Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ Questions and Apologies ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Nope. I don't own Naruto. And no I never will!
Unexpected Love
Chapter 15
Questions and Apologies
“I didn't think this would happen so soon,” Sakura whispered as she clung to Kakashi, her arms around his neck.
“Neither did I. I didn't know what I was thinking at the time. But I'm glad that I did,” Kakashi spoke just as softly as he held Sakura close to him, a smile on his handsome face.
“Do you think we can make this work?” Sakura asked as she took a step back to look into Kakashi's eyes.
“We can and we will. We'll worry about everything else later. Everything will be fine, I promise.” Kakashi sealed his promise with a kiss to his lover's rosy lips. He ran one of hands through her soft hair as the other rested on the nape of her neck, pulling her closer. He wouldn't give up Sakura for anything in the world, not even the whole world. There was only one Sakura and one Sakura was all that he needed.
Missions might become a problem but he would try his best to return in one piece. He wasn't the Copy Ninja for nothing. S-class missions were something that he would also not request since he now didn't want any suicide missions. He did not want to leave Sakura heart broken, it would be like she was dead also.
“What do you think Naruto and Sasuke will do?” Sakura asked when she pulled back from their kiss, the worry in her sea foam eyes. She was positive that Naruto would support them whole heartedly, but Sasuke was another problem all together. She was afraid that he would complain to the Hokage again and they would be separated forever.
“They'll be fine. I had a talk with Sasuke when we fought. I think he understands that I love you and that he can't have you. He backed out with the pride he had left. He won't be a problem anymore,” Kakashi said with a small amount of anger. He still couldn't get over the fact that Sasuke had nearly got them separated. And all because he was jealous, would wonders never cease with the last Uchiha.
“I hope you're right. I wouldn't be able to go on if we were separated,” Sakura spoke with a smile before taking his hand and walking beside the waterfall. “Let's forget about everything for now, let's just enjoy the rest of this week.”
“Agreed. It's just you and I. All alone,” Kakashi smirked teasingly as he pulled Sakura closer to his side, her head resting on his shoulder as they walked.
“Don't get any ideas...But Kakashi?” Sakura asked hesitantly as a full blush spread across her cheeks and down her neck.
“Ano...when will know...?” Sakura trailed off not knowing how to voice her thoughts, especially such a provocative one.
“Have sex?” Kakashi questioned bluntly. His smirk became a full out smile when Sakura blushed a deeper shade of red. Her face was as red as a ripe tomato, but a cute one at that.
Sakura buried her head in Kakashi's shoulder trying to hide her blush from Kakashi who was now openly laughing. The sound of his laughter was something only heard once in a blue moon. She couldn't help it when she began to laugh also, even if she was laughing at herself.
After a few minutes of laughter Kakashi was able to stop, but he couldn't keep the smile from his face. “But seriously...” Kakashi began with his tone becoming softer and deep. “When ever you're ready. I don't want to rush you into it. You are still a virgin aren't you?” Kakashi asked almost hesitantly. Not that he would ever admit it but he felt a twinge of jealousy. He knew that in their line of work then sometimes a kunoichi had to sacrifice a lot of things, including their virginity. But he prayed to Kami that that wasn't the case of Sakura.
“I am,” Sakura spoke almost dejectedly. She felt ashamed that she was nineteen years old and she still had not had any intimate relations with anyone. In Konoha the average age a male or female lost their innocence was fifteen or in some cases, twelve. She felt left out in most of the other departments concerning intimate relations. Kakashi had been the one to give her first kiss.
“I'm glad,” Kakashi said quietly as he heard Sakura's sadness. He looked down at her sad face and wondered what he ever did to get such a loving and innocent woman.
“I'm glad. I'm glad that you didn't have to lose your innocence the usual way. I'm glad that you get to with someone you love. I'm glad that I get that privilege.” Kakashi said as he turned Sakura until she was facing him and looking up into his eyes. He lay his forehead against her own and waited for her reaction.
“Thank you. I'm glad too,” Sakura said with a small blush. Closing the distance between them she lightly touched his lips with her own, relishing the feel of his warm lips against her own.
