Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Way of the Jinchuuriki ❯ Arc 3, Chapter 21 - Unwelcomed Reunion ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"I thought this was chunin promotion. Why am I here?" Sakura wondered out loud, somewhat disturbed walking along Sasuke and Kerlya as they headed to the tower.

"Maybe team realignment. We could also have a mission already. You never know." Sasuke responded for he didn't think it was such a big deal to have those that weren't being promoted at the ceremony, if one could say it was such. He heard from his brother and sister that they simply handed you the vest and said 'Good job, you're now a chunin'.

But once they made to the room it was obvious that only the jounin instructors and those that were being promoted to chunin were there. So one again Sakura began to wonder why she was here. She didn't even make the finals.

Sensing this, the elderly Hokage beamed at the girl and shook his head. "You can relax Sakura; I'll get to why I called you and Kerlya here in a moment. Now... Sasuke, Shikamaru and Neji... Do you understand why you are here?"

Kerlya looked a little put out as she heard the three of them mention and not her, she was silenced by a simple glance from Naruto and the Third continued. "Each of you performed valiantly and showed the qualities that are necessary to advance in rank. Simple strength and application of knowledge is not enough."

"Each of you came in with a premeditative plan for each possible fight and executed it, some more flawless then others. But it is because of your will to face overwhelming odds despite knowing that you might not succeed was the last thing that we measured and each of you performed admirably. For this you are granted the rank chunin." Hizuren spoke with slight pride at the three standing before him.

Naruto, Gai and Asuma stood in front of their respective student with a vest in hand before handing it over to the former gennin. "A great responsibility has been entrusted onto each of you. This vest signifies that you are ready for these responsibilities and will not shy away from them as you are now adults in the eye of the law."

"So... Chunin of Konoha, may you live up to these high expectations we bestow upon you and continue to strive for excellence. You are dismissed. ...Sasuke if you can stay a moment with your team." Sarutobi finished his little speech to the now chunin before motioning the others to leave.

Sliding his vest on as the others left, Sasuke stood next to Sakura and Kerlya and kept his smile in check. Or at least tried to. He was having a very difficult time doing so. He knew how difficult it was to be promoted to chunin on the first attempt and he was proud of his accomplishment.

"I have a mission for you three... You will be joining your sensei on this one because this could be escalated into a much higher rank thanks to what this mission details." The elderly Hokage spoke with slight warning in his voice aimed at Naruto to keep them out of this said trouble.

Naruto only nodded before taking over for the old man. "You will be joining me to find and convince Tsunade to return to the village. This will be a B-rank mission simply because she is known to very volatile and cause massive damage... Since Jiraiya is not coming with us I think we will be a lot safer and she will be rather calm."

"So get your things packed for a rather long mission. This may only take a week but it could very well take months just to find her. When she doesn't want to be found she is very difficult to track." Naruto commented, believing the toad sannin's words for if that man could keep track of her position at times she would be difficult to find for anyone else.

"Let your family know that you're leaving and meet me at the northern gate at two." Naruto finished before sighing. He really wanted to leave with Jiraiya on this but because the white haired sannin disappeared off the face of the earth again. For research or actually duty no one knew... Or seemed to care.

The next Icha Icha preorder had been sold out... And that was a little difficult to believe.

Shaking his head of that and waiting till his unit left the office, Naruto sighed while his eyes gazed over at the Hokage monument. "Do you think she will come willingly? After what you briefed me on it seems doubtful."

"And it is... But if there is anyone that can convince her it is you." Hizuren smiled lightly, attempting to give Naruto a boost of confidence. "But I am warning you... Convincing her to come back here and to take the mantle of Hokage are two very different things. You may convince her to return but don't give your hopes up on her becoming the Godaime."

"You know Itachi and I do not want the title... We're both content with where we are at now. We aren't suited for the job." Naruto sighed and looked out at this village. "Besides... After what this village has done to me... I rather not take a vow to protect every single person within these walls."

Closing his eyes, understanding why Naruto and Itachi at that were so hesitant, the Third opened his eyes and stood besides Naruto, overlooking his village with a loving smile. "Naruto... Tell me, what is your nindo about?"

