Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Relationship ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Unexpected Relationship
Author: Dolphin_26
Summary: Everyone expected Sakura to fall in love with Sasuke, Naruto, or Lee; but she chose someone totally different. Sakura H. x Hinata H.
Disclaimer: I make no claim of ownership of Naruto or the characters.
Warning: This is yuri, don’t read if you don’t like. I shouldn’t even have to tell you that.
It was the middle of the day, yet the blinds were closed not allowing any sunlight into the darkened room. The weather outside was pleasantly warm so there was no reason for the blinds and windows to be shut. Well, no weather related reason for them to be closed.
They were closed for privacy, which in a shinobi village was quite valuable. Shinobi were notoriously nosey since that’s how they survived. However, the girl stretched out on the bed didn’t want anyone other than her partner seeing her like this. It was bad enough that her partner convinced her to actually do this. Normally she wouldn’t do anything like this at all.
She was on her knees with her breasts pressed against the bedding. She couldn’t stop the blush on her face from darkening to a deep red as her partner spread her knees farther apart. She laid her cheek against the bedding to breathe better and tried to glance back to see what her partner was doing.
This wasn’t something she ever thought she’d be doing, especially with this person. She’d never considered being involved with this person before until they asked her out a few months ago. Suddenly she let out a strangled gasp as a tongue licked at her pussy before plunging into her. The sensation was weird yet felt incredibly good. Biting her tongue to muffle any more noises that tried to come out, she squeezed her eyes shut.
The tongue pulled out her, “Hinata, don’t hold back. I want to hear you.” The tongue plunged back in as fingers began rubbing her clit making Hinata moan loudly.
“Please,” she begged. Her tormentor had been torturing her for quite some time now denying her release. Hinata could barely think as pleasure crashed through her body. She tried to move her hips but her partner had a firm grip holding her in place. Her body was covered in various bruises and bite marks. “Aaahhh.”
Suddenly the tongue and fingers pulled away. Hinata was able to take a few deep breaths before nearly screaming as three fingers were shoved abruptly into her pussy. They plunged in hard, deep, and fast. Moans flew out of her mouth as she was finally allowed to climax. Her body tensed up before slumping onto the bed in a sprawl. The fingers inside of her slowed their pace until they pulled out entirely. Hinata struggled to get her breath.
Her climax had been amazing. Pleased and sated, she forced her tired body to move so that she could crawl into her partner’s arms. She hummed against the other girl’s neck making the girl hum back. A glance at the girl’s hand confirmed that the girl had fingered herself to completion while torturing her. Hinata grinned impishly as she brought the hand up to her mouth to suck the wet fingers. Her partner moaned softly as Hinata licked her fingers clean.
“You were amazing all spread out before me like that,” Sakura said appreciatively as they cuddled together.
Hinata knew her cheeks were on fire, “That felt so good.” She buried her nose against Sakura’s neck before mumbling, “Next time, I want to do that to you.”
Sakura felt her cheeks burn at the idea, which if she hadn’t been so tired would’ve turned her on. It still amazed her that Hinata had agreed to go out with her.
After Naruto left the village to train, Sakura came to a realization that she was fed up with guys. Sasuke wouldn’t ever return her feelings, she suspected that he liked Naruto; Naruto was more like a brother; and Lee was in love with an ideal. Shortly after this realization she happened to come upon Hinata training by herself one night. Sakura had always liked the shy girl as a friend, but that night she saw something that changed the way she looked at the Hyuga.
She began making excuses to spend time with Hinata to get to know her better. Only three people knew that she was falling for Hinata: Kakashi-sensei, Shikamaru, and Neji. After several fights with her family about her choice of career, Sakura left the house. With Kakashi-sensei’s help, she got herself an apartment not too far from his and Iruka’s. The silver haired Jonin was more like a father now than a sensei; and was a good listener. It wasn’t a big surprise that Neji noticed her feelings for his cousin/sister. Shikamaru was Neji’s boyfriend so it was a no brainer that he would find out.
A few months ago, after Kakashi-sensei and the other two guys encouraged her to do so, Sakura approached Hinata to confess her feelings. After a couple of minutes of shock the shy girl agreed to go out with her without any hesitation. Even more amazing was that Hinata’s father didn’t have a problem with his daughter’s choice in love interest. At first some of the other Hyuga’s weren’t so happy but didn’t dare say anything against Hinata because of her father and Neji. Eventually, once they realized that Sakura was Tsunade’s apprentice and Kakashi’s student, they accepted Sakura as Hinata’s significant other.
How it happened didn’t matter to Sakura as long as none of them gave Hinata any trouble. She cuddled closer to the dark haired girl in her arms. Hinata’s gentle breathing told her that the dark haired girl was asleep. Smiling softly from happiness, Sakura let sleep take her. They both had the next few days off so there was plenty of time to enjoy with Hinata.