Kakashi breathed deeply into their kiss, savoring her tempting taste. The moan that emitted from Sakura very nearly made Kakashi lose his control. He didn't know how much more he could take before he lost control. But he wanted to go Sakura's pace and he never backed out of his words. He wanted her first time to be unforgettable and the most wonderful thing she had ever experienced. Breaking the kiss before his sanity broke also he smiled softly before taking Sakura's hand and continued to walk.
“Kakashi? I was wondering...” Sakura started hesitantly after a few minutes of silence.
“Have you ever wanted children?”
“No...I never thought that I would fall in love with anyone, especially not you. I don't hate children and if we ever did have any then I would love them like I would you. Do you want kids?” Kakashi asked searchingly as he looked into Sakura's eyes.
“When I was twelve I wanted kids, but I don't think I would want any now. We're shinobi and if one of us were killed in action then I wouldn't want them to have only one parent. I love children, but I don't want any for myself. I'm not exactly the mother type and besides I can fill that space by helping others.” Sakura smiled as she noticed Kakashi's odd expression.
Kakashi was a little stunned to say the least. He had thought that Sakura would want children, as many as she could. But he understood her reasoning, it was the same way he thought. Grinning Kakashi started hauling Sakura towards the weeping willow where they had eaten their lunch.
“Hey! What are you doing?” Sakura asked laughingly as Kakashi pulled her.
“Let's eat. I'm starving.”
Sakura laughed loudly, not believing this man sometimes. You start talking about children and then the man wants to eat. It was hilarious. As Kakashi sat Sakura down and went to start their dinner Sakura thought that this was going to be a long week. A wonderful and long week.
Sakura shouldered her lighter pack before looking to the side to see Kakashi doing the same. They had spent the entire week in leisure, being lazy and getting to know each other more than they thought possible. Sakura had never thought that there was so much to Hatake Kakashi. It was like he was a whole other person minus the mysteriousness. He had feelings just like she did, but he had kept his repressed for so long that he was even surprised at their intensity.
Kakashi knew a lot about Sakura, but there were a few things that he didn't know. Now after sharing so much information about the other they didn't know where one began and the other ended. It seemed like fate that they would end up together. After all the years of worry and sadness it seemed very incompetent compared to what they were now experiencing.
“I can't believe its been a week already,” Sakura sighed as she took one last look at their surroundings.
“I know. We'll do this again in the future. Are you ready?” Kakashi said before jumping to a nearby branch. After seeing her nod Kakashi continued on to Konoha, back to their normal lives. Except nothing would be normal now, they would be man and wife soon enough.
“Sakura?” Kakashi asked after a few minutes of silence, the wind whipping through their hair.
“When do you want to get married?” Kakashi asked suddenly feeling sheepish that he hadn't even thought about that tid-bit.
“As soon as possible,” Sakura said quickly, a little too quickly in fact. Every since the first night they were at the cabin when Sakura had asked the question about sex she had been anxious since then. She was greatly anticipating the moment they became married; it would be the most wonderful night in her life. She couldn't wait to make love with this man.
“Anxious to share a bed with me?” Kakashi asked teasingly as he caught onto her anticipation.
“No!.. I mean yes, why wouldn't I be,” Sakura said as she bit her bottom lip, a light blush staining her cheeks.
“I know. I feel the same way. How about this...Let's get married on Sunday. That's only three days from now.” Kakashi said, suddenly becoming as anxious as Sakura was.
“Yes. That's great, let's do it,” Sakura said happily as she sped through the forest at a faster pace.
Kakashi laughed as he watched her pick up her speed to get back to Konoha as fast as she could. He soon caught up with her as they began their plans for the days to come.
“You're what!” Naruto yelled as he jumped from one foot to the other.
Kakashi and Sakura had just arrived in the village and none other than Naruto had been waiting for them. Sakura had immediately upon seeing her loud boisterous friend told him the good news. She just couldn't contain her excitement any longer.
“We're getting married in three days. Can you believe it?” Sakura yelled excitedly as she crushed Naruto in a hug.
“I believe it alright. But it's so soon!” Naruto exclaimed as he was released from Sakura's embrace. He was very happy for them but he wasn't sure how the rest of the village would take to such news. He thought it would be best for them to be seen in public so the people could get used to seeing them together. But if anyone said anything about them while he was around then you could be sure that they wouldn't be able to talk for a week.