Naruto's eyes shot up at this before he narrowed his eyes for a moment and shook his head. He knew what the Hokage was attempting to do. "You know it better than most, Lord Hokage. To keep those I care for safe and to never lose control again."

Shaking his head, staring at his village a moment longer, Hizuren turned his smile to the blonde. "No... What is your true nindo? The one that you told Jiraiya all those years ago... The one you truly live by."

Smiling at the young jounin freezing before him, the Third softly chuckled. He suspected that he may have forgotten. Sure the one he stated was a mirror of his original... But it was not the same. "Just think about that for me during this trip... And tell me what you think about it when you return."

Numbly nodding, Naruto bowed lightly before slowly exiting the office. It had been so long since he had told Jiraiya that but he had not forgotten it. ...He simply pushed it to the side. It was something that he said because of the moment... So he thought. But those words he said stuck in his mind ever since and he could not just forget them.

Sighing for this was going to be a long, and possibly life-changing, trip he brushed his hand through his hair. He better tell Yugito he was heading out for an indiscriminate amount of time.

And why did he suddenly get the feeling that this would not be easy?


"So where are we going to start?" Kerlya asked sitting on top of a wooden sign with directions to the closest villages for they were taking a break. "From what you've said so far it won't be easy to find her and I don't have her scent so I can't track her down."

"That won't be necessary... At least for now. If she tries to avoid us then your and Ralt's sense of smell will be helpful." Naruto commented before he recalled the information Jiraiya had given him before he went off to do whatever it was he did. "Our best bet will be Tanzaku City but that is a few days from here. We will have to check every casino in each city before moving on."

"Every... Casino?" Sakura blinked as that was not the first place she would think about looking for the legendary medic. "I would think someone of her talents would be found at hospitals and clinics over the fire nation. Shouldn't we start there or at the inns?"

Naruto shook his head and took a bite from his ramen. He normally would have to agree with Sakura but this case was a special one. "No and for two reasons... Tsunade has developed hemophobia, a fear of blood. This is because of the deaths she has witnessed in her life, some of the people being extremely close to her."

"And... The second reason?" Sasuke asked after a pause for nothing had been said. It was possible because Naruto's mouth was full of miso flavored ramen but nonetheless...

Swallowing the insane amount of noodles, Naruto shook his head once more and threw the cup into the open fire. "Because Tsunade is a chronic gambler... And she's a bad one at that because it seems she can never win. With any luck, we'll find Tsunade soon enough gambling every cent she owns. That I can almost guarantee."

All three had beads of sweat falling from their head hearing this. They could understand becoming a hemophobiac due to a bloody past... But a chronic gambler that couldn't win? Wouldn't someone as renowned, and supposedly intelligent woman like she was said to be, realize that after a few losing hands to call it quits?

They did not know Tsunade... They didn't know her at all.


Narrowi ng her eyes at what just transpired, a certain buxom blonde couldn't believe she just won over twenty-five thousand ryo in a single hand. Simply gazing at her black haired partner, she stood up. "Shizune, get our things... We're living. Something is about to happen and I'm not staying here to find out what."

Knowing her master's luck and knowing what happened when she actually one a bet, Shizune could only nod and but Tonton down and rounded up the winnings. They really needed them. This would pay off more than quarter of Tsunade's debt and keep the debt collectors off their heels for a little while.

But as she gathered their money, she turned to her master before tilting her head. She was wearier than she normally was and that was not a good thing. "Lady Tsunade... What's wrong? ...Is it about running into her?"

"No it isn't... Don't worry about it Shizune." Tsunade started before realizing Shizune wouldn't buy this and decided to pacify her friend. "I just have a bad feeling and want to leave. We should head to Tanzaku City anyways... I heard they have some good places to eat there... And some better casinos that pay out more than this one."

Raising her eyebrow, knowing that Tsunade wasn't telling her the full truth, Shizune could only nod for it could be nothing. "Alright... But can we get something to eat first... I'm rather starved and so is Tonton."

"Of course... We got some money, don't we?" Tsunade grinned as for once she would be able to pay for lunch. "So now if you will just hand over that money..."

