Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Way of the Jinchuuriki ❯ Arc 2, Chapter 7 - Some Things Can't Be Changed ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I Do Not Own Naruto

Nii Yugito was not happy right now. As soon as she woke up, she saw Naruto was unconscious in the bed oppose to her in their recovery room. Next thing she knows the white haired man she knew that was training Naruto for the last week came by and informed her what the two men that killed the team she was with wanted with her. Having a pissed Nibi with her chakra still recovering, being annoyed that Naruto was out for some unknown reason and that he had came to try and help her against both of the S-rank shinobi really had her in a bad mood.

For now though, she would have to wait as Naruto was still out like a light. But those two… They were not human. She had torn through the one wielding a scythe and had even ripped off his head, but the two kept coming. Even Nibi's chakra was unable to do anything against the two which bothered her more then anything. She knew the cat demon was thinking of why they couldn't defeat the two, but so far there had been no luck.

Looking out the window of the room, she sighed deeply as she softly brushed her hand through her long hair. She normally kept it bound and braided when she slept as it tended to get in the way. She thought about just cutting it so it would be short but she couldn't find the courage to do it as something told her longer hair looked better on her. Seeing the sun beginning to come over the forest, she forgot everything as she looked over towards the beckoning light.

As the rising sun's light washed over her, Yugito smiled softly before sighing contently as the rays warmed her up. That was one thing she enjoyed inheriting from the nekomata. When the sun washed over her just right, it could be the best feeling in the world and she could forget whatever was troubling her. The feeling was so great that she couldn't help but purr softly and tried to curl up the best she could so she could soak up the sun.

Feeling better, she looked over towards the rooms other occupant and lightly gasped at the sight. It wasn't that anything was wrong with him. It was that for the first time in years, she could finally see that the boy was as young as he truly was. It seemed that the light had taken away the weathering the world had dealt him and for a moment, he looked like a child his age truly should look like.

Even her uplifted mood, thanks to the sun light, fell seeing this. The boy truly had gone through more hardships then even she could imagine. Gently moving her legs, she slid out of the bed and nearly screamed as pain tore through her entire body. It should have been more then enough to stop her from what she was planning, but the amount of medicine that they had injected her with when she woke up made the pain quickly go away.

Limping towards his bed, Yugito was at his side with her head tilted at him as the sun's light washed over his face. With its light, she could finally see his face clearly without a frown or a scowl. She wasn't sure if it was the sun, if he was in a good mood or it was just natural, but his face seemed to be glowing radiantly. It just seemed that it was a different person all together but she was sure this was his roommate and her brother…

She winced as her stomach nearly caved in at the thought. But that wasn't what made her wince. She sighed lightly as she looked down at her fellow blonde jinchuuriki. She really didn't know what he was to her. At times at she thought of him as a pesky little brother, especially when she attempted to bring a date back home. Other times he seemed to be the farthest thing from her, as if to have nothing to do with her. And yet, at times it seemed that he was more then anything she could describe.

Basically, Yugito was confused about her feeling towards the blonde enigma. She truly at times thought he was a little brother when he hurt himself trying something. And she remembered well what happened when brought back Kenta, her gennin teammate, from a date she had asked him on. Soon as he arrived, Naruto remembered who he was and didn't care much until he announced they were going out to both him and Anko.

Anko had merely threatened him with castration like any mother did for their daughter; however Naruto did not make a threat. He promised death and even went so far to call upon Kyuubi's chakra to prove he was not joking. Needless to say he called their relationship off. While she was still upset about that, she knew he was more afraid of Anko having heard that she had done that to men before.

Then there were times like these like this were she was absolutely confused as to what he was to her. She felt something in her body and even her mind. Her heart raced and she felt slightly dizzy. It seemed like that she would do anything he asked even if it was something that she would normally refuse to do. It was just something about him that she was not sure if it was good or bad.

Trying to take her eyes off him and head back to her bed as she knew she needed the rest, she looked at Naruto's face one last time and felt something far greater then before. Hovering her face over his, her entire body trembled, not sure what was going on as her lips were only inches from his. But before she knew it, the moment was over as her attention broke and quickly scampered back to her bed as he began to move and wake up. It was painful to move back, but she ignored it as she slid back in as she saw his eyes began to flicker open.