“So what? I've been waiting all my life for this and it's finally here. Aren't you happy for me?” Sakura asked with her head tilted up to study Naruto.
“I'm very happy for you! Do I get to be the best man, huh Kakashi?” Naruto exclaimed as he jumped on his heels, pleading up at Kakashi.
“Sure...” Kakashi trailed off seeing that Naruto wasn't even paying any attention to him.
“Wait till I tell Sasuke-teme and everyone else. This is going to be so great!” Naruto yelled before turning around and running towards the Uchiha mansion.
“Are you sure that it was a good idea to tell Naruto first?” Kakashi asked with his hand behind his head as he watched the loud blonde sprint through the village.
“It probably wasn't, but if you want news to spread fast them Naruto is the man for the job,” Sakura laughed as she latched onto Kakashi's arm, continuing on to her house. “What do you think everyone will say about us?” Sakura asked after a moment walking through the village with queer looks being sent their way.
“I don't know. But the only thing that matters is what you and I think, right?” Kakashi asked with an eye crease. He had donned his mask once again once they got within civilization. Kakashi too was noticing the odd looks they were receiving but as of yet no one had said anything. It was very unlikely that they would anyway for them being civilians and Kakashi and Sakura being shinobi.
“Yes. I don't care what anyone thinks. I love you and that's all that counts,” Sakura stated with finality as she sent a glare towards some people whispering about them.
“You might want to tone down on that glare, darling,” a familiar voice spoke from behind them. Sakura turned around quickly to find a senbon wielding shinobi with a large smirk on his face.
“Genma...What do you mean? I can glare all I want,” Sakura huffed as she held on tighter to Kakashi who had yet to turn around.
“Sure honey. I don't think anyone will say anything to you with your monstrous strength and all,” Genma teased as he walked towards the couple. It wasn't really a shock that he found the two together. Since they had left gossip had been spreading fast, mainly due to two loud blondes.
“I'll show you monstrous strength,” Sakura exclaimed as she threw up her fists and started to make for Genma. Before she could get a step a restraining hand grabbed her wrist. Turning her head to the side she saw Kakashi glaring at Genma with all seriousness.
“You better watch what you say or I'll let her go,” Kakashi warned before releasing Sakura's wrist, but taking her hand into his own.
“Oh? Looks like I got the all mighty Copy Ninja to get riled!” Genma laughed. Before he knew what hit him (literally) Sakura's fist slammed into his stomach. His senbon flew from his mouth as he doubled over in pain. He looked up to see Sakura standing over him, an evil smirk on her face.
“Don't talk about my fiancée like that!” Sakura yelled as she raised her fist a second time.
“I think he's had enough, for now,” Kakashi said as he took Sakura's hand into his own again before continuing on their way. “Just a second...” Kakashi walked back to Genma who was still clutching his stomach and bent down until he was on eye level with him. “Sakura is not your honey or your darling, she's mine.”
Sakura was gaping like a fish out of water when he turned around and walked back towards her. She just couldn't believe that Kakashi would threaten Genma over something as small as name-calling. “I'm yours am I?” Sakura teased as they continued on to her apartment.
“Of course. For now and always,” Kakashi grinned.
Fortunately there wasn't anymore disturbances for the two as they made it to Sakura's apartment. Those that had attempted to whisper or stare at them ended up at a lost for words when Sakura sent them a glare. Surprisingly Kakashi had sent two people running when he had sent a cold glare. The two women were saying that Kakashi probably threatened Sakura as they so kindly put it. Sakura now knew for certain that she wouldn't be seeing them women ever again.
“It's good to be home,” Sakura sighed as she took in her familiar surroundings.
“Didn't you like where I took you?” Kakashi asked playfully with a sad tone.
“I loved it. But it's still great to be home.”
“I know. There's another thing that we need to figure out...” Kakashi said as he bent to take off his sandals as Sakura did the same.
“What's that?” Sakura walked over to her couch and sat down with a sigh, running her hand on its surface.
“Where are we going to live when we become husband and wife? You don't want to stay in my bachelor apartment do you?” Kakashi asked as he too took a seat beside Sakura on the couch.
“I love your apartment, but I guess it is too small for two people. Would you be uncomfortable moving here with me?” Sakura asked was a small blush adorning her cheeks.
