Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unlimited mission ❯ Attack! The Figure in the dark ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

( Hey what's up everyone. For some of you it probably sucks on the account of school and everything. Anyway back to the story I hope you like this ch. and it's a long one with fighting.)
I don't own Naruto
Rated R- Language and Violence
The story begins
“Hey Sasuke-kun lets take a break.” Sakura said. They were jumping through the trees for nearly 5 hours straight.
“Yeah I getting kind off tiered.” Jack said from behind.
“Lets just go a little more then we will stop ok.” Sasuke said from the front.
“Sasuke you just want to find that Naruto guy.” Jack said while Sakura laughed.
It was true. Sasuke couldn't stop thinking about how he would kick Naruto's ass.
Personally Sakura thought Naruto was cute even with his clothes fashion.
“Wait I see someone.” Sasuke said stopping.
“Where?” Sakura said to Sasuke.
“There and it's only one come on we have to be cautious the others might be around.” Sasuke said walking over to the person.
Haku was waiting for someone to show up but he never knew it would be that kid.
Right in front of Haku was Sasuke, Sakura, and Jack.
Sasuke stepped up, “What scroll do you have.” He said watching Haku.
It's that guy from Naruto's team, so where are you. Sasuke thought looking around.
Naruto was hiding in the trees when Sasuke arrived. I can't believe it. It's that Sasuke bastard.
Before Naruto knew it he had landed near Sasuke on another tree branch smirking at Sasuke.
Haku looked over and shook his head. Damn you Naruto you were supposed to wait. Haku thought with dismay.
“I was wondering where you were Sasuke.” Naruto said.
“Yeah same here.” Sasuke said right back.
Sakura walked up to Sasuke and looked over at Haku.
“Let me guess you have the earth scroll right?” Sakura said.
Haku smiled, “Then you have the heaven scroll”. Haku finished. So we could fight them but.
“Hey that's perfect, well what are you waiting for Sasuke teme lets fight.” Naruto said jumping towards Sasuke.
Haku took a stance and Sakura went after him. Jack was going to jump in with Sasuke but Kira who jumped out of the trees stopped him.
Naruto punched Sasuke in the face and Sasuke tried to kick back only to have it blocked. Sasuke then twisted and landed a hard hit to Naruto's head who jumped back wiping the blood on his mouth away.
Then Naruto did some hand seals and put his fingers to his mouth yelling Kondon fire no jutsu. A huge fire ball appeared in front of Naruto that was sent towards Sasuke.
Sasuke saw this and dodged it only to do the same jutsu and Naruto had dodged it the same way.
Haku and punched Sakura in the head so she went flying into a tree. Sakura got up and pulled out a kunai while running at Haku. Haku had also pulled out a kunai and threw it at Sakura. It hit Sakura but she turned into smoke only to reappear on top of Haku.
Haku had seen this so he jumped to the right avoiding the kunai that Sakura had thrown at him.
It looks like this Sakura girl likes kunais. I can't use any water jutsus because there's no water and it would weaken my chakra. Haku thought dodgeing another set of kunai.
Jack stared at Kira waiting to see what she would do. Then Kira attacked, she jumped up and took a kunai out and threw it at Jack who dodged it.
Then Jack jumped only to get hit by the same kunai on his arm. He fell back down on the branch holding his arm wondering what happened.
At a closer look you could see chakra strings that were attached to the kunai making it a homing missile.
Damn I guess I underestimated her, Jack thought standing up. He did some seals yelling dark grow no jutsu. The trees all of the sudden came alive and started to swat and crush Kira.
Kira jumped out of the way of one of the tree branches only to get hit by Jack's fist Sending her flying.
All right I have to get serious now. Why does he have a sword if he isn't going to use it? Thought Kira.
“Hey Sasuke you holding up?” Naruto taunted him. Naruto had just hit Sasuke with his fist that sent his flying into a tree.
“I'm stronger then that dobe.” Sasuke said standing up spiting up blood.
Naruto looked at him mad, “Don't call me a dobe! You bastard.” Naruto yelled jumping from the branch at Sasuke.
Sasuke just smirked and yelled sharingan, his eyes changed from black to red with two black dots on the outside of the iris.
Naruto was so shocked he almost didn't block Sasuke's punch with his palm.
Naruto jumped back and stared at Sasuke. He couldn't believe Sasuke was that fast and he was some what surprised that Sasuke also had the bloodline.
Before Naruto could think anymore Sasuke had appareled in front of his and kicked him in his gut hard. Naruto jumped back a little holding his stomach. Shit he's faster and stronger, Naruto thought.
