Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unity: Book I- Freshman Year ❯ Presidents ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Three: Presidents
The Soulstice High main freshman group sat on a few of the railings near the Scorpio Bowl, a skate park that wasn't too far away from the school. The group of seven decided to ditch school for their lunch hour and decided they would rather go hungry then choke and die on a rotten piece of raw, infested meat. It's only been a week since the start of school and the group has already been in four fights with some Amethyst natives. Naruto downed the last of his Full Throttle and threw the can into the garbage.
“That really hit the spot”
Yami looked up at him, “You looked like you needed one”
Gaara folded his arms and leaned against a metal pole, “So, do you think we'll be able to trek across these damn streets back to school without encountering an Amethyst?”
Kiba released a burp and threw his can away, “Doubt it; those damn vultures just don't know when to quit”
“I should've just shot that fucker last week,” Kai growled as he ran his hands through his black hair
“Wasn't beating him enough…?” Hinata questioned laying her head on Kiba's shoulder
Kai looked at the female and developed a small smile, “Yeah I guess”
Temari looked at the timid female, “One of these days Hinata you're going to curse and it'll be fucking hilarious; I don't know when you'll come out of that shell of yours but I know it'll happen”
A rock smacked against the pole Gaara was leaning on vibrating it a bit but the Takami remained in his original place with a smug glare on his face. The other six placed their attention to where he was looking and saw their well known adversaries from eighth grade Graduation. Naruto glared at the Uchiha who returned the look with his simple, signature smirk. Kai's glare burned through the skin of the male Hyuga and could sense the invisible claws that were deriving from the girls hands as they saw each other. The Soulstice remained silent as the Amethyst trailed over to them stopping only a few feet away.
Sakura was latched onto Sasuke's arm and could feel the glare Yami was giving, “Jealous much?”
The Namasake raised an eyebrow, “Please bitch; I don't have time to waste on the stupid”
Sasuke gave a smirk to his ex, “Still sore?”
Naruto growled and placed a protective arm around Yami, “Leave her alone; she doesn't need to deal with any more of your shit”
“She probably still is and yet it was about a good three months ago,” Sai commented
Kai flipped the Amethyst off, “Fuck off you lame ass mother fuckers; the last thing any of us want is to deal with any shit”
Neji smirked at the Itami, “Still clinging to the past?” with that comment he wrapped his arm around TenTen
“You're the one with the stick up your ass”
“Oh hush up Kai,” Ino replied as she latched onto Shikamaru
Kiba glared at the Amethyst, “Get lost; all we did was come out here to hang out”
Sasuke then became serious, “Well this is our spot so move”
“The hell we are!” Temari shouted
Sasuke removed a gun from his pocket, “What were you saying?”
Kiba could feel Hinate burying her face in his chest. One thing Kiba knew well about his timid girlfriend was that she had the high fear of guns. Just hearing the word mentioned was enough to scare her into a heart attack. After almost dying from two gunshots wounds when she was ten, guns haven't been a particular thing Hinata could handle yet.
“Dude put that thing away!” Kiba growled
“Move,” was the repeated order given by the Uchiha
Gaara would've pulled a gun on the raven but having knowledge of Hinata's fear he decided to spare the Uchiha this time. He slowly began to move as the other Soulstice Freshman moved off the railings. The only ones who didn't move were Naruto, Yami, and Kai which caused the other four to cease.
“You heard him; move your asses,” Shikamaru growled
“Please! You don't even move your own ass!” Naruto protested
Sasuke placed the gun to Yami's head, “I said `move'”
Yami stared into those ebony eyes with her caramel brown ones, “I'm DONE taking orders from you”
“Or maybe,” Sasuke took the Namasake's chin in his possession, “it's just that you can't get over me”
Yami felt the velvet hand stroked her skin and she felt disgusted by the accusation made. She glared at the Uchiha and she spat in his face taking him back a bit. The Uchiha glared at his ex and was going to take action until the fourteen of them heard gunshots being fired. They turned to the streets to see a crowd beginning to form around the attraction they were being drawn to. The trekked across the street over to the opposing parking lot and could see that the crowd was somewhat divided signifying it was a Soulstice vs. Amethyst brawl. The freshman went through the center of the crowd standing at their respective sides to see a thriving fight between two people; a male and a female. The two schools knew them as Itachi Uchiha and Sagome Shiomira.
Itachi, Sasuke's older brother, was the sophomore leader at Amethyst High as well as the Student Body President. Even though Uchihas were raised to hardly show emotion in facial expressions Itachi knew how to stand his ground. If he glared at someone that meant challenging him wasn't an option unless you either had a death wish or you really think you could take him.
Sagome, Yami's older half-sister, was the sophomore leader at Soulstice high and was, also, the Student Body President. People tended to underestimate her because she was a female. She proved many wrong after sharing punches with a Senior Amethyst when she was at Cartesian Middle which gave her notable mention. People still underestimate her but now when they challenge her they soon eat their words in less than ten minutes.
The brawl taking place in the parking lot was not an act that astonished anyone. Past schoolmates knew that Sagome and Itachi have always had a war of their own that they have yet to resolve. It began in the fourth grade when the two beings finally clashed during a regular day on the playground. One thing these two never appreciated when it came to them was insults. When Itachi decided to call Sagome a fake for saying she's as strong as she claimed the two didn't get off to a very good start. The breaking point was when he deliberatly kissed her in fifth grade to make her boyfriend dump her allowing the rumors that she was going around to be true. The next day after the devastating break up the Uchiha and Shiomira finally began to exchange blows with each other. Ever since then the two were never on good terms and to even reach such terms were neither one's concerns,
The chanting rang through the parking lot as the two sophomores continued strong delivering many excruciating blows as they could. The deliverance of the hits were at a rapid pace to the point where everyone could see them but also to the point where no one could tell where they would hit next. Both tenth graders were covered in black dirt and were rolling in scattered gravel punching, kicking, biting, scratching, and pulling at each other. Even though the schools would stand their ground when these fights went on there was always a fine line that Itachi and Sagome would cross; it was the fine line between reckless fighting and attempted murder. The strong abhorrence that the two had for each other would soon be shown through each other causing one of them to do something that could lead to the end of the other's life.
When the students saw Itachi make a tight grip around Sagome's wrist, digging his fingernails in her skin, and Sagome dig her teeth into Itachi's neck that was the signal to separate the two. One senior from each school rushed in the center of the circle to retrieve the sophomores. Once the seniors were able to tear them apart the two sophomores had newfound disheveled appearances; Itachi's nails made deep marks in Sagome's right arm while Sagome's teeth left about four wholes that were open and releasing blood. The seniors released them after a minute passed and the two tenth graders stepped to each other standing face to face.
Sagome shook her head slowly, “You will NEVER win and neither will Amethyst. Every student, except one, is just plain trash on the street”
“Well it's better to be trash than to be plain dirt that everyone loves to walk over,” Itachi stated as he glared at the female before him
With a final glare the two went their opposite ways through the crowd and the respective parties followed. Within this daring battle there lied the main feud and personal feuds. The feud between Shiomira Sagome and Uchiha Itachi remains as the largest going feud that existed within the schools' history beginning with loose ends that derived from grade school.