Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Watching With Me ❯ A Little Bit Of Blood ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Watching With Me
By: Nicha
Date: 8/27/06
A Naruto fandom
Rated: uhm… M for blood and stuff? (Maybe language?)
Notes: CRUDE, RANDOM, humor. I do not mean to offend ANYONE. THE PEOPLE I KNOW PERSONALLY- if anything turns to a… part that you are… uncomfortable with, please don't yell at me or let others know or any other shit like that. Let me know very quietly… and check out my awesome scene-changers.
WARNING: I made Sakura yell a lot here. Yeah. *nods, smile.*
Pairings: So far… eventual NaruSasu, and others, like Kiba/Hinata… so I guess that's why I kept her alive. I'll make up other pairings along the way too.
Disclaimer: Now… why would I be writing fanfiction if I owned Naruto? Really, ask yourself that, the answer might pop up sooner or later. AND I do not own the song 'I MUST BE EMO'. It was written by ADAM AND ANDERW.

Chapter 2: A Little Bit of Blood
Sasuke moved through the crowd. The sensation of being watched lingered. He moved quickly and easily through the crowded sidewalk with his game of evade. His shoulder slammed painfully against someone, he winced. Then, he looked up to glare but instead he felt his eyes widen. This person sported a rather flamboyant orange shirt with three horizontal lines on his cheeks. The stranger's head of bright blond and blue eyes electrified the air. But, this moment only lasted for about a second. He tore his eyes away and looked back to his mission.
'Shit! I can't go there now!' Sasuke felt his heart hammer inside of his chest. He took a few deep breaths to calm him a little.
"Sasuke? What's the matter?" asked Sakura through the headset, "Are you OK?" although she really only expected a small, short, curt answer. But she was surprised, because then she heard,
"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine."
'… Holy… shit…' she stared at the gleaming screen in front of her, "O…k. well then, be careful- your heart rate has gone up, meaning, your blood…" Sasuke then had to listen to her lecture about how vampires went after blood…
"I KNOW THAT!" he hissed.
Sakura sighed, 'I don't know how I can stand him sometimes. But-' she looked at her watch, '- oh, whatever.' She typed in Sasuke's description of the person with the Hyuuga.
"So?" asked Sasuke impatiently.
"…" then, in a dangerously sweet tone, "Sasuke-kun… do you want me to hit you?" she snapped, "You think that's the only stressful job?!"
Sasuke sweatdropped, "Sakura…"
"Well, my job's stressing too!"
"Fine! Fine… now… can you just be quiet?" he asked.
Sakura fumed as the last bit of info came up. "Ok… well, apparently, this guy is not a vampire… or at least, not yet. His occupation; awww… a vet! How cute is that?" she squealed, then turning serious, "He needs just one more bite, Sasuke-kun,-" she cracked her knuckles and Sasuke flinched, "- just one more bite, and we have another vampire on our hands."
Naruto took the small vile and put a small amount of blood onto the blank card, he downed the rest of the vile, satisfying his hunger briefly. An image and information appeared. "Uchiha… Sasuke, huh?" his eyes scanned the rest of the card. His brow furrowed, 'Interesting.'
"Naruto, we're off task again," muttered Shikamaru.
He nodded, "Hot kid." he said.
"Yeah, he's just 17!" chuckled the blond.
"You could pass for 17 or something too- but you act like a 5-year-old."
"-Besides, what did you expect? Him to be at least a century?" retorted the brunet, "Maa, go into the freakin' club already."
The blond saluted, "Will do, Shika!" a large grin was spread across his face. His large, tan hand slowly lowered down and into his pocket. He turned around; "You coming?" his eyes gleamed mischievously as he saw something in the crowd.
'I'm an emo kid, non-conforming as can be
You'd be non-conforming to if u look just like me
I have paint on my nails and make-up on my face'
"Sasuke-kun, it seems you are… 'EMO'," said Sai
Sasuke looked down at his nails, 'When did this happen?' Then, his eyes caught sight of something. Something so slight- it was ridiculous. To his horror, there was a small cut. It seemed to have had stopped bleeding long ago. He slumped a little, 'How could I be so careless?' he thought.
He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't hear Sakura through the headset until she was yelling, "SASUKE! BAKA, BAKA, BAKA, BAKA!!!" … And yell she did. Sasuke didn't know when his ears started ringing or when a large shadow loomed over him.
Sai smiled and walked away, "See you later, Sasuke-kun."
There was a silence, broken by the loud yammer of Sakura's angry wail. "SASUKE-KUN, LISTEN WHEN I TALK TO YOU! I--"
"Sasuke-kun, eh?" the voice said from behind him.
He turned around.
"Well then," the male voice said, "in that case… can you get any louder, Sakura-san?" he asked into the headset.
"…" Sakura looked wide-eyed into the screen. Blond, blue-eyed. "NARUTO?" she practically yelled.
The stranger held the headset away from his ear. After a few moments, he answered.
"… No. I'm Uzumaki Arashi."
TBC….. yeah.
I had to go over this one a few times.