Naruto then took out a kunai and ran at Sasuke throwing it. Sasuke caught it but didn't see that Naruto had made a clone of himself so Sasuke got hit in the back but before Sasuke landed he threw a shuriken and it hit the clone making disappear.
“Oi Sasuke you want to see my bloodline?” Naruto panted looking at Sasuke.
Sasuke also panting smirked.
Haku and Sakura were also panting. Haku once again ran at Sakura with a kunai while Sakura did some seals yelling wind no jutsu. There was a loud noise and the wind started to pick up, it soon turned into a small tornado heading towards Haku.
Haku jumped out of the way but was scratched in the process. I guess I can't go easy on her, Haku thought taking out a scroll.
“Sorry to do this but I need to finish this now.” Haku said glaring.
He put the scroll in both of his hands while he muttered something that Sakura couldn't hear. The next thing she knew was that the trees all around her started to spin and move up and down. Sakura couldn't do anything and she felt so sick.
She tried to dispel it but the genjutsu was too strong. The last thing she remembered was a pain in her head. Haku had knocked Sakura out.
Kira kept running avoiding the trees. She then stopped and threw more Kunais at Jack who deflected them or dodged them.
Jack saw another set of kunais come at him and he knew he had to use it. Jack quickly took out his sword and deflected all of the weapons away.
The sword itself was stainless steel. It had markings of a bird on the sword with the handle having a dragon at the end.
He's taken his sword out and that can become very annoying, Kira thought. Kira jumped down and did some seals and right before Jack's eyes she vanished.
Jack looked everywhere but couldn't seem to find her. Then without warning a kunai came at Jack so he simply moved and blocked it. It was a big mistake.
Kira came out of the tree itself and hit Jack in the head with the end of the kunai so hard he was instantly knocked out.
Kira walked up and threw the sword out of Jacks hands. “You are a very formable opposite.” Kira said softly before looking up into the sky.
I have a very bad feeling about this place, Kira thought before vanishing to look for Haku and Naruto.
“Well Sasuke I warned you and now there's no turning back.” Naruto said taking off his sunglasses and throwing them down.
Naruto then held out his hands in front of him in a seal of the triger and very quickly did sheep, boar, and lion. Then Naruto closed his eyes, blue chakra started to flow throughout his body and it all went into his eyes.
Naruto opened his eyes and to Sasuke's shock they had changed color. Naruto now had golden eyes. His irises were black as coal and his pupils were slits.
Naruto just smirked and jumped at Sasuke. Sasuke dodged but Naruto hit him right in the face. Sasuke tried to hit Naruto back only to have his fist caught and then twisted.
Sasuke screamed from the pain before breaking free.
Then Naruto ran after Sasuke and again as soon as Sasuke dodged he got hit. What the hell? Thought Sasuke. He could barely dodge now.
Naruto jumped back up on the tree limb and smiled at Sasuke.
“Your probably confused as to why I can hit you when you dodge right?” Naruto said casually.
“Well I can't really give away the secret but lets just say I'm psychic.” Naruto said.
“NARUTO what did I saw about that jutsu!” Haku said yelled jumping near Naruto while Kira jumped near Sasuke.
“Oh crap I kind of forgot. It's all Sasuke's fault. He showed me his stupid sharingan.” Naruto yelled pointing at Sasuke like a five year old.
“I don't care! Remember what he said you shouldn't do it as did I and you promised both of us.” Haku said hitting Naruto across the face.
Naruto's eyes deactivated while he was sent across the branch only to hit his back hard on the tree. He slid down the tree gasping for air.
Sasuke who had witnessed this also deactivated his eyes.
“Hey where's Sakura and Jack. What did you do to them.” Sasuke yelled at Haku.
Haku turned around to have a death glare at Sasuke, “We did nothing to them, they are currently unconscious.” Haku said before going after Naruto.
I didn't know these guys were this strong to knock out Sakura and Jack. Sasuke thought looking around for his friends.
Naruto in the meantime just sat there thinking. He knew he wasn't supposed to but so what. It's not like it could kill him. It was his bloodline to show off and he had the right.
“Naruto lets go we need to be at the tower and we only have 4 more days.” Haku said walking over to him.
“Why can't I show this to everyone. I worked hard to get this Haku.” Naruto said quietly while standing up not looking into Haku's eyes.
“Naruto it's not that, it's just that when you show your power some people may get jealous or they may thry to control it.” Haku said grabbing Naruto's arm.
