Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wating It Out ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The war with sound was long over. Orochimaru was defeated by Naruto, Jiraiya, and Tsunade. Sasuke's body was torn apart from the ritual that the Leaf sneak attack disturbed. In his weakened state, the Snake-nin was no match for their combined power. The leaf rejoiced at the promise of peace for at least a little while. Most of the "Rookie 9" had paired off already. Naruto had come around to seeing Hinata as his most precious person. Her new found confidence she showed after his return quickly brought them together. Shikimaru had finally gotten the courage (and energy) to ask Temari of the Sand out and they have been happy every since. Choji and Ino actually struck it off. His growth over the years had been more up than out and his muscle was finally evenly distributed. Of course, his personality is what drew Ino to him in the first place. Lee, despite his strange tendencies to mirror Gai, got Tenten to date him and she was surprisingly happy about the whole ordeal. That just left two.
Sakura did not take the death (or destruction of) Sasuke as hard as everyone thought. She had confided in Naruto only at the time that she was over the traitor. After the battle, she shared that little tid-bit with everyone and they were glad that she was over her childish crush. She had been taken as Tsunade's apprentice and her "freakish strength" as everyone called it was a great help in the battle.
The last member was of course Kiba. After his initial thought that Hinata would be good for him, he quickly found that her dedication to getting Naruto to acknowledge her was too consuming for him to try to move on her. He had grown into his heritage as an Inuzuka heir. His faithful partner Akemaru also was now full grown and one of the fiercest dogs that had ever graced the Inuzuka Kennel. He had since found a new object for his affection. The pink haired "cherry blossom" of Kanoha.
Their relationship started out simple enough. A random mission together that allowed them to finally get to know one another. They surprisingly had much in common. They became fast friends and could usually be found in each other's company. It was on one such mission that their true feelings for each other came out.
It was raining pretty good out there. One of the seasonal torrential downpours that happened in the fall months. They were at least 2 days travel from Kanoha and that was with ninja speed and chakra boosts. It was more like 5 days walking. Sakura and Kiba were hold up in a cave on the side of a rock wall escaping the elements. A thin stream of smoke was coming out the cave mouth as a fire burned within, heating up some water to make stew. They had supplies and rations sealed away for weeks in case this sort of thing happened.
Their relationship was growing quickly. With Kiba's easy going nature along with his new maturity helping him out and Sakura's new found ability to loosen up of course.
"Sakura?" Kiba asked across the fire. He was waiting for the water to boil before throwing in the chopped up rabbit they had caught earlier.
"Yeah Kiba, what's up? She returned smiling at him as she laid out their soaked clothes. It was still warm for fall so they were both in shorts and t-shirts to be comfortable near the fire.
"How long do you think this one will last?" He said smiling softly to her. He found himself doing that more and more when he looked at her. It tended to bring out a slight reddening of her cheeks whenever she saw him do it and that just made him do it more.
"Not sure, could be days this time." She said looking outside the cave to the storm that still showed no signs of letting up. She was trying to fight the blush that rose to her face whenever Kiba would smile at her. Her idle thoughts and dreams had been about the Inuzuka for a couple of weeks now.
She had initially thought that Naruto would be the one she would be dreaming about and seeing in her thoughts but that wasn't the case. Kiba had grown on her quickly as they grew older. His caring attitude and humorous behavior often had her considering odd things about him. She started noticing how well he had filled out over the years and also how much he had matured from his loud mouthed younger self. He was calm and generous to a fault. He was also strong enough to take on certain missions with just himself and Akemaru. Of course it helped that she loved dogs too but that was mainly for Akemaru.
Part of her wondered if his thoughts were along the same lines.
Sakura had no way of knowing that was exactly what Kiba was thinking, except concerning how beautiful Sakura had become and how her now more easy going personality made her more...approachable. He was glad that he got the chance to know her better, he was just wondering if maybe they could ever be more than just friends.
"Well its not like we don't have enough food." Kiba smiled. "We sealed enough to feed an army for a week."
"True, glad we thought ahead for the rain season though." Sakura smiled back and settled next to him after laying the last of the clothes out. Their routine scout/survey mission was nothing terribly important so they were content staying inside out of the rain if they could help it. They had become increasingly comfortable in each others presence even as far as giving each other friendly hugs and touches. Often times on missions together, they would sleep next to each other for warmth and security.
