Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Unraveling of a Dune ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Unraveling of a Dune
By: emeraldoni
Disclaimer: Enough said.
Sakura lay out on the cot, hands linked over her belly as she gazed up at the sterile, white ceiling. The hospital seemed to have become her home, as much as she dreamed of escaping it. There was something about her small apartment that seemed to deter her mind to things far better left in darkness. And at least at the medical center, she had an excuse as to why she couldn't sleep, and rarely ever did so.
Her own office had become her room, a little make-shift bed laid out in the corner, surrounded in papers and other odd assortments and tools that had to do with her job. Sakura found that, lately, she had liked fiddling with instruments of any kind, she even found some weapons of torture in her office—though how those got there she had no idea, and didn't really care to find out.
Sakura sighed again, sitting up to switch off the light in hopes of being able to actually find some peace in slumber, though she severely doubted it. She almost felt like Gaa—him, and her eyes began to hold a kin to his. Nobody said anything, commented on her new-found exuberance to work and her more than slightly disheveled appearance, but they noticed, and they watched.
The pink haired kunoichi suddenly glanced up as a loud clatter suddenly filled the silent hallways, echoing into her room. A sigh escaped her lips as she stepped out to investigate the disturbance. Running towards her was a small group of people, shinobi slung over the shoulders dripping trails of blood. From her vantage point (frozen as the minute mass came to interrupt her off time) none of the wounds looked mortal, just barely enough for disablement and hospitalization.
“Haruno-san! Haruno-san!”
Sakura focused her attention on one genin, staggering under the wait of a far heavier man than the girl carrying him. Her eyes were fearful as she stared up at the medic-nin, “There's an attack on the village, at the front gates!”
An attack on the village, and at the front gates as well? Sakura wondered how incredibly stupid this person must be, or maybe they were obviously insane? As she stared at the injured rushing by, she found the enemy must be fairly impressive to cause this much damage, and just a little bit pissed.
Rushing in the opposite way the group had come, Sakura hurried to the front gate, knowing that a more experienced medic would probably be needed in the mist of battle for those that couldn't be moved. She hung to the right as another little wave of people came by, and Sakura couldn't help be curious by the fact that not one of them was deathly injured.
Here ears perked though, as a rushed conversation made it's was to her ears, “Why would a sand shinobi attack us? They're our allies!”
And Sakura froze, eyes widening as the wall blurred slightly. She had to have heard wrong, he would do something like that, would he? No matter, in a flurry of motion Sakura jumped through a nearby window and onto another roof. Saturating her legs with chakre, the kunoichi ran as fast as she could to where her suspicions lay.
Gaara snarled as Kakashi proceeded to blur his hands in a multitude of positions, effectively creating some type of jutsu that Gaara did not want to be on the receiving end of.
“KazeKage-sama, this is your last chance, you are not welcome here!”
The insomniac just let out another snarl, a grin warping his handsome features as his eyes widened with a bloodshot malevolence. He hadn't lost control for some time, not since he fought Naruto actually, and afterward he had kept a tight reign. For some reason, though, he felt no need to indulge his human side, instead letting Shukaku's murderous impulses slowly encase his body.
Sand whirled around him in silent tendrils, forming a barrier between him self and the elder jounin. Gaara's arms were crossed, revealing a lackadaisical pose for all the threat being placed upon him, not losing his irritating demeanor as his body became the demons, and not his own.
Dodging attacks from Kakashi, Gaara slowly let his vision haze and blur, a dull red seeping into his perception. If at all possible, his grin became wider.
Why did this meaningless drone insist on getting in his way? It was ridiculous, completely idiotic. This was something he did not want to have to deal with now, and it seemed to be getting on his nerves even further as seconds ticked by.
“I warn you,” Gaara growled, “Get out of my way, before it is too late.”
Kakashi, his jutsu misplaced, pulled out a scroll, his mismatched eyes studying Gaara, “Sorry, no can do. Hokage's orders.”
That was it, that was it! Gaara snapped. Bloodied sand raced to him self, merging over his arms and body, his face morphing into a creature far from human, his right arm becoming monstrous. He would kill this man. He did not care who he was, but this annoyance had pushed his last button, and Gaara would allow for no more delay, as his patience was already thin.
Both men were saved from the devastating fight though, as a voice beamed through the heavy air, “Gaara!”
Immediately he was human again, the sand dropping to the ground unsupported, as his arms hung limply at his sides. The whole world disappeared, and all he saw was her. She was his everything, his light. Sakura was the only one who he would allow inside of him, trusting her to never turn her back out of spite.
“Sakura…” He breathed, eyes glued to her as she jumped down from the Konoha wall, striding over to him. He was absolutely immobile, as she walked so fast that it was almost jogging, and he didn't move and inch when she drew her hand back.
He was a bit shocked though, when that hand came forward and punched him strait in the face, knocking him back to the ground, right on his rear. Gaara was speechless, eyes wide, trained on her as his mouth opened and closed, like he was trying to say something, but was completely mute.
