Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Way of the Jinchuuriki ❯ Arc 3, Chapter 12 - Hey, Guess What Naruto? ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"Son of a... You know this was suppose to be a team mission, right?" An Anbu with gravity defying, silver hair complained as dropped down next to his fellow Anbu, who was picking up his special weapons.

He quickly grimaced at the blood shed which was rather light compared to things he had seen before but it was how quickly they were dispatched that he was disturbed by.

Three others dropped down, none of them groaning at the lack of carnage, before the one in a navy blue mask stepped next to one of the corpses before checking his pulse, only for blood to be coughed on his masked face. "This one is alive. Shall I interrogate?"

"Go ahead, but make it quick. We're not to be seen." The Anbu with a crimson mask stated as he slid his odd weapons into his cloak.

"Hey! That's my department!" The green masked Anbu countered before adjusting the hair band and clips that held her hair together as they were rather loose.

"That may be true, but he will be passing on very soon. My method... Is the only thing that can work as of now." The dark masked Anbu responded, his crimson red eyes suddenly morphing into a pin-wheel as he looked into the dying shinobi's eyes. "Tsukiyomi."

Moments later, with garbled screams coming from the dying shinobi, the dark masked Anbu slit a kunai through his throat, finishing the job. "It is as we thought."

"So they're planning something with the Akatsuki?" The final Anbu with a light blue mask responded, her long hair braid flapping behind her in the wind.

Before the dark masked Anbu could respond, the shortest Anbu looked to the west before running a hand through his blonde hair. "...Lets find a more private setting. Reinforcements are coming and quickly."

Everyone disappeared, either being drawn into spiraling vortex of darkness near the dark masked Anbu or clinging a hold of the crimson masked Anbu and flickering away with a flash of light.


"So Iwa isn't working with the Akatsuki? But Jiraiya's spies said otherwise." Yugito commented as she scratched her head, leaning against the wall of the Hokage's office, who was still getting adjusted to both Naruto's and Itachi's sudden arrivals.

It was still very, very awkward to have someone just suddenly appear in his office with no warning whatsoever. It didn't help things that Minato had turned the room into an active seal when he was Hokage so Naruto was just appearing there whenever he chose to. Itachi was even worse as he just appeared, sometimes for no reason other then to get away from Anko.

Sighing and shaking his head, Itachi looked at Yugito for a moment before explaining more thoroughly. "It is a little of both. They are working with them in order to rake in more profit, but they are unwilling to help them gather the rest of the bijuu now that the five tails have been eliminated."

"Why in the world are they still after the bijuu? Whatever there purpose was it no longer can come to fruition now." Anko stated, crossing her arms as she had to wonder why they hadn't drop their goal yet, believing the death of the five tails should have ended their search.

"If you would let me finish, I will get to that." Itachi stated, very annoyed at being interrupted as he had been. "Otherwise I'll just write this on a report and no one else will know about it as no one here bothers to read anything on paper except for mission statements!"

Seeing that he was stating fact and not threatening, everyone stayed silent knowing how true that was. "Now as I left off, Iwa has issued an order that they will no longer have any connections to the Akatsuki mainly because they wish to keep from war with us due to the reappearance of the flash."

"However, it appears the Akatsuki has found a back-up plan so they are once again mounting an effort to capture the bijuu once more. What it is, I'm not sure but something tells me that the five tailed beast isn't entirely dead. Only Kyuubi knows of this so... Naruto, if you would." Itachi glanced over at Naruto, wanting him to let Kyuubi let them in on what she knew.

Sighing for a moment, letting his mother's chakra seep into his system, Naruto's eyes bled red before Kyuubi began to speak. "Gobi is dead; however his power cannot be destroyed and is instead looking for a new host. The reason for this, as you should know Sarutobi, is Jyubi. He binds all of us and as long as the other eight of us exist, his power will remain and unless the rest are destroyed his power will find a new, acceptable vessel to become the next bijuu."

Knowing of the legend of Jyubi, thanks to his senseis, Sarutobi nodded for a moment before looking over to the temporarily possessed Naruto. "So if that's the case, the leader of the Akatsuki knows as much so there is no reason to change their plans. They simply have to wait a little longer."

"That is the problem itself. There shouldn't be more then a handful of people that know of this. Only someone that possesses the Rinnegan or Sharingan and have read the black book, a well versed member of the Senju or someone that was close to any of those said people would know about it. For the Akatsuki to know this means one thing... Madara still lurks in the shadows." Kyuubi stated, gazing at Sarutobi to see his reaction.

This had caught Itachi's attention and he paid close attention while the old Hokage didn't seem to be too surprised by what they had said so this made the possessed Naruto frown as their red eyes burned brightly. "You knew he was still alive, didn't you?"

Sarutobi only nodded as his eyes met theirs before closing them and turning away. "I knew that he was alive because he was also involved in the attack twelve years ago and the reason why Minato had not arrived to stop you immediately. I was unable to do anything about it and I still am as he is just too dangerous."

