Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Transformed ❯ The Cost of Life Fusion ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I wish I owned Naruto but I do not. It is the property of Masashi Kishimoto. So don't sue me.
Authors Note: slight OOC-ness
Blah = Normal
Blah = Demon
Last Chapter
No, I wouldn't. There is a cost to doing this. “And that is?”
Part: 2
Your past. Because of the fusion you won't look like yourself anymore. No one will know who you are. Even if they did, only a few would accept you. “That's fine. I wasn't accepted in Konoha anyway. They all thought that I was a demon. Only Iruka-sensei, Tsunade-baa-chan, and Ero-sennin really liked me. No one else cared. It will be nice to start over where no one knows who I am.” Kyuubi smiles evilly So you accept. “Of course.”
To do this I will need to teach you a long forgotten and forbidden Jutsu. It was forbidden because it turned the human who performed it into a demon. Because I am in you, you are considered a hanyou ((half-demon)) already. “So the villagers weren't completely wrong about me.” He says angrily. Brat! Don't interrupt me! As I was saying, because you are already a half-demon you will not turn into a normal demon. You will become a Demon Lord. It will be up to you to decide what to do with the power. You can pretend to be human and help the little rats, or you can continue what I started and destroy them. Kyuubi smiles at the memory of all the people in Konoha quaking in fear at the sight of him.
In our case, this jutsu will take two beings and turn them into one. If a normal human did this, it would just permanently open the Eight Celestial Gates, which in time would destroy the human's mind and body. For us it will just fuse us without any further damage, and we will them have sixteen Gates that we can open. That is the one thing that this jutsu wont merge is the gates, but you will be able to open them easier and get more power from each one. Your inner coils will be completely different, meaning that you will have to re-learn how to use your chakra. You will still know all of your jutsu as well as all of the ones I learned. You will just have to learn how your chakra works again in order to use them. “That's fine.”
Naruto scrunches his eyes up in thought. “How come people didn't use this jutsu if it made people really powerful?” So you CAN think. That is actually a good question. The jutsu is extremely long. It takes three hours to perform, and it is very noticeable during the last thirty minuets. It can't be felt but it is easily seen, and everyone knew what it looked like. If anyone was seen doing it they were killed on the spot. Once you start you cant stop or you will die. “I don't know the jutsu. How can you teach it to me if that means you'd die?” Kit, you really are an idiot. I'm not going to “teach” it to you. I'm going to give you the memory/knowledge of how to do it. Kyuubi touches Naruto's forehead with one of his tails. FLASH. Naruto's eyes widen “we BOTH have to do it!?” Yes brat, we both have to do it. That way we fuse. If we didn't one of use would disappear. I wouldn't care if it were you, but I won't take the chance that it could be me. I'm doing this so that I can continue to exist, as well as you. We may become one but then both of us would still be alive, even if its as one. “Can I do it in here or do I have to do it with my real body?” Because you can enter your own mind to talk to me you can do it here. Both of them: “Let's go!” Naruto begins to form the Hand Seals while Kyuubi forms the Demon Seals ((Demon version of Hand Seals))
Two Hours and Thirty Minuets Later
The Forest:
Naruto's body begins to glow with blue and red chakra as all eight Celestial and Demonic Gates are opened, releasing the souls that lived within the body. The chakra separates and floats above the body slowly becoming the images of Naruto and Kyuubi, both forming seals. The body below the chakra flashes once before turning into dust and sinking into the earth.
After another twenty minuets an intricate circle of pure energy forms below the souls. You ready kit? “Of course.” Naruto says giving his foxy smile. As the last seals are being formed the circle glows brighter, blotting out the chakra bodies with its brightness. The last seals: ningen, kitsune, and fusion are formed. ((human, fox, and fusion)) the circle becomes a pillar of blue and red chakra, shooting hundreds of feet into the air. After two minuets the pillar begins to shrink in both height and width until it takes the shape of a body. A small amount of chakra swirls around the body before settling on the body in the form of nine tails. The moment the tails were formed, the light around the body exploded, releasing a shockwave that knocked down anything within a twenty-foot radius of the body. The shockwave was felt throughout the continent, even if it was just a ripple in the air at the farthest edges of the land, before it dissipated.