There was no need, though, for she did all the talking.
“You idiot!” She screeched, “You moronic jackass! What the hell do you think you are doing!?” She had grabbed him by the collar, his limp body allowing her to pull him up, “I thought you were smarter than that! I thought you weren't a total imbecile!”
His cracked face (obtained from her chakre laden strike) stared down at her, enraptured, and his gaze softened. Sakura trailed off as she noticed his intense study.
“Sakura…” He whispered again, aptly pulling her into his arms. She was stiff, holding her self away from him, but then she slowly relaxed into his embrace.
“Stupid,” She muttered under her breath, “So, so stupid. Idiotic, moronic—”
She was silenced once again as his lips pressed against hers, kissing her in a fit of desperation and relief. And she kissed right back, hands gripping his hair as his arms tightened around her. Burning tears ran down her cheeks, and Gaara wiped them away without releasing her lips from his.
He would never her go. She was his, and nobody would steal her. They were one, and he would not let his other half be whisked away, by her own inclination or another's. He was desert, and she was his water, her light to his dark, life to death. Everything they did went hand in hand, never to be one without the other, for it would not be possible.
The sound of a throat clearing filled the area, and Gaara growled slightly at the intruder, Kakashi. Sakura slapped his shoulder, though, and he subsided as she pulled away, even if he didn't like it.
“Are you alright, Sensei?”
Waving his hands a little, and revealing a half hidden smile, Kakashi responded, “Fine, fine. It was just a little tussle.”
Sakura gave a flat look, then scanned her eyes about the clearing, “Okay… then… hmmm.”
She had absolutely no idea what to do. After this, Gaara would probably not be welcome in the village, and she couldn't very well just leave him at the gates, who knew what trouble he would get into again. Sakura sighed, grabbing a hold of her unruly male's hand.
“Come on. We probably shouldn't stay here.” She turned to wave at Kakashi, “Can you tell Tsunade-shishou that I will be gone a little while, maybe a few days. I'll send a message or something: let you know what the plan is.”
And she walked into the woods, dragging Gaara behind her, a hesitant feeling making her legs like led. It wasn't until a few minutes passed, and they were immersed in forest, that she turned to face him.
“I don't even know where to begin.”
Gaara just looked down on her features impassively, his fingers gripping hers tightly.
“Why did you come?” Sakura asked.
“To get you.”
Sakura felt like pulling her hair out in frustration. Why couldn't he just be a little bit more forthcoming? She could not be around him if one minute he was loving and tender, and the next he was colder than the frozen tundra. She had to understand.
And that was when her patience slipped, “To get me!? To get me!?” Sakura felt tears building up in her eyes again. Apparently she was a bit moody, for it seemed in just the space of a half an hour she had cried more, and become angrier, than she had in the past week. Really, all she had felt lately was a dull depression, in comparison to a faint, but pounding head-ache.
Sakura shoved off Gaara's hand, reaching up to furiously wipe away scalding tears, “How could you do this to me?” She practically sobbed, all the while trying to suppress it, “You dropped me on the floor. You were—you were—” And though she hated it, she fell back to using childish phrases, “You were mean to me!”
His brow quirked at that one, but he would not dare make a comment or an obvious expression, not if he wanted to live and, if ever, reproduce. Instead he reached around her shoulder with his arms, clutching her to his chest as he hunched over to bury his face into her neck.
“I'm sorry.” He whispered.
“I hate this.” She said in an equally low voice, “I hate that you did this. I hate that you do this to me. I hate… I hate…you made me feel so stupid!”
Gaara nuzzled her neck, “You're not stupid. You are very smart.”
Sakura sniffed, “I'm not a dog. Don't try to appease me.”
He placed a little kiss on her soft skin, repeating the process as he moved up her jaw, “You're not a dog. You are too pretty.”
“Shut up…” But he could tell that the anger had left her. Her arms had wrapped around his shoulders, and the kisses peppering her skin brought little flashes of heat to her lower abdomen.
Then his lips clashed with hers, and it felt as though every moment they touched was better than their whole lives put together. His hands fingered the waist band of her loose pants, the ones she was to sleep in, and his digits slid onto smooth skin. Sakura shivered with the touch, and the spot between her legs became warm and tight.
One of Gaara's hands came to fiddle with the hem of her shirt, lifting it away from her belly as his callused hand slid up to a tense breast. He fingered her as she moaned, eyes staring up at tree braches looming above them.
Slowly, neither of them noticing, sand began to fill up around them, creating a shield that cut them off from the world, as the ground was softened by pliable granules.
Somehow her shirt had been pulled off, she wasn't even sure when, and her bare chest was left open to Gaara's ministrations. Her nipples tightened as fingers brushed across the, tweaking as his kisses left wet trails across her collarbones, down her chest, to her stomach. And as she now stared up at the ceiling of sand with speckled holes of light, Sakura found that though he had his faults, Gaara was the one she wanted to be with. So, maybe he had quite a bit of faults, but that would not persuade her away from him. He was kind of like a project… one that she would never give up on, a project that would never end.