Narrowing their eyes, Kyuubi growled before turning over control back to her son as she wished to speak to the third no longer. As soon as she did, Itachi immediately stepped and spoke, knowing what Madara did in retribution to his clan. "Lord Hokage if I may, why not send us after him? We would stand a..."

"That is not an option." Sarutobi cut Itachi off with a sharp tone, glaring straight into the Uchiha's eyes. "Despite that this is possibly the strongest collection of ninja organized into a squad in the history of shinobi all five of you are no match for him. Only if Minato was alive would I think of such an operation."

Itachi did not like that in the slightest. Madara was his to kill and he wouldn't be given the right to go after him despite being possibly the strongest shinobi within the village as he and Naruto had not sparred to determined who was the strongest, nor were they really interested in doing so.

However, he was immediately held back as Naruto took a step forward and spoke in a neutral voice, also wondering why if they could find his whereabouts why they wouldn't be sent after him. "What is it that makes him so dangerous?"

"He controls time and space, just as both Itachi and you do. However, the difference is that both of you only transmit yourself to your location and nothing more. ...Madara is dangerous because he uses it to attack by transporting the matter he touches to some unknown dimension and can keep his body in between both worlds, making him immune to physical damage." Sarutobi answered, knowing Naruto to be thinking logically about his decision.

Thinking for a moment, Naruto nodded as he could accept that but he had already found a flaw with his attacking methodology. "But wouldn't that make him vulnerable when he launches an attack on his own? One would think he would have to enter our dimension entirely to harm us."

Nodding at Naruto new question, confirming his suspicions, Sarutobi sighed. "That is the truth, but I don't know entirely of his abilities either as I only know of what my sensei told me of him and of the brief time I met him. ...I do know, however, that the only two to ever wound and defeat him were the First and Minato. And I know Minato barely defeated him as when he moved to fight Kyuubi, he almost immediately resorted to the sealing as he was physically drained."

Standing back, having let Naruto ask his questions, Itachi felt somewhat deterred as he wasn't ready to compare himself to any of the Hokages just yet. He still, however, thought they would fair well against him but fighting against an opponent they knew mostly nothing... "Naruto, does Kyuubi know anything of Madara?"

Naruto immediately shook his head, getting a one word answer from his sealed mother and that was good enough for him. "I doubt she knows any more then what Lord Hokage does as her memories of those days are very hazy from what she has told me before. ...Besides, she is in a bad mood now."

Sighing as he leaned back into his chair, wishing he had a new pipe as his last one had been destroyed by Konohamaru's shenanigans, Sarutobi looked over the five Anbu carefully before finally speaking. "As for now, there is nothing that we can do about this. I trust each of you to speak of this and your previous mission to no one. We can't afford any slip ups now as I doubt our little spy has been caught yet."

All five nodded as they knew the rules and knew the penalties for breaking them. However before they could all leave, Sarutobi stopped Naruto as the rest left the room in their normal fashion. "Naruto, I need to speak with you. It is about your unit."

Looking at the Hokage with a raised eyebrow, wondering why he didn't want to speak about whatever this was to the whole unit. Yet he didn't speak and simply waited for the third to do such as he was fine with uncomfortable silence.

Somewhat irritated that the boy didn't ask what it was about, Sarutobi began to wonder if placing him in Anbu was such a great idea. Sure, it was a great experience but he already lacked a mess of people skills. But it made this worse as he would have to start explaining without even being questioned!

"Naruto... To be perfectly honest, you unit is fine. This about you... I'm temporarily disbanding the unit as I have another job for you to do." Sarutobi finally stated being blunt about it as that was the only way to do so with Naruto.

However, to his surprise, the normally stoic blonde suddenly gained a fierce glint in his eyes as he barred his teeth and began to growl. "What?! How could you even think about breaking up our team?! What's going on in that loony head of yours old man?!"

Sarutobi looked at Naruto, his mouth agape in shock as this happened to be the most emotion he had seen from the blonde. And it really didn't help things out it sounded like a normal outburst from Anko, except without the curses and laced with so much more venom he had to check his pulse to make sure he didn't die from the fear that was being induced.

Glad that he was still alive, Sarutobi was actually thinking about tempting Naruto further just to see what other reactions he could get out of him. Instead, he settled for a sigh and leaning further back into his chair. "I've already gone over it with the others. They have agreed that it would be for the best... As of today, you will be a jounin sensei to a team I specifically picked for you."

This time there was no audible reaction but all the same, Sarutobi could only grin as Naruto's mouth was agape of horror, understanding what the third was asking him to do. "And as I said, it is only a temporary disbanding of your unit. Once your gennin becoming chunin, the unit will reform with the addition of Jiraiya as your missions after today will involve direct contact with the Akatsuki... Think of this as a vacation."

Finally being able to gather himself, Naruto still was a little shell shocked as he pointed at Sarutobi. "You... SUCK! This is no walk through vacation! This is a death sentence! You expect me to actually look after these brats?! I have a hard time looking after Anko, making sure she does nothing retarded and this is no doubt a dysfunctional team that would be almost as bad if not somehow worse!"

