Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unlimited mission ❯ New plan and relax ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

(Hey I'm back! Sorry for being late but I was reading other stories.)
I don't own Naruto
Rated - R violence
The story begins
“Hey are you alive.” A voice said in the distance.
What? How's that? I can't feel anything and it's so dark.
“Hey snap out of it.” The voice said again.
Slowly Naruto opened his eyes and looked around. He was outside and the sun was extremely bright. He lifted his hand and put it on his face rubbing the sleep away. He groaned a little before sitting up.
“My head hurts.” Naruto said looking at the scene before him. There was Sakura by Sasuke and her hair was cut short. It looked better that way Naruto had to admit. Then there was that Ino chick besides them and wait.
“Shikamaru? Why are you here? Where's Haku and Kira?” Naruto said standing up.
“Hey wait! Where's that snake bastard.” Naruto yelled getting into a stance.
“Man your dumb.” Shikamaru said hitting Naruto on the head.
Naruto looked around some more and saw, “Hey why is that green kid here?” Naruto asked puzzled.
“Naruto That's Lee and he saved you.” Sakura said. Naruto had to do a double check at Lee. Then he put his hand up behind his head smiling.
What the hell happened when I was out? Where's my team did they ditch me. Naruto thought while walking up to Sakura.
“Where's my team oh and what happened to your hair? I personally like it short but…” Naruto stopped talking and looked at Sasuke.
He had some blood on him that wasn't his and his chakra felt different. Naruto brought his hand up where that fucker grass nin had bitten him rubbing it.
“Well your team said they needed to report to someone and left while we took care of you. As for the hair I think I like it shorter to.” Sakura said smiling.
She's hiding something and I don't like it. They all are and why am I being friendly towards them? Naruto thought sitting down.
“Ok well we have to leave now so by you guys.” Ino said walking away.
“Yeah by.” Sakura said waving at them. “All right now that we are alone why don't we start a fire and get some food.” Sakura said.
“Yeah I guess I should also leave.” Naruto said standing up while wincing because of the curse seal.
“No you should stay with us.” Sakura said smiling.
“Well if no one has any objections then fine.” Naruto said sitting back down. He was tired anyway and his chakra wasn't working right.
“All right you stay here while I go help Jack catch fish.” Sakura said walking away.
Naruto looked over at Sasuke and saw him in deep thought. I wonder what's he thinking about? He's not as strong as Itachi but shows potential like Yuri did.
“What are you looking at dobe.” Sasuke suddenly said.
“Stop calling me that you bastard and I wasn't staring at you.” Naruto said heatedly turning away.
“He said he would give me power.” Sasuke said quietly.
Naruto looked over at Sasuke puzzled, “What?”
“I need power to kill my brother.” Sasuke said quietly again.
Naruto didn't know what to say. He knew Sasuke was talking about Itachi and the whole massacre thing but he still looked up to Itachi. He was the one that took care of him even if he is an asshole.
“Power is not everything, if you crave it to much then you will not exist.” Naruto said standing up and walking away.
Later when Sakura and Jack came back with fish they put them on the fire to cook them. While Sasuke had “volunteered” to get water since Naruto wasn't going to do it. Naruto knew that starting a fire would attract unwanted people but he didn't care. He wanted the fish cooked so he didn't say anything to them.
“Hey since we have the earth scroll then we might be able to create the heaven scroll so we won't lose.” Jack said. 'Yeah all right buddy you do that', Naruto thought shaking his head while walking away.
Jack had almost opened the scroll when a hand stopped him. He looked up and saw Kabuto. Naruto turned and waved at him. He already knew Kabuto was coming.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” Kabuto said letting go.
That's when Sasuke came running to see what happened.
“What are you doing here.” Sasuke said looking at him.
Kabuto only smiled, “I just saved your teammate. He was going to open the scroll which would have put him to sleep.” Kabuto finished while looking at Naruto.
I see so he also knew but wouldn't have told them and he had detected me before I jumped out. Kabuto thought pushing his glasses up. Naruto looked back up to Kabuto and had remembered something. His sunglasses weren't on.
“Hey Sakura what happened to my sunglasses.” Naruto said.
“Oh they got broken, I'm sorry.” She said looking at him apologetic.
Just great, how am I going to hide my eyes if they turn red, Naruto thought standing up.
“So Kabuto can you show us the way.” Naruto said lazily.
“I can but where is your team?” Kabuto asked.
Naruto just shook his head, “I don't know and I really don't care.” He finished walking towards the stream.
Later they had packed up and headed out because Kabuto said the fire had already attracted people.
They were now jumping through the trees talking about strategies. The forest again looked deserted but you could see the sun sometimes shine down the path.
To Naruto's surprise he couldn't go the pace he wanted to and his neck hurt every so often. He knew something was wrong, he looked over to Sasuke and he also looked like he was in pain.
Man it feels like I barley have enough chakra get out of this stupid place and I'm tiered.
