Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire's Kiss ❯ Meet the Vampire ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I updated. Shocking I know. Anyway, still need a Beta Editor. (No, Noelle, remember what happened last time.) If anyone wants the job, tell me. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.
Disclaimer: I do own Naruto (Feds outside my house trying to break in) . . . illegally (holding Kishimoto captive) Bring itachi back dammit!

The pale moonlight shimmered in the black water that rested at the bottom of the hill where the mansion stood. The shadows of the trees flickered and seemed to move, giving the trees an illusion of getting closer to any unsuspecting person, so they could swallow their victims and leave them in eternal darkness.
Naruto approach the gate of the mansion cautiously, making sure cops were not following him. His black outfit made him blend into the night as if he was part of it. The only part standing out was his sun gold hair and his azure eyes that glowed in the darkness.
“Psst…Naruto.” There was a momentary rustling in the trees before Kiba jumped out—Akamaru perched lovingly atop his shaggy head. “I can't believe you're seriously doing this…. I mean, I know you're getting free ramen out of it, but ramen is not worth possibly risking your life, you know…”
"Aw, come on, Kiba. You don't honestly believe in that ghost tale about the dead bodies they found, right? They just made it up to scare us." Naruto had a huge grin on his face that said, 'Nothing is going to stop me from getting my ramen, nothing dammit.'
“I'm glad you won't be so easily frightened Uzamaki, but the tale is true. Obviously, you don't watch the news.” Neji stepped out from behind the trees and walked up to Naruto and Kiba with Sai and Shikamaru with him.
“Well fuck you Neji, or should I ask Sai to do that for me?”
“As much as I like to think that the Hyuuga is good in bed, he's not my type,” Sai, who seemed immune to the Hyuuga's glare, examined his fingernails.
“Anyway, let's fill you in on the rest of the details. Shikamaru and I will be watching the front door from the forest. Sai will be watching the back entrances. When you go in, you are to stay in the house until five. Noticed I said you. Inuzuka is allowed to chicken out, but you can't if you want to win the dare. Oh, and if there is a mass murderer in there, you are on your own.”
“Yeah, yeah, can I just go in now? Mass murderer my ass.”
“Fine.” Neji opened the gate, and they all walked along the path to the house. Halfway there, Neji and his gang branched off from Naruto and Kiba to their hiding places.
Naruto stood in front of an abandoned mansion, glancing over at Kiba with slightly concerned blue eyes, “Are you sure you want to go through with this Kiba? Are you sure you're not scared? It's okay if you don't do the dare. I know you are afraid of ghosts. It's not like I'll tell the whole school you ran away with your tail between your legs or anything…”
Kiba glared at Naruto, but shook his head, “I'm not scared, and I'm not going to run.” If only his body reflected that. The way that he shook ever so slightly, while Akamaru rested upon his head manifested every bit of fear held captive in his trembling body.
Naruto wiped off imaginary dust of his tight leather pants. "Shall we go in then," Naruto said as he opened the mansion door.
Kiba nibbled gently on his lip, “Um…well Akamaru needs to be fed…don't you boy?” Akamaru, not wanting to enter the creepy mansion either, nodded in agreement. “I should get going…” If it wasn't obvious by now that Kiba had no intention of entering the mansion, the steps he took away from Naruto were a fairly clear indicator. Something did not feel right in that masion. It was almost like he could smell blood in that house.
Naruto scoffed, "Whatever, do what you want." he stepped through the door smirking. "I'm going in with or without you."
At this moment, Kiba didn't know whether he feared the mansion or being alone outside of the mansion more. “I-I'm c-coming…” He tried to put on the façade of being much braver than he sounded at the moment as he followed Naruto inside.
"Nice of you to join me scaredy dog," he mocked his best friend. "Knowing your here will make me feel so much safer." Naruto didn't even bother hiding the sarcasm and mocking tone in his voice. He was enjoying Kiba's torment.
