Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ To Be Hated ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

To Be Hated

Disclaimer ~ I do NOT own Naruto…some Japanese guy dose LOL cuz if I did Naruto wouldn’t say “believe It” every 10 seconds.

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I awoke to the feeling of a nights breeze. It was cold, colder than anything I have ever felt before. I noticed my legs and clothes were wet and my hair too. I didn’t know where I was or didn’t I care for the matter. Because I ran, I ran as far as I could go to get away from that place. Kohona…my home it brought me happiness there…but even more pain. I was hated for being born, I was hated for living. I was hated by all except for one the Hokage, Tsunade she was like an older sister to me. The only person in my life beside the old man who care for me. All the other where the same…even my sensei he always spent his time on the bastard. Leaving me to fend for myself. Even the girl who I claimed to love hate me “Naruto!!! Why don’t you just shut the hell up! Why don’t you just leave me alone I love Sasuke and that will never change…you know what no one would even care if you left”. That’s what hurt me the most…rejection. After she said those word I just held my head down and walk away never to be seen again. I was officially a “Missing-Nin” once out of the village I ran until my legs burned it was late by now it was dark and I was still running with tears in my eyes. I didn’t even notice were I was going, then I tripped on a rock tumbling down a hill and off a small cliff. Landing in a pond. I mustered what strength I had left and swam to the edge of the pond and not having the strength to pull my self all the way out I just laid there. Eventually I cried myself to sleep.

It was cold…but my heart felt cold no emotion what so ever. I swore to myself that I would never show emotion again. “Emotions are for weaklings” I told my self over and over. I told myself to get stronger so one day I could go back and see the looks on there face when they see me. A cold hearted killer. That what I became in time…killing for the fun of it. The thrill of the hunt and the glory of the kill.

I was tracked down various times. They were leaf and they were hunting me down. My first encounter was at the age of thirteen. They stood no chance I rip them to shreds and hanged there heads on trees. And I collected there fore-head protectors as a trophy by the age of 16 I had collected about one-hundred protectors, they decorated my walls. I lived in a small wooden cabin I made myself away from everyone…secluded and that’s how I liked it. I took the clothes from the trackers so I managed. I remember the first time I had worn a par from a tracker. They where big or at least for me they were. But eventually I grew into them, long baggy pants with a mesh top and a vest. My hair had grown wild and long I held it back into a pony tail. And since I didn’t have a mirror I didn’t know what I looked like at the time. And I didn’t expect the fox to change me so much. One day I went for a shower at the pond and I had never looked at the water afraid to see what I had become. I thought I was a hideous monster, but when I saw myself I was amazed. My eyes were silted and had red lines running across my cheeks that used to be my whisker scars. And there were streaks of red in my hair I and my hair was darker than I remembered. When I was eighteen I though I was ready to go back…to show them my strength.

I remember there was a small village not to far away from I lived. I stopped by there to steal some stuff I needed and some food. And when I arrived I heard about the village hidden in the leaf was holding a tournament. There was some talk about prizes but I didn’t care about the prizes I only cared about making every ninja in Kohona foolish,…foolish about they way they treated me. The way they looked down on me. To show them I was now weak not just the number one hyper active knuckle head ninja anymore, I was a stone cold killer.

I wanted to show them…to show them the pain they caused me.

The pain of being hated.
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Well this is the end to the prologue hope you like the story I am not gonna b able to post them as quick as I would like to bcuz of school that just around the corner WELL R&R hoping to make the next installment by next week or b4 kk cya guys later ^_^ A/N I dunno pairings yet if u could make some suggestions thx