After the blurriness of his eyes left, Naruto could see the white wall and knew exactly where he was. He was in the hospital, room three-seventeen as it was the room they always put him in if available. Knowing that Yugito was there, he knew it was so he was there. He also didn't need anyone telling him that she was glaring at him as he could feel her eyes attempting to bore a hole into his head. Without even looking at her, he spoke with his regular emotionless tune. "What do you want Yugi?"

Yugito frowned as he seemingly knew she was glaring at him. It didn't help that his face seemed to become older once more even with the sun light blazing upon him. Something about that she found deeply wrong, but she put it behind her as a lot of things revolving around the blonde were atrocious. Taking a deep breath as the moment she placed it behind her, she looked over at him and gave him a piece of her mind. "I want to know why the fuck you came for me. If the others hadn't have followed you, we'd both be dead right now and those bastards would have Nibi and Kyuubi."

Naruto merely shrugged at her question. Sitting up on his bed, noticing his shirt, vest and katana were on the stand besides the bed, he began to wonder why he did go after her. It would make no difference to him if she was gone. He would be lonely without her, but it wouldn't be too horrible of a lose…

Kyuubi interrupted his train of thought with a deep growl. "Get real kit. You would lose control and call onto my power if you lost her. I know what you truly feel better then you do, so believe me, I know you would miss her. She's a vital part of our lives now, if you haven't noticed."

Shrugging once more, knowing better then to argue with his kaa-san, his thought trail took a different turn. Nodding to himself as he believed to have found an answer, he looked towards Yugito before giving her an answer. "You are family."

With everything that was going through Yugito's mind before, this only added to her confusion as she was wondering how he truly felt about her. While he just called her family, he called everyone close to him family. They could be something more to him, but that meant that said person was still family. Sighing lightly and putting all that thought aside to think on later, she looked over at Naruto with a light, genuine smile. "I see… Thank you, but please don't do something that reckless again. You're… You mean a lot to me to."

Tilting his head at her, wondering why she had a very light blush on her face, he shrugged his shoulders as he didn't understand how people could show so much emotion if there wasn't a need for it. Looking away and at the rising sun, Naruto took in the sight as it was one of the few things he could enjoy without anyone caring.

Yugito couldn't help but smile lightly as Naruto had a semi-content look on his face as he bathed in the light of the sun. That was one thing the two had in common outside of being demon vessels and blonde. Well, they had a lot more things in common, but she wasn't going to get into that. So she let him bathe in the sun light for a few more moments before a question that had been puzzling her came to the front of her mind. "Naruto, what did you do to get checked into the hospital? I know you weren't hurt coming to get me, so I want to know how you got here."

Almost growling in annoyance as he was enjoying the sun light, Naruto narrowed his eyes as he turned to the blonde haired girl and this time he did growl. "That's not your concern."

Her eyes flared unnaturally as soon as he growled at her. She could tolerate it if it truly did not concern her, but when he was acting this defensive about it, she would not. "The hell it isn't! And what the fuck is wrong with you?! I have the right to know as I'm more then your roommate!"

For the second time he was wondering why she was calling herself more then her roommate. He knew that he considered her part of the group he would even talk to, which was family in his opinion, but why was she calling herself more then that? He thought at most that she would be a sister to him and nothing more. Something about this entire thing was throwing him off and he was somewhat glad there was a knock at the door ending their argument for now as Yugito took a deep breath. "Come in."

Naruto was slightly surprised to see it was his Hayate along with a slightly groggy Hana and a nearly asleep Miko. Yugito merely nodded, knowing Gekkou and knowing the two girls were Naruto's teammates though this was the first time she met them while being awake.

Feeling the tension in the room, Hayate had to wonder what he stumbled into as he could feel the anger coming off of Yugito and the virtual nothingness of Naruto. He mentally frowned as the boy seemed to show no emotion whatsoever, but he would work around that for now knowing it took a while to earn his trust. "Sorry for the intrusion, but I heard you were both hospitalized yesterday and came to see how you were doing."

"Okay, I guess. I'm sure Yugao has informed you of everything that happened." Yugito responded in a dull tone as she leaned back with her eyes never leaving Naruto, still wanting to know what was wrong with him.

Sensing that as well, Hayate nodded in response knowing the two were fighting, which was amazing to him as Naruto did not seem like the one that would verbally fight another. He had a suspicion it was mostly a one-sided fight, but he digressed. Turning to Naruto, he faked his regular cough as he took a look at the boy's upper body and frowned as he began noticing all the scar tissue. "Well, I was informed that soon as you awoke that you would be ready to train."

