Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Way of the Jinchuuriki ❯ Arc 2, Chapter 10 - I Will Kill You! ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"LADY KUSHINA! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?!" Kakashi yelled out as his sensei's wife jumped away from the crib, Kakashi standing between her and the young child in the crib.

Looking at her husband's pupil, the red head closed her eyes and sighed as the blade in her hand glistened in the moonlight. "Stand aside Kakashi. I'm going to put an end to this."

Horrified at her response, Kakashi's entire body trembled as he wasn't entirely sure what to do now. "You don't mean... You don't think that Naruto is a demon...?!"

"Don't group me with those ignorant bastards!" Kushina screamed right back, her red eyes burning heatedly at Kakashi's accusation.

Pausing for a moment as she let her anger subside after closing her eyes for a moment. "I know he isn't a demon! He, however, is no longer my son as an infant cannot contend with a bijuu's will. If we let him grow, he'll simply become the demon's puppet as all jinchuuriki that have their demon sealed into them at a young age."

"That is something I won't let my son live through. ...I am letting him go peacefully, so his father may hold him in the afterlife." Kushina finished as she looked down, blocking Kakashi's view of her eyes.

Taking a moment to digest what she had said Kakashi simply looked back at the young child in the crib. Smiling as he cooed softly as he had just woken, probably from the noise just around them, the scarecrow turned to face Kushina. "Even if there is some truth to that, it takes years of manipulation along with the hatred of those around them that cracks their wills, allowing them to give into their demon's will."

"And you are forgetting one thing... Master believed that Naruto would be able to withstand all the temptations and mistreatment and one day, control the fox. I won't rest until I see my sensei's final dream fulfilled so I'll be damned if you'll harm a hair on his head." Kakashi countered as he revealed his Sharingan eye, the one he had received from his fallen teammate, Obito.

Kushina's eyes only narrowed as the grip of her blade tightened. "I'd like to see you try and stop me."

"Captain!" Brought Kakashi out of memory lane and back into the real world as his fellow subordinates stood near him, helping a young blonde in her teens up to her feet.

"Should we call it a day?" Yugao asked, being the one that had broken Kakashi out of memory lane.

"No!" Yugito suddenly stated as she pushed away the two Anbu helping her up. "I'm still have a little more left, so let's go!"

Looking into her eyes, Kakashi simply nodded as he readjusted his head band to reveal his Sharingan once more. "If you wish but I won't hold back."

"But Captain..." Genma, another of Kakashi's subordinates, started only to stop as Kakashi gave him one glance. He knew better then to speak again. It seemed his captain was in one of those moods...

Not sure what was going on as Kakashi and Yugito began to spar, Kakashi easily handled anything Yugito threw due to her fatigue, his experience and just overall skills, Genma turned to Yugao for an explanation.

Sighing as some of the other Anbu with the unit listened in, a few not understanding why they had been delegated such a task, Yugao shook her head and kept her eyes on Yugito. "We're training her to her fullest extent so she can join the hunter division..."

"Yeah, I get that..." Genma started but backed off as Yugao glared at him and growled.

"Let me finish."

Wisely backing off, not wanting to piss of the pregnant women, Genma listened as Yugao spoke once more. "However, I am sure all of you remember who Naruto's first assassin was. ...The thing is, not many know is that she was his own mother... Yugito has just learned that."

As the rest of the unit looked surprised at that information, Yugao looked into Yugito's eyes and saw the fire burn within them despite blow after blow she received. "And it seems that her father did something very similar to her, so this has hit home... But there is something even more important then that we are doing here."

Just as she said that, she side stepped as Yugito came flying through and tumbled against the earth and finally came to a stop. She didn't move an inch as Kakashi walked over and checked her pulse before motioning two of them to help her up.

However, as the two did, Kakashi spoke having heard Yugao's explanation. "We are training her to become the first member of the Akatsuki extermination unit along with me, Anko, Itachi and finally..."

