Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ United Blood Lines ❯ Prolouge ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The Hyuuga clan's Kekei Genkei, or Blood Line Limit, was a highly well kept secret. The Byaakugan or “All Seeing Eye” does just what its name means, it allows the user to see almost 360° around them, and up to15 miles away as if it were right next to them. The user can see the internal Chakra (or spiritual energy) walls and can shut down points rendering the opponent helpless. This is why it is highly sought after but because of careful measures taken, the Byaakugan has been kept out of the wrong hands for centuries. This is what makes the Hyuuga clan so legendary.
The Uchiha clan's Sharingan is arguable the most powerful and most feared Kekei Genkei of them all but sadly all but two of the clans' members were wiped out by one of those two survivors. Sasuke Uchiha is all that remains of the clan today. He killed his brother Itachi for the crimes against the Uchiha clan, achieving one of two goals he set for himself. The other goal was to revive the clan.
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Sasuke was walking down a street in Kohona, when someone from behind him covered his eyes. He was about to attack when heard the most annoy thing possible at this time.
“Guess who?” Sakura mewled.
“What do you want Sakura?” Sasuke sighed, clearly annoyed.
“For you to go on a date with me Sasuke Kun.”
“Sakura I'm tired of this”
He turned to face her “Stop pursuing me Sakura, I all ready told you I don't have feelings for you so LEAVE ME ALONE!!”
Sakura felt tears coming to her eyes. Her Sasuke Kun had just yelled at her. “But Sasuke Kun”
“And stop calling me Sasuke Kun, I'm not now nor will I ever be attracted to you! You are weak Sakura I can't use a weak person to revive my clan.” Sasuke Shushined away.
“Sasuke.” Sakura fell to her knees and cried.
Naruto was walking by on his way to his second home Ichiramas, when he saw Sasuke Shushin and leave Sakura on her knees crying. He knew Sasuke had let her down, and he had let her down hard. “Damn that tame, why does he have to be so cold… he didn't have to make her cry.” He walked over to comfort her.
“Sakura Chan, he doesn't deserve you. You need someone who likes you because of you not because of your strength. You're a Beautiful Kunochi, and if Sasuke tame can't see that then I hope he won't find anyone to revive his clan.”
Sakura looked up at Naruto and saw something she's never seen in Naruto before; she saw the love that she so obliviously overlooked before. She got up and hugged him smiling. “Naruto I'm always so mean to you… how can you still be so nice to me?”
Naruto smiled at this and held her tighter, “For the same reason you still pursued Sasuke when he was mean… because I love you Sakura Chan”
Sakura smiled finally knowing, “I love you to Naruto Kun”