"Huh?!" Hana exclaimed as her brain suddenly awoke as she looked at Naruto before back at her sensei. "Wait, he's just coming from the hospital, so how in the world is he ready to start training again?!"

"Rapid regeneration." Naruto answered plainly as he slipped out of the bed, allowing all three to get a good look at the scars covering his torso.

Both Hana and Miko gasped while Hayate narrowed his eyes at the sight before Naruto routinely put on the upper portion of his clothes with practiced ease keeping them from gazing any longer. As he headed for the door after grabbing his sword, he was stopped by Yugito's voice. "Naruto, I want to speak to you later once everything is done."

"Hmp, fine." Naruto replied casually before walking out of the door forcing his team to follow, much to the ire of both girls wanting to know more about the blonde haired girl as she seemed to know more about Naruto and they were interested on figuring out the enigma.

Giving Yugito one last look, Hayate nodded to her before following him with the two girls following suite. He also knew something was up to why the boy was in the hospital, but he said nothing as he did know the injuries he sustained. As soon as they arrived at their training grounds, Hayate smiled lightly as he stretched out, glad he was back home. "Alright, since I heard you did well on the team exercises my friends set up, I really don't have all that much to teach for the team."

"Also seeing that none of us really want to do another D-rank mission for a while," Hayate continued after one of his usual coughs, "I've decided to test you as a team so I can see where you're at before sending all three of you to the next chunin exams in Kumogakure."

It was abnormal to see all three have the same reaction for his entire statement, but that is what happened. Miko's jaw dropped thinking that she had a chance to become chunin so quickly and Hana was in a state of shock, not sure if she wanted to go to another exam so quickly. Naruto's look was equivalent to shock, though the small shine in his face was hard to gage. "So let's start."

In a split second, Hayate had unsheathed his sword and struck forward harmlessly but to his surprise Naruto kept up with the swing and met it with his blade to his. This had the sword master of Konoha surprised as Naruto seemed to be mimicking what Yugao would do…

He frowned as he remembered that Yugao told him that Naruto wanted a more offensive style of kenjutsu soon as he took him on his team. Shaking his head, he pulled his sword back before jumping back as Hana took the opportunity to use Tsuga and nearly took out his legs. To make things worse, Miko had her Sharingan active and had two tomoe in her left eye and had her hands in the fire seal before a great burst of flame was heading towards him.

Being a jounin, he focused his chakra to his feet and made a platform in mid air before jumping over the flames. What troubled him was that Naruto had closed the gap quickly and didn't have his katana drawn before realizing that it was only a clone. Taking it out with ease as he landed, he was surprised when he felt two set of hands grabbing his feet. He instinctively knew it was two mud clones and pulsed chakra to his feet and took them out easily only to be surrounded by Hana and three beast clones.

Focusing chakra to his sword, he made one spin cycle and a burst of wind knocked back all four only to find Miko and Naruto went underneath to get in close. He aimed a kick to Naruto to knock him back, seeing as he was the biggest threat; his eyes widened when his foot sunk into him and realized it was yet another mud clone. The split second it took him to disperse the clone of his foot, Miko had grabbed his blade and tried to knock it out of his hands.

Not relinquishing his katana, he drove the butt into chest before he felt a crack to the back of his head. Stumbling forward, he tried to figure out what hit him before realizing he took his attention of Hana and she got a good hit with another Tsuga. Then Naruto appeared in front of him and knocked him in the air and instantly knew what was about to happen having sparred versus Gai enough times.

To Naruto's surprise, Hayate turned into Miko in the air. Without second thought, he flipped his grip on his katana and drove it back as soon as he felt the cold blade of Hayate's touch his shoulder.

Hayate was in a little bit of a pickle as the katana was aimed right for his crotch due to Naruto's short stature. Without thinking, he replaced himself with a log before reappearing back in the middle of his three students and coughing to get their attention. "That's enough. I've seen what I needed. I'll think about it tonight after I give you something’s to work on… Jiraiya-sama?"

Having realized that the white haired sage was there, Naruto simply turned to him before disappearing in a swirl of leaves to their normal training spot. Jiraiya only sighed before shaking his head. "Sorry to interrupt, but I'm taking the boy to continue his training if you don't mind. I'm sure your wife has informed you that I've been training him this last week after your team practice."

Frowning as he had not been informed of this, Hayate hook his head before sighing. "Well, I guess since he's gone already I'll allow it but tell him not to leave us next time you show up in the middle of training."