As he stopped, even Yugao looked at him somewhat funny before Itachi, having asked for this assignment, dropped down from the trees above and finished for him, knowing who the last member would be when the time was right. "And finally the new Yellow Flash of Konoha."


It was early in the morning, the day the first exam would begin. They were given a warning after what happened yesterday between Naruto and the Iwa jinchuuriki but it seemed the blonde had not really cared. In fact, he seemed poised to keep his promise as they arrived at the spot of the first exam.

The reason Hayate was pretty sure of this as Naruto was not in his room nor was he with Hana and Miko, who were waiting for him so they could head to where the messenger had told them they needed to be. Coming out of his room, he grimaced as he looked at the two girls, who were pissed. "Um... He's not in his room."

Both Hana's and Miko's faces fell at this before they looked at each other with wide eyes, Miko being the first to speak. "You don't think... He'd do what he said yesterday."

Hana didn't answer as she burst out the front door and began to scan the area, in hopes of finding Naruto. Just as she was about to jump down, seeing no trace of him, all three of her dogs barked making her nearly trip over her own feet before grumbling. "He's here... He's just on the roof."

As a bead of sweat fell from Miko's head, Gekkou's jaw slackened as he exited and looked up on the roof. Sure enough, Naruto was sitting on the roof with his eyes closed as if he was meditating. But what disturbed him was that he still couldn't feel his presence despite being right in front of him. How this was possible, he wasn't sure but it left him flabbergasted that such a young boy could fool even his senses.

Being the last one to exit the hotel, Miko closed the door before turning her head to Naruto. "Hey, it's time to go! I don't want to be stuck as gennin forever!"

At first it was as if Naruto was ignoring her and this irritating. But before she went up to grab him and drag him down, Hana stopped her as she had her head tilted towards him. She knew Naruto had heard Miko, but she knew what he was doing so it would take a moment for him to respond and end the exercise.

Just as she thought, Naruto's eyes opened before he slowly stood up with a little tremor in his legs. Jumping down beside them, a thin layer of sweat covered his body as he breathed heavily before wiping his brow. "Sorry... I was in deep meditation. ...It took a moment to come back."

As both his female students gave him a nod for that, Hayate only frowned. Even if he was in a deep meditation, he should not have exerted that much effort as it was meant to calm one's inner spirit...

Hayate nodded as well, realizing that his inner spirit wasn't that easily tamed. After all, she must be a handful. "Alright then, they've given us new directions. Apparently since there were so few competitors that came here, they have skipped the first test and are going straight to the second."

"So where is the exam going to be held now?" Hana commented as she and the rest of her team followed their sensei.

Pointing towards a taller mountain that seemed just outside the village, Hayate faked a cough before sighing. "It is going to happen there. It is a lot like our training ground forty-four and is often used in their second test in the exams. And just like with our training grounds, it has a very chilling name... Murder Peak."

"So I assume there has been a few fatalities there at the least. And if it is like the Forest of Death, it is easily concluded that their test will probably be similar to ours." Naruto responded, being pretty sure that if it had a name like the Forest of Death, it would actually live up to its reputation.

Nodding as it was true, Gekkou noticed both Hana and Miko flinch. Not that he could blame them, but they had signed up for this and he believed they were ready. "They at least have around ten but no less then a couple die every year they hold the exams here and yes; it is similar but by no means is it easy."

After a few minutes of silence and as the neared the mountain, Hayate stopped. "This is as far as I go. The rest is up to you three."

As all three stopped in front of him, looking back at him, he smiled before faking yet another cough. "Remember, not only do I believe in all of you, but so does your family and the village. You are representing Konoha here, so be proud and hold your head high. You three have are very talented and some of the best of our village, so remember that when the trial begins and you will be fine."

"Take care of each other." Hayate finally ended as he waved them on, knowing there wasn't much time left until the deadline for them to get there.

Still nervous, well at least both Hana and Miko were as Naruto showed nothing, the three nodded and made their way to where the rest of the teams were. Glancing over them, there was only ten teams overall and that was including them.