"No! We're using this to pay off some of your debts and that final! I'm not letting you get this money!" Shizune defended the back and held it tightly to her chest, Tonton stepping in front of her and oinking despite knowing that nothing could be done if Tsunade really wanted the money.

Sighing while a bead of sweat fell from the back of her head watching this happen, Tsunade simply rolled her eyes and waved it off. "Fine... But next time I win some money I get to spend it! No buts about it!"

Letting out a relieved sigh, Shizune followed after Tsunade with a smile before she froze and her eyes widened in horror. The last time Tsunade said she won money and spent it...

Their debt doubled in amount.


"GOD DAMMIT!" Yugito screamed out in annoyance. The reason why you might ask. Well...

"The one damn time I get some free time Naruto isn't here!" It seemed Naruto not being there was building on her nerves and she was venting.

Sitting across from her on the other side of the table, Anko decided to stop teasing Yugito by roughly making out with Itachi. At first it was fun since it was flustering the blonde but now... It wasn't fun any more because she could see something was bothering her.

"Alright... Spill what's bothering you or I'm tying you up against and torturing it out of you." Anko grunted at her adopted sister, for that was what she considered Yugito because there was only a six year difference between the two. "And don't say it is about Naruto not being here. I know you two haven't made out yet."

Twitching, partially because Anko knew something was wrong and SOMEHOW knew she and Naruto hadn't made out yet, Yugito lightly growled. "I don't want to talk about it... But it does involve Naruto."

"Does this... Happen to involve what I think it does?" Itachi slowly stated, figuring that if he was somewhat indirect about it that Anko wouldn't catch it but Yugito would. It wasn't that she didn't need to know about it... He simply thought it would be better if she wasn't worried about it for a long stretch of time.

"Yeah... It does. I am also not happy about what will happen once it does." Yugito responded glad that she could vent somewhat to Itachi for the plans of the war were not known by very many, only the captains of Anbu, the head ninjas and the top jounin in the village. "But that isn't all... I ran into Yeizu on my way here."

Hissing at the name, Anko was only kept in her seat by Itachi. Otherwise she would have immediately left and castrated him. She was the first person that witnessed the aftermath of their breakup and wanted to kill the chunin. "What did the little punk do this time?! I swear if he..."

"We only talked... And Naruto somehow got brought into the conversation and we both said some things." Yugito sighed as she didn't want to come out and say she had just got into a fight in public about Naruto. "You don't need to worry about it... I'm over it."

After a long pause Yugito leaned back in her seat and contently sighed. "You now... I'm actually glad we broke up. I couldn't have been with somewhat that didn't like Naruto. He's been a part of my life for almost seven years now and I'm not going to just cut him out of my life."

Smiling at the maturity Yugito showed, ignoring that he was only a year older then she was, Itachi simply nodded in agreement. "And that is for the best. If you have to sacrifice something that is important to you to make a relationship work it isn't worth it. I wouldn't give up my family for the world."

"And you're lucky... I don't require anything but love and sex... And I want the latter soon." Anko lovingly, read lustfully, embraced Itachi into her barely concealed bosom.

Dispersing into a swirl of ravens, Itachi pushed Anko to where he was sitting in the booth before sliding back in. "Yes I am... But there is one thing I did ask of you..."

"I'm not going to answer that." Anko's face fell immediately and narrowed her eyes at the Uchiha. "If I need to answer that question you don't even know me..."

"So when are you two getting married?" Both Anko's and Itachi's eyes widened at the voice of the newcomer before the silver haired jounin took the available seat next to Yugito. "I mean I saw Anko looking through wedding gowns..."

"I'LL KILL YOU COPY CAT!" Anko lunged over the table and grip Kakashi's throat and began strangling the pour one-eyed jounin. "YOU JUST HAVE TO POP IN AT THE WRONG MOMENT AT THE WORST POSSIBLE TIMING DON'T YOU?! I DIDN'T WANT HIM TO KNOW I SAID YES JUST YET!"

Suddenly Anko was pulled from Kakashi, who was grateful that the snake mistress was no longer violently thrashing him, and pulled into a deep kiss. She resisted at first before quickly melding into Itachi's side, doing this weird little body shake in the process.

