned around.
Across from the foot of the bed; right next to the entrance door; was another door that apparently leads into a bathroom.
In the doorway a frowning, tired Uchiha Sasuke stood.
“Whatever, here.”
Sasuke through some blankets and a soft pillow at him.
“Make up our own futon on the floor, I'm going to bed.”
Sasuke walked past Naruto to his bed swiftly.
“Remember to turn off the light.” Said the younger Uchiha as he slid under his covers.
`Some people never change, not even in a different universe.' Naruto thought as he made up what would be his bed.
He was more tired than he thought, because right when his head hit the pillow, he was out.
A/N: Well, I hope you like it. PLEASE REVIEW