This made Naruto frown as if this was anything like the test Anko was the proctor of, then this test was designed to get rid of at least two-thirds of what was left. Plus there happened to be no allied nations to Konoha present. There was three teams from the Cloud, two from the Rock and one of each for the Mist, Grass, Rain and Sun.

While the Cloud and Sun were neutral with Konoha the rest either had grudges against them or just didn't like anyone, the case for the Mist. That did not bode well for them if they happened to target them or even worse, align with each other to take them out.

Knowing he would have to be careful and even unleash Kyuubi, Hiraishin or his newest technique, Naruto followed Hana as he continued to examine everyone to gage how strong each was. This wasn't difficult thanks to his ability to sense chakra at such an extreme extent.

There was only one real threat to him, not that there was ever any doubt in that, but for Hana and Miko there at least felt like a few that could take them out rather quickly. The problem was they all happened to either be on one of the Rock and Cloud squads. The Mist team was good enough to maybe take them out, but it would take a lot of work.

Standing in front of all the teams, a lone cloud shinobi towered over them with dark skin and ripped with muscles shook his head. He wished he did not have to be here for this, rather be working on his taijutsu and making sure his brother was okay, but the Raikage assigned him this job. "Alright punks, listen up and shut your traps!"

Everyone seemed to stand at attention after this guy had spoke. Even Naruto as he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up as he sensed the amount of chakra this guy possessed. It was as if this guy had more chakra then even some bijuu possessed.

Glad that everyone was listening, even the two trouble makers from the day before, the Cloud jounin spoke. "Good, my name is E and I will be your instructor for this entire exam. If you forget my name, you'll become my new punching bag for the week or until every bone in your body is broken."

"We have forgone the written portion of the exams due to the lack of arrivals and so we'll have enough of you left for the final portion of the exam. So now we will move to this portion of the exam, the survival portion." E commented, explaining why they had skipped the first portion of the exam.

"This place is known as Murder Peak for those of you that don't know and you will be climbing this mountain. At the top there are five scrolls, meaning at least five of your teams will be sent home after this exam is completed. You may only take one from the top of the mountain and there is no fighting allowed at the Peak, but you are able to take the other scrolls from other teams if you wish on the descent back to your gate."

"Anything is legal as this is a live battle situation. You may kill if you deem it necessary to survive and if one of your team members is killed or physically unable to continue, the other two are automatically disqualified. This is a team exercise, so all three must come back in one piece. And one final thing... You have thirty-two hours to complete this portion of the exam." E delivered the rules, somewhat bored as he really had nothing else to because of this.

Seeing that no one was arguing his rules, probably because he was one of the most intimidating people he knew, E sighed once more before shaking his head once more as he pulled out a box with a hole in the top. "There are ten gates set up here so I'll just randomly give each of you one."

After pulling out each team a gate number, Naruto's team getting gate twenty-one, E spoke once more as he was ready to get this over with. "Now before you head to your gates, I will warn each and every one of you. While anything is allowed on the mountain, there is one thing you must know... At certain points all over the mountain, there are seals set up to negate the use of chakra to stick to it meaning if you fall... You will more then likely die. Now head to your gates. This portion of the exam will begin in five minutes."

Narrowing his eyes at that, beginning to understand why the mountain got its name, Naruto knew he would have to set up Hiraishin seals for safety measures. Following his team to the gate, he made a few last second preparations in his pouch, making sure a few certain kunais were free for quick access.

Arriving at their gate, Hana was glad as it seemed that the Iwa vessel was on the other side of the mountain. That made her feel a little better, but if they ran into each other at the top of the gate there was a good possibility that he could follow them...

Grimacing at that thought, she almost jumped as Miko placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry too much about him, Hana. We'll be fine and even if we run into him, he better watch out. An Uchiha is always dangerous to fight, even if he happens to be a demon vessel."

Naruto grunted, somewhat displeased by Miko's attitude, but he understood what she was trying to belay to their team leader. She was scared of that one and Miko was trying to boost her confidence. And Miko really wasn't looking forward to meeting him either, but she knew there they could stand up to him this time.