Then both Kakashi and Yugito realized Anko was trying to shimmy out of her jacket and clothes to their horror. Luckily Itachi caught this and engulfed both into darkness and dispersed.

"Okay... Something tells me that we won't be seeing them any time soon." Kakashi stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world before pulling forth one of his usual books and opening it. "So how are you doing without Naruto here? You two haven't been separated since he came back from his training trip with Jiraiya three years ago."

Cursing the copy cat to hell for hitting her problem on the head, Yugito sighed and leaned back. "I could be doing better... I've grown comfortable with him around and with him not even here in Konoha... It is unsettling. I don't like being separated from him."

"Uh-huh..." Kakashi flipped a page, despite knowing so was only gaining Yugito's ire. "You know... Despite all the ups and downs you two have had over the years I really can see that both of you care deeply for one another. The only problem is both of you are stubborn and you won't admit."

"I can't blame you though... Being shinobi we must live a guarded life for one day you could be lovers and the next day be grieving over their tombstone." Kakashi sighed before putting the book away and placing his hand on Yugito's shoulder. "Just do me a favor would you... And cherish the time you have now. You will never get it back and it doesn't do to live in the past. I've made that mistake more than once."

Smiling at the scarecrow, Yugito could only shake her head. Despite his perverse nature Kakashi was the most mature... And he always seemed to say the right thing at the right time. She swore that he was far older than he really was and lied about his age. Someone was his wisdom couldn't be twenty-four...

Sighing out, Yugito's eyes drifted before she frowned ever so softly. There... There was someone there just a moment ago and she had been watching them since she arrived. Narrowing her eyes for a moment, she tapped the table before whispering. "Kakashi... I think..."

"I know... Let's go." Kakashi once more was serious as he tilted his headband down to cover his Sharingan. "I hope I'm wrong... But if I'm not trouble is brewing."

Looking at Kakashi oddly for a moment, further alert seeing that he temporarily revealed Sharingan to see something, Yugito narrowed her eyes further. She knew she had been following two intruders all morning but...

Could they really be that dangerous?


S cratching his nose, wondering why he had been sneezing, Naruto shrugged his shoulders. He didn't believe in superstitions and he wouldn't start now. There must have been something in the air.

Shaking his head, getting his mind off of trivial matters, Naruto looked around and sighed. He of course could use his sensory and see if she was in town but that would deny his squad useful experience. "Alright guys... Let's check every casino, bar and restaurant there is in this town. We'll be separate take..."

"Um sensei... Your sensei is here." Kerlya twitched before pointing towards the bath houses, feeling rage for she knew what the man was doing but held it in.

Naruto twitched. Of course Jiraiya was out doing research and not doing anything useful with his time, like gathering information on Orochimaru or the Akatsuki. And of all places for him to disappear he doesn't even try to head somewhere else. He went straight to the closest town.

Without thinking Naruto half heartily threw a kunai at his other hand and use the seals on it transport it at the peeping sage.

Delighted at hearing the man screaming out in pain when the kunai made contact with his rear and pleased hearing the roar of many angry women, Naruto felt a little better. "Alright... Now take these COMs. We'll be searching for Tsunade here in town..."

"Um... What?" A black haired woman said as she was just passing by and heard them suddenly say searching for Tsunade. She noted their headbands and knew they were leaf shinobi but that wasn't always the best thing.

The last time Konoha shinobi came out for them was because Tsunade owed them money...

Thankfully there was three, no two gennin among them so she doubted that this would be the case this time. The black haired one was chunin and that wasn't too surprising but the blonde... He was wearing a jounin vest yet he was no older then the three with him. That was somewhat shocking.

Twitching at being interrupted again, Naruto turned to the woman before his face dropped. There was no way... There was no earthly way that finding her was this simple. After everything Jiraiya had told him if he found her this quickly he was going to rip the pervert a new asshole with his newest addition of the Thousand Years of Death...

Rasengan style.

"Are you... Shizune by any chance?" Naruto had to ask despite sensing the amount of chakra she possessed and knew she was a ninja and her appearance matched Shizune's description perfectly.

"Um... Yes I am. Can I help you?" Shizune tilted her head in confusion, wondering what all of this was about and hoped that they weren't hired by some debt collectors... Though the collectors would have to be pretty stupid to hire Konoha ninja as most knew who Tsunade was.