What they hadn't shared with each other yet was the fact that these nightly sleeps would usually invoke certain dreams in both minds that would leave them slightly...wanting when they awoke. Of course, Kiba had smelled the first time Sakura woke up wet next to him and it nearly drove him mad. Her scent was intoxicating to say the least. It took every ounce of control that he had not to rut with her right there. Rut would have been the right word if it were to have happened. He wouldn't have been worried about being gentle or anything, just driven by lust and hormones. Luckily, he had been training to overcome his baser urges but it was still a trying task.
As the night progressed, they ate their dinner and talked more about random topics. Naruto and Hinata's upcoming wedding was a big one they discussed. As they Maid of Honor and the Best Man, they were going to have their hands full with duties they needed to fulfill. They noticed that Akemaru had curled up in the corner of the cave away from the heat of the fire to keep himself mildly cool in the warm cave. However both Kiba and Sakura found that a slight breeze would pass by and send chills up and down their bodies.
Soon it was time to turn in. They extinguished the fire and began to prepare the cave for sleep. Sakura set up early warning seals near the entrance with some weapon traps that would seriously wound any incoming ninja. Kiba had unfolded both sleeping bags and laid one flat and readied the other to be used as a blanket.
As they both got comfortable beneath the sleeping bag/blanket, Sakura used Kiba's shoulder as a pillow and curled up next to him. This was not uncommon during their missions but it made Kiba's mind run away with naught thoughts a lot. Apparently it did the same for Sakura as well as the sweet smell of her arousal drifted its way to Kiba's sensitive nose. He decided to speak up and ask what was going on with her.
"Sakura?" He started tentatively.
"Yeah." She responded moving her head to gaze up at his face.
"I want to ask you something, but it is really personal so feel free to smack me if it's too much ok?" He said looking down into her eyes.
"You can ask me whatever you want, you know that." She stated firmly while letting one arm drape across his stomach.
Kiba inhaled deeply as he summoned all his courage to ask this question.
"I've noticed that, lately, you tend to get...aroused when we sleep like this. I'd just like to know what you are thinking about." Kiba asked looking down at her.
Sakura tensed but immediately went calm again. She really couldn't deny what his senses were telling him. She felt that he deserved the truth, even if he couldn't return those feelings for her they would still be friends.
"Well, to be honest, my body figured it out before my mind did. Well, my rational mind anyway. I'm really attracted to you, and sleeping with your or touching you like this gets me turned on rather easily." She confessed, looking straight into his eyes to convince him of the truth.
"Really?" He asked, trying not to sound too hopeful.
"Yes really." She stated and started to scoot away from him a little. "I'm sorry if that disturbs you, I can move away so I doesn't bother you."
He quickly wrapped both arms around her and dragged her on top of his chest. They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever.
"And who said that I have a problem with it?" He asked in a voice much deeper and softer than she had ever heard before. It sent a tingle down her spine which settled in her stomach. Needless to say, it didn't help her current state much.
"Well I know how sensitive your nose is and if offend..." Sakura started but was cut off. Kiba had put his nose to her neck and inhaled deeply. She shuddered and suppressed a moan when he nuzzled her sensitive neck.
"Oh your scent doesn't offend me Sakura." He stated softly. "It does however, do other things to me." He said and rolled his hips up into hers for proof. His hard dick pressed against her soaking center and she couldn't stop the moan from escaping her lips.
"Kiba.." She moaned as her hips instinctively pushed back against his throbbing dick.
"Sakura." He whispered while running his hands through her hair. He leaned up and kissed her gently on the lips, trying to judger her reaction. When she started kissing him back, he increased his hold on her. Their mouths opened and both their tongues darted into the other to press and rub against each other. She moaned into his mouth as her hands fisted into his hair. It was so soft and smooth contrary to its disheveled appearance.
The kiss continued for a few more minutes until Sakura couldn't take having the bag over them as the heat between them increased. She tossed it aside and sat up straddling his hips. She rolled hers experimentally and got another groan from Kiba for her efforts. She reached up and drug her shirt from her body and tossed it to the side. Her breast sprang free in front of him and Kiba immediately sat up and wrapped his arms around her. His mouth was on her breasts in a heartbeat.
The electric shock that went down her spine was enough to cause Sakura to throw her head back and moan. She reflexively rolled her hips again and found the same response through his full mouth. She continue to grip his head while he sucked and nipped at her full breasts. His rough tongue darting over the nipples making them impossibly hard against her skin. He lavished attention on both breasts as she continue to mew at his efforts. Kiba quickly spun her around and laid her down on the bag. He gently pulled at her shorts and she helped get them off so she was laying naked before him.