“You know…if you want me to leave I'll…” He didn't bother finishing that—they both know that Kiba was going to shut up and tag along because that is what Kiba always did when it came to Naruto, shut up and tag along; that was how he rolled. Just like a loyal dog. His eyes only moved from the floor to Naruto occasionally—Kiba feared that if he looked around, he would run out screaming. That feeling he had outside the mansion had increased.
Naruto on the other hand was engrossed by everything. 'Wow is that a sword! And those are tarot cards! And that's a suit of armor from Scotland! This place is awesome!' "Well it's not that scary. There are candles all over the place. We're lucky to have them li-" Naruto never finished his sentence. "Hey, Kiba, why would candles be lit if this place is abandoned?"
Kiba had attempted, yet failed to ignore Naruto's words. He didn't want to be given a reason to look around—chances were something frightening would pop out the moment he did. Naruto's question though, it caused even a trembling Kiba to stop and peak about. “Lit candles? …is this p-place, r-really ab-b-bandoned?” He hoped so, but Akamaru's sudden whimpering put doubt in his mind.
"Maybe someone was partying in here with their friends and hid when they heard us open the door," Naruto laughed uncomfortably. "It happens all the time in abandoned places." As those words left his lips, they heard the door slam and majority of the candles went out. The front door had closed.
“That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard…”
“Well you probably think it's a ghost, so you can't say anything. Besides, it's probably just Neji and the others trying to scare us.”
“Why would they close the door like that? And why didn't we notice them? You were facing the door the whole time.” Kiba was so afraid that he couldn't even find it in himself to stay mad at Naruto. Even with such harsh words, Kiba was shaking and his voice was soft as if someone was guaranteed to find them. “We shouldn't be here—I knew this was a bad idea…” He turned toward the door so he could get out while things still seemed safe, but as he jiggled the handle, it wouldn't budge. "It's locked."
"What do you mean it's locked? It wasn't locked when we came here? And we didn't see anyone, so how can it be locked?" Naruto yelled, starting to panic slightly himself.
"I'll answer your question if you answer mine. What are you doing in my house?" an unfamiliar voice drifted into the room.
Kiba continued to play with the knob until it broke, “I don't know it ju--.” He wasn't able to finish his sentence—the voice sent him into absolute pandemonium. His mouth was opened as if he wished to speak, but no words would come out of it. That scent he smelled earlier outside, that smell of blood, returned to his nostrils, burning them. That bad feeling had intensified three fold, scaring Kiba shitless—all bodily fluids that had been settled inside of him had quickly found their way out.
Naruto noticed. "Dude, that's just gross. I don't know you anymore."
"Don't ignore me. What are you doing in my house," the voice asked again.
"Kiba, please tell me you were the one asking that question."
When Kiba finally got his shit together (XD No pun intended) he shook his head and looked over at Naruto; his fear was so easy to see at the moment. “I-I didn't s-say that N-Naruto…I didn't say anything….” In response to the voice, Kiba said nothing. He was trying oh so hard to deny it's existence, but Naruto wasn't helping matters any. If Naruto had heard it too then it must have been real—they couldn't have both been hallucinating . . . but then again, Kakashi did give them something to drink earlier.
"If I have to repeat myself one more time, someone is going to die," the voice said quietly and deadly. To the two boys in the room, it seemed like the voice was whispering in their ear. But that was impossible. They were in two different sides of the room.
"Who are you?" Naruto faked his strong voice. He did a good job with it as it came out steadily. On the inside he felt as if he was about to piss in his pants, but he refused to embarrass himself like Kiba.
At those words, Kiba whimpered slightly; he really did not want to die. Naruto wasn't helping at all. He had not even answered the voice's question…they were going to die! Deciding to take matters into his own paws, er, I mean hands…though they were trembling, Kiba managed, “W-we were just…it was a d-dare…and…sorry?” He didn't have as strong a voice as Naruto did, in fact, he sounded absolutely pathetic at the moment, but at least the question had been answered. He did not want to piss off this disembodied voice.
Naruto and Kiba heard the voice chuckle. "A dare you say? What type of morons would enter someone's house on a dare when they do not know whose lives there?"