All Sarutobi could do was laugh. He was beside himself as he watched Naruto tirade. This would be fun to watch. ...Until Naruto realized he was laughing at him.


"Stupid old man... I will make you suffer one of these days..." Naruto grumbled as he walked through the streets, heading to a familiar destination as the sun began to set.

Needless to say he was still very upset about having to be a jounin sensei. And just to add oil to the fire, he arrived to his destination to see Hana and Miko, grinning at him before the latter spoke, not having her mouth full of ramen. "Ah, so I guess you got the news! That's good to hear!"

Naruto simply gazed at Miko, mustering as much hatred as he could possibly direct at her. Overall, it wasn't that much different then one of his normal annoyed looks. This only made Miko laugh as he sat down besides her. "Oh don't be such a big baby about it... At least you don't have to be a temporary teacher's assistant until someone else fills in for her!"

"Shut up, Miko." Hana growled, pissed that she had to fill in as no one wanted to be Iruka's assistant as he was rather demanding. "He expects everyone to be just as efficient as Kurenai and it's rather difficult as she set a really high standard being miss Perfect and all! ...Besides, it isn't as bad as being caught making out with your new boyfriend by your captain when on duty!"

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" Miko roared as she jumped up and over Naruto, who ducked as he had taken the seat between the girls, and attempted to strangle the Inuzuka for blurting that out.

Needless to say Naruto had to stop the fight as it was bringing forth a lot of attention, most of it guys trying to get a sneak peak at the girls, but nonetheless a large crowd around him was never a pleasant moment. The village's hatred may had dampened from learning who he was, but it still remained and there were those factions that still sought to exile, kill or out right disclaim him in any way.

So he stopped the fight by gripping the nape of Hana's neck before pulling on the back of Miko's hair, he tossed them onto their stool before rolling his eyes. "Would you two ever act your age? ...Besides, your attention was attracting some rather unsavory characters."

As the fight was now over, the two caught Naruto's meaning as they saw many of them snarl at the sight of the blonde before walking off. Hana, however, simply growled back at them before returning to her ramen. "Ugh... What is with them?! Can't they get over their petty grudges and realize that you are a good person?!"

"If only it were that simple." Naruto sighed as he smiled softly at Ayame and gave her a brief nod before he dug into the bowl. "How long have you been in?"

Almost jumping back as the question was unexpected; it took Miko a second before she cursed as she suddenly caught the clock. She was so late for her shift change and she was going to have it this time! "Shit! Sorry, I'll have to tell you another time... My captain is going to lecture my ass off."

Slipping on her mask, she slid out of the stand and hurriedly raced to the tower in a panic. Watching her leave, Naruto simply shrugged as he continued where he left off. "I guess that explains it... She's just got accepted into their ranks."

"Just this week too. She's done everything she's been asked but she keeps getting into trouble because her boyfriend is on the same squad." Hana added as she finished the bowl she ordered, holding in a burp as she had to remain somewhat lady like.

"Boyfriend? ...The pretty boy with medium length purple hair, bright red eyes and a smile that seemingly causes all the young women from age fifteen to twenty-five to orgasm when he flashes them with one?" Naruto stated confused at first before he snapped his fingers as he remembered the guy. It had been a while since he heard about him. He hadn't talked to either of his team mates in the last two months.

Hana, who was expecting that and was drinking a glass of water, spit out said water before she began to howler out as she held her sides. Finally getting a hold of herself, though she was still laughing very hard, Hana nodded. "That's the one... Ha ha... That's so true."

"Surprised Itachi or Sasuke has threatened him yet. That guy is too full of himself... Maybe I should handle it." Naruto added scratching his head as he was pretty sure the two had to know of their sister's relationship before frowning as that left him wondering about his own life. "Speaking of weird relationships... I'm going to head home. Take care Hana."

"You to... Ha... ha... Help! I can't stop laughing! Ha... Causes all young women to orgasm by smiling." Hana continued tried to stop laughing but found it very difficult before she caught something that made her stop. "Wait... THAT INCLUDES ME!"

"NARUTO YOU BASTARD!" Hana screamed as she jumped up, enraged and planning on taking out her rage on the blonde but it was too late.

The only trace left of Naruto was a yellow flash heading to his house... Well, his father's place anyways.


"Wh y are you always late getting home?!" Anko ranted as Naruto arrived in a flicker of light, catching the frying pan filled with eggs and placing them back onto the stove to keep them cooking. "You should know better then to keep your old lady waiting in your room all by herself like she is now!"

"You were the one that moved her into my room, not me." Naruto responded before heading to exit the kitchen, not sure why he had left a marker in this room as Anko always seemed to be in here with a deadly weapon soon as he flashed in. "Besides you should be paying attention to your own love life anyways."

"It is your love life and Yugito's that needs help. My love life is fine. Itachi and I just had sex ten minutes ago right against the doorway you are walking through." Anko grinned as she saw Naruto look at the door way before shuttering as he exited.