Repressing the urge to groan and moving to finish off the toad sannin, Naruto forced a smile. "Can you lead us to Tsunade please if it isn't too much trouble? I have some news from the Third to bring to her... And some business to discuss."

"And your names are?" Shizune asked. She trusted them enough seeing that they were shinobi of the leaf and seemed to have a purpose here but... She at least wanted to know who they were.

"I'm sorry... These are my students. Inuzuka Kerlya, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke. And I am Namikaze-Mitarashi Naruto." Naruto smiled brighter as for some reason the presence of this woman just made him feel... He didn't know. He just felt comfortable around her. And that was a little frightening.

Shizune merely nodded at first hearing the gennin and chunin's names. Then her eyes nearly bulged at hearing who he was. The Prince of Konoha... Was here to talk with Tsunade. Oh she didn't think this would end well... Tsunade's winnings told the future yet again.

"Um... Sure. But can it wait for tomorrow. Lady Tsunade is currently... Indisposed at the moment. And if Jiraiya is here as well I doubt she will just leave." Shizune spoke smiling at the four teens but was inwardly frowning at this situation and wanted to get out of here quickly.

"That is fine... But do not think of giving us the slip." Naruto informed Shizune as he would not let them go so easily. "...If it would keep her here for a while longer I will lend her some of my ryo so she can gamble all she wants here."

Raising her eyebrow at this, wondering what was some important that they had to stay with them for a while, Shizune decided not to bother asking. It was already a hassle if the Prince was involved and there was no way they could give him the slip... Very easily.

"I'm sure that will make things a little easier." Shizune admitted as she knew that Tsunade would think twice about leaving town if she had some money to gamble with. "I will tell her this in the morning... So have a nice day and it was nice to meet you."

"Shizune... Who is this?" At that exact moment Shizune's parade came to an end and she nearly ripped the hair out of her head.

Wondering what was wrong with her apprentice, not having noticed the other Konoha ninja in favor of watching Jiraiya get pummeled as that was always fun to watch, Tsunade turned to the four before she dropped the bottle of sake in her hand. "Kushina's boy..."

"DON'T SAY HER NAME!" Naruto violently hissed out, his eyes quickly dilated in rage while killing intent rolled from his very being at the mention of her name. "That witch has nothing to do with me and if I let alone see here I will kill her!"

"So would I..." Tsunade mumbled under his breath, not affected by the intent to kill, before sighing and motioning Naruto to follow. "Come... I knew I would have to speak to you sooner or later. Might as well do it over a drink."

Biting his lip, attempting to rein his rage, Naruto took several breathes only managed to quail his killing intent. "Sorry for the outburst... But never mention her name in my presence again."

"I'll take care not to." Tsunade stated before she headed to the closest restaurant that she knew served something good to eat. They had only taken their stuff from the inn and hadn't gotten anything to eat yet. And this worked in their favor anyways...

They didn't have to pay.

"Come on..." Naruto spoke to his team before sighing. He really didn't want to hear Kushina's name but now that the three heard his name he had to explain this one to them. "We'll talk about this later..."

Sasuke and Kerlya could only nod, figuring that their sensei had a reason to burst out like he did. Sakura however... Knew exactly what she had felt from Naruto and she knew that rage quite well... This anger was like her own for her mother.

She narrowed her eyes at this development. What had his own mother done to him?


Anko was rather upset. She had actually thought at first Itachi had taken them out here to make out. Doing so in a rather public place was strange, as the Uchiha was against voyeurism, but it only turned her on.

So she was really getting into it when he broke their kiss and his face turned deathly serious. "Anko... I know you want to keep going but I know you. You felt that chakra."

Hissing for she did not want to stop, especially just because of two intruders, Anko narrowed her eyes. Those two... Had followed them here. And if they were able to track them after Itachi used his Void Leap... Either one was a good sensor and they understood time and space very well.

And that meant they were dangerous.

Almost wishing for her Anbu gear, as a lot of her weaponry was sealed within it, Anko followed Itachi's example and masked her signature. If they were dealing with a sensor the odds were they had already been spotted. However they still had the advantage here and could attack without restraint.

