Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Way of the Jinchuuriki ❯ Arc 2, Chapter 5 - Training with a Raven and Perv ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Naruto twitched heavily along with both Hana and Miko as they pulled weeds out of the flower bed in the Yamanaka's flower bed behind their shop. Both Naruto and Miko knew that D-rank missions were going to suck, but this was over the top for them. Even Hayate began helping them to speed up the process as he was down right bored and wanting to get back to Yugao, mainly because he was still giddy about becoming a father. All three were glad for the help, but they were also kind of wishing he would stop screwing up and pulling out a flower every now and then, though it didn't matter as Inoishi's wife was watching them with an amused smile.

"Hey mom! Guess what!" A young girl's voice sounded out through the flower shop. In an instant the door besides Mrs. Yamanaka swung open and a young platinum blonde around the same age as Naruto ran through it with an excited look on her face. All three gennin scrunched up their noses seeing the excitement on her face, but ignored it for now as she was still a child.

The elder Yamanaka looked down at her daughter and smiled before shaking her head knowing something was up or that she was planning something. Either way, it normally meant she or Inoishi had to do something or they were going to end up paying for it one way or another. "Well hello to you to Ino-chan. Now what exactly is it you're all excited about?"

Ino's smile never left her face as she refrained from bouncing on her heals as she seemed to be a little too energetic. Mrs. Yamanaka was absently wondering if she had eaten an entire jar of cookies, but shook that thought off as Ino was like this when she got something or something good happened. "Our first class rankings came out today!"

All three gennins along with Hayate winced at the volume of her voice but the latter covered his up with a well timed cough while Mrs. Yamanaka nodded as she waited for Ino to go on. "And guess what! I'm third on the list behind Sasuke-kun and Shino meaning I'm the top girl ninja in the class!"

Mrs. Yamanaka smiled at her while nodding her head as she was quite proud that her daughter was the best kunoichi, but she also knew it really didn't matter much as it after all was just the first rankings. Naruto and Hana rolled their eyes knowing the same as well as they finished up their rows. Hayate really didn't care but Miko scoff at what Ino said, getting annoyed by the girl already. She already knew of her from her little brother, but she didn't really know he was actually telling her the truth on how she acted.

Of course Ino heard this and instantly her joyful mood turned fowl as she rounded on Miko, who was mildly surprised she got a rise out of the girl but didn't show it as she plucked the last weed from her row. "Hey! Who do you think you are miss stuck up? I bet your team is full of the rejects of your..." Before she could finish, she noticed Naruto and remembered what Iruka had said about him finishing at the top of his class.

Even though Ino hadn't finished, Miko's eyes narrowed dangerously at the girl as she refrained herself from activating her Sharingan as that would be seen as an act of aggression by Mrs. Yamanaka and they might not get paid for their lame mission. Standing up and dusting herself off, she gave Ino a cold glare. "Girl, I already know about you from otouto and if you're behind him, you have a long way to go before you're on my level. Sasuke hasn't even landed a hit on me during our spars and I know he goes all out."

Ino paled at the girl's words, but not as much for them but because she was Sasuke older sister and she had just insulted her. Miko smirked at this and walked over to her team, who was besides Hayate and Mrs. Yamanaka. She nodded lightly at her in apology, but the older woman shook her head as she handed her part of the pay. Turning around, Miko shook her head at the still stunned Ino before smirking once more. "Oh by the way, stop hounding otouto like you do as he really hates it. If you really like him, try becoming his friend."

The younger girl blinked in confusion hearing this while Mrs. Yamanaka smiled as the three gennin and jounin instructor left. As they exited the building, Hayate turned to the three of them and coughed lightly. "Guys, I have mission I have to leave for tonight and I won't be back for a week or two. It's nothing dangerous, it just happens to be a long trip. So while I'm away, Hana you are the group leader." Naruto scowled at this, but Hayate quickly saw this and explained right after he coughed on reflex again. "Naruto, you're not the group leader as Hana has more experience as a gennin then you. Now Hana, even though you are the group leader I will have a few friends to check up on you three and possibly help you train."