“Not at all. Besides there are more possibilities with your house,” Kakashi smirked teasingly as he leaned in the nip at Sakura's neck.
“What do you mean?” Sakura asked as a shiver ran down her spine from the attention she was receiving from Kakashi. A moan escaped her lips when he gently bit into her shoulder then smoothed it over with his tongue.
“Oh you know. When we make love...” Kakashi nearly growled the words as Sakura brought one of her hands up to tangle in his hair.
“Oh...” Sakura moaned, the only sound she was able to get out from between Kakashi's ravishing. She gasped when his fingertips ghosted over the side of her breast and down her side. She had never felt anything like this before, she was in pain and pleasure at the same time. She just wished he wouldn't go so slowly. Arching her back when his hand trailed over her pert breast again she brokenly whispered his name.
Kakashi hearing his name spoken in such a tone pulled his hands away like he had been burnt. Turning an apologizing face upon Sakura he spoke gruffly; “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.”
“It's okay. It was wonderful...” Sakura trailed off as a blush surfaced to her pale cheeks.
“Good. I wouldn't have it any other way, but I don't know if I'll be able to control myself much longer,” Kakashi said as he looked down at his hands that were slightly shaking.
“If you want...Then we can go ahead and…you know,” Sakura said as she turned her head to the side, trying to hide her embarrassment.
“Are you sure?...No...I want your first time to be special. And the longer we wait then the better it will be. I can control myself for three more days...” Kakashi trailed off wondering if he really could resist such a strong temptation when she was giving herself freely to him. If he just kept his thoughts on the positive consequences of waiting then he would be able to get through the next three days, right?
“Okay,” Sakura whispered as she turned back around to see that Kakashi had gotten up from the couch.
“I'm going to go get some more clothes from my place. Do you want to come?” Kakashi asked as he rubbed the back of his head.
“That's okay...I'll stay here and make us some dinner,” Sakura said with a smile as she stood up from the couch to stand in front of Kakashi.
“Okay. I'll be back soon.” Kakashi leaned in and gave Sakura a quick kiss on her lips before tugging his mask back into its place. Exiting her house Kakashi sped through the village on the roofs, making it to his place in a few minutes. Slipping into his house and taking off his sandals he stopped in alert when he felt a familiar presence. Looking up from his discarded sandals he let his stance relax when he saw the intruder didn't have any evil intent.
“Kakashi,” Sasuke greeted tonelessly as he pushed off the wall where he was leaning against the window that was now open.
“You've never come here unless you want something...” Kakashi trailed off as he watched the last Uchiha come to a stop in front of him. Sasuke's head was turned to the side, avoiding eye contact, which was a very rare sight indeed.
“I came to...give you my congratulations,” Sasuke said slowly. Turning his head back to look at Kakashi he continued; “I apologize for...doing what I did. It won't happen again...” Sasuke trailed off with a sinking feeling in his gut. He hated admitting that he was wrong about something, but what he hated worse was apologizing. It had taken all his courage to come here once Naruto had told him about Kakashi and Sakura's engagement.
Kakashi was wondering if this was really Sasuke, but the cold exterior was still the same so it had to be. Never had he thought that Sasuke would actually apologize for something of his own doing. Maybe he did truly turn over a new leaf when he had come back to Konoha. Looking down at the Uchiha who was still a few inches shorter than him he took his words for the truth.
“Apology accepted. But I think you should have apologized to Sakura instead of me,” Kakashi said as he turned to walk into his bedroom. When he returned a few minutes later Sasuke was no longer in sight, smiling softly beneath his mask he walked out of apartment. He decided to go the longer route to give Sakura and Sasuke some time alone to work out their problems. He just hoped that Sasuke wouldn't turn back around and try to hurt her once again.
Sakura flipped the browning chicken in the pan before turning to the counter and preparing a large bowl of salad. After she had finished putting in the last ingredients she turned back to the stove and turned off the burner, dishing the chicken strips into the two plates she had set out. As she was placing the still hot pan into the sink she nearly jumped when she felt a presence come into the room.
Turning around quickly she nearly sighed in relief when she noticed it was only Sasuke. But she remained rigid when she remembered what had happened the last time she was in his presence. Walking around to the other side of the counter she put as much distance between them as possible in her small kitchen.