After all damage to the walkway over the river wouldn't be too hard to fix. "Alright... Who are these... Akatsuki?!"

Itachi simply nodded and was surprised that the Akatsuki was targeting them again so soon. From what he figured Naruto's demonstration against Hidan and Kakuzu should have forced them to lay low for a while and wait for the perfect strike... So why come now?

"The tall one has a massive amount of chakra, one nearly equal to Naruto's. The smaller one doesn't to have very much but... I get this sense of foreboding around her. She feels like she is the more dangerous threat." Itachi whispered and kept his eyes on the smaller of the two.

Coming up with a game plan, knowing Kakashi and Yugito would soon arrive to aid them, Itachi cursed. He didn't want to put Anko alone against either. She was best when she was partner with someone else in the unit and while deadly on her own... These two were out of her league. He had to hope the two were on the ball and came quickly.

"So you came..." Itachi's eyes went wide at the origin of the voice and turned his vision to where it came from only to see his mother standing before the two Akatsuki members. "I thought it was you... I could never forget your presence."

"Mikoto..." The smaller of the two softly spoke, lifting the brim her sakkat so her red eyes met Mikoto's Sharingan. "So you've come to meet me... My dear old friend."

"Don't you ever call me that again!" Mikoto hissed out while her Sharingan slowly spun, analyzing the two before her. "The moment you abandoned him... That very moment you left him to suffer through the hell he's gone through... That moment we were no longer friends, Kushina!"

Soon as he heard that name, Itachi responded and in a dark void head appeared a few meters behind the two Akatsuki members with Anko, a deep frown craved on his face. "So you are the one... I suppose this was inevitable."

"Itachi... My have you grown. You were just taller than my knees the last time I saw you." Kushina softly smiled after she turned her head slightly at the presence of the Uchiha head. "To think you have become so strong that our organization originally wanted you over me..."

"And you little girl..." Kushina suddenly said throwing a kunai towards the ground only a few feet before her, forcing Anko to sink back in and appear at Mikoto's side. "Should stay out of this. I wouldn't want to scar up that pretty face of yours and make Itachi mad."

"Like hell I'm going to stay out of this! You're after my son! I will not let you lay a hand on him!" Anko feverishly hiss darkly, her chakra flaring around her violently before drew a kunai.

But before anything could be further said, the taller Akatsuki member drew his mammoth weapon before him threw his sakkat away. "Seems like quite the homecoming... Would you mind if I rip out this one's throat? She's making quite an annoying racket."

"Do what you wish, Kisame but conserve your energy. He isn't here and our goal is not to capture the Nibi. Leave that to the incompetent duo for she isn't worth our time." Kushina responded before she lightly tossed her sakkat away as well, her red hair whipping behind her. "I will deal with the two Uchihas. Their eyes are worthless against me."

"You're too cocky, Kushina." Mikoto narrowed her eyes and while she knew her friends abilities and knew that Kushina could defeat her, her son was in a whole different category.

Kushina could only smirk before her red eyes glinted in the light before her eyes lids covered them. "You shall soon see... Why I have only lost two fights in my life. And you will not have same luck that Kakashi had that night."

"Kisame... Go wild." Kushina ordered before drawing two kunai and keeping her eyes shut, waiting for anyone to make a move against her.

The huge mist swordsmen's smirk was the only hesitation he had. He burst forward with such speed for his size that it stunned both Anko and Mikoto, neither being able to keep up with him. He soon stood before them, his sword arcing to slice them in two from the ribcage up.

Itachi appeared through a dark void and his wakizashi met Kisame's giant blade. "Take care of Kushina! I'm best equipped to deal with him right now!"

Neither argued with him for they both wanted a piece of Kushina and quickly hurried to the red head. Kisame only smirked at this and used some of his formidable strength to push the Uchiha back and was quite surprised to see him hold up rather easily. "You are good... But you should know that she is stronger then I am. They won't too long against her."

"I'm not planning on leaving them alone for that long." Itachi kept his face neutral. "You may be good enough to beat almost any ninja you run across but I'm one of those few that you know you can't."