Jiraiya nervously chuckled as he scratched the back of his head before nodding. "Sorry about that. I'll try to time it better next time. Well, I better get on before he does something stupid."

With a poof of smoke, Jiraiya was gone leaving Hayate in a rather bad mood. 'Why didn't Yugao tell me about Jiraiya-sama training Naruto? Is something going on her that I'm missing out on?'

Shaking his head of that thought, knowing better then to question himself as he wouldn't get any answers that way, he turned to his students to continue their training for now.

Panting in the forest, Naruto looked over at the cause of his tiredness. That damn kunai was getting on his nerves and hearing what he did yesterday, he was looking to emulate it and was close to succeeding.

"That's enough for today." Jiraiya's voice came from behind him as he seated looking at his newest pupil with some pride in his eyes. "That's far better then even what I thought you would be by now. There is no doubt that yesterday wasn't a fluke, but you do not have the same mind set to perform it to that level. In fact, I doubt you'll be able to perform it as well as you did yesterday for a few years. But don't worry, you'll get there. Now come here so I can finish what I was trying to tell you to do yesterday before you accidentally set off the jutsu."

Looking back at the white haired man and seeing the scroll set out once more, Naruto nodded lightly as he pulled the kunai out of the ground before walking over and sitting besides the sage. Seeing him pull out the vial from yesterday with some of his blood that was miraculously preserved, Jiraiya handed it to him along with a feather pen. "Sign your name below the last name with your blood in the vial. Once you have, I want you to use some of your chakra to try and summon. The seals are Inu, Tori, Saru, Hitsuji if you didn't know that already."

Nodding and doing as he was told, he dipped the pen into the blood before writing his name below the two names. Once he did, he stepped back from the scroll as Jiraiya rolled it up and went through the seals he was told to use for the summoning while flaring his chakra. Knowing he needed blood to summon as he seen Anko summon enough to know that, he bit his thumb before placing his hand onto the ground and completing the seal.

In a large cloud of smoke fifty high and around the same wide, Jiraiya's face fell as there was only one toad that size and he just hoped he forgot about the sake deal he made with him a year ago. Too bad that was what the giant toad wanted soon as he was summoned. "JIRAIYA! WHERE IS MY SAKE?!"

Naruto was confused as to why the giant toad wanted rice wine from his teacher, he wisely said nothing as it was something between them and he didn't want to get involved so he shunshined out of the area as Jiraiya tried to find a way to please the pissed toad known as Gamabunta.

In a swirl of leaves, he found himself back in his team training grounds and as soon as he did, he wished he didn't. Pulling out his katana, he forced chakra into the blade and sliced through a rather weak fire dragon. Both sides passed harmlessly besides him, however if the jutsu had been performed correctly he would have been in a world of pain as that wasn't Karyu Endan.

Miko gasped as Naruto seemingly appeared out of nowhere and blocked the fire dragon she had been trying to perfect after catching glimpse of it in a spar between her brother and father. While she knew it was nothing compared to the one her father used, it surprised her that he was able to block it so easily as if it was only a simple Hosenka. But that wasn't what was on her mind at the moment as her face flushed crimson. "YOU JERK! DON'T JUST SUDDENLY APPEAR LIKE THAT! FOR ALL YOU COULD HAVE KNOW I COULD HAVE BEEN DOING SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT AND PRIVATE!"

Being used to behavior like this, Naruto simply dodged every object that was thrown at him until a kitchen sink was thrown at him. 'What is it with women and kitchen sinks?! That's the fifth different woman that has thrown one at me!’

Getting annoyed at the constant objects being thrown at him, he used another shunshin to appear behind and take away her weapon pouch with a replacement jutsu. Somehow, that calmed down the girl enough that he was able to give it back to her without having to worry about another kitchen sink being thrown at him.

As she was given her pouch back, she looked at Naruto before shaking her head as she made sure she had everything. "So why exactly are you here? I thought you were training with the sannin."

While he wasn't very good with emotions, Naruto could tell there was resentment in her voice. It was even rarer that he was able to understand what the emotion was for as he was in this case. He was somewhat tempted to not answer her "I was, but," A loud boom was heard with screaming and what sounded like a roaring toad, "Hell broke loose."