“Ok lets walk the rest of the way.” Kabuto said and Naruto secretly thanked him.
Naruto walked up to Sakura and started to talk just to do it.
“So you lived at Leaf your whole life?” Naruto asked casually.
“Yeah and you lived in Cloud your whole life?” Sakura said. She wanted to know more about him.
“No I really don't know where I was born but I traveled a lot with my group and finally we ended up at Cloud. Kakato was nice enough to let us stay there.” Naruto said looking around.
“That's coll. My family has been to Cloud and they said it was huge.” Jack said.
“Well it's bigger then Leaf but Leafs ramen is better I have to admit.” Naruto said.
He knew they where going in circles because he had seen that same stupid plant like 4 times.
“You know Kakato?” Kabuto cut in. Naruto turned and looked at him, he knew the guy was eavesdropping so stuck
too normal talk.
“Yeah and by the way if no one has noticed yet we are walking in circles.” Naruto said smiling.
Everyone looked around then back at Naruto shocked.
“I knew we were walking way to long.” Jack complained.
“All right since we were for awhile then they will probably show themselves anytime now.” Kabuto said looking around.
“Yeah and here they come.” Sasuke said looking at the three that had just showed themselves.
They all looked the same with breathing masks over there
Faces and wore all cream colored clothes.
Sasuke activated his sharingan only to feel pain but he saw what was needed.
“They are clones”. Sasuke said panting.
“Sasuke what's wrong.” Sakura said.
Just great what happened to Sasuke? I guess I'll have to fight to. Naruto thought getting into a stance.
Jack, Kabuto, and Sakura also got into a stance while Sasuke was still breathing hard.
They all took out a kunai and dodged the weapons that where being thrown at them.
`Somewhere up in the trees are where they are hiding while the clones distract us'. Naruto thought.
`Well I guess I could do that jutsu', Naruto then jumped back and did some hand seal. He could feel the chakra gather and was going to do the jutsu when pain shot up his spin.
Naruto yelled out holding his neck while falling to his knees. The pain was worse then normal and he could feel it wanting to get out.
Sakura saw Naruto cry out and fall so she jumped back to protect him from flying kunai. Sasuke also had seen this and was going over there while Kabuto and Jack handled the clones.
“Naruto what's wrong.” Sakura said deflecting another kunai.
“I don't know! My neck hurts.” Naruto yelled at her. What was happening, it hurt to mold charka but why?
Did that mean he couldn't use Kyuubi or his bloodline?
Sasuke went over and was now helping Sakura with the kunai as Naruto got up. `If Only I could know where they were then it would be easy'.
Naruto looked around and saw Kabuto and Jack fight and the dodge the kunai. Wait just watch where the kunai get launched.
After about five minutes Naruto had found out where they were coming from.
“Sakura, Sasuke on the count of three I want you to throw your kunia in that direction.” Naruto whispered while hinting where to throw them.
Then Sasuke and Sakura did and Naruto ran full speed at them.
The mist nins had seen the kunai and were dodging them but hadn't noticed that Naruto had ran up behind them until it was to late.
Naruto smashed two of them with his fists and the last one he kicked in the gut before throwing them to the ground.
“See piece of cake.” Naruto said jumping down. His neck didn't hurt so it was probably the chakra molding.
“That was very good.” Kabuto said smiling.
“Yeah Naruto.” Jack said.
“It wasn't just me, Sasuke and Sakura helped to.” Naruto said starting to walk towards the tower.
When they arrived at the tower Naruto really didn't know what to do. Was he supposed to wait outside until his team came back but where was his team?
There were about ten or so doors that all looked the same tan. He guessed that was where to go.
Naruto stopped before the doors. “Well I hope to see you guys later.” Naruto said walking away.
“What do you mean?” Sakura said.
“Well you need to have your team with you to enter so I'll just wait to sneak in.” Naruto said smiling.
“Well by.” He waved sitting on a tree branch while Sasuke's team went in.
`Lets see I can do the henge but with this stupid thing on my neck I don't now how long I could hold it. I hope Jin has already scouted where the scroll is. If he didn't and screws up the mission than I will personally beat him.'
“Naruto-kun that was a very good stunt you pulled back there.” Kabuto said walking to Naruto making him jump.
“What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in there with your team?” Naruto asked. `I didn't even notice he was still here.'
“Well they aren't here so I'm waiting like you.” Kabuto finished pushing his glasses up.
Naruto was going to say more but the pain was back and he had to put his hand on his neck while grinding his teeth.
Kabuto had seen this but didn't say anything.
“So you took this test seven times?” Naruto asked.
“Yes well I have been fortunate this time with a good team.” Kabuto said leaning on the tree.
“Oh come on are you serious seven times? I think this is pretty easy. So was it you or your teammates fault for failing seven times.” Naruto asked jumping down.
“Well I would like to say it was my teammates fault but I'm sure I did to.” Kabuto said while Naruto nodded.
