Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Watered Blood ❯ Prisoner ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“Watered Blood” ‘Chapter One – Prisoner’ Shackles cannot contain the life I hold. By: Twisted Spoon

The moon was high in the night's sky, a dull cherry and casting everything in the unearthly glow of red. A lone figure stood upon the porch of the largest building in the town, watching the moon with keen blood colored eyes, not a speck of emotion present upon the pale features, hiding all thought.

Arms tucked neatly at his side, cloak designed with red clouds covering his entire frame, straight down to his ankles. A faint sound of movement was heard, and it didn't go unnoticed by the man standing on the porch, yet he didn't move to it either. Barely blinking an eyelash his smooth voice settled upon the night's breath, "Kisame. What is it?"

The blue-colored man stopped in his stride, always taken off-guard when his master addressed him so easily. Bowing his head to the one turned in front of him, his beady eyes watching the wood below him. "Itachi-sama. We've caught a prisoner that might be of interest to you." He spoke evenly, having a liquid calm about him.

Itachi didn't turn, merely kept his rigid stance in the moon's red glow. "Why would I be interested?" He questioned, dark eyes shifting to the side, attempting to glimpse at his guard.

"He's a demon. The last of his kind, Itachi-sama." He murmured softly. "An Uzumaki were-fox."

The breed's name seemed to cause a bit of recognition to plague Itachi's eyes, if only for a moment. "Uzumaki..." He whispered to the wind around him, pivoting in his stance and finally facing the shark-like male. A hand reached up and took off his own straw hat, the faint jingling of bells being the only other sound upon the tense air now. Kisame stayed glued where he was, examining Itachi's features and wondering if his news was good to the male, or if he should expect punishment.

Without even a word in praise to the other, he moved silently across the porch, brushing right past Kisame and into the household. Moving across the expanse of space, ruby eyes darting to pinpoint everything in the dark of the home, he moved towards the wall, hand reaching up to feel across for the handle he knew was there. Wordlessly he gripped the silver circlet, pulling the door open and stepping in. "Kisame. Aren't you coming?" He spoke as if the male should have known to follow.

Kisame started from his spot on the porch, black eyes hunting for the one inside the home, but finding nothing. Noticing the faint gleam of silver, he knew Itachi was already moving down to the dungeon, and made haste to join him, though careful to shut the front gates behind himself. "Aa. Itachi-sama." He called back, following the shorter man into the dungeon, closing the thick door behind him as they began to descend the spiraling steps.

Their faint footsteps echoed off the dungeon walls, along with the faint trickle of water emitting from the dank surface above. All was quiet, a bit eerie, and as Itachi moved to flat ground his dark eyes scanned the empty cells he passed, searching for that rare breed.

"Shikamaru! Stop sleeping!" The growl echoed painfully off the walls, causing the Vampire king to wince and narrow his eyes in annoyance. "Stupid! We need to watch him!"

Upon walking closer, the faint moonlight trickled into the window, illuminating the two bickering guards. Blood-red eyes kept their narrowed look, watching the two with pure annoyance, as either truly hadn't spotted his approach yet.

Kisame standing behind him, feeling the waves of anger that came from his lord.

"Gah. What if Itach-" She squeaked, turning in her stance rather quickly, only now noticing her lord as well as his servant. Quickly folding her arms behind her back, she bowed to the higher vampire, offering a slight grin of apology, loose blonde locks nearly grazing the floor as she kept her bow. "I-Itachi-sama. I didn't hear you come down."

"With all the noise you doesn't surprise me." He said coldly, watching her quietly as she looked to the ground.

"G-Gomen." She bowed again before righting her stance, hands fiddling with the brass keys in her palms. "Eh, you wanted to right?" She quickly pointed to the cell which Uzumaki resided, hoping to get the accusing light off herself.

Itachi turned, regarding the curled up demon, quirking a brow in question to how pitiful it seemed. "Uzumaki." He murmured, and Ino quickly moved to open the cell, the keys clanging loudly against the old mechanism of the lock.

Naruto jolted to the sound of banging metal, the sound jarring his brain and causing a headache to erupt in his temples.

Where was he?

Pale eyes narrowed in the dark, cat-like vision picking through the shapes and noticing as the cell door opened. Cell? He blinked a long moment, trying to gain himself against the wall, feeling a liquid run from his scalp to pool at the base of his neck.