Kisame narrowed his eyes, seething at the thought this ninja thought of his own skills so highly. He would bring him down a peg or two. "Heh, let's just put that mouth of yours to the test. You won't beat me in my own game."

The Uchiha head only smirked at this before pushing off and sliding back, sheathing his blade in the process. "You are right about that... But for you see this fight has already been decided."

Everything suddenly began to darken and every color reverted to different shades of black, white and grey. Kisame immediately put his hands together in an attempt to break free but Itachi's grin only increased as he began to duplicate. "For you can't escape. You're already in... The Nightmare Realm."

And with that burst into thousands of ravens and engulfed a stunned Kisame.

Kushina wanted to curse at Kisame for forgetting his briefing about Itachi. Sure the Uchiha was great in every aspect but it was genjutsu was his specialty and he wasn't going to fight someone he knew that could beat him in a ninjutsu and sword fight.

Lucky for her Kisame wouldn't be brought down by such an illusion and had already broke free but now Itachi had the edge and soon put Kisame on the ropes. She knew he was dangerous and that was why she wanted to deal with him for his skills would be moot against her at full strength.

Easily blocking the slash Anko threw at her from behind by simply sticking her kunai in place to where she knew the strike would be, she twisted her hips and kicked the snake mistress in the gut. On her one foot she leapt into the air to avoid Mikoto's slide and threw her kunai down and into her former friend's shoulder for she did not want to kill her.


Knowing the snakes were coming towards her in mid air, Kushina didn't even bat an eye and twisted and turned allowing the snakes to pass by harmlessly. The attack however was not done yet and they began to attempt to constrict around her but with two nearly unseen strikes the snakes returned to their world.

Without hesitation she flicked her kunai back and smirked at the hiss for she knew it had made contact. "You are slow boy... This is a battle against me as well. Don't let that big lug of mine distract you."

Pulling the kunai from his thigh, not being able to dodge at the exact second it was thrown due to the fact that he had been going through a set of hand seals... "Shit!"

Kushina dispersed into a swirl of leaves and appeared behind Kisame just as he finished his series of seals. Her smirk was evident three massive sharks burst from the water... Only for three other sharks to collide with them.

Landing in a crouch before his peers, Kakashi narrowed his eyes at seeing the red head behind the shark like man before standing to his full height and gazing towards her coldly. "So it is you Kushina... I told you thirteen years ago. I will not let you harm a hair on his head."

"You're here too, little Kakashi? ...How Minato would dread seeing this. His wife and his student fighting." Kushina sadly shook her head while thinking of her deceased husband.

"At least I'm fighting on the side I know my master would be on. He would defend Naruto with ever fiber in his body... Even from you." Kakashi almost growled before his Sharingan seemingly began to morph.

But its transformation stopped when an explosion of chakra erupted from behind Kushina and Kisame, forcing the former to open her eyes and turn back to see the Nibi jinchuuriki with a massive flare of demonic chakra surging around her. "Don't get involved in this girl... We aren't here to capture you. All we want is to take that corruptive fox and give my son the peace he deserves. I will no longer stand by and let that demon manipulate him into believe it is his mother."

Yugito hissed out as Nibi's violent purple chakra began to bubble around her. The rage she felt at the sight of this woman... The woman that gave birth to Naruto. The woman that didn't even consider that he was human any longer and thought to rid the demon from his body.

The woman... That was so much like her father who took her mother's life for defending her! She would not let the same thing happen to Naruto!

She would kill her!

"Kyuubi..." Yugito deeply hissed out in her rage at the red haired woman. "Is more of a mother than you will ever be! She has stood by him through all the turbulent in his life... In our life! I will not let you take away what he has worked so hard to gain! I won't let you take the humanity he has worked to regain!"

Narrowing her eyes for she could not believe such a thing, Kushina turned her full attention to Yugito and crossed her arms over her chest. "And what are you going to do about it? You aren't in the position to do anything for him for you will only get yourself captured."

"I'll... I'll..." Yugito stumbled over her words in her anger, her eyes flashing darkly as all her pent up rage began to come forth.

And in a fiery explosion of the demon cat's power the fiery form of the demon stood before the two Akatsuki members and its golden eyes bore into both of their souls.

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