`Good answer, I was about to punch him if he said it was all his teammates fault'.
“Well it was nice talking to you Kabuto but I want to get in that tower so later.” Naruto said before jumping on the roof to try to find a window that's open.
“Nice meeting you to Naruto-kun.” Kabuto said softly before his team, which was waiting for him in the trees, came out.
“Ok let's report.” One of them said opening the door.
Inside Kabuto and his team closed the doors looking at the grass nin a.k.a. Orochimaru.
“Did you get the cards?” Orochimaru said while Kabuto handed the info cards to him.
“So what do you think.” He said putting the cards away.
“Personally I think their both good. Sasuke has the sharingan and I don't know what Naruto has but he's smart.” Kabuto said.
“I want you to do some research on all of the eyes that change to gold with a black slit in the middle.” Orochimaru said before disappearing.
Meanwhile Naruto had finally managed to find a window to jump threw. He then proceeded to where Itachi's chakra was.
Naruto looked around and had seen that almost all the participants were here. He walked a little further and saw the guy with red hair again.
He was apparently from sand and he did not look pleased. Naruto looked at him a little more before the guy looked back.
Gaara was the guy's name and for some reason he felt different. Naruto could tell that he hadn't slept for awhile with blood shot eyes.
His eyes had an almost insane look to them and he was string at Naruto. Personally he thought the guy was creepy.
Naruto was going to turn away when Gaara started to walk in his direction.
`What the hell? I don't want to talk to this guy'.
When he stopped he was staring into Naruto's eyes, as did Naruto.
“What do you want.” Naruto said casually.
“Your chakra has changed since the start of the exam.” Gaara said calmly. Naruto put his hand on his neck and laughed a little.
“Well you know things change.” Naruto said walking off.
Temari and Kankurou where speechless to how Gaara acted. He was calm and talking like everyone else.
Naruto kept walking a little more before seeing Shikamaru and the others.
`So they made it. Good now I can see how strong I am compared to them.' Naruto thought walking a little more.
Finally he spotted Haku and Kira along with Itachi. Naruto still couldn't get used to Itach's “new me” uniform. It just didn't look right. Speaking of that where did Jin go? Did the idiot finish part of the mission?
“Hey missed me.” Naruto said walking up.
“Naruto there you are! Don't you know they are going to start the next test soon? Oh and how are you feeling.” Hake said looking at Naruto.
“Tell you the truth not good. You know that snake guy we fought did something to my chakra system oh and the freak bit me can you believe that.” Naruto said getting angry.
Itachi looked down at Naruto studying him. He knew that Orochimaru was going to be here but he was after Sasuke. That was one of the reasons why they came back to Leaf but now that Naruto got bit he would have to change the plans.
“I was worried about this. I didn't know Orochimaru would be here.” Itachi said lying.
“So you already know your brother was also bit?” Naruto asked and Itachi only nodded.
“What exactly did he do to me?” Naruto said quieter.
“He put a curse seal on you so you can't really activate your chakra. It's very troublesome but I'm sure someone here can help us.” Itachi said.
“Look Naruto the plans have changed. I will inform you about them later. For right now act as you usually would and keep an eye out for my brother.” Itachi said quietly.
Naruto looked up at Itachi puzzled. They were going to change the plans? They never changed the plans before.
“Your attention please. I would like all the participants to now come to the arena thank you.” The announcer said through loud speakers.
They started to walk but something had been nagging Naruto.
“How did you get in when you were supposed to have a team of three?” Naruto finished walking into the arena.
“Well we just did a clone and changed it so it looked like you.” Hake said lining up in a row of three.
While the Hokaga was talking Naruto looked around. He saw Sasuke's group and Kabuto's to but no grass. So did he kill of his teammates? Naruto then looked over at Gaara and he did the same. Man what a creepy guy Naruto thought turning to see the jounins.
He saw Itachi with all the other Junins up front. He was standing near a short silver haired guy that had his whole face covered up. He had his protector on the side so his right eye was covered. That guy was Kakashi no doubt about it.
Naruto also saw two women one was Anko and the other had long brownish red hair then you had their first instructor for the exams. The Hokaga had white hair and dark kind eyes. He was wearing a robe with white pants underneath them. He kind of reminded Naruto of Kakato.
He was talking about the different countries and stuff but Naruto really didn't listen he was to busy watching everyone else.
He saw Sasuke argue with his teammates. They were probably talking about the curse seal because Sasuke was touching it. Yeah you idiot show the whole world why don't you.
Naruto's curse was also acting up but he refused to touch it because that would bring unwanted attention to it.
He then saw Sakura raise her hand but Sasuke slapped it down. Naruto turned a little and saw that the junins were also looking at Sasuke then at him.
`Crap did they already find out? I didn't touch it or anything so maybe I'm just imaging things'.
“Now look up at the board and see how fights first.” The announcer said.
Sasuke vs. Yuta