He could only stare at her beauty as she laid in front of him. He took one long leg and started to kiss and lick his way back up it to her burning center. Her juices were actively leaking from her aroused pussy as he continue his trek northward. As he came to her lips, he licked firmly up them to illicit another moan from her pink lips. Kiba then took two fingers, spread them apart, and began to lick and her with a ravenous hunger that could only be satisfied by her.
Her hips launched themselves off the bag as he pushed them back down so he could control the angle. He slowly inserted the two fingers into her as she moan his name loudly into the cave. He glanced over and noticed that Akemaru was still turned away from them. Kiba knew he was awake; he owed him big for the privacy. He continued his menstruations until he could feel her getting close. His tongue made its way up to her clit as both fingers pressed into her as deep as they could. Her resultant orgasm and screams would be something he would remember for all time.
"Sakura, did you like that?" Kiba asked, knowing full well what the answer was.
"God yes that was amazing. I want more. Now." She said desperately as she pulled his shirt over his head. He quickly kicked his pants to the corner and pressed between her legs. She opened them wide for him to settle between as she hooked both ankles behind his lower back.
"Know this Sakura-chan..." Kiba began as he pressed himself against her soaking pussy. "If we do this, its won't be just for tonight. My feelings run much to deep for this to be the only time I'm with you."
"My thoughts exactly Kiba-kun, now hurry up." Sakura demanded through half closed eyes, happy that her feelings were being reflected in his thoughts.
"I'll be gentle." He said while nuzzling her ear. He breathed softly into it and gently licked the lobe as he pressed into her. He tight pussy was slick with her orgasm which eased his entry considerably. She felt him get closer to the proof of her innocence (well virginity anyway) and he paused.
"I love you, Sakura." He said softly, looking into her eyes.
She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him soundly and pulled back enough to speak.
"I love you too, Kiba." Her voice thick with emotion as he continued his push into her center. His dick stretched her deliciously as he came into contact with her barrier. With one solid push, he broke through and fully seated himself inside her. The momentary jerk at the mild tearing sensation was all he received as he waited for her to adjust to him. After a minute she moved her hips and found a spark of pleasure shooting through her at the friction his dick was causing inside her. She breathed deeply as she told him to move.
Kiba could feel how tight she was around him. He was focusing on not cumming just yet. He wanted to make her first time special, and that was what he was going to do. As he moved in and out of her, he couldn't help but catch the scent of their combined arousals. It was pushing him harder, egging him on to go faster and harder. He restrained, waiting for Sakura to give him the word.
She moaned and bucked beneath him. His dick buried deep inside her and hitting certain spots every time he thrust back in. He just wasn't going fast enough.
"Faster" Sakura breathed as she tried to force him in with her legs. He was happy to comply and Kiba picked up the pace. His thrusts now harder and faster as a thin sheen of sweat arouse on their bodies. Their lips locked again as they continued to explore their new love for the other. Kiba felt her body coming close to the end and he wouldn't last much longer either.
In one quick movement, he unsheathed himself from her and flipped her onto her stomach. Grabbing her hips he brought them into the air and spread her knees apart. Before she could ask what he was doing, he slid back into her, sinking deeper than before and finally hitting the stop that marked her cervix. She cried out as her orgasm ripped through her with a tremendous force. His name reverberated off the walls of the cave as she continued to spasm around him.
Kiba continued to pound into her from behind as her pussy tried to milk his dick for all its worth. He noticed that she hadn't stopped yet and that increased his drive 10 fold. He gripped her hips firmly and drove as deep as he could over and over again. Sakura was sure she would find herself horse in the morning, but she didn't care. It felt too damn good to care.
Finally, her gripping pussy was too much for him and he came deep inside her with a resounding growl. They both collapsed forward onto the sleeping bag and cuddled to one another. Kiba quickly replaced the blanket over them and settled his arms around Sakura.
"I love you my Cherry Blossom." He said, running his fingers through her hair.
"I love you my puppy." Sakura said giggling into his chest. He chuckled at her new pet name for him.
"Yes I am." He stated happily as they both drifted off to sleep.
End Flashback
That's where they found themselves today. Their own wedding almost a year after that initial, revealing night. They exchanged their vows and promised themselves to each other for all time. Everyone in attendance cheered loudly when they kissed. They made their get away quickly to get to their suite for the night. They would be leaving tomorrow for their honeymoon to the coast. Tonight, however, they were going to reaffirm their love for each other by reenacting the night they got together. Just with no cave, Akemaru, or sleeping bags. Bent over in the shower seemed like a nice compromise to Sakura though.