Doing a little dance in victory, a loud pop suddenly caught her attention before Naruto came down the stairs with a door before sealing it away and pocketing the scroll. "You lost your door privileges for a month. If you can't learn how to have your intercourse in a normal setting or at least not on my furniture by then, make it a year."

"What?! Oh come on! I need some privacy in this place! I can't just fuck Itachi in my room without a door! What if you or Yugito walk by while we are doing it and it scars you?!" Anko yelled out at Naruto for disciplining her for joking about having sex with Itachi right there.

Naruto simply raised his eyebrow before turning to someone just outside of the door's view. "You won't have to worry about that... I know Itachi won't... Will you?"

"I don't like the possibility of being walked in during... So no I won't." Itachi responded as he appeared before the doorway and simply glared at his girlfriend/fiancée. "You just had to push him, didn't you? You knew that was going to happen sooner or later?"

"How was I suppose to know that?! I'm the adult of the... DON'T YOU DARE LAUGH AT ME ITACHI?!" Naruto turned and left as Anko turned her rant towards her boyfriend, who had busted out laughing at Anko believing she was mature.

Navigating the rather small premise, as the house wasn't too large but it had a few bedrooms... Okay, six bedrooms. Apparently they weren't just planning on having him. Shaking that thought, not wanting to think of his mother for any reason, he was at his room and simply knocked. It wouldn't do to walk in with Yugito changing clothes again.

"It's okay..." Yugito's voice came from the other side before Naruto entered and saw she was seated in a meditative pose in the middle of their room, giving him an exasperated stare. "I thought I told you that this is your room too and you just come in... I don't change in here any more just in case."

"I don't like taking any chances. I like the furniture where it is and not flying at my face." Naruto commented as it had, at least at one point, became common place to have furniture and fixtures thrown at him.

Rolling her eyes as she still did that every now and then just because he would go silent on her for hours at a time, Yugito watched as Naruto slid onto his bed and began to slip off his armor, not caring about undressing in front of her... Mostly as he kept his pants on. "And I see that you still do change in here."

"That's because I don't have knockers as Anko refers to them." Naruto easily stated in a stoic fashion before he stood up and sat behind her, adopting her same pose as they sat back to back.

Neither spoke for a few minutes as the both began to concentrate on their meditation but strangely it was Naruto who spoke first. "So what is it that has been bother you lately? You've been meditating for the last two months... And you haven't been sleeping as much lately."

Calmly opening her eyes, she tilt her head just enough so that she could see Naruto. Yugito was slightly irritated that he hadn't even broken his meditative stance or even opened his eyes before she rolled her eyes at him and went back to her meditation. "...I just have had some bad dreams this last month. What makes you think I have been distressed?"

"Your chakra has been extremely erratic and you have been rather snippy as of lately." Naruto responded and completely threw Yugito out of her rhythm. "I also can see that you are using meditation to rest so these dreams you say you are having aren't just bad... It is something more."

Sensing that she had been startled by his observance, Naruto shook his head as he stood up and moved to his own bed and slip in. "You don't have to tell me if you don't wish... But I know whatever the reason it is tied into why Anko moved you in here. No matter what she says about wanting us to get together, I know she wanted you to stay near me to help you."

Frowning as she watched the younger vessel get comfortable in his bed, Yugito so wanted to say... But she just couldn't. At least not right now... It was her problem to deal with and he had enough of his own.

However as she gazed at him, Yugito still wasn't sure what Naruto would say as ever since he came back home from the Cloud. There was something different about him... Something that had turned him into the young man before her... He spoke more then he did and even showed joy and sorrow around his family and friends.

But there was something more that deeply affected her... What he had said when he had returned from the exams and she went out to greet him.


She was becoming rather anxious as she waited at the front gate for the Hokage's entourage and the Naruto's team to return from the exams, waiting along side of Miko's mother, Hana's little brother and fellow clan members plus Gai and Kakashi. She had been told by the latter two on what happened, having been informed as they were in charge along with a few others of taking care of the village while the Third was out.

Needless to say Yugito was worried about Naruto as she already knew that he, despite being so cold toward the world, was still very susceptible by the events around him. Even the slightest event could cause a cataclysmic meltdown and send him spiraling into true darkness.

She had seen it... The day she was almost taken by that man and friends. It was Naruto that had lost control of everything and began harnessing Kyuubi's own power to make the men suffer the way they did. And it sounded like something like that had just happened but instead this time... He had summoned forth the demon in her body.

Being thrown out of her thoughts and seeing Kakashi nodding his head down the road, Yugito's heart began to race as she could see the group treading towards them. It seemed like an eternity for them arrive but once they did, Mikoto rushed out and hugged Miko followed by a very thrilled Sasuke. "I so wish I was there! I would have loved to see you kick ass big sis!"

As Miko looked at her mother, who simply shook her head and had told Sasuke that she had been promoted and did well instead of what really happened, the girl simply knelt down and patted him on the head. "Well what did you expect squirt? I'm super strong just like Itachi..."

"No you aren't." Sasuke responded, frowning before waving at his brother directly behind a suddenly fearful Miko. "Big bro is the strongest!"