After all, nine tails were better then five.


Almost half a dozen hours into the climb, all three were keeping kunais in hand as they carefully moved up the mountain. They had hit a few of the zones were they could not climb with chakra and had slipped and fallen. Thankfully, they easily were able to recover as they had only hit the outer rim of the zones.

"Okay, whoever decided to use these seals in a chunin exam should be executed. These are meant to keep ninja from easily scaling walls in war time, not to impede gennin." Miko growled out as she slipped and stuck her kunai in to mountain side and began her ascent upwards.

Following her example as they used their kunais to pull themselves up the mountain, Naruto stalling for a moment as he touch the rocks and left a small seal before it disappeared, Hana groaned as this was taking a lot more effort then she thought it was. "I have to hand it to them... This is a survival test. We haven't ran into anyone and I'm already struggling."

Getting somewhat annoyed by their complaining, Naruto was ready to snap at them. He normally didn't get angered, but someone complaining over and over again was one of the few things that could get him to go off. He just didn't like it when someone complained as he took it personally when one did as they had no right to complain as they didn't have to deal with half of what he did through his life.

Testing to see if it was possible to start using their feet once more ever few feet as they climb, they slowly moved up the mountain until they made it to a small ledge before Hana spoke tiredly, the mountain clearly wearing her down. "Let's take a small break. We've still got plenty of time and we're already made it up at least a third up."

Getting no argument, mainly because Naruto could see that they were both drained and even he was to an extent, Hana leaned up against the rocky edge before closing her eyes. She was upset that she had to leave her partners at the base of the mountain as they couldn't climb with them but there wasn't much of a choice.

"We'll rest here for a few hours while we regain our strength. But stay alert as someone might try and ambush us while we recover. If you have a soldier pill, keep it ready as our chakra reserves will deplete on the way up." Hana stated as she closed her eyes as she rather rely on her sense of hearing and smell to tell if someone was coming.

As Miko nodded, keeping a firm eye on things, Naruto followed Hana's example and seated himself against the rough terrain and closed his eyes. He began to suppress his own chakra, forcing the flow to slow. It would normally take a long time due to the amount of chakra he possessed, but because he was working on that this morning, it went a little easier.

While it did hide his presence to others, there was another reason he did this. When he did this, he was able to detect chakra to a much higher degree then he normally could. It was as if his range was extended far beyond that of what he could feel when he was actively using his chakra.

He had began working on it while he was battling, but there was a few problems. His strength and speed were slower then when he wasn't suppressing his chakra yet there was an advantage. He could tell what his opponent was about to do just from the influxes of their chakra and prepare for it and possibly counter.

Feeling the chakra of everyone on the mountain, Naruto began relaying the positions of those he could sense. "The closest team to us is approximately a hundred meters above us on the right hand side. I cannot tell whether or not if they are ascending, descending or resting like we are as they are barely moving."

Hearing this, Hana's head snapped over in that direction and opened her eyes but could not see anyone in that direction. Despite that, she did not doubt that Naruto's word as she knew how accurate his chakra detection was. "Keep an eye on them and alert us if they move in our direction. ...Can you tell which team they are?"

Focusing on them exclusively, it took Naruto a few moments to recognize the signatures and match them to the ones he felt when they were all gathered at the base of the mountain. "It is the other team from Iwa. I remember them because of the girl had the strongest signature on her team and one I deemed a threat."

Miko frowned hearing that Naruto had deemed her a threat. She had seriously doubted that there was anyone here outside of the other demon vessel that could push Naruto so she could not have been a threat to him. So when he said he had deemed her dangerous, he meant she was dangerous enough to take one of them out.

Hana didn't like what Naruto had said either, knowing the strength of her team. Well, almost knowing it. Naruto was still a bit of a mystery as she couldn't get a proper gage on him outside of his abilities. And in terms of individual strength, whether she liked it or not, Naruto was the strongest while she Miko were rather well matched.