He would have touched it, had he been able, realizing only then that his wrists were bound tightly behind his back. Fear echoed in his being and he stiffened, lips curling in a snarl in a feral fashion as the female moved towards him.

“Get the hell away!” Eyes narrowing, his heart hammered against his ribs as he jolted against the cell wall, trying his best to look menacing.

Where the fuck was he!

“Get away from me!” He kicked, causing the blond girl to shriek and leap backwards.

“I swear.” She seethed, righting herself in the doorway, though the whole scene didn’t even cause Itachi to stir from his position just outside the tussle.

“Confused?” Itachi’s cool voice caused everyone to silence.

The heavy breathing of the fox echoed off the wet walls, his fatigue evident now that his big words had been swallowed. Nails bit into his own palms as his fists clenched. “Let me out of here.” Licking his lips, he lowered himself against the wall, set in a position to charge – or so it seemed.

Itachi's expression to the boy's request had been hidden by the high collar of his cloak; his cold eyes the only thing showing a tinge of amusement as they looked to the kitsune. However, he moved aside just enough so the opening of the cell was unguarded, turning his head in a graceful motion, he gazed now to Kisame. "Do as he says. Kisame." The way he said the man's name seemed to hold another meaning, one Kisame knew as the male's eyes glinted with knowing.

Ino blanked, looking from her lord then to his guard, surely she had heard wrong? It took nearly most of the night to wrestle the blonde into the cell, and now they wanted to unleash him? Despite her tinge of annoyance, it was suicide to go against Itachi, so she bit her tongue and stepped back, point fully expressing her anger on Shikamaru as she hit him back into the wall behind them.

Kisame moved into the cell, clawed hands moving aside the front of his robes, taking out the assorted chains once hidden in them. Stretching out the cool metal, he allowed it to touch the stone floor as he walked, metal circles seen upon the expanse of chain. A twisted grin fell upon the man's face as he moved behind Naruto, even before the kitsune had a chance to truly comprehend his movement.

It was clear this vampire specialized in speed, for in an instant the rings were upon Naruto's neck, wrists and ankles, quickly binding the smaller youth. Kisame ignored the demon's struggles and growls, grasping the loose chains tightly as he brought the boy out of the cell itself and to Itachi's side.

"I let you go out of the cell." Itachi murmured softly, knowing that was not what the fox-child meant, but clearly not caring for what the boy wanted. Watching him silently before he turned ahead, allowing his cloak to flutter as he walked up the steps, listening as Kisame followed, the jingling of chains heard as he dragged Naruto up the spiraling staircase.

Naruto fought to not be dragged up the painful steps, stumbling on his toes clumsily. Once again, he used a great muster of strength to try and rip away from Kisame's dragging, to at least walk by his own.

But it looks like that pleasure wouldn't even be offered, and the only thing he could do now was at least try to stumble on his feet rather than on his back. "Let me go!" He yelled angrily, trashing wildly again.

Itachi seemed to not hear Naruto, or he just didn't choose to respond to his outburst. He listened as Kisame continued to drag the disgruntled blonde up the steps, the thick sounds only broken when they met the flat ground of the home.

Kisame closed the heavy door behind them, and once again tugged Naruto's chains, dragging him across the smooth floor after Itachi.

"You're the last of your breed you know..." Itachi murmured absently, completely neglecting Naruto's growls. "…and could be very useful to me, once you're fully unleashed."

Kisame was confused by Itachi's last statement, absently looking to the small looking boy, wondering if this was how all the Uzumaki demons looked, or if perhaps this was the last and probably useless of the bunch. Though, as Itachi had spoken of him, he had to wonder if perhaps there was some power buried deep under the soft exterior of the one he so dragged.

"Kisame." He spoke sharply, gaining the man's attention as they rounded another corner, coming to a hall of doors.

"Aa Itachi-sama?" He spoke back quickly, breaking his thoughts and looking to his lord.

"He can stay in my chambers. Be sure to keep the bearings tight." With that, the man opened the doors and allowed them both passage.