A large sweat drop fell from the back of Miko's head as she listened to the chaos in the background. Not even wanting to know what happened to cause the small scale annihilation, she was about to resume her training when she realized this was the chance to get to know more about the blonde haired enigma. Taking her chance, she yawned softly before she lost her footing.

When she was about to hit the ground, she realized Naruto wasn't going to catch her. Luck has it, he did catch her. Only by the collar of her shirt, but he still caught her. Breathing in a sigh of relief that her male teammate wasn't a complete jackass to let a girl trip and hurt herself, she looked up and played the part of over-exertion. "Oh… I must of over did it."

"Then why are you still conscious?" Naruto asked simply as every time he over did something he ended up passing out.

Miko was sweat dropping once more at his statement, beginning to wonder if he had any common sense to realize that not everyone trained till they passed out. Growling to herself and getting annoyed at the boy's obvious lack of contact with other people and the ability to understand them, she pulled herself up and out of his grip. "Never mind, I'll walk myself home."

Feeling something was up and he really had no reason to go as he wasn't looking forward to talking with Yugito just yet, he decided on going with her. "Hn. I'll make sure you get there. Don't need Itachi-san mad at me."

Twitching at the comment about her brother, Miko sighed before shaking her head as at least she would be able to get a chance to learn a little more about him. The only problem was she didn’t know how to start the conversation as they walked into town, heading for the Uchiha district. In fact, all she knew about him was what he said when the team first introduce themselves to each other and that the he had some sort of relationships with the blonde haired girl in the hospital and the purple haired interrogation specialist.

Sighing lightly as she racked her brain, trying to find something to start a conversation with the blonde, she came up with one. "So, what with you and that girl in the hospital?"

"Yugito," Naruto answered in a dull tone, not really caring about the question. "She's my roommate."

Raising her eyebrow at his short answer, she refrained from exhaling in irritation. It seemed that when he was going to give something that would give her insight on who he really was; he closed himself up. Taking a deep breath as they were getting close as she didn't live too far from the training grounds, she turned to the young blonde as they walked. "So what was up with her asking you to come back?"

Naruto rolled his eyes as he was beginning to realize that she was only acting tired so she could question him. He thought about not answering and in fact he was going to go through with it when he smelt something that wasn't right. In fact, he could feel something was not right. And now he could see that something was not right.


Miko sprinted over to a boy around her age, lying on the ground. Naruto was sure he was dead from the wound on his neck. What troubled him was that it was more then him that laid dead, a lot with similar wounds. To make this worse, he knew every single one of the deceased was from the Uchiha clan. That quickly led to two conclusions. One, the killer was powerful and fast enough to get around the vision of the Sharingan or two, the killer knew the weakness of the said doujutsu.

Jogging over to Miko, not liking either outcome, he placed his hand on her back. "We have to get out of here. It's not safe."

She didn't listen as she pushed him off and ran off towards her home. Naruto mentally cursed and ran after her, not thinking about what was going to happen.

Miko was too panicked to register that Naruto was chasing after her. She had to get home. That was the safest place in her mind as both her brother and father were the strongest of the Uchiha clan. But more importantly, she wanted to make sure they were okay as she knew each and every person that lay slain on the street and a lot of them she knew were strong.

Making it to her house, she nearly took the door off the hinges only to see her mother push Sasuke back before her eyes widened seeing how it was. "MIKO GET DOWN!!"

She didn't have time as the person appeared behind her with a kunai poised to strike.


Before the attacker could react, a large dragon from the earth slammed into him. Naruto quickly made his entrance as he pushed Miko in and slammed the door shut and covered it was twenty clones to make it harder for him to enter as he figured the house to be shunshin proof. He was dead wrong as a swirl of leaves appeared between him and Miko once more.

Naruto reacted as fast as he can and drew his katana, only to be forced to jump back as the attacker came straight for him before stopping. "The Kyuubi gaki?"

"Shusui! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Mikoto yelled in a panic. She knew what he had said and both her children would seek answers for it afterwards, but right now she had another duty. To protect her children. They were more important then anything else at the moment so any distraction she could get was for the better.

The revealed murderer only chuckled in response as he kept his eyes on Naruto, knowing he would try to take the opportunity to attack if he took his eyes off him. "There is nothing wrong with me, Mikoto-san. In fact, I feel better then even!"

Without warning, he turned into a swirl of leaves and was behind her, a kunai aimed straight for the spine of her neck. Cold sweat began to drip from Mikoto's face as she hadn't been able to track his movements even with her Sharingan active. She knew this was the end for her, but she had to make sure the children got away.