Hana nodded lightly in understanding. While she was somewhat upset that he was leaving her alone after what happened to her former teammates, she knew it would happen sooner or later. "Hai sensei. I'll make sure we train, but will we still do missions?"

Seeing Hayate shake his head, Hana nodded in understanding. Inside of Hana, a chibi Hana began dancing in excitement for not having to do lame missions for a week or two. The same thing was playing in both Hayate and Miko's minds. Naruto was different as Kyuubi was beating the hell out of the chibi version of him as the dance was something she didn't want to wake up to. Sighing and shaking his head of that image, he looked over at his teammates before nodding at sensei along with Miko. Hayate smiled at both of them before patting all three on the shoulder. "Alright. I'll see you in a week or two. Naruto, watch after Yugao for me."

Naruto nodded as while he was mentally shaking his head as both he and Miko found out quickly that Hayate was somewhat obsessive, especially when it came to Yugao. With a swirl of leaves, Hayate was gone leaving the three behind. Naruto was about to take his que and do the same when he found two pair of hands on his shoulders. Looking back he noticed both Hana and Miko glaring at him as the former spoke. "Not this time. You're coming with us so we can know more about each other."

Neither Hana or Miko were thinking exactly that as they were more interested in learning more about him. Over the last couple of days they had as a team, Naruto had done his best to say as little as possible during their missions. They hadn't gotten around to training as a team as Hayate was still way too giddy over being a father and was dismissing them after each mission. And add in that they both had experiences with him before as their father/mother would bring him home every now and then to try and get him to interact with Sasuke/Kiba and had always ended in failure.

"Hn. I'm sure you are." Naruto answered in an almost emotionless voice as he always did with people he had just met but with a very slight tone of sarcasm in it as he had already figured out what they wanted. While he was all for having a team, he just wished he had people that he knew on the said team. He had met them before they had became a team, but nothing more then seeing them when one of the clan heads brought him to their home for a short while.

Both girls’ gritted their teeth at his answer as they were slightly irked at the fact that he saw right through them. Miko being the more composed of the two was the first to speak for them. "Naruto, one way or another we are going to break you of your antisocialism so we can be a team because you know we are a team now."

"Fu fu fu. Now did I hear someone say break and Naruto in the same sentence?" An eerie feminine voice came from behind Naruto, who had become slightly pale knowing who it was all too well. Both girls looked up to see Anko smirking wickedly at them while spinning her kunai around her finger carelessly. Hana having met Anko before smirked and nodded making Anko's smirk grow. "Well, I guess I should help you break the twerp but I've been trying for the last couple of years and it hasn't worked yet. And besides..."

Anko caught her kunai's handle mid spin and brought it down to Naruto's head, slicing it open. Both Hana and Miko gasped in surprise before narrowing their eyes as Naruto burst into smoke. "Naruto isn't even her right now. He created a Kage Bunshin and kawarimied with it when he heard me before booking it towards his and Yugi-chan's apartment." As she finished, both girl's narrowed their eyes dangerously at Anko as they heard this, but were wondering who Yugi-chan was. As both planned on getting revenge on the blonde haired object of their rage, Anko interrupted them. "And besides, Naruto just isn't the type to converse with other people."

Both looked over at Anko in wonder as they were getting more from her then they had from Naruto the few days they had been a team. Anko noticed this and shook her head at them. "Don't even think about using me to learn more about him as I won't tell you without his permission. Just know this, he only talks to those who he can trust his life with meaning he has only a handful of people that he talks to. You three are on a team so you will be able to prove yourself to him sooner or later. Give it time and he will eventually open up to you. But for now, try and lay off him somewhat as I doubt anyone in this village could walk in his shoes and still be sane. Now get out of my fucking way. I have a torture session to get to and I heard the gaki so I dropped down to see him."

Needless to say Hana and Miko moved out of Anko's way as she walked past them with a sickenly sweet grin on her face that made both shudder. Once she was out of sight, Hana sighed lightly as she looked down at her three partners. What Anko had said about being in Naruto's shoes didn't sit with her well and part of her was dying to know why while the other was beginning to understand his reclusiveness. Sighing and shaking her head, she turned to Miko and smiled half heartedly. "I guess I'll see you later."