Closing her eyes once more, she focused took a deep breath and tried to relax. Keeping her guard up made that rather difficult but now knowing there was an Iwa team close by, she was rather nervous as she knew their villages didn't like one another and whenever their ninja got together, bad things seemed to happen.

Calming down as a little time passed by and she heard nothing from Miko or Naruto, she sighed in relief. She was just a little high strung. They probably didn't even know they were there...

"Their moving... I can't get a good lock, but it seems they are moving..." Hana heard Naruto before drowning him out as another sound caught her attention. It sounded like a roar at first, but it become more and more distinct as it came closer...


Miko immediately jumped up and noticed rocks and boulders tumbling down towards them. Using a jutsu her brother had taught her, Miko formed a barrier wall out of the rocks and dirt as she hoped it would shield them from the debris.

Hana and Naruto quickly moved underneath it, as the small rocks began colliding with the wall, each hit making more and more of it crumble to dust. But then some of the bigger boulders came in, ripping through it like it like tissue paper. The first few were taken care of by Hana, using her piercing fang to reduce them to rubble.

But as soon as she had taken those out, one collided into her as she stopped spinning, forcing Naruto to dive and catch her. Gritting his teeth, he immediately righted himself and drove his feet into the mountain side, slowing their fall before Hana recovered enough to drive a kunai into the mountain side.

As their fall slowly grounded to a halt, Hana immediately looked up to see what happened to Miko. "Shit! They've got her! We've got to get up there now!"

Thinking for only a moment, Naruto suddenly grabbed and held her out. Ignoring her sudden scream, Naruto lifted her as he took his aim and with one chakra enhanced shove, he threw her up towards them. Jumping up, landing on the kunai with one foot, Naruto focused chakra into that said leg before launching himself up.

Miko had no time to watch them to see if they made it out as she dove out of the way of one last boulder, letting a few of the smaller ones pelt her instead. Gritting her teeth, ignoring the pain the gashes they had caused, Miko tried to get back to her feet when she suddenly was forced into the ground as someone stomped on her skull.

"What do we have here? The little Konoha brats." A female rock ninja grinned as she kept the black haired girl's head pinned to the ground. "What should we do with her boys?"

Miko suddenly felt terrified as she could see the lecherous looks on the two guys' faces. Did she actually plan on letting them do that to her?!

"Oh hell no! I'm a woman too guys so you aren't doing that with me around. And don't even think of involving me in your little sick plans. My boyfriend would rip your heads off in a second if you even thought about it." The Iwa kunoichi responded disgusted where her fellow comrades' minds went after she said that.

Despite feeling better that the girl wasn't going to let the guys 'have their fun', Miko attempted to struggle so she could get free and fight. But immediately she stopped and screamed out in pain as her fellow kunoichi drove her head further into the ground. "Hey! Don't try and struggle as I can finish you any time I want. Besides, I just did you a favor..."

"TSUGA!" Hana yelled out as she suddenly rose from the depths and began spinning before rapidly and flew towards them.

The sudden attack forced each of them jumped out of Hana's way, not wanting to get caught by such an attack at this altitude. One in fact trip and fell off the side, yet he easily clung onto the ledge and pulled himself back up just as Hana stopped and stood before Miko, growling with a kunai in hand.

"That was unexpected, but we won't be fooled by that twice." The girl grinned as she prepared a jutsu, knowing that the other would be coming up soon.

Just as she predicted she turned and was ready to attack before he eyes widened as Naruto appeared with his hands in the tiger seal, directing his attack straight at her. "Katon: Gokakyu!"

Cursing as she wasn't able to use her jutsu that fast, she burrowed into the mountain side before the flames reached her. Landing where she was, Naruto immediately drew his katana, ready to strike.

Rising from the ground, next to her two teammates, the Iwa kunoichi frowned as she recognized the boy from the day before. There was little doubt he had skill as he didn't fear her boyfriend in the slightest, something most skilled ninja had a difficult time pulling off.