While Miko was praying for life and Hana was dealing with her little brother, with her mother's help, Yugito would have run up to check on Naruto but to her surprise, he had moved straight to her and now was standing before her with his head hung low. "I'm sorry..."

"Naruto... I don't..." Yugito tried to speak but was quickly cut off.

"I lost control and couldn't do anything again... I wasn't able to keep my own promise to you." Naruto quietly stated, his head drooping further and it sounded as if...

As if he was crying.

Stunned as she could see tears falling to the road, Yugito wasn't sure what to do. He had never cried before even through all the pain she had seen he had gone through. He stood and took it without flinching yet here he was... Breaking down before her.

She did the only thing she could even think of doing. She reached out and embraced him tightly to her bosom. "Don't... Things like this happen all the time. There will be times just like this... Where you are utterly helpless to do anything? So don't..."

Breaking from her grip, gazing at her with his crystal blue eyes that were glistening from the tears welled within, he shook his head. "No... I will no longer helpless... I don't ever want to experience such pain and fear again... I will not go through that again! I WILL NOT!"

Everyone's attention had been brought forth to Naruto, shocked at the boy's outburst; each of them having the same thoughts Yugito had just moments before. But as he wiped the tears from his eyes, it was clear that he was breaking or he had lost his will to fight... His resolve had become even fiercer.

"Master!" Now if there wasn't confusion before, there definitely was now that Naruto had addressed Jiraiya in such a manner. "I don't want to watch my friends and family to suffer like that again... Let's go. There is work still to be done."

Leaving Jiraiya at a lose for words, the said sannin turned to the Third and got a simple nod. This made him want to sigh but seeing his student's resolve and his fiery will, he would not deny him the strength he needed to become stronger. "Fine... Then say your goodbyes to everyone. We'll leave immediately after."

His goodbyes to his team mate and team was rather simple as he simply bowed towards them and said a few choice words. "Take care... And stay safe. Use those kunais if you every in danger."

As Hana and Miko simply nodded, not sure how to respond as they just got back home and now they were going to be separated from their partner. Naruto simply turned to Anko and his eye almost twitched... Almost.

"Behave." With that one word to her, he turned to Itachi and added onto it. "Make sure she does."

Itachi only grinned and restrained Anko from strangling her adopted son, he finally turned back to Yugito. Yet once more he wasn't able to make eye contact with her and instead looked at the ground, not sure what to say. Figuring that it was going to be hard for him to say anything to her, she was about to embrace him again when he finally found the right words.

"I don't know what this is... But I do know that whatever this I fell is... It is stronger then what I have for anyone else." Naruto stated before he finally looked up into her face. "I've felt it ever since we first met... I'm just not sure what it is... I'll stay in touch."

"Master... Let's go. I want to start training immediately."

With one last look at his sensei, Jiraiya only nodded before the two dispersed in two plums of smoke.

(Flashback End)

She knew what it was that Naruto had tried to tell her... He had begun to care for her in a loving way. But just like with everything else he just didn't know how to express it and for once... She didn't know either.

Yugito would admit she had deep feelings for him ever since that day, but she wasn't ready to call it love. Not yet at least... It was just too soon to act on that impulse and say it was love as she had seen so many relationships fall apart and she didn't want to get hurt or worse... Hurt him.

Softly sighing as she stood up, she hadn't realized how late it had become, wondering how much time had passed since she dazed off, and could see that Naruto had fallen asleep. Smiling at that, Yugito shook her head as she knelt over him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Sleep well."


Narut o had a very bad morning. It started with finding Yugito in the same bed he was in. He thought nothing of her as he had figured she had no idea how she got there. So he immediately went after Anko only to realize she had no clue what the hell Naruto was talking about before she busted out laughing learning they both were in the same bed.

That left him very confused as why Yugito would willingly climb in his bed after they gave each other rules while they shared the same room. It might have been because she had just been very tired and that would have explained why she hadn't used the covers to keep herself warm. Still... It was very awkward for him.

Then there happened to be his conversation with Anko after she recovered from her laughing fit. ...She alone could put him in a very irritated mood with her antics but for once she was rather serious. And of all things, it was about relationships and she was asking him questions as she saw he was very perceptive of everything around him.

Thankfully he rather easily soothed his other mother as she apparently began to think all Itachi wanted was sex, which wasn't true. ...In fact he nearly convinced her that she was more of a worry in that case. And then he had to comfort her as she started crying and telling him about her time as the snake's apprentice as everything had gone wrong then.

He was just glad that he managed to get her calm, content and into bed to rest. After that he had to tell Itachi what happened and explain to him what was going on with Anko. Thankfully that was the easiest part of his day as the Uchiha completely understood and had been treating her gently throughout their relationship.

But now to the thing that was annoying him to no end... HE HAD TO TAKE THIS DAMN TEAM OF KIDS HIS OWN AGE! How was he suppose to do this and make them listen to him?! Earning their respect was going to be a hassle and then he would have to prove that he could train them and... The list just kept getting larger and larger and it was driving him insane.