"Yeah, same to you." Miko said as she was mulling over the little she had learned from what the purple haired Anbu had said. While it wasn't much more then they had already known, but it was more than nothing. With a quick nod to the other the left to their respective homes while thinking of a blonde hair boy.

Saru tobi sighed in relief as he finished the last of him monstrous pile of paperwork knowing that he had at least a ten minute break before the next stack came in. Seeing he could relax somewhat, he pulled out his pipe and was about to light it when a small smile graced his lips as he turned over to the window. "Well are you going to come in or just stay out there all day, Jiraiya?"

The sliding door to the patio outside his office slid open and a man with snow white hair wearing his own unique style of clothing and a rather large scroll strapped to his back slipped into the room with a wide smile on his face. "I see you still haven't gone senile on us yet sensei." Sarutobi scoffed at that making Jiraiya's smile grow somewhat before it turned dead serious.

Seeing the look on his student's face, Sarutobi knew something was up and put up his privacy barrier around his office knowing that whatever Jiraiya was going to say was big. As soon as he put up the barrier, Jiraiya took off his scroll and leaned against the wall as he looked over at his sensei. "Sensei, I've found Orochimaru, but there is a problem." Sarutobi looked mildly surprised before nodding at Jiraiya to continue. "He apparently is apart of a group I have just learned about a few years ago. A group that has been slowly collecting the bijuu over the past thirteen years."

Sarutobi narrowed his eyes hearing this already disliking what he had heard as Jiraiya's face grew even grimmer as he continued. "Not only this, but it seems that they are becoming more and more active as they are collecting bounties while searching out for a final member. But they're not just searching for anybody. They are searching for someone young that they could mold yet at the same time would put fear into anyone opposing them. One that is said to be nearing the level of one of the legendary sannin."

"Itachi..." Sarutobi said quietly as he instantly knew who Jiraiya was talking about as there was no doubt in his mind that Itachi had become one of the strongest shinobi within Konoha if not the strongest only behind himself, Jiraiya and Tsunade.

Jiraiya nodded knowing his sensei would catch on quickly. "Indeed. They have a definite interest in him. But as much as a problem that is, we won't have to worry as I have already warned him of the possibility of them contacting him. He seemed slightly repulsed at the idea, but it is hard to tell since he is an Uchiha. The more pressing issue is who they have assigned to capture Naruto and the other vessel as someone leaked to them that we have two jinchuuriki." Seeing the pipe crush within his sensei's grip, Jiraiya quickly continued on. "While I don't know who leaked the information to them, I am going to find out one way or another. As of now, I do not know who is after the girl but I do know they will assign the next person they recruit to capture Naruto."

Sarutobi sighed lightly as he threw his broken pipe into the trash and pulled out another seeing that he kept spares for situations like these and lit it. Looking up at his former student, he sighed once more as he leaned back in his chair. "I see. I guess you're here personally so you could tell Itachi of this." Seeing Jiraiya nod, Sarutobi sighed once more before looking over at the monument to see Naruto was on his father's head once more. Shaking his head knowing that Naruto was there at least once a day, he was about to turn away when an idea struck him as he turned to Jiraiya. "Say Jiraiya, didn't you make a promise to Minato that you would train Naruto once he became a gennin."

Looking confused for a second not knowing that Naruto had already out of the academy, realization began to dawn on Jiraiya as he looked over at the monument himself. "Ah shit. This is going to put a damper on my writing... I was seriously hoping he would be at least of age to know about what's in it when I started training him."

Chuckling lightly to himself as he took a puff of his pipe, Sarutobi shook his head as he looked over at Naruto. "I wouldn't worry about that Jiraiya. With Anko as his adoptive mother it is pretty difficult for him not to know of 'it'. Besides, I know he knows about 'it' as he tricked Kakashi by using it to his advantage and saw what is underneath his mask."