"Rondo, Lao. Be careful, Konoha ninja are always more dangerous when they're together. So let's split them up. ...But try and remember to leave the pipsqueak alive. My boyfriend wants to take his head for his own." She commanded before she reached to the earth, the dirt and rocks slowly flowing to her hands and formed two gauntlets.

"Consider it done, Lady Psiren." They both said simultaneously, making them seem more like twins by the moment. It wasn't helping the two looked very much alike.

The two sprung towards the boy, knowing their boss could handle the two girls on her own. After all, she was only a gennin just to go to chunin exams and impress the potential clients to go to the Rock. But as they were upon him, they suddenly slackened before they hit the ground, gasping.

Naruto hadn't paid attention to what they had said in the slightest. He had closed his eyes and focused on nothing more then suppressing his chakra and reading theirs, waiting to see what they would do.

Just as he felt before, the girl had a much higher concentration of chakra and it flowed more smoothly then either of the boys. There was no doubt that she was held back just to give them more clients, taking advantage of the more jobs being out there thanks to Konoha's lost in business.

Suddenly, he noticed an influx in Lao and Rondo and could see their chakra rise and coast towards him. Following that, making sure he knew their trajectory, shifted his blade ever so slightly and slashed twice at the spots he knew they would be.

Psiren took a step back, having just seen the slashes before they had sliced into their and through their collar bones. No, not their collar bones. It seemed his aim was off a little and had only hit their shoulders, making the blows he had landed not necessarily fatal.

But that wasn't what had her worried. It was how he struck them. He had struck just as they had arrived yet his eyes were closed. So how could he have known they were there? Was he listening to their footsteps or following their scents?

Frowning as neither was the case as he was not an Inuzuka like the girl behind him because he did not have the markings like she had, another possibility came to her. "Oh, I see now. You're a sensor. You specialize in chakra flow and how to read it and you read it so well you can predict your opponent's movements just a fracture of second before they move."

Hana and Miko grimaced, knowing that was exactly what Naruto had done. In fact, the only thing she had wrong was that he specialized in his chakra reading. They knew he had only just begun training it as he had only learned he had it when Yugito was hospitalized.

Nodding at one another, they both rushed by Naruto which in turn made him snap his concentration. Jumping to each of Psiren's side, they threw a couple of shuriken towards her before diving in. However, Hana saw something wrong as she could see the Iwa kunoichi smirking as they neared her.

Simply back-flipping to avoid the projectiles, she landed with a skid before striking out with a right backhand at Hana coming from the left. Before the Inuzuka could defend herself, the Psiren connect and drove her into the mountain side before using her momentum and spun to drive a kick into Miko's chest, attempting to knock her back into Naruto.

Jumping over her, Naruto brought his katana down to block her jab to his face so he could safely land. But it was only a fake as she brought her knee to his gut and pushed him back before running over to the downed Miko as she attempted to pick herself up. With a single kick to her gut, she knocked the girl off the side of the cliff.

Seeing the girl and the blonde boy panic, Psiren grinned at them. "Oh, don't worry. I don't plan on letting the mountain kill her."

"NO!" Naruto yelled out as the kunoichi back-flipped off the mountain, heading straight to where Miko was falling. Grimacing, Naruto closed his eyes and focused on the seals he had been laying out on the climb up. Using his sensory to tell where Miko was, there would only be one chance at this.

Tumbling down the side, the rough edges bashing, bruising and gashing her, Miko couldn't stop as she continue rolling down the mountain. Knowing there was only one way to do so, she caught her foot on a small rock and changed the direction she was spinning in. Now being righted, she drew two kunai and plunged them into the mountain side.

She had to stab repeatedly as her momentum carried her further, scarring the mountain side with her kunai. Panting heavily, Miko grinned despite her condition. She didn't care if she was bruised and bloodied, she was still alive. She would not die at the hands of this woman. She would live as she had been given that chance.

Her grin immediately dispersed as she was suddenly shoved into the mountain side, Psiren pinning her once more. "Did you think it was over, little Uchiha? No, no. I'm far from done. There are many more things I want to do to you before letting you die, bitch."