Kisame moved to the side of the room, looking to the bare stone wall and quickly hooking up Naruto's bindings to the latches he found. The bloodstains upon the floor nearest this bare point, as well upon the wall behind it showed Itachi would often drag prisoners up for torturing or death, clearly not some place Naruto wished to be.

Once everything was fastened the taller man stood, looking to Itachi whom seemed more interested in looking out the window than looking back at them. "That is all. You may go Kisame." He said simply, and the man bowed and retreated from the room, closing the doors and leaving them in the eerie quiet Itachi seemed so fond of.

Naruto panted, bruises blooming upon his skin from the stone he had been dragged up against. Unable to get to his feet, he slumped against the wall, broken in body as his eyes remained narrowed to his captor.

This was just fucking great!

He growled deep in his throat, feeling cornered and alone. Tugging on his bindings, he shut his eyes against the pain, refusing to make a sound as the metal cut against his skin with each pull.

"No matter how much you pull, those won't break." He murmured softly, turning and gazing back at the disgruntled fox, red eyes glowing in the darkness surrounding them.

Unlatching his cloak from about himself, he set it upon the giant-sized bed, moving slowly over to the apparently fearful and confused fox. Arms rested lazily across his chest, standing in front of the chained youth

He saw the questions in Naruto’s pain-filled blue eyes, finding amusement in that look. So defiant, yet so weak. "All you need to know if that you are mine. My tool." Itachi said firmly, kneeling in front of the boy, a clawed hand reaching out to grasp Naruto's chin. He smirked slightly when the boy attempted to bite him, and merely dug his purple claws into the sides of his jaws. As the kitsune whimpered, he stopped his assault, merely holding his wounded face.

"If you cooperate. Things will be a lot easier for you..." He murmured softly, red eyes taking note of the shallow wounds as they began to heal right before his eyes, just what he wanted to see. This was definitely a high breed of the Uzumaki. Shame he was the last really.

Naruto growled, glaring at him as the pain in his face dissolved, bleeding to a newfound defiance. He hated those eyes. Azure gaze reflected purple in those emotionless blood colored depths. He hated that color. He hated it!

Snarling, he struggled against Itachi’s grip, “Get away from me!” Kicking against the wall, awkward in his curled position he attempted to hide weakness. “Bastard!”

His cold eyes continued to look to Naruto, faint amusement still seen, mocking the kitsune's reaction as if he were nothing. Bringing up a clawed hand, he caressed the boy's whiskered cheek, grinning as the kitsune silenced – his look wary. Careful to keep his hand away from the boy's mouth, his violet colored claw traced a thin line down Naruto's cheek. It wasn't shallow this time, deep and angry, the blood flowing freely as he took pleasure in seeing the kitsune yelp and move away this time. Fellow fingers gripped the boy's face in place and he moved inward to claim the flowing blood.

Tongue darted out between pale lips, lapping up the metallic fluid in a quick stroke, moving back and allowing the wound to heal itself. "You will belong to me. It's all a matter of breaking you." He whispered into the boy's slightly pointed ear, grinning.

Naruto’s eyes were cold, narrow despite the pain, unable to move away from those angry claws. “Try it.” He rasped, jaw tightening under the firm flesh.

"We'll see." He said softly, standing to full height again, towering over the kitsune who had landed rather ungracefully on his shoulder.

Turning his back to Naruto, he paced towards the window again, red eyes glinting in the odd light, watching the world outside as if it called to him. Brushing aside the windowpane, he glanced over his shoulder at the disgruntled fox. "I would suggest you sleep lest you won't have strength for tomorrow."

He said as a fleeting word before he disappeared out the window into the night, the faint cooling breeze filtering into the room and causing the black silk curtains to flutter and appear to be liquid shadows themselves. Clawing towards the blonde, beckoning the kitsune to the freedom outside, yet knowing he could not escape.

Author’s Notice:

Wow. This has been in storage a long time. I finally got around to touching it up, and toying with the idea again. I do love this story though. I needed to touch up Naruto’s reactions – fit it more to the mold I originally wanted.

Erm. Sorry Rin-chan, I know Naruto is your character, but … well, it wasn’t fitting, I had so many more ideas. Forgive me! Yeah, this started as a role-play; I can never get Naruto’s character down so Rin-chan played him. But, well, I needed to modify. Forgive.

Anyways! If you liked it, please leave a review, I’ll continue working.