A smirk crossed Jiraiya's lips as he bit his lip from laughing out loud hearing that Kakashi got outsmarted by a fresh gennin. He was having such a difficult time that he almost didn't realize that Sarutobi had begun talking again. "And anyways, his jounin sensei is going to be gone for this week due to a mission to Uzi no Kuni. You could take over his training for this week while keeping an eye on Itachi as he'll be watching over the at least once or twice during the week."

Thinking about it for a moment, Jiraiya nodded as it wasn't all that bad and that he knew that the Akatsuki would be trying to contact Itachi soon so it would be best to watch over him. "Sure. I have nothing better to do since I just sent my script to my editor so my next volume should be coming out shortly."

Sarutobi smiled lightly as he took another puff of his pipe as he released his barrier seeing that Jiraiya was finished with everything he needed to report and the fact that his secretary was at his door. Shaking his head as she walked in and Jiraiya's perverted grin, he nodded lightly at her as she dropped the papers off at his desk before leaving the room and a drooling sannin. After Jiraiya came to his senses, he was at the window before he turned back to his sensei. "Sensei, take care. I have caught wind of a plot to over throw you. I'll do all to help, but we both know that you'll be able to find the traitors before I do."

Nodding lightly to his student, Sarutobi sighed knowing something like this would happen. With the declining economy, the law that protected Naruto much to most of the village protest and the spy problems they had been weeding out had caused this. Though he had an idea of who at least one of the perpetrators were he had nothing to connect them to his suspicions therefore couldn’t lay a hand on them. Taking a look over at the monument and seeing Naruto shushin away, an idea popped into his head. "Jiraiya... I think I have a way to fix everything at once..."

Mourning arrived too quickly for Naruto as he quickly dressed himself and walked out of his room to see both Anko and Yugito drinking a cup of coffee and eating the last of the dango. Both noticed him but carried on with their discussion making the blonde twitch in annoyance as he walked by them. Grumbling to himself seeing that neither were going to make him breakfast seeing as he didn't know how to cook eatable for himself, he undid the genjutsu he used to hide his fire proof ramen cupboard and pulled out a cup.

On reflex, he caught the kunai thrown at it before throwing it out of the window as it exploded as he redid his genjutsu. "Never try that again nee-chan. Next time I will make sure I throw the kunai into your apartment instead of Gai-sensei's."

Right on cue a boisterous voice began screaming about some unyouthful person had destroyed his youthful spandexes. Yugito shivered lightly to herself as Anko dead panned as she looked right at Naruto. "You're paying for that gaki."

"Actually, you will be. It was merely self defense on my part and I can say I accidentally threw it into his apartment. I wonder who he would believe more, you or his youthful apprentice." Naruto countered right back as he boiled the water in the kettle as he placed his cup of ramen on the counter.

Anko frowned at him knowing that he was right but she would be damned if she would admit that out loud. Instead she grinned at Naruto as she fingered another kunai making both Naruto and Yugito looked at her in wonder, not sure if this was a good thing. Both knew it wasn't as her grinned increased as she stood up and swayed her way over towards the fox vessel with an ominous aura surrounding her. Naruto's instincts were screaming for him to run as she was upon him, but he couldn't find the strength to do so as she bent down and looked him straight in the eyes... and smiled? "I taught you will gaki. Now eat and get out of here. I have to report to Ibiki for another torture session, fu fu fu."

Both Naruto and Yugito sighed lightly after they recovered from Anko's fear inducing walk. They both wondered at times as her mood swings seemed to change extremely frequently making them believe that she could control them. Both shivered at the thought as Naruto poured boiling water into his cup as Anko waved them goodbye before shushining out of the room.

As she left, Yugito stood up and stretched as Naruto sat down and began devouring his cup of ramen. Shaking her head at him, she walked behind him before hugging him tightly in a death grip. "I'll see you later as well Naru-chan. I have a short B-rank mission with a squad of chunin wanting to become jounin. Seeing that I won't be here, do not go into my room unless something is burning and do not piss off Anko. Don't want to come back and see here wearing a fox fur trench coat." Naruto waved her off as his mouth was full of noodles before swallowing most in one gulp making the blonde girl twitch before sighing. "Alright then, see you in a few days."