His hands caressed the back of her thighs, tugging down the trousers, revealing hip bones and a dimpled lower back. Sakura's hands gripped the red heads shoulders, tugging at the thick cloth that separated her hands from his skin.
Kneeling down at his level, she tugged his jacket down his arms, his shirt over his head. As soon as the cloth passed his face, their mouths met fiercely, tongues clashing in a passion neither had felt before.
And soon, in a torrent of heated kisses and blistering caresses both were bare.
Sakura gasped as she felt nimble fingers run up the inside of her leg, her thigh, and right into the depths of herself.
His face was buried into her neck as his fingers, inside of her, made her throb with need and want. Gaara's muffled voice groaned as he hands ran over toned muscles, as her fingers brushed over his pulsing self.
He was crouched over her, and for a moment, Sakura felt as though she was prey trapped by predator. But then Gaara looked at her, his eyes unveiled and raw, and she saw he shared the same want and need, not of the moment—though that was certainly a part of it—but for an entire lifetime.
And then, poised above her as her legs wrapped around his torso, he gently brushed hardened fingertips against her face.
Her hand brushed hand slipped back a lock of hair, revealing the tattoo on his forehead.
“'Love,'” She read, her eyes on his as her nails slid over shadowed skin, “It is not enough to explain.”
And his head twitched in agreement as they shared another kiss, gentle this time, and he slid into her.
It was tighter than she could have ever imagined, making a painful burn that she would never wish away. Slowly, his muscles bunched and stretched as he began to pump inside of her. And at the same timing so did the pain dissipate, leaving only pleasure.
Slamming into her he grunted and growled as she gasped and let out moaning screams. His mouth was still buried into her neck, leaving little nips and bites that didn't hurt at all, but would certainly leave marks.
With each breath, with each thrust, they came closer to an asymmetrical climax; lit in darkness of protection and evanescent rays of leaf-like light.
A burst of pleasure so intense, so insurmountable, filled the both of them, leaving them with breathless lungs and weakened limbs. And after blinking away the colored spots in her gaze, Sakura felt Gaara pull out of her, leaving her empty and full at the same moment.
Bound and freed with fatigue, and the warm body against her, Sakura ran her fingers through the mussed hair of her lover. His hands left little swirls of feeling behind them as they tiredly rubbed across her belly, his arms pulling him to her.
With a resolution of contentment, Sakura's eyes drooped, her back to Gaara's chest with his arm draped over her.
“You are my everything.” She whispered, and he replied with a nuzzle to the back of her neck, “Yes.”
The last thing she saw was that many of the delicate holes from the little barrier filling in; leaving dimness so deep she could barely see the hand in front of her face.
Not that it mattered. She was too busy looking at the back of her eyelids, concentrating on the deepened breathing of her partner.
“Don't judge a book by the cover, my mom used to say.”
Gaara let loose a little groan, shifting as he tried to ignore Sakura's disrupting flow of mouth.
“Don't do that!” She mockingly snapped, flicking the back of his head, “You're supposed to listen to you spouse.” She moved her knees annoyingly, “Especially when you're lying on her lap.”
“Mm,” Gaara said, “Don't move.”
Her fingers massaged into his neck, brushing away hair that needed to be cut.
They were lounging on the coach, lazing about in the quant apartment they shared. Sakura was slumped against the plush arm, with a Gaara cuddled halfway into her legs and abdomen, leaving her feet to fall asleep under his weight. Not that she minded, it was too comfortable anyway. And he was shirtless, which was worth it, considering much of the time he wore more than a few layers.
“You never really scared me, you know.” Her mood becoming a little serious, “Your potential scared me, but not you.”
Gaara was silent, eyes staring unfocused as his hands found their way to her waist, holding her loosely, but lovingly.
“I never hated you, you know.” He said, voice low with emotion he rarely ever revealed, and only to her.
“That's because,” Sakura giggled, “You never noticed me.”
“I notice everything. Everything.
And as he fell asleep, breath evening, eyes drooping, Sakura smiled.
He was her everything, her life, her world, her soul.
Gaara was the one that had pulled her away from self-inflicted pain, toughening her to the atrocities of life, while to still leaving her human. And she had done the same for him.
She wondered how he would react when she told him that her period was late. Way late.
Yeah, life was good, and Sakura was aiming to keep it that way.
A/N: There you go. The end. I hope you liked it, and please tell me your opinion. The next should be the AU GaaraxSakura, but I have to warn you, it could be VERY SLOW. Schools starting, and I have to work, as well as do Karate, AND I am planning on starting Karate Instructors Academy.
But I will try. I love to write, and though my skills need honing and are far from polished, I hope to bring you pleasure in reading as I gain pleasure in writing. Maybe—MAYBE—an epilogue will be produced: depends on how things work out.
Until next time, until the next tale…