Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Travels Home ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I totally respect everyone who writes. This was harder than expected, what I evesioned and what was put down in writign varies a small bit, hopefully you will all enjoy it all the same.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Her dance had finished, though Sasuke barely noticed, he was trying to comprehend what he saw, to make sense of it all. Why would Orochimaru want her. She didn't seem the ninja type, she was beautiful, but he doubted that is why Orochimaru wanted her.

"Was it that bad?" Yukiko asked as she approached him, with a tilt of her head.
"Huh?.....Ah no, it was stunning to watch." He paused slightly.
"I was just thinking what was your village like, you know were they ninja's or something like that. Also with your dancing why haven't you gone to another village, you could be adored by many people." Sasuke let loose, in a ramble. Maybe he could find out why Orochimaru sent him here.
"I guess you were bound to ask. Let me get some tea and I'll explain." She smiled with a very somber, yet sad look.

She came back with two cups. Knelt down besides him still with the same expression she had when she had left just moments ago.

"I didn't want to upset you." Sasuke said. As he was handed a cup. He had a strange feeling something was going to change. Not wanting it to, but at the same time, knowing that it had to.
"No, it doesn't upset me to talk to's just........I guess the time had to come eventually." Yukiko, picked up the tea she was holding taking a long sip.
"What would you like to know first Sasuke?"
"Are you a Ninja?" He asked point blank.
"No. I am a Priestess, I guess you could say. You see, my village was very small, only a few clans in it. Two of the clans had bloodlines in it and they were separated. One ninjas, one priestess."
"They used to have ninjas?"
"Yes, but along the way they slowly died out. Most of the of them died, Sasuke. The rest just stopped teaching the technique's and burned any scrolls containing any information about them. They made it so they could never have any children, thus killing off the bloodlines, erasing my villages ninjas. though from what I understand, it was a very unanimous thing."
"They were afraid. Plain and simple. Sometimes getting power is too destructive, even when you know, it is a way to protect." Yukiko tried to explained.
"Soon there were only priestess after time went by, and there is only a very few handful left when my village was destroyed." She continued.
"My mother was what you could call a high priestess and taught me what she could before her death. That is why I know what is on your shoulder, I can feel it's presence."
"WHAT?!!!!!!" He jumped up, grasping his shoulder.
"I am so sorry Sasuke, I should have told you sooner. I know exactly what it is, and who gave it to you." Yukiko had clenched her hands into tight fist by the end of this sentence.
"How could you know?! Why are you telling me this?" He said as he scooted away form her, as if she were a snake.
"I know, because it is a forbidden potion of my clan. It was not ever supposed to be used, after our ninjas were no more. In fact all the written knowledge of it was destroied. Unfortunately a few priestess knew it from memory and passed it down to their children. And the man who gave you it gained it from my Aunt, before killing her and massacring my village, my family. I know he sent you, it is too much of a coincidence............I just didn't want to tell you......these past weeks have been a joy for me, I didn't want it to end........I know it was selfish, but I.............I............I was so alone before you came!" Tears ran down her face freely. Shame clear on her face as she confessed.

Sasuke stared at her with torn emotions crossing his features. She knew all this time, was it just an act of hers that made him feel so at easy, at home with her. It had to be, but part of him wouldn't believe it. He didn't want to take her to Orochimaru, or kill her either. Maybe he find another way.

"Do you know why I was sent?" He asked
"I suppose it is for the scrolls."
"What scrolls?"
"It doesn't matter Sasuke. I won't ever let him have them." She said firmly
"It does matter. He wants them and I was sent here to get them, or you."
"I can't let you take me to him either. It would be just as bad as him having the scrolls, possibly more dangerous."
"Dammit!!! Why?!!" He cried out.
"I believe, it is the same reason he wants you."
"My bloodline." Sasuke stated.
"Yes, my bloodline, my priestess training, and the scrolls all of it combined is very dangerous. That is why also I have never left to another village. It is why I stay here, alone."
"What can you do?"
"You have probably encountered a diluted bloodline before, They can steal chakra from you by touch or close proximity."
"Ahh yes. I have fought against it before, it was nothing I couldn't get around."
"But that is a very diluted bloodline." She sighed. Never really having to explain it before.
"I can do much more than that, Sasuke. I can gather it from anywhere. Chakra flows through everything the air, the sand, not just living beings. It how should I put it, feeds an entity inside me, allowing me to mold mass amounts."
"An entity?!"
"Because of my blindness, it is a sign that I have the bird of fire sealed inside me. Though I have never brought it out. Only every few generations can do this. I know it sounds weird, but it's all true."

Sasuke pondered her words, digesting it all. He was at an impasse, not knowing what to do or say. He rose and walked into the house leaving her there.

Yukiko watched him leave, not trying to explain further or stop him. It was in his hands now. She got up walking into the house. She grabbed a small bundle and headed outside once again.
One more dance.
Sasukes eyes followed her as she entered the house. Hoping she would say something, anything to put his mind at ease, when she said nothing and left, he followed silently. Watching her intently.
Opening the bundle she with drew a small dagger. He almost gasped, was she going to take her own life? But then watched as she walked over to where she had dance for him.
Whatever his decisons was she needed to do this one thing. Undoing a clasp of a chain around her neck she withdrew a pendant, it was a like the cylinders she used for her music box. She quickly sliced her palm the held the pendant in her had coating it with blood. Yukiko then placed it into a small nitch in the edge of the wooden circle.
Melody came from the platform. She started a dance ages old and very complex foot work, each step very precise. When the music stopped. She stood poised in the last of her steps, waiting. A small creaking sound could be heard, then she left to pick up the bundle, where she had gotten the dagger, clutching it to he chest she waited again.
Sasuke watched as the platform parted. Underneath it was a stone door imbedded in the ground. He saw Yukiko come forward to it and kneel down, placing her bloodied palm in the center. The it opened up to reveal a stairway. He watched her disappear down it. Moments later coming up with a large box. He let out an audible gasp as he saw the Uchiha clan crest on it.