Letting go of Naruto, she stretched once more as he nodded again knowing the drill. Seeing him nod, Yugito disappeared in a swirl of leaves as Naruto finished his ramen. Sighing lightly knowing that he would likely be alone for the rest of the night as Anko's tortures sessions lasted any where from an hour to four days. Throwing his ramen cup in the garbage, he looked at the clock and nodded as it was time for him to join his teammates. Picking up his katana and strapping it to his back, he made sure the door was locked. Not that anyone used it, just to make sure no arrogant villager tried to enter their home and wreck it.

Seeing it was he disappeared with a pop and cloud of smoke before appearing in front of Hana and Miko in the same fashion. He noticed both frowning as he knew they had a tendency to be early, but he liked to be punctual so he ignored their frowns. Hana sighed knowing he wouldn't say anything before thinking of what to do. Before she really had a chance to, she noticed Miko's eyes widening so she decided to see what she was looking towards. Doing the same as Hana, Naruto looked over to what Miko was looking at to see Itachi standing in front of them in normal dress and his wakizashi strapped to his back.

"Well that all three of you have finally noticed me, I'll begin. As all three of you obviously know, my name is Uchiha Itachi. I'm here for only today and tomorrow to help with your training as Hayate is on a mission. Afterwards, I don't know who will be watching over you. But let's make one thing clear, you three will be working on your teamwork just as much as you will be individually. In fact, that is what your training will be today. Working together."

Soon as Itachi's finished his statement, he did seven useable one handed hand seals before touching all three of their wrists. The three gennin looked in confusion at what Itachi had just done when Naruto's eyes widened in realization as a blue cuff formed around each of their wrist before chakra chains linked together forcing the three into a circle while looking at the other. Instantly Naruto began trying pouring his chakra into the cuffs to break them, but it didn't work frustrating him. "Don't bother with it Naruto. They won't break unless all three of you pour the same amount of chakra into it. Not only that, there is a certain amount that you have to use to break them. If not, you will not be leaving her any time soon as the limit to these chains is one month. This will be your first team exercise and believe me, it won't be your last."

As all three looked at each other in horror as they realized the implications of the chains. None of them would have any privacy if they didn't get this off. While they knew one of their parents/caretakers could take it off, knowing it was a teamwork exercise might make them think twice about it. The two girls were obviously more self conscious about it as they didn't want Naruto watching when they had to take a bath or go to the restroom. Naruto wasn't as worried as he was used to being spied on by Anko at the most incontinent times. To make things worse, he was pretty sure that Itachi had used a genjutsu on them that made it sound like water.

The two girls began struggling against their bondage as they didn't like the idea of having no privacy around a boy, even if the boy had absolutely no interest in them. Naruto had to sigh as he looked at the two struggling and was holding his ground with chakra to his feet as they would have thrown him if he hadn't been prepared for it. Sitting down as the two continued to struggle, he began to study the chakra chain and cuffs. From what Itachi had said, they would open if a certain amount of chakra was flowed into them, yet it had to be exactly the same from each.

He also knew that no single person flowed chakra the same, so it would come down to chakra control. While he knew his was beyond mostly everyone's in the village, he wasn't too sure of the girls. Seeing that Hana had been a gennin for a while, she most likely had gone through a few chakra control exercises. Miko he wasn't sure about, but he was sure she had gone through some chakra control training seeing that her family trained them heavily once they became a gennin. Now the amount couldn't be to match his level of control as it was unfair to the two girls. Thinking on it for a few moments, his eyes twinkled as an idea came to him. "Tree climbing..."

Itachi frowned when he noticed Naruto sitting and figured he was just thinking of a way to get himself out when he heard what Naruto muttered. He smirked lightly having a feeling the blonde would have figured out what to do before the girls and he was right. Then again the water genjutsu he cast on them really wasn't fair as he made sure Miko had drank a lot of fluids before coming here. Shaking his head, he looked on with a small smirk as Naruto took control.