Naruto was just ready to flash before the Third strike him down for forcing him to do this... "Couldn't this have waited a few mores years you senile old fuck?!"

Twitching as he could feel the old man laughing at him through his chakra signature, knowing he was using that crystal ball of his just to watch him, Naruto used a simple transformation and turned into a nude, female version of his being before reverted back to normal, feeling better now that he felt the Hokage was unconscious. "Serves you right asshole."

"Damn Iruka... Hurry up and finish your speech already. I'm not waiting much longer." Naruto growled as the chunin was ticking him off and drawing out his speech for longer then he liked. He wanted this over with!

Iruka, thankfully, wrapped up his speech and began calling out teams and their names. This Naruto didn't care about as he knew the number of his team and that was all he cared about right now. They would have to earn the right to be called by their name.

Finally just getting tired of waiting for Iruka to finish, despite saying the last team by name, Naruto focused on the marker he left in the room and in a burst of light he appeared before the class in his jounin flak jacket, padded orange shirt and a pants woven out of the same material that most ropes are made of.

The class became utterly quiet and even Iruka, after he jumped and tripped over his own desk, wasn't able to speak as Naruto gazed over at all of them before glaring at the chunin. "You are taking too fucking long... Team Seven come with me. You've got survival training to deal with to see if you really are shinobi."

Entering the room, sensing something had startled everyone, Kurenai frowned as she looked over at the young jounin. But she did not question him as she knew, for one, that he was rather unsocial and that he did not want to do this right now. Taking a step to let him go through, his shell shocked team following, she sighed and called out her team. "Those on team eight are to follow me."

Naruto did not stop as they traveled through the outskirts of the village and to the training ground his team had trained on. Stopping once they made it to the wooden stumps, Naruto suddenly turned on them with his eyes glistening at Sasuke, Sakura and a girl that seemed to be an Inuzuka as she had a pup with her. "I will say this only once so pay attention or get the hell out of here."

"This test is to determine if you truly capable of becoming a ninja at all or just like the rubbish like the rest of the villagers are. ...Everything you did in the academy was meaningless. All that matters is this test." Naruto growled out, his hatred for the villagers being heard, before pulling out three coins. "You must come me with all of your strength to succeed and take these coins from my vest. If you cannot do so in one hour you'll just be another civilian."

Looking over at the three, Naruto felt rather stunned that the only one that seemed confident was Sakura. Sasuke looked fearful, knowing his skill level through his brother, and seemed like he was ready to call it quits. The other girl, Kerlya if he remembered correctly from her file, was nervously twitching as she knew what it was that he had used to appear within the classroom.

It seemed Sakura did know either of these things as she grinned. "Is that all? We can do..."

"Shut the hell up!" Sasuke hissed at her, almost ready to strike her, before his gaze was fully back onto Naruto. "We don't have a chance at succeeding in this... He simply to strong for us."

"The Prince of Konoha... The son of the Fourth Hokage and the wielder of Flying Thunder God..." Kerlya stated before bowing lightly at Naruto, hoping to gain some credit with him. "I've heard from Lady Tsume and Hana that he is the strongest ninja within the village."

"Flattery will get you nowhere girl." Naruto said as his eye twitched, hating it when someone used his status of being his father's child. "You each have one hour from now to find me and take these coins from me. If you have one at the end, I'll accept you into the ninja ranks."

"We begin now." In a streak of golden light, Naruto had simply disappeared from sight, nearly giving Sasuke and Kerlya heart attacks in the process.

Once they realized he hadn't used it for offense and just for distance, they both let out a relieved sigh. However, that didn't stop Sakura as she turned to Kerlya as it seemed she knew a little of this guy. "Why are you acting like such a wuss?! He's our age so we at least stand a chance of getting those coins!"

"I agree with the Uchiha... Shut the hell up!" Kerlya yelled at Sakura, very annoyed that the girl was attempting to belittle her despite being the highest rank kunoichi of their class having moved up from two classes below to graduate early. "And I'm not the only one... Look at your precious Sasuke."

Doing as she said, Sakura turned to Sasuke and feeling faint... And it wasn't the normal woo that normally over came her when she saw him. She could see the utter fear building on his face. "We're going to fail... I'm not going to become a ninja... There is no way we can take this guy. My brother doubts he could!"

Beginning to realize that the jounin that just picked them was seriously a top grade shinobi, Sakura gulped but instead of letting the fear wash over her she pushed it down. "But we have to try... Don't we? It is just better then sitting here and just letting ourselves fail."

"But there is nothing we can do... What can we do again the most capable ninja of our village?" Kerlya commented, the fear overwhelming her as after hearing almost everything Hana knew about him... She could literally see the horrific outcome of her even challenging him would bring about.

"You two are impossible! It isn't like he would be going all out against a couple of gennin!" Sakura yelled out at the before growling out. "Fine... If neither of you are going to do anything... I go after him on my own!"

And with that, she ran into the forest.


Some what impressed as he looked on from the distance, Naruto couldn't believe out of all of them it was the supposed fan girl that had the will and desire left to break his killing intent. He figured that Sasuke and Kerlya knew too much about him and that was getting in their way and causing the fear.