Suddenly without warning Shusui cursed as he was pulled into the ground and Naruto jumped out as the other dissolved into mud. "RUN!"

Mikoto quickly gathered both her children and pushed them out the door with Naruto on their heels. They didn't make it far when another shunshin appeared in front of them and Shusui appeared looking rather irritated as he looked at the blonde haired boy. "Boy, you better run and let me finish otherwise the only vessel Konoha will have is that two tail bitch. I'm not suppose to capture you yet."

"Akatsuki?!" Mikoto growled out as she suddenly realized what was going on as each of the clan heads were informed of this threat of Konoha. "You went to those bastards! You fucking fool! They're only using you to get to Itachi!"

Shusui snarled loudly before disappeared in a swirl of leaves. Mikoto's eyes widened as fear swept over her. He wasn't behind her this time. He chose Sasuke. She tried to turn to him to stop him, but there wasn't enough time as liquid splashed her face.

The fear gripping her lessened as Sasuke burst into water as Naruto sliced for Shusui's jugular forcing him to use another shunshin to avoid the blow. Knowing were Sasuke was, she rushed herself over to him with Miko, wanting to protect her two children. She cursed herself for not having a physical clone so she could get both of them out of here and help the blonde haired boy. She didn't understand why the reclusive boy was helping them, but he needed help as Shusui there was a reason considered the third strongest Uchiha. "Miko, Sasuke, we have to run."

"But mom…" Miko tried to counter, wanting to help her teammate who was selflessly taking their place without thought.

"MIKO NOW! HE'S CHOSEN HIS PATH AND WE NEED TO GET OUT HERE SO HIS SACRIFICE WON'T BE IN VAIN!" Mikoto yelled back as she picked up the frighten Sasuke and tried to dash when the blonde hit the wall in front of her.

Naruto was forced into the ground as Shusui appeared behind him and slammed him into the ground before stomping on his spine with more force then what was needed. Pain seared throughout his body as he felt cracks were the Uchiha's foot hit, but he kept his face neutral as he forced what remained of his chakra to his hands and feet and rocketed him up, knocking Shusui off balance. Seeing the opportunity arise, he swung his katana for the throat to end this fight.

The swing never had a chance as Shusui had mastered the art of fighting with the shunshin. He merely used it to avoid the swing and quickly reappeared besides Naruto's blade before burying a kunai into his gut, more particularly the seal. The surprise on the blonde's face was beyond belief having never seeing the shunshin being used like that before as Shusui's fist met his face and sent him into a building were Mikoto tried to take her family. "Oh, trying to leave so soon. I'm not finished with you three yet."

Mikoto was not feeling good as she saw the blonde as blood gushed from his stomach in a very abnormal amount. She was not going to get the time to get her children out of here. She was going to have to sacrifice herself. It was selfish as she did not want to depart so soon and she even let Naruto take her place. But now there was no way she was going to let that happen. In fact, she knew she should have had him on top priority knowing Shusui was working with the Akatsuki after what he had revealed so far.

Seeing him walking towards her, she turned to her kids and took one last breath as she knew she wasn't going to see them again. "Miko, take Sasuke and get out of here. Get to the Hokage and get him here. …As for you Shusui," Her eyes darted to the one that Itachi considered his best friend, "You will not leave her alive…"

Her sentence ended as a mass of chakra erupted from besides her. A whole new fear took over as she knew it was Kyuubi's chakra and it was in large a large amount. So large that the building had been ripped in two from it. Slowly turning, her worse nightmare came to life. She could no longer see Naruto in the chakra.

All she saw was the four tails flowing wildly behind him before Naruto unleashed a vicious roar that shook all the buildings nearby and knocked both children on their feet.

Mikoto was glad she wasn't the only one frightened as Shusui was petrified beyond all belief as the empty white eyes gazed straight at him. In fact, he barely had the time to avoid the claw strike aimed for his face. Another tremendous roar ripped from Naruto's throat, but this was one was of unbelievable pain as the chakra around him even shook with his body.

A small smile graced Shusui's lips as he saw this and breathed a sigh of relief. "It seems moving in this state causes him great pain. That's great as that will give my master time to get here and we can drag him back to the base…" His eyes began to widen as all the tails focused in the front, aimed at him as chakra slowly began seeping from the tips and towards the mouth were a mass of chakra was being formed. "What the fuck!!!"

