Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ ultimate tournament ❯ the scrolls ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Scrolls
After all the teams had finished the registration forms the proctor told them the first exercise.
“A scroll finding test, humph we'll breeze through this.” Said Neji
Neji has boosted up his confidence since his fight with kidomaru so yeah
“Okay here are the rules.”
1. No killing
2. You can't fight others for a scroll. Your scroll will say you're team number on them.
“Those are all the rules everything else that is not on this list is okay.” The proctor, who was Anko said.
“Oh yeah and also you will be working in groups. I will tell you the groups
Groups (I'm only telling you the ones with the konoha 12 and…..The Sand siblings! So that's three groups of 5.
Group1: Neji Hyuga, Shikamaru Nara, Kiba Inuzuka, Sakura Haruno, and Temari.
Group 2: Rock Lee, Choji Akimichi, Hinata Hyuga, Naruto Uzumaki, and Kankuro.
Group 3: Tenten, Ino Yamanaka, Shino Aburame, Sasuke Uchiha, and Garra.
“Notice that each member of each original team is on a different team. It is like that so no one team has a higher advantage over another team. It is also like that to increase your teamwork.” Said Anko
“I see, so this is a teamwork exercise.” Said Shino.
“That's right Shino.” Said Anko
“And only the team that has good teamwork can make it through, hence the odd teams.” Pointed out Shikamaru
“That's also right, but notice one thing, each team has at least two people who have a `bond'
If you would call it that.”
(Shikamaru and Temari, Naruto and Hinata, and Sasuke and Garra.)
“Okay I got it.” said Sakura
“And notice one last thing, each team has one person with a bloodline trait that could strengthen your chance of finding the scrolls.”
“Okay now get moving, maggots!”
With group 1
“Ugh, this exercise is such a drag. I mean how are we supposed to get the scrolls in this big forest. Not to mention the fact that they're expertly hidden by Jonin.” Whined Shikamaru
“Don't be such a whiner Shikamaru we'll find the scrolls and advance to the next level CHA!”
Said Sakura, who was overly excited about this tournament.
“I have to agree with Shikamaru on this one, I can't even find one scroll here with my Byakugan.” Said Neji
“I'll try to see if I can sniff one out. Let's go Akamaru!”
Kiba sniffed and sniffed but he couldn't smell one scroll for his team
“Rats, You're right Shikamaru these are expertly hidden.”
“I think I have a theory why that is.” Said Shikamaru
“Where are you getting at?” Said a confused Sakura
“Well don't you just think that it's weird how they would spend so much time just trying to hide a bunch of scrolls?”
“I don't understand. Specify.” Said Neji
“Don't you think it's weird to `assign' us a scroll? I mean just look I found a scroll it doesn't even have a number on it, isn't that peculiar?”
“So what you're saying is that they're tricking us?” said Neji
“Exactly maybe they want us to look underneath the underneath that underneath of that.”
“Wait what are you saying?” Questioned Kiba
“Well maybe we're just supposed to get as much scrolls as we can.” Said Shikamaru
“Oh I get it now, what you're trying to say is that if the scrolls don't have numbers all the teams would spend days looking for nothing, thus eliminating each team one by one.” Said Neji
“And they just posed like that was the real objective, but it's not. The real objective is to get all the scrolls you can!” said Sakura
“Exactly my point.” Said Shikamaru
“Well that makes perfect sense now that you three explained it to me, now we'll breeze through this challenge!” Exclaimed Kiba
“Okay now that we're done talking let's get some scrolls.” Ordered Shikamaru
“Let's do it!”
With Group 2
“Darn it, I can't find any scrolls!” Exclaimed Naruto
“Do not give up yet Naruto, we can still find the scrolls engraved with our names on it! Yosh!”
“I don't know, Lee we've been searching for hours, none of the scrolls had our names on it” Cried Choji
“Hmph you little brats are pathetic, It looks like I Kankuro will have to save the day.”
“Hey we are not weak you are the weak one here! You are not putting any effort into this competition!” said Lee
“Shut up weirdo brat.” Yelled back Kankuro
“Guys p-p-please d-don't fight. I have an idea.”
“What's your idea Hinata?” Said an eager Naruto
“W-well haven't you noticed that none of the scrolls have anybody's name on them?
“Now that you mention it Hinata-Chan I did notice it.” Said Lee.
“So what does that mean?” Questioned Kankuro
“It means that we're not supposed to try and find a scroll with our name on it because none of the scrolls have a name on it.”
“So what's the whole point of this exercise then?” Said Kankuro
“The w-whole point is to get as much scrolls as you can within the time limit.”
“That makes perfect sense Hinata you're a genius!” Exclaimed Naruto
“Yosh Hinata you will blossom to become a flower even better than your cousin Neji Hyuga!” Yelled Lee
“I got to admit Hinata with a mind like that you will be able to become a promising kunoichi.” Complimented Choji
“I gotta say for a brat you are pretty useful after all.” Said Kankuro
“Thank you very much.” Said Hinata with a blush after getting a compliment from Naruto
“Okay let's find some scrolls you guys! Now that we know the true objective of this exercise let's get ready to kick some butt! Yelled Naruto
“Got it”
With Group 3
Well even with Shino Garra and Sasuke Group 3 was having the hardest time figuring out the true objective of this competition and what they're about to do is going to severely hurt their chances of getting through this exercise
“We have looked all over the place but we can't even find one scroll.” Said Shino, getting irritated
“Yeah, maybe this isn't how we're supposed to get past this exercise.” Said Sasuke (hint*hint)
“Don't be an imbecile Sasuke they told us the objective of this exercise and we're not going to change what they told us. Do you understand?” Said Garra
“Don't boss me around Garra; I could easily wipe the floor with you.” Said Sasuke
“Hmph I'd like to see you try to even touch me.”
“Garra don't mess with Sasuke, I mean Sasuke's so hot and you're so ugly!” teased Ino
“Oh you think you're funny huh, well let me show you one of MY JOKES!” yelled Garra
And in an instant Ino was getting embraced by sand. She yelped and yelped and yelped but Garra wouldn't change his mind; Ino was finished.
“Sand Coffin!”
Sasuke didn't Chidori Garra he chidoried the sand, but he didn't injure Ino.
“Are you crazy?! You could've killed her you psychopath!” yelled Sasuke in anger.
“I don't care about her; she should've kept her mouth shut.” Relented Garra
“Well you probably don't care about her but I do; I love her! Confessed Sasuke
Shino and Tenten were shocked out of their heads. Sasuke….and Ino?
“Aw that's so cute. But let me tell you something, if she gets in my way, she's dead.”
Warned Garra
“Ino! Wake up Ino!” Cried Sasuke
(Garra, Shino and Tenten went to get their scroll)
“Sasuke… is that you?” Said a woozy Ino
“Yes Ino, and I have a confession; I love you!” Said Sasuke with all the emotion he could
“Sasuke I love you too!” Said Ino and with that, Sasuke and Ino kissed and went to look for their scroll
“Sasuke, I overheard Shikamaru talking to Sakura about the objective of this exercise and I figured something out. The objective of this match is to find as many scrolls as you can! So me and you can look for all the scrolls.” Said Ino
“Okay Ino I'm with you.”
That's all folks. I am not going to tell you how they got the scrolls (lazy)
But in the next chapter I will introduce new characters. So tune in to “ultimate tournament”