Although the two struggling girls heard him, they were unsure what to think. While both knew the exercise as they had done it before, they were wondering why he had just said it. As if seeing the questioning on their face, Naruto looked up towards them before ordering them. "Both of you sit and calm down.

Both hesitated, not liking the idea of being order around by an eight year old boy, but did as they were told seeing as he was the calmest of the three and may have figured out how to break the chains. As they sat down, Naruto nodded lightly to himself as he took another look at the chains and cuffs before nodding as he figured he was right, unless Itachi just wanted to be mean and had used the leaf balancing exercise. "Do both of you know the tree climbing exercise?" Seeing both nod, he continued. "Use the same amount of chakra you would to walk the trees and focus them to the cuffs. I'll correct each of us till it is exactly the same."

While Miko didn't question him as she began to understand his logic, Hana did so. She wasn't sure how he came to the conclusion that it was the same amount as a person used to walk trees. "How do you know that is exactly the amount of chakra needed to be used?"

Naruto mentally sighed as he didn't like to be questioned but then again in Hana's position, he would have liked to know as well. Seeing that withholding the information held no tactical advantage for him or their escape, he answered her. "Simple, Itachi took what he knew of what we could do and leveled the field out so that all three of us had to work at the others level. In this case, Miko's as she most likely hasn't learned water walking or anything above it. I came to the conclusion it was our control he used from what he said of how to release the chains."

Hana looked surprised as she refrained from looking at Naruto with her jaw dropped. While she was technically the squad leader, she didn't think about what Itachi said logically. She was ashamed of that as a shinobi, especially a kunoichi, couldn't be self conscious of themselves on a mission. She was also a little irritated that it seemed that Naruto was able to do exactly that even if he was six years her junior. Shaking her head of that thought, she began flowing her chakra like she was tree walking as Naruto had said. As all three did so, with a little correction of how Miko was flowing hers, the chain shattered and the cuffs disappeared.

Watching over them, Itachi had to admit he was impressed as Naruto figured the cuffs out quite easily. He had expected them to be chained for at least an hour before one had figured out what to do, but the blonde was known for catching people of guard. Hearing bustling in the trees nearby him, he almost activated his Sharingan before realizing who it was. Sighing lightly, he turned to the hidden figure before he jumped out of the tree line. "Jiraiya-sama. What brings you here now?"

Jiraiya shook his head as he had seen the little exercise himself and was slightly impressed from what Naruto did. While he knew of and about the boy from Sarutobi, he was glad that he could work with others even if it was forced. Putting that thought aside for now, he turned towards Itachi. "A request of the fourth."

The Uchiha prodigy instantly understood as he turned to Naruto. He knew of his lineage, even if it was an accident. He was seven when Kyuubi attacked the village, so he seen the damage the fox had caused and had witnessed the Yondaime use the jutsu that had sealed Kyuubi away into Naruto. After that, he was told what the jutsu was and ended up figuring out who Naruto's parents were. And if Jiraiya was following a wish of the fourth, it meant one thing. "So he's going to be learning his inheritance."

Jiraiya nodded in confirmation as Naruto walked up to Itachi with both Hana and Miko flanking him. Both could tell that Hana was slightly agitated as Naruto was leading, but she was holding herself back knowing the blonde haired boy followed his own path. Jiraiya frowned lightly seeing Naruto notice him before treating him like he didn't exist. Itachi noticing this quickly took over. "Well that was much faster then I anticipated. I didn't expect you three to break that before your scheduled time ended." Seeing both Hana and Miko beamed lifted Jiraiya's mood slightly as Naruto look as glum as ever. "So seeing I have nothing else, I want both you imouto and Hana to come with me. I'm going to teach you both something that meshes with your styles. Naruto, you'll go with Jiraiya-sama here. He wishes to speak to you."

Naruto raised his eyebrow in questioning as both Hana's and Miko's jaw had dropped to the floor. Miko was stunned that her brother had called someone other then the Hokage sama while Hana knew the man from reading of him in the library. Hana was the first to break the stunned silence between the two. "Why does he want to train Naruto? He's one of the legendary Sannin!"