“Hey what about Sasuke? Since his friends are knocked out and all he could be vulnerable. Can we stay at least until they wake up? I want to know more about Itachi's brother.” Naruto said quitely.
Haku just laughed and smiled.
“Hey Sasuke we are going to stay here and hang out with you until your friends are up because someone knocked them out.” Naruto said looking at Haku and Kira.
“Hn I don't care dobe.” Sasuke said, but silently he was thanking him.
“Hey don't call me that!” Naruto yelled crossing his arms on his chest.
“Oh hey where are my sunglasses.” Naruto said and Haku handed them to him.
“Hey thanks I don't know what I would do without them.” Naruto said putting them on.
They all waited for about another hour before finally Sakura and Jack woke up.
“Hey what are they doing here?” Sakura said pointing to them while Jack only nodded.
“Well they decided to stay here until you guys had regained conciseness.” Sasuke said.
“Yeah well don't thank us yet because something's heading this way.” Haku said standing up.
“What is it? It feels like he's suppressing his chakra.” Naruto said also standing up.
“It smells like evil.” Kira cut in walking towards Naruto.
Evil? What does she mean? Sasuke thought standing up with his teammates.
“Quick you guys hid like always and you to Sasuke.” Haku said walking a little bit more.
“All right but if you need help…” Naruto was cut off as Haku shook his head.
“No don't come down no matter what and that's an order now move.” Haku yelled.
Naruto and the rest reluctantly hid in the trees.
Naruto could see a figure through the trees now and he was going fast. When he was close enough Naruto realized with dread that it was the grass nin snake.
When the figure stopped he laughed at Haku.
“Well I see your trying to stall me are you?” The nin said smiling.
“Not really I just want your scroll.” Haku said trying to play it cool.
“Come on Haku-kun do you think I'm that stupid?” The nin said.
Haku just smiled a sweet smile. “Well I really don't know that Orochimaru.” Haku spat.
What? Does Haku and this Orochimaru guy know each other? Naruto thought puzzled.
“I will get it and you will not stop me I will have what I want.” Orochimaru said before attacking.
He was so fast he caught Haku off guard and punched him in his face making him fly with his face all bloody.
Naruto saw this and started to move but was stopped when Kira gripped his shoulder warningly.
Naruto reluctantly turned and watched.
Haku got up and spit some blood out. He then took out a kunai and did shadow clone no jutsu, which had one kunai turn into fifty all heading towards Orochimaru.
Orochimaru did a jutsu and wind came out of no where and collided with the weapons making them fall from their course.
Haku in the meantime had jumped to stab Orochimaru in the back and when he did, to his dismay it was only a mud clone.
It all went down hill from there with Orochimaru smacking Haku around like a ball. Haku had already spit blood out of his mouth five times. The bastard was only playing with him.
Naruto couldn't take it anymore. That was his friend down there and he was dying. Naruto didn't want anymore people to die. He had his best friend die and he couldn't do anything. Well now he could and he would save Haku.
Naruto quickly stood up and did the seals for his eyes. Then prepared to jump down but Kira had stopped him again.
“No Kira I will not see another precious person die.” Naruto said coldly slapping away the hand.
“I understand.” Kira said before jumping down with Naruto.
Naruto had the element of surprise on his side and he needed it now.
Naruto jumped holding a kunai and hit Orochimaru in the back but like he had thought, it was just a fake.
Naruto then turned around only to get hit right in the face but disappeared in a cloud of smoke. The grass nin turned and saw two kunais come at him so he easily dodged.
The two kunais then arched and came back slicing into the nin's shoulder. Then Naruto came out of the shadows and did Oni Tsuki aiming his fist right at the grass nin.
Orochimaru saw this and blocked with his arm sending Naruto flying into the tree.
Shit I have my eye activated and still he manages to block my blows, Naruto thought standing up while wiping blood of his chin.
Orochimaru smiled and looked at Kira. “You will be next.” He said jumping in the air.
Orochimaru then did a jutsu, fire appeared all around Kira. She tried to jump out of the way but the flames were closing in on her. Naruto knew he had to do something but what?
“Damn it Naruto I thought I told you not to come”. Haku said trying to stand up.
Sasuke was seeing all of this and also wanted to help.
“Hey come on they stayed while we were out, we need to help.” Jack said.
Sasuke looked over at him and only nodded while jumping
out of hiding while Sakura and Jack did the same all aiming at the grass nin.
Sasuke did some hand seals while still in the air and put
his hand to his mouth while muttering something under his breath.
Flames came out and hit the grass nin while Jack took out his sword and stabbed the nin in his gut. Orochimaru then slumped over and fell towards the ground.