Miko did not know what this girl had against her, but she was beginning to curse her family for it. More then likely her family had done something to hers in the IwaKono war and now she was paying for it. Struggling against her, Miko turned one lone eye to her. "Do what you like, but I'm not going to die here!"

Frowning as she had been trying to frighten this girl knowing she was an Uchiha, Psiren drove her fist into her side before grabbing her by the neck. "Oh yes you will. I was going to toy with you for a while, but now..."

Psiren suddenly turned her head, not sure why only to see a flash of yellow before the blonde haired boy was before her. Her entire body froze. That was the jutsu... The one that made them surrender the war. The Flying Thunder God! And this boy knew it!

Being unable to comprehend what had happened, Psiren saw that he was now behind her and his hand was on her chest. Now this normally would offend her, but she began to feel woozy as if all the blood was rushing from her head. But then she saw blood spurting onto the Uchiha girl's face and her eyes widened as her hand reached for her throat.

Pushing her off, not wanting to expose Miko to her blood any further, Naruto watched as her body plummeted down the mountain side, tumbling down before he turned his attention to his downed friend.

Looking up as she fell, Psiren's vision blurred before she reached her blood soaked hand out as she saw images of her fiancé before her. Closing her eyes, tears beginning to stream down her eyes as she her body turned from the sky and began crashing down onto the side of the mountain.

But she smiled as she knew it would be long until he was with her again as in death, they would be together once more.


"Narut o... You don't have to carry me. I feel better now." Miko complained as they reached their gate with time to spare.

Hana, however, glared at her before shaking her head. "Whether or not you feel better doesn't matter. Climbing down a mountain with as many broken bones as you have would only cause you to be further injured and may very well disqualify us."

Glaring back at her captain, Miko sighed as Naruto let her down. She moved gingerly, but she was still capable of moving. She just needed a lot of healing and rest to recover from the injuries she took from the Iwa kunoichi.

The moment they walked out of their gate, the scroll suddenly activated and E was summoned before them. "Hm, a second team has come back... However, you don't look very well girl."

"I've been better." Was Miko's only response as she gazed upon him, not wanting to deal with any more shit as she had dealt with enough of that on the mountain.

Looking at her for a moment longer, E suddenly began bellowing at her before shaking her head, unable to contain his laughter. "Girl, you've got some spunk. You're team will move onto the next round just because I like you. Medics, we've got one that need a few stitches and bone mending!"

Laughing a bit herself, Miko almost jumped up as Hana wrapped her arm around her shoulders while Naruto simply grinned at her. "And here we thought you might be why we didn't move on. Boy were we wrong!"

Glaring at her team captain once more as the medics arrived, so to did a familiar face and he did not look pleased. Naruto simply stepped in front of Hana and Miko, his eyes focused on the other jinchuuriki. "What is it you want, dog?"

The Iwa vessel said nothing. He continued looking at the boy as his right hand clutch onto something tightly. "Boy... I will kill you. ...She was all I had. The only one that loved me! When we meet again, pray to God for redemption as I will make you suffer every minute just like she did!"

E had already moved in to break anything up as fighting outside the exams was illegal and could get both teams thrown out. But he was interested to see how the blonde would respond, hearing what had happened the day before.

Naruto said nothing as he looked back and into his eyes. Only crossing his arms and closing his eyes for a moment, they reopened to reveal the crimson eyes of Kyuubi once more.

"Now we understand one another, mutt. You took away what was mine long ago and now I will finally gain my revenge. Just remember what I said before, I will kill you!" Kyuubi's voice came from Naruto's lips, promising swift death if he were to even near her child as she was ready to break the seal and defend him.

Narrowing his eyes, clutching what was more then likely a precious trinket from Psiren, the Iwa vessel turned from Naruto and walked away just as Hayate was walking towards them.

Closing his eyes, letting them revert back to their natural blue, Naruto's eyes opened once more before he passed by his sensei. He had to train to make sure he could make his mother's word come true.
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