Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Boundaries ❯ Early Morning Mistakes ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto or any characters from it. =_=
Unknown Boundaries
Chapter 2: Early Morning Mistakes
They had been gone for days. Everyone was at each others throats thanks to the tension provided by - surprise, surprise - Sasuke and Naruto. If it wasn't glaring, it was smartass comments, or yelling; if Kakashi and Sakura were lucky, it ended in thrown punches and death threats. Since the trio was too busy with themselves their Sensei felt fortunate, at least he didn't have to dilvulge the intimate details of the mission…which meant less focus was on him.
It was mid-morning on the 5th day of the mission when the kunoichi awoke to a heavy conflict outside her tent. Rubbing her eyes sleepily, she pulled up the flap to see what the problem was.
“I'm OVER this. I'm so tired of your shit, Sasuke!”
“YOU'RE tired of MY shit?? Oh, oh, that's real cute, Naruto, especially coming from you!”
“What the hell is THAT supposed to mean!?”
“Maybe if you just stayed out of my way, we wouldn't have a problem!!”
She didn't have enough time to react when the blonde suddenly launched his entire body into the Uchiha, screaming out of frustration. They rolled to the ground, wrestling in a fit of grunts and the awkward struggle of who was to be on top.
“I hate everything about you!”
“I hate you more!”
Their was no strength behind the physical attacks and it looked as if two 5 year olds were trying to settle an argument of who got to play with a toy next. Kakashi emerged from his tent, hair still askew from sleep but with his nose already buried in the latest edition of Icha Icha. For a moment he looked up from his book, wondering why it was so noisy in the middle of nowhere, only to continue reading seconds later. The boys were still struggling, oblivious to the others in their team until Naruto had a sudden bout of word vomit that he would regret.
Sakura gasped. Kakashi's face grew grim. The jinchuriki opened his mouth for an immediate apology but was denied the chance. Sasuke pushed the boy off of him roughly, midnight eyes looking hurt.
“Who said I ever wanted you to anyway?”
“Sasuke,” Kakashi began, just to be ignored. He watched his student stalk off into the woods with a heavy sigh; this was not good. The copy-nin raised his eye sky-level, a crow cawing overhead as the sun neared its noon position. This was definitely not good.
“He's moving.”
“The jinchuriki?”
“Uchiha Sasuke.”
“So, what?”
“Retrieve him.”
Kisame shifted the samehada on his shoulder, snorting behind the ebony collar of the Akatsuki cloak. “Why should I, when we don't need him?”
Cold, blood-colored eyes met his; their stare the only reply he was given before the latter was gone, leaving Kisame with an order and nothing more.
“Is there a reason that I'm always the bitch?” He grumbled, and then disappeared just as quickly as his partner had.
Here's the second chapter~ The first two have been short, I know. Gomen ne! But since it's just starting out, and I'm still experimenting with where I'm going with it, I want to keep the first few short. I promise it'll get longer!!