Naruto saw all of this and was certain that they had won.
“Hey Sasuke you showed up.” Naruto said walking over to him but stopped.
He's not dead I can still feel him. “Everyone we need to run now. He is way above your power!” Haku said limping.
Naruto looked back at Haku and then at Kira and they had the same look of fear on their faces. Naruto stepped back because he was shocked. Both of his teammates including him were extremely strong and now Haku said they coudn't win?
“What are you talking about. We just beat him.” Jack said and Sasuke just smirked, while Naruto didn't do anything.
“Haku-kun don't interfere.” The grass in said in a deadly voice right behind Haku.
“Haku behind you!” Naruto yelled running towards them.
The grass nin jumped back and yelled “Summoning no jutsu”.
The wind started to pick up all of the sudden and smoke rose from where the grass nin was.
Naruto stopped to a sudden halt and waited to see what the bastard had done.
When the smoke disappeared a huge snake with the grass nin on it's head showed up.
Naruto glared at the ninja before taking a kunai out and running as fast as he could. Naruto then jumped up intending to hit the ninja but the snake got in the way and hit Naruto hard in the face sending him crashing down.
Naruto was going so fast that he had to have three tree branches to finally stop him.
Shit I can barley stand up and my face hurts like hell. Nartuo thought trying to stand. He looked over the side and was surprised that he had almost hit the ground.
I have no choice, I have to use the damn foxes power.
Naruto then closed his eye's to deactivate his bloodline and breathed in deep.
Hey stupid fox, give me ki.
“Why should I kit?” Kyuubi sneered.
If you don't then I die and so does everyone else.
Naruto started to feel the red chakra building up in his body. He could feel his wounds healing and getting stronger. He opened his eyes again and they were now blood red from the fox.
All right here we go. With that Naruto once again jumped up threw the trees creating 5 kaga-bunshin.
When Naruto finally arrived he couldn't believe his eyes. Was he knocked out longer then he thought.
Haku and Kira were fighting the snake while Sasuke's team did the same. But where was Sasuke?
“Hey Haku where's Sasuke.” Naruto yelled. Haku looking at Naruto and smiled a little through the pain.
“We will take care of the snake Naruto. You go and get Sasuke.” Haku said dodging a tail.
Naruto moved a little more when suddenly some movement caught his eyes.
Fine this bastard is going to pay. Naruto ordered his clones to intercept the grass nin who was currently fighting Sasuke.
“Hey Sasuke need any help.” Naruto said looking at the scene.
Sasuke was cut up and bloody while the grass nin only had minor cuts.
“Naruto-kun, I was wondering where you went and now I know.” Orochimaru said smiling.
That guy is a freak but wait! How did he know my name?
Sasuke looked over at Naruto and was shocked. He was now covered in red chakra with blood red eyes. Who is this guy?
But before Sasuke could think of anything else Naruto had launched with 5 other clones.
“You're going down!” They all yelled punching and kicking the grass nin.
Orochimaru got hit left and right but didn't seem to be fazed.
Ok if your not impressed with that then try this. Naruto thought diving in front of the ninja yelling Mawashi Tsuki punching the ninja in the face with a roundhouse.
Orochimaru didn't have time to block so he took it in full force sending him clear across the forest.
“Hey Sasuke we need to leave now.” Naruto said panting. He had basically used all the foxes power in that one blow.
“Oh by the way are you hurt? Your teammates are fighting the snake still. ” Naruto said walking over to Sasuke.
Sasuke just looked up into the red colored eyes.
“Yeah just some scratches.” Was all Sasuke said before standing up straighter.
“You aren't going anywhere”. Orochimaru said walking up with a sword.
What! I gave everything I had in that last punch.
Naruto didn't waste anymore time, he did shadow clone no jutsu and sent them flying at the ninja while Sasuke did one of his fire jutsus.
They all hit the target and there was a huge explosion that rocked all the trees around them. Naruto couldn't really see if they got him or not because of the damn smoke it had created.
The smoke finally lifted to revile no one.
“Sasuke did you see where he went.” Naruto yelled looking everywhere while Sasuke did the same.
I take it you didn't. Why am I even helping him? He's not my friend. I shouldn't even be talking to the idiot.
Naruto's train of thought was cut of when he saw Sasuke get hit in the back with a kick.
Sasuke cringed and fell to the ground. His back hurt so much and with all of these wounds he had.
Naruto saw that the grass nin was right behind Sasuke lifting up his sword to strike.