"Well…you're the moron who uses candles instead of electricity. I mean seriously. We live in the 2000s not the fucking medieval times. Don't go calling us morons!" Naruto shouted at the top off his lungs. "I probably shouldn't have said that," Naruto thought to himself as he winced in the darkened room. "Stupid Naruto," he mentally smacked himself.
“Aren't you gutsy. You should find out who you are talking to before acting like you are superior.”
“Maybe you should show yourself, so we can know who we are talking to.”
“Naruto, what are you doing? Are you trying to get us killed?” Kiba hissed through the dim room.
“Kiba stop worrying. It's just some punk trying to scare us,” Naruto said reassuringly, giving off his big grin.
“Are you sure about that?” Naruto froze as the voice said that. He could feel hot breath breathing on his neck and against his ear. Then he felt something touch one of his golden locks.
Naruto immediately jumped away from where he was standing. Something was there.
“Naruto? Is something wrong?” Kiba asked.
“Who are you? Come out where I can see you.” Naruto ignored Kiba.
A figure stepped out into the dim light. His dark hair seemed to absorb the light while his pale skin seemed to reflect it. He looked like a black angel.
“Why are you so jumpy? Did you not ask me to show myself,” the man smirked. He walked closer to Naruto. His footsteps echoed in the room, each step being ingrained into the blonde's mind.
“How'd you get there? How did you get behind me?”
“I walked there how else.”
“But how is that-” Naruto stumbled over his words. How could this man get behind him if he was up against a wall? He could not get behind him unless he was on the wall, but that is impossible, right?
“Naruto, we should get out of here now,” Kiba whimpered.
“But why leave now? After all the trouble you went through to come into my wonderful home? Why don't you stay for dinner? I would love a bit to eat. I have a red drink that you'll just die for.”
“Naruto, we need to leave now!” Kiba shivered as he yelled.
“Why such a rush?”
“Because you smell like blood!” at this Naruto's eyes was directed straight at Kiba as the black haired man glared. “You're the one who killed those guys two nights ago aren't you!” Kiba pointed a finger at the man who only glared at it.
“So what if I am?” he said in a cold monotone voice. “What are you going to do about it?”
It took a moment for Naruto to register what was going on. This man was a killer. They needed to get out.
Naruto picked up one of the candle holders and threw it at the dark haired man and darted for the door next by Kiba.
The dark haired dodged the object easily and somehow made it to the door faster than Naruto. He was so fast in fact he had the time to push Kiba into said front door.
Kiba arm got caught on a loose nail and stabbed into his arm deeply. Blood flowed freely down his arm, covering it in the sticky liquid.
“What are you?” Kiba sputtered out through the pain in his arm.
“Sasuke Uchiha, vampire of the Uchiha manor,” he smirked and gave a slight bow. “And any dinner that walks into my house freely is mine to prey on.”

Naruto's mind was spinning. They were in trouble. Kiba was injured, and that monster was in front of the door. There was no option really. Kiba was his best friend. He wasn't going to let him die here.
“Kiba,” he said in a grim tone. “When I make my move, I want you to kick the door down and escape.”
Kiba looked up at his friend in a pained and panicked expression. “Naruto don't-“
“Tell the perv and the old hag I'll miss them.”
Naruto did not hear Kiba's yell as he was already charging at the vampire.
Kiba got up quickly and began trying to break down the door. Tears already about to fall. Maybe if he could kick down the door fast enough, he and Naruto could escape together.
Sasuke easily dodge the onslaught and grabbed Naruto's wrist, spinning him around so that he had one arm around his waist and one under his chin. Kiba kicked the door down and turned to Naruto.
As he turned toward Naruto, his tears fell as he saw the blood from Naruto's neck run down his tan skin, glistening in the candle light. Naruto's face became paler as light faded from his eyes. Naruto smiled at Kiba weakly and mouthed “Go.”
Kiba only nodded as he raced out of the house into the darkness of night.

Hey, how many noticed their was two different people writing this. Half of this was written before the first chapter. I would like to thank my friend Sara for writing this with me.
You know the drill. Review, my minions, uh, I mean fans. Review.