Knowing he heard that before, Naruto began thinking of the names of the sannin. Of course there was the one Anko rarely talked about, mainly just how she was going to kill him, the traitorous snake sannin, Orochimaru. Next was the summoner of slugs and said to be the best medic on the planet, Tsunade. Finally there was the gamma sannin. His name escaped Naruto's brain as Anko spoke nothing but bad things about him and mentioned him in the same sentence as castration. Thinking of the name harder, he remembered it did start with a J, but he forgot what the rest was though he was pretty sure there was two a's and i's. Remembering he was the writer of Kakashi's book, he memorized the author and realized that the man in front of him was indeed one of the Sannin.

Seeing the looks of shock on the girls that were quickly replaced by envy and jealousy, Jiraiya spoke trying so smooth things over. "Sorry, but it was a request from an old friend of mine and my sensei. Though if you like, I'll teach you both a thing or two later this week if you like."

Both Hana's and Miko's eyes widened to gigantic proportions as they nodded hurriedly wanting to learn anything the legendary shinobi could teach them. Even Itachi was surprised by his offer to help them as Jiraiya hadn't done that in the past when he picked his apprentices, though Minato was his student to begin with. Seeing that everyone was happy with what he said, Jiraiya motioned Naruto to follow him. Naruto was a little hesitant at first as in his past meeting new people was never a good thing for him, but he followed as he knew that the man meant him no harm. Following him for a good minute, Naruto was beginning to wonder were they were heading.

Jiraiya of course was leading him to a place he used to train Minato as the young blonde reminded him of his father except the silence and stoic look on his face. Another reason was he was evaluating his skills as they tree hopped. While he knew the boy's chakra was exceedingly high for his age along with his speed and his chakra control was excellent from what he heard from Sarutobi, he didn't know the rest. While he was sure Naruto had no aptitude for genjutsu thanks to the fox, his ninjutsu and taijutsu were probably very high seeing who had trained him.

Seeing Jiraiya jump into a clearing, Naruto followed to see a river being feed from a waterfall on the cliff. The place was quite nice compared to the places he trained in. Sure there was evidence that training had occurred her before, most of it was faded out meaning the area had been undisturbed for quite a while. As he was memorized by the area, Jiraiya was thinking of what to training him in. He first thought of summoning, but decided it wasn't the best to start with as Gamabunta wouldn't take lightly to an eight year old boy summoning him. Next he thought of the Rasengan. While it was good, the boy probably had enough genjutsu that he could get by without it. He knew he would end up teaching him it, but right now it wasn't his prime objective.

There was also the choice of teaching him how to harness Kyuubi's chakra, but he seemed to be developing fine in that area. Finally there was the jutsu Sarutobi wanted him to learn. The Yondaime's ultimate jutsu, Hiraishin. While he was all for it to bring Konoha out of the coming economic depression, he was worried that teaching the boy a deterrent force jutsu would go to his head. And there was the fact that if he ever broke, Konoha would be in deep shit as stopping a Kyuubi empowered Naruto using the fastest jutsu ever made was just something no one could do.

But there was one catch to learning it. He had to have a lighting affinity and it had to be active for him to use it. If not, he would never be able to use it. As no one knew what elemental type Naruto was, he pulled out a square piece of paper and handed it to Naruto who stared at the paper blinking. Jiraiya frowned as no outward emotion was shown, but shoved it aside for now as he would work on bring some out later on. "That paper will tell what elemental type of chakra you have."

Instantly knowing what it did without Jiraiya's instructions, Naruto pushed some of his chakra into it. What happened to the paper surprised the toad sannin as the paper split into four pieces. But each of those pieces began to change. One had started crumbling at the edges, the one beside it had become charred, and another had become lightly soaked while the last one had tried to crumble. Once more Jiraiya frowned as he had never heard of a person that could use all five main elemental types. But it seemed only fire and wind had become active so he would have to activate his lighting affinity so they could work on the Hiraishin.