Shrugging his shoulders as he would deal with the girl, moving tree to tree to cut her off. Despite wanting to find him, she had no clue where he was and was just guessing. Luckily enough, she at least spotted him as he landed and crouched on the branch before her. "Nice to see you here... Now let's see what you have."

Pushing the fear back as her knowledge of the Fourth and his jutsus came to mind and the gut feeling he knew the others outside of his legendary flash, Sakura drew forth shuriken from her pouch and hurled them towards Naruto. The blonde, however, simply held his left hand forward and caught each one and then flicked them back, barely trying in the process.

He was just glad that the girl was able to react to such a quick release and wasn't impaled by them, just rolling out of their way. Even then one caught the back of her knee and nicked it. Sakura hissed before drawing out a kunai and lunging out at Naruto. But once more it was for nothing as he easily caught her wrist and flicked her over his shoulder and tossed her into the ground below.

"Here's your first lesson and the most important aspect of being a ninja... Taijutsu." Naruto commented before he jumped down next to the crater Sakura was stepping out of. "Now let's try this again. Come at me with everything you've got."

Panting as she felt utterly humiliated from his counter, Sakura growled out and thrusted her kunai at the jounin but once more he caught her wrist. But this time he followed with a quick chop to her forearm which she immediately emitted a scream of pain and dropped the kunai before being pushed away.

Really glad that her arm wasn't broken, Sakura looked towards Naruto only to see him in a rather lax stance with his hands opened like claws and waiting for her to attack. He was just toying with her... And she wasn't sure there was anything she could do about it but she was going to be damned if she was going to take her lightly.

Easily pushing away each punch and stepping aside the kicks she threw in, Naruto was fed up after seeing enough and caught her ankle as she tried to kick him again roughly pull her into air. "You lack in refinement... You know how to throw a punch and are able to defend yourself but that is it. If you were to train more you could be much better then you are right now."

"I'm done with you." Tossing her aside, no longer caring, Naruto jumped up into the tree branches and vanished from sight.


After watching Sakura run off and into the forest, something snapped in her head. What was she doing sitting around and letting Haruno try to do something she was afraid of doing? She was an Inuzuka and, if nothing more, they were known for their brash actions and headstrong nature.

And here she was, letting fear engulf her while her other team mate had went off to face what had caused her fear in the first place.

Growling, not even paying attention to the frozen Uchiha next to her, Kerlya clinched her fists before rushing in the same direction she had seen Sakura head. There was no way she was going to let that girl say she did something that she could not.

But as soon as she entered the forest, she heard Sakura screaming out. She screeched to a halt, thinking twice about facing this jounin again, before she had to move as a kunai struck were she had been standing a second ago. However, to her horror it was the one kunai that no ninja wanted to see be used against them.

"Lesson number two..." Naruto commented as he stood directly behind Kerlya and maliciously grinned down at her as she turned to look at him. "Ninjutsu."

Watching as she yelled out as the earth literally wrapped around her and drug her into the ground and burying her up to her neck, Naruto sighed and simply shook his head. "Never give into the fear in battle... Or death is insured."

Turning from her, leaving her in the hole in the ground, Naruto only shook his head as he moved back into the clearing. After all hearing all the praises his brother said about him... Sasuke was severely disappointing him. The boy, in his opinion, was the weakest among the bunch.

"You are pathetic." Naruto commented as he stood directly behind Sasuke, a good five meters away. "I don't see why Itachi praises you like he does... I see nothing but a scared little kid that squandered the talent they do have. ...I can't see how he thought you could become stronger then even him."

Slowly turning to see the jounin standing behind him, Sasuke's eyes widened as he listened to what he had said. Itachi thought... He talked about him to others, telling them how proud he was of him? ...About how he thought that he had the potential to become stronger then even he was despite possessing the Eternal Mangekyou.

As his entire body began to tremble, Naruto could only deeply sigh. He had to guess Sasuke had been completely overwhelmed by his killing intent from before and he couldn't shake the fear of facing someone as strong as his brother. He was simply ready to bring the others in to tell them they failed...

"Katon: Gokakyu!"

A burst of thick flames scorched the ground before him but as it neared him, a small grin appeared on his face before he placed his hand before it. In the very next instant the flame dispersed, leaving Sasuke in surprised before he heard a crackle next to him and turned to see his own fireball bearing down onto him.

Jumping back, barely avoiding his own flames, he panted heavily before the hairs on his neck began to stand as Naruto appeared behind. "The third lesson... Genjutsu. I was never there in the first place."

Putting his into the Uchiha back and pushing him away, Naruto had to hide his grin as both Kerlya and Sakura ran up, ready for a second round. Checking the timer he brought with him, Naruto only nodded before he turned and grinned at them, beckoning them on. "There's six minutes left. Let's see if you can get those coins."

They each gave each other a quick glance and with a nod from all, Sasuke finished his seals before breathing out another burst of flames towards Naruto, who simply jumped up to avoid it.