"I'm sorry Sasuke, but I can not let him have the scrolls." Yukiko said and with a look of determination she took out a match from her sleeve, stuck it and tossed it down into the stairway.

Sasuke moved forward the instant the match came from here sleeve, she was going to destroy what ever was in that box he thought, but still injured from before, he wasn't quick enough to stop her. Mistaken as he was about what she was going to set on fire. He could only watch as he heard a whoosh of air, then a flash of huge flames come from the stairway, knocking Yukiko over the box and engulfing her in flames. Moments later he reach her still figure still hunched over and her clothing smoldering form the flames.

Yukiko who awoke groggy, and in pain. She was laying on her stomach, her back felt raw, yet oddly enough she could smell herbs coming from it.

"What's in the box?" Sasuke asked when he nocticed she was awake.
"It's for you, regardless of what happens. It has techniques of you clan."
"I know it is a bit of a surprise, I'll explain later. I........." Her words drifted off as she passed out into a deep slumber.

**************************************************** *************************************************************************** ******************

He examined the box. It was fairly large, a latch kept the box closed. It also the symbol of his clan, that he noticed before, clearly painted on the outside. Small bumps below the symbol, must have been their allowing he to distinguish it, it was the same way on the other sides.
His hands shook as he went to unlatched the box. Lifting the lid he peered down at several scrolls inside. There was also a few large books with a symbol of a bird on it, underneath it was the name Kasaitori. Yukiko must have put it in here, since it was her clans name. Lifting it out and setting it aside, then reached in pulling out a scroll. Opening it he stared in disbelief. It was the the Mangekyou, not only that, but it was different. He continued to study the scroll, it was so different, would it really work. He had to try.

"I have to go now."
"Why?!! Can't mama and I come too!!" Cried the young girl.
"I'm sorry Yukiko. Mama has to take care of things here, and you must stay with her and help." He said as strong large hands stroked his her golden lock's.
"When your older, maybe you and your mother can come see me."
"You won't be coming back this time." Tears welling up from her blue eyes, so much like his.
"No. I can't come here anymore, but remember you will always be in my heart." He picked up the small girl and hugged her.

Tears running freely from her eyes, she pushed away from him landing on the ground. Mist encricled her as she watched as the figure of her father disappeared. The world around her spun around. All was black.

"Go to the priestess house, he doesn't know about it, you'll be safe. Everything you'll need will be there. I love you!" Cried the woman as she pushed Yukiko in the direction she was to go. The smell of death and flames came at her, she began to run. She heard a loud explosion behind her, then his laugh.

Gasping for air Yukiko awoke, sitting straight up. That dream, she hadn't had it for years. Before she could ponder more, she heard a painful grunt coming form outside. It was Sasuke. She got up feeling around to find out where she was, then rushed outside.

"Sasuke?" She paused at the entry way, hearing his labored breaths.
"Yukiko, your awake. You've been out for a week." He stated as he approached her. A whole week to think.
"I seem to be fine now. Are you ok? I heard you out here."
"I have been training. We have to continue our discussion." He said gravely
"Yes I suppose we do."
"I don't really comprehend everything you told me, but I have been thinking on who I am. I will do things my way. Nobody can change that. Yet I have sold my soul to the devil to reach my goals. I wouldn't take it back, but I do regret that it was the only way........But now I'm not so sure. I am to kill you, you know if you don't come with me. I can't do that either, you are family to me. I just.......just want to be come stronger, so I can avenge my clan, it is what I am, an Avenger. I also want to revive my clan. Those scrolls could help me, but ......." He gripped his shoulder.
"But, I can't train for long with the techniques, this seal....."
"It won't let you, it gives you great pain." Yukiko interrupted, finishing his sentence.
"It was not meant to. It will kill you, Sasuke."
"Then what is the purpose of it?!"
"It was to enhance our own ninjas in time of need. It will stunt your development, as long as you you use it. Though, Orochimaru probably modified it, I doubt you can not ever achieve your own greater power." She said gravely.
"So..... I can't use those techniques." Anger and despair entered his voice. Was this all he'll ever be.
"I can be removed, though."
"It can. How? It could only be sealed when, I first got it, and you said Orochimaru modified it."
"I can remove it. It's basic components are still there.......but it would take mass amounts of chakra, I don't have that."
"But you can absorb it, right? You could take it from me."
"That won't work Sasuke, I would have to take it from several ninjas, that could mold large amounts. Plus, I don't think it is wise for me to leave here."
"Yes, Orochimaru. But it isn't wise to stay here. He will more than likely send someone else here." Sasuke commented, as he sat in deep thought.

Kohona would be perfect for her, they would protect her. Orochimaru wouldn't be able to touch her there, but she wouldn't go unless he went. If even if he wanted to go back. He couldn't, he had betrayed them. Yet part of him wanted to go back, it was the part of him that knew that they would forgive him. It would be hard at first, but it would be worth it. That man, his brother, Itachi, he was following his path too closely. He had betrayed his clan, his family. He hadn't, and would never do that, yet he had betrayed them all the same. The difference is he could, would go back. Sasuke realized he had just made up his mind.

"We will go my home." As he uttered the words, he knew that this was right.
"Your home...."
"Yes, these scrolls will help me surpass him. I will not follow his path anymore." Sasukes said with determination.

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