"Seems like you are all elemental types, but only wind and fire are active. Seeing this, I'm going to be training you had to activate your lighting affinity before I can teach you the jutsu I have in mind." Naruto looked up at the man in questioning wanting to know what the jutsu was before Jiraiya had walked behind him and touched his forehead.

The reaction was instant as Naruto's body began to spaz out before he crumbled to the floor. He attempted to move, but he found himself incapable of moving as he watched Jiraiya sit down on the rock in front of him. "Now, what I have done was placed a current of electricity into your body to paralyze your nerves and muscles. Using your chakra alone you must negate this current. Once you have done this, you will have activated your lighting affinity. Now this normally wouldn't be recommended to activate someone's affinity as they'll activate in time. But with your status, this jutsu will be needed in the future as it could save your life and the ones you care for. I'll leave you like this for four hours before taking it off so you can go home but we'll be training on this every day tell you activate it."

Hearing what Jiraiya had said, Naruto began analyzing his situation. While he could overpower this current with Kyuubi's chakra, the sannin probably just place a seal on him from using his tenant's power before putting him back in the same exact position. But to make it worse, it was starting to become difficult just to think. He figured the current was messing with his mind and didn't like it one bit. Jiraiya didn't give him a clue on how to use his chakra, so he was going to have to learn this on his own.

Closing his eyes, he began to concentrate on the current as he gently flowed chakra into his system. It was quite hard to detect the current as he had never expected electric pulse to be within him. After a while, he was getting frustrated at the fact he still couldn't detect it and erratic chakra began to reflect that. Realizing his frustration and chakra wasn't helping his situation; he calmed down and settled his chakra down. In an instant, he came up with an idea on how to detect the current. He knew his train of thought would be interrupted soon as the current went through it, so he focused his chakra in his mind and prepared for the disruption.

Just as he predicted, the surge went through his mind. Flowing his chakra with the surge didn't work so he mentally frowned thinking that was going to work before an idea hit him. As the next surge went through, instead of flowing his chakra with it, he merged it with the surge. The result was what he wanted as the electric current began to dissipate. Checking to be sure, he began doing this all over his body before attempting to move it. Smirking, he slowly stood up and glared at the pervert as he was looking towards the water. "What next?"

Jiraiya froze as he heard Naruto's voice. There was no way the kid got the hang of the jutsu so quickly. Not even Minato had did it in one day. Turning around slowly, he looked over to Naruto to see him standing up with a slight shit eating grin on his face as he glared at him. He shivered lightly at the look as it reminded him to much of a certain purple haired jounin. But to make sure he had activated his lighting element, he activated a seal on his left eye that allowed him to see the elements within a person. While useful, he made a point not to use it as it hurt like hell after he was finished with it. Seeing the fire and wind swirling in his body, he nodded lighting pulses around him meaning he had done what he set to and in record time.

"Nice work gaki. You mastered that even faster then the Yondaime Hokage could." Naruto looked slightly stunned at that revelation before returning to his stoic demeanor. Jiraiya smirked seeing this knowing there was some emotion within the boy, just buried under all the pain and sorrow of his life. Shaking his head, he pulled out a scroll from his larger one and threw it to Naruto. "Go home and study that. Meet me here tomorrow and I'll go over all the details as that is the basics of the jutsu you will be learning. Now go, I have research to conduct."

Nodding, Naruto pocketed the scroll and took off not once questioning what the sannin was researching, thinking it to be important. Unfortunately, there was another reason Jiraiya had picked this spot. Looking through his lense, Jiraiya giggled as he watched the girls in the river splash each other. Man he loved this training spot. He had to love having an apprentice; it allowed him to peep on women easier then normal. And that in his book was a major plus. Jotting down on his notes, he looked into his scope only see Naruto talking to the girls in the river. They all seemed to get angry at what he said and get up and heading towards him carry miscellaneous weapons.

"Oh fuck me."

A/N2 : For everyone that is wondering, yes I am going to have Hayate train them. The only reason why I didn't start with him right away was that I wanted Naruto to train under Jiraiya for a little bit before going to him. Besides that, I wanted Itachi to make an appearance before a certain chapter arrives.
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