Moving from side to side to avoid the shuriken from Sakura, Naruto suddenly found Kerlya above him with her transformed pup bearing down on him with their claws. Gripping the handle of his katana strapped to his back, two shockwaves burst before him and drove into both of their chests and knocked them away giving him a clear landing.

Or so he thought but Sasuke ran over to where he had landed and just before he landed, he began to assault him. But just like with Sakura, he easily batted his punches away with almost no effort and took a step back to avoid any kicks before he drove his fist into the boy's solar plexus.

As Sasuke fell to the ground in a coughing fit, Sakura quickly took up his slack and came at Naruto with kunai in hand. It seemed like it was before, but Naruto could see the difference in her plan now as she was only a distraction, feeling Kerlya and her pup twirling towards them with their Double Piercing Fang.

Grabbing her wrist once more, which made Sakura grimace as she knew this wasn't going to end well, he tossed the girl towards the two swirling fangs. Kerlya, however, had great control of hers and managed to avoid Sakura altogether but Naruto's scent had completely disappeared before she realized why and stopped spinning. "We were only fighting a clone!"

"Dead on." Naruto spoke before each of the three was hit in chest with a coin. "And now that it has been one hour... I guess I have to accept you as my gennin team. You've earned it as you did what you were suppose to... Work in unison as a team to beat a stronger foe."

Motioning them to follow till they were back at the wooden stumps, Naruto slid on the middle one. "I'm actually surprised... I was told by almost everyone that no team gets that the point is to work with one another. But there was a special circumstance to this... I was the jounin and at least two of you knew of me and what I'm capable of."

"But I'm disappointed it took you fifty minutes to come to that conclusion. Did you honestly think you could take those coins from me on your own?! There is no one in this village that could possibly take them from me, excluding the Hokage and your brother Sasuke." Naruto belittled his team, mainly Sakura and Kerlya for thinking they had a shot against him.

"Be that as it may... You passed and you are my team. Any questions?" Naruto finished rather bored now that they weren't doing anything and he hated not doing anything and would rather answer any questions they had.

Raising her hand, which Naruto twitched at before motioning for her to go, Sakura asked what had been bugging her this entire time. "So wait... Are you saying that even though we passed the academy that if we failed this we wouldn't have become ninjas?!"

"For a year at the very least... I would have just put you back in there to mature for another year. Most others... Yes. If they failed they would never become shinobi." Naruto admitted as he studied a little about the rules and such of being a jounin teacher.

"Why are we exceptions?" Sasuke stated, narrowing his eyes as he never liked being excluded from normal circumstances and wanted to be treated the same.

Simply shrugging his shoulders, Naruto gazed right at the boy. "Because it would be a waste to let each of your talents be squandered. If anything else, another year in the academy would have truly readied you to become the ninjas you can be. It would be a bad mark if we were to not allow such three possible forces from joining our ranks."

As Sasuke could only nod, feeling a little better about that, Kerlya frowned before she finally spoke. "I thought we were suppose to do a whole introduction thing before anything else..."

"I don't do things normally as it is boring. Besides, I know of all of you from your files and will learn everything else as we go... However, you are right about one thing... We tell each other who we are and what are dream for your future is." Naruto stated before nodding a little at the Inuzuka as that was normally true. "So you first."

Nervously twitching as she hadn't expected it to be turned on her like that, Kerlya almost bit her lip before hearing her pup yip. Smiling at him, she shook her head and felt a little better. "I'm Inuzuka Kerlya and my dream... I dream of becoming a great kunoichi the likes of Senju Tsunade."

"Good." Naruto commented as that was to be expect, being a normal goal from what he heard of other senseis. "You're next Uchiha."

"Uchiha Sasuke... I want to surpass my brother and to rebuild my clan to heights it has never seen before." Sasuke easily said as it was no dream for him... It would be reality.

Figuring as much, as that was mostly Itachi's goal with the addition killing Madara, Naruto turned to Sakura. "You're up next and then I will go."

Fidgeting a little, not liking that she was going right after Sasuke and before their sensei, Sakura took a deep breath and hoped this came out right. "I'm Haruno Sakura. ...My dream is to become a medical ninja as I want to help people. So that that maybe one day I can atone for my mother's sins."

Of all things he expected to hear from her, that was the very last thing Naruto ever thought he would hear from the daughter of that women. His face fell as he looked at her, feeling a small pang of sympathy for her, he closed his eyes. "Those are noble goals... Each of you truly have the right mind set, you just need assistance to get there."

"As for me... I am Namikaze-Mitrashi Naruto. ...And unlike you I don't really have a dream. It is more of a nindo." Naruto continued before taking a deep breath. "To keep those that I care for safe and never let them be harmed by those that seek to do so while making sure to never lose control of myself again."

"You three now fall into that category as you are my team and team is like family." Naruto stated before drawing forth three of his special kunai and handing it to each of them. "If there is anything that you need or if you need to talk to me, just use that and I will be there."

"Alright... You're dismissed. Go home and get some rest as tomorrow we'll start training to make those dreams of your become reality." Naruto finished before dispersing in a flicker of light.
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