The chakra exploded in front of Naruto, destroying everything in front of him for twenty meters. Not even the ground was immune to the technique as it was obliterated as there wasn't much of a dust cloud.

Hearing a gurgling sound, Mikoto turned to the source to see Shusui behind her without an arm and blood oozing from the corner of his mouth. A blade that she knew very well came through his rib cage as another Uchiha appeared behind him with his Sharingan spinning madly. A sudden relief overcame Mikoto as the threat of Shusui was gone. That was quickly replaced by the fact that Naruto was still using four tails. "Shit! Miko, let's get out of…"

"There is no reason mother. I can deal with now," Itachi stated as he removed the blade from Shusui's chest before grabbing his head and viciously turning it making his neck snap, "I can deal with him now. …I now have the ultimate power of our clan… The ability to tame Kyuubi no Kitsune."

As soon as Shusui hit the ground, Itachi's Sharingan suddenly morphed and took a shape that Mikoto never seen before. He ignored the pain it was causing him as protecting his family was more important then anything else right now, and focused his kaleidoscope eyes onto the Kyuubi enhanced and enraged Naruto.

It was as if his will was being imposed onto the great kitsune itself. Kyuubi's chakra began to recede as Naruto was becoming visible and he was slowly beginning to regain control of himself, despite the horrible shape he seemed to be in. Once he reached two tails, he stopped as Naruto was in control and draining the chakra was steadily draining without his intervention. Turning to his mother, his eyes reverted back to their regular state as the purpose he called the eyes out was met. "What happened?"

"I don't know! All this happened so suddenly I had no time to figure anything out. All I know is that the Akatsuki is somehow involved in this." Mikoto answered, still in a slight panic from seeing what had just happened, not knowing the Sharingan had such power.

A crash brought everything to a halt. While Naruto indeed had passed out, it wasn't him there attention was on. It was a bloodied and beaten Fuguku that stumbled into were they were. Both Mikoto and Itachi were besides him, trying to figure out what was happening before he pushed them off. "Don't worry about me! I'll live… That bastard… Was not human! Shusui is only the pawn here… That guy is the master mind… I hope Jiraiya-sama can deal with him…"

Itachi didn't even wait for his father to continue and raced from where he came from and could see two great amount of chakra not to far in front of him. As he arrived, he landed besides Jiraiya to see the same person that confronted him not too long ago, asking if he wanted to join the Akatsuki. His eyes narrowed as a chuckle came from the man in the orange mask. "Oh, it seems the one I really wanted has truly chosen his side… Too bad, but I guess I don't need him."

"What do you mean by that? Are you truly going to use Kushina?!" Jiraiya growled out at the orange masked man as he began to raise his chakra, ready to battle.

The orange masked man simply shrugged as he looked over at them. "Don't know. I'll let the leader decide that one. I'm not even a part of the Akatsuki yet as they think I'm too childish. Big meanies."

Both Jiraiya and Itachi were thrown for a loop at the sudden change of voice from an adult to that of a playful young teen. In that split second that they were thrown off, he simply vanished as if he was never there.

As neither could find him, Itachi turned to him with his eyes narrowed dangerously. "Uzumaki Kushina? They're thinking about recruiting her too! What the fuck?! If that's the case we best fucking tell Naruto the truth!"

"It is not my call on that Itachi… It's senseis so pick it up with him." Jiraiya answered in a solemn tone as he agreed with Itachi, but could not go under his sensei and tell the boy. Turning to the Uchiha, he closed his eyes as he crossed his hands over his chest. "Tell me… How many tails was it and did you see what caused it?"

Itachi winced lightly as Jiraiya had already understood he had activated the Mangekyou and it was him that tamed Kyuubi's chakra. Taking a deep breath as this wasn't going to be the first time he would have to say this; he deactivated his Sharingan and looked up at the sky. "He was up to four tails when I got there… And I'm sure this kunai was what caused him to pull on its chakra… It has strange seals on it and is covered in his blood… Seeing his only wound on him not from Kyuubi's chakra was the stomach…"

"So you’re saying this kunai caused it… Great. Let's hope it didn't cause any permanent damage." Jiraiya grimaced at the thought before biting his lip as the Sandaime was heading towards them. "And now we have more shit to deal with… Just peachy. Dealing with Gamabunta is going to be my easiest chore of the day."

Itachi could only nod numbly as the two knew it was going to be a long and hard day.
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