Naruto didn't even think before he jumped off the branch to save Sasuke. Itachi would kill him if his little brother died were all he thought.
Naruto was almost there, when he felt someone behind him. It was too late, Naruto felt a burning pain in his upper back and shoulder. He could feel warm liquid start to run down his back.
He didn't want to look down but did anyway and saw the swords tip protruding through his left shoulder.
He could taste metallic in his mouth. He could also feel the sword being polled out of him. Which caused him to yell out.
Sasuke had seen all of this and stood up painfully. Right in front of him was Naruto and the grass nin. The sword he had was plunged right through Naruto.
Sasuke with the last of his strength took out a shuriken and jumped up to finish the grass nin with one swip to the throat.
Orochimaru saw this and smiled, he then tossed Naruto's body to a near by tree branch.
“Please stick around Naruto-kun. I'm not done with you yet.” Orochimaru said coldly.
Sasuke saw that the grass nin had let go of Naruto so it was now or never. He attacked.
It was less then a second Orochimaru hit Sasuke and sent him flying back into a tree.
Now I can fulfill my plan, Orochimaru thought walking towards the fallen ninja.
Naruto woke up after hearing a scream but didn't know what happened. He couldn't see anything either but black and his head hurt not to mention his shoulder.
I am I blind?
He then remembered he had his eyes closed. Jeez how stupid could I get? He opened his eyes and looked around.
He was still in the forest where that bastard had left him. Naruto stood up very shakily and had to hold on to the tree for support. His shoulder was killing him.
He looked around but didn't see anything. Where was Sasuke and that grass nin? What about his team wore they still fighting?
Naruto started to walk sluggishly a little when something stopped him. He looked down and saw a tongue wrapped around him.
Naruto quickly looked up and saw the grass nin smile.
“I told you that I would come back.” Orochimaru said lifting Naruto off the branch.
“Let go you snake bastard!” Naruto yelled kicking and cursing.
“I want to know more about your bloodline.” He said bring Naruto closer to him.
What! How did he know that I have a bloodline?
“Fuck off you snake bastard.” Naruto yelled again.
Orochimaru just squeezed his tongue around Naruto tighter.
I'm too weak I need more power to protect my friends. I need to get stronger. Naruto kept thinking while glaring at the grass nin in hatred.
“After twelve years the Kyuubi and your chakra are now mixing but I can't have that.” Orochimaru said slowly as he lifted up Naruto's shirt.
He then put his right hand to the side and did a small jutsu yelling “Five elephant seal” plunging his hand right on Naruto's gut.
Naruto felt searing pain shoot throughout his body. He lost all control of it and fell limp in the snake's tongue. He could hear the damn bastard laughing.
He felt the tongue leave him so he started to fall from the loss of support. He fell until a branch could support him. He couldn't get up and was loosing conscious. He closed his eyes searching for the familiar darkness but felt the branch move, Naruto opened one of his eyes to see the ninja.
Why would he do that? What does he want now? Naruto thought with dismay trying to keep his eye open to see the nin smiling.
“I want to know more about that bloodline. You might even be better then Sasuke-kun.” Orochimaru said grabbing Naruto's front shirt polling him closer.
“G… Get away.” Naruto managed.
Orochimaru ignored him sticking his head out like a snake before biting Naruto's neck.
Naruto arched his back up screaming in pain. It burned all the way down to his spin before spreading throughout his body like poison.
He thought he couldn't experience anymore pain but he was wrong. Naruto cried out one more time before holding the bitten spot. He couldn't register anything anymore.
It felt like his brain was shutting down by itself, his body felt so heavy to. He closed his eyes greeting the darkness that would sooth him from the pain.
Orochimaru was looking at the fallen ninja.
I wonder what his bloodline is. It could be greater then Sasuke's. I may need to change my plans and take him with me now.
But before Orochimaru could pick up Naruto he heard voices.
Damn it. They must have defeated to snake. I can't take him now nor Sasuke. I'll just have to wait a little more. Orochimaru thought while disappearing in the dark of the forest.
“Hey we found Sasuke over here.” Jack yelled to the group.
“That's great but what about Naruto?” Haku said going towards the voice.
When they got there, Sasuke was unconscious with mutable cuts and blood over his body.
Sakura was holding Sasuke with silent tears running down her face.
Where are you Naruto. Haku thought looking around. The forest where they fought looked like a war zone with trees burnt and dented scattered everywhere.
Haku then turned to his left and saw some kind of figure on a branch out in the distance. One word came to him
(There you go. I'll probably send another ch. your way tomorrow on the account of a holiday tomorrow.)