“What do you want?” Sakura asked as she tried to keep her voice neutral, but a small amount of her fear leaked into her voice.
“We need to talk,” Sasuke said quietly as he remained where he was with his hands in his pockets. He had heard the fear in Sakura's voice and it had made a tightening in his chest.
“Forget it Sasuke. I'm marrying Kakashi,” Sakura said loudly with pride as her chin rose in defiance. Her fear came rushing back when Sasuke took a few strides and was directly opposite her from the small counter. “Stay away from me,” Sakura bit out between clenched teeth. 'I will never forgive you. You nearly ruined my life again!'
“Sakura. I did not come here to fight. I came to...apologize,” Sasuke spoke hesitantly. Saying those words to Sakura was much harder than saying them to Kakashi. He wanted this woman's acceptance more than anything else. If she didn't accept his apology then he wouldn't even look upon her again.
“Apologize?” Sakura asked somewhat disbelieving.
“Yes,” Sasuke slipped around the counter until he was standing directly in front of Sakura.
Sakura unconsciously tried to step back but was held as Sasuke's hands came up to hold her in place by her shoulders. Sakura looked up with frightful eyes, not knowing what Sasuke would do.
“I never wanted to hurt you. I was just too set on revenge that I didn't see what was right before my eyes. I would have given you everything once I returned, but you had fallen in love. I could see it the first time I saw you and Kakashi together. I knew that Kakashi could make you happier than I ever could. But, when I started seeing you two together, I couldn't get you out of my head. I was so jealous of him because he got what I couldn't. I acted selfishly. I understand if you never want to see me again. I hope you happiness.” Sasuke released Sakura and turned to leave. Before he was able to make it to the door a hand on his wrist stopped him.
“No. I forgive you,” Sakura whispered as she turned Sasuke around to face her. She was surprised to see a small lift in his lips before he pulled her forward as his arms came around her.
“Thank you Sakura,” Sasuke whispered before he let go and took a step back. He saw the genuine smile on her face and his heart lifted. “Congratulations,” Sasuke said before he turned and left her house with a small smile adorning his face. On his way out he met Kakashi. They shared a glance confirming that everything was all right between them. And with that moment Sasuke forgot his grudge and accepted Sakura and Kakashi's relationship. Sakura would be forever his unofficial sister and he wouldn't have it any other way.
When Kakashi entered the kitchen he saw the large smile on Sakura's face and knew that everything was all right. Coming behind her as she poured wine into two glasses he leaned over her shoulder to look at the food she had prepared. “It looks delicious,” Kakashi commented as he took in the sight of the mouth watering fried chicken and crisp salad.
“It does, doesn't it?” Sakura said as she turned in Kakashi's arms. Leaning up on her toes she pulled down Kakashi's mask and kissed him softly. After a minute she pulled away and ducked under his arm before sitting in her seat.
“What was that for?” Kakashi asked as he too took his seat across from Sakura.
“I'm just happy that everything is turning out perfect. Did Sasuke talk to you?” Sakura asked as she picked up her chopsticks and broke them apart before digging into her food.
“Yeah. He apologized. I take it he did the same with you.”
“Yeah. I couldn't help but to forgive him. It must have been hard for him to apologize. Just like someone else I know,” Sakura teased as she gave a pointed glance in his direction.
“Hey now...I'm not that bad,” Kakashi pouted playfully as he reached over to ruffle Sakura's pink hair.
“Watch it. I'm not a little girl anymore Kakashi,” Sakura said as she swiped his hand from her hair.
“Don't I know that,” Kakashi said sarcastically. Bending to the right he dodged the chopstick that had come hurling his way as he took to his own food. Chuckling when Sakura cursed as she got up to retrieve a new set of chopsticks he continued eating his food.
It's about time I picked up this story again, don't you think? I can't believe I haven't written in such a long time. But sadly it's nearly finished. I plan on starting another KakaSaku story soon. Maybe this time I'll stick to it and finish it quickly. I should be able to since I'm out of school, thank Kami-sama. I have a lot of free time on my hands now. Anyway please click that little button down below and give me a review. Until next time, Inuyashafeudalgirl. ;D