Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wake Me Up Inside ❯ Explanations ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Wake Me Up Inside - Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone but Kit.


Kit ran, the trees flying by her at an incredible rate. Kakashi was slowly gaining on her, but she was faster. `Stop! Get away from me!' She screamed, as Kakashi appeared in front of her, causing her to skid to a stop in front of him. She started to turn to her left, but saw Kakashi there. `How can he move so fast?' She looked back and then saw that there were actually several clones of Kakashi, one standing in front of her, one behind her, and one on either side of her.

"Just come with me." One of them said.

Kit looked around, panicking. `Which one is the real one?' She looked behind her and that clone disappeared in a puff of smoke. Her eyes widened. `Is this.. magic?' She ran in the direction of where she had come, hoping she would be able to get back somehow, when she felt something grab her arm. She looked down and saw it was a hand. A hand connected to a shoulder, connected to a neck, connected to - the head of Kakashi. `Shit.' All she felt was two fingers on the side of her head and everything went black.


"You disobeyed my direct orders!" a man's voice yelled out, echoing through the empty hallways.

"But - I had to see it. Just once." a woman said, a pleading edge to her voice.

"No. You know that is forbidden." the man said.

Kit was standing in a hallway, and in front of her was a man and a woman. The woman had blue-black hair and green eyes and Kit immediately recognized her from the dream she had before. Kit looked down at herself and was surprised to see that she was wearing a small blue dress and that she was much shorter than she had been before.


"Your child will live a life on the world, and you are never to see her." the man said.

The woman turned towards Kit, and Kit didn't want to look into her eyes, from all the despair and pain in them. "Kitty! Run, honey! Run away!"

Kit frowned. What was going on here? She didn't know what to do, and all of a sudden her feet started moving and she ran towards the window. Kit's eyes widened as she felt a wierd but familiar sensation on her back - and she turned to see two giant wings spring out from her back. The woman screamed behind her; the guards were dragging her into a black door. The woman inside screamed, and Kit dove out the window - only to be met with a net.

"Capture it! Kill it!" were the cries shouted.

"Mother! Mother!" Kit screamed, nowhere near in control of her actions.

"Run, Kitty!" the woman yelled from inside the castle.


Kit shot up from her bed, the woman's screams still echoing in her head. She looked around her surroundings, and discovered she was in some sort of office. There was a desk, a chair with the back turned to her, and several more chairs set up against the wall. The large chair behind the desk swiveled around and she pulled her arms up instinctively. As she lowered them, she was surprised to find a woman in the chair.

"Hello, Kit." the woman said. "Don't worry, I have no intentions to harm you. My name is Tsunade."

`Tsunade?' Kit thought, and was surprised to hear another thought come straight back at her. /Can you hear me?/ She blinked, and sent another thought back. `Yes.' Tsunade smiled.

"Good. I thought so. You can not only send thoughts to people of your own will, nonetheless, but you can read other people's minds as well, regardless of their will."

`But.. Why am I here?' Kit sent back.

"You are here because this is where you lived before. I can't explain everything to you, but I know that you have an amazing chakra level." Tsunade said.

`Chak-ra' Kit thought, the words sounding foreign to her.

"Yes. Chakra is the combination of physical and spiritual energy combined. It can be released in three types. Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu. Ninjutsu is basic skills, like cloning yourself, which I hear you have already experienced with Kakashi. Genjutsu is illusionary work, basically creating illusions. Taijutsu is hand to hand combat, like martial arts." Tsunade explained.

`I have.. chakra?'

"Yes. And a lot of it, since you are from an exceptionally powerful bloodline. I only know few things about the Takani bloodline, one of the things being your exceptional chakra limit." Tsunade said, getting out of her chair and walking over to Kit. "Sleep. You've overexerted yourself by expelling your chakra incorrectly. I'll be here when you wake up."

`Thank you.'


Sakura stood impatiently waiting for Naruto and Sasuke to come, and finally they landed beside her, both breathing heavily. Naruto was the first to speak.

"Sorry-Sakura-chan. We-had-extra-practicing with Ero-sennin." Naruto gasped between breaths.

Sakura rolled her eyes. "We need to go to Tsunade-sama's office. Kakashi said so."

"What happened?" Sasuke asked, his breath regulating.

"There's - a wierd girl."

"Wierd.. girl?" Naruto asked.

"Just come with me. Tsunade-sama will explain to use once we get there." Sakura said, and ran off, the two boys following her.


Kit woke up, and instead of one person - Tsunade, she had said her name was - there was five, including Tsunade, Kakashi, Sakura, and two other boys she didn't know. One was blonde, and the other had jet-black hair.

"Kit, this is Sasuke and Naruto." Tsunade said, pointing first to the black-haired boy and then to the blonde.

Naruto frowned. "Who the hell is she?"

Sakura cuffed him in the back of his head. "Respect!"

Kit frowned. `Why are you all here?'

Naruto's eyes widened. "What's that trick? Is that some sort of jutsu that I haven't learned yet?"

"No, she can't talk." Kakashi said. "We haven't exactly figured out why yet."

Kit rubbed her back. Her back always hurt, and she had no clue why. The doctor said that it was a rare back disease, but she had just shrugged it off. It definitely wasn't a disease, because somehow it felt familiar.. comforting almost. Tsunade looked at her.

"Right. Now, starting tomorrow you will be training with Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura."

`I don't know anything about being a ninja or anything though.' Kit thought.

"That's okay. They will teach you everything you need to know." Tsunade said, looking proud of herself. "Now sleep. You need the energy for the training tommorow."

Kit put her head in her hands and sighed. `What is this ninja shit? I just want to go home.' She said, not even realizing she was thinking out loud, and that Tsunade could hear her. Kit rubbed her head. Tsunade smiled, and shut the door, as she knew Kit obviously meant to keep that a private thought. She would have to find some way for Kit to keep her thinking to herself.


AN: I'm on a roll! Another chapter! I haven't seen the Tsunade series yet, so I apologize if she seems a bit out of character. Please review! ^__^