Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Way of the Jinchuuriki ❯ Arc 3, Chapter 25 - Path of a Hokage ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
It was a solemn day for all of Konoha. Every person wore black and wore formal attire, at least for ninjas, dressed. There was only one exception and it was not Gai, Lee and Jiraiya as they were wearing black clothing and not their normal wear.

There was hardly a sole missing; the few that were missing were either on guard duty or patrol. The only one that truly did not attend was Danzo, a well known rival of the Third Hokage's. It was no surprise that he was attending.

What was a surprise was who was standing before the casket, wearing the formal wear of the Hokage but with a hat tip over his eyes to give him a moment to clear his eyes of tears. It was Namikaze-Mitarashi Naruto who had been named Godaime Hokage of Konoha hours after the death of the Third and was accepted by both the jounin and the council, with only a few protesting.

Taking a deep breath, Naruto shook his head once. He wasn't so sure why he was nervous but he just happened to be. It could be the fact that he didn't like talking to people but a speech really wasn't a conversation so he guessed he could do this.

"Good morning on the solemn occasion. …As you all know we are gathered here to pay our respects to a great leader of these lands and a shinobi that was feared world wide as the God of Shinobi." Naruto began, his eyes closed and his hat still tipped over his face.

Slowly lifting it and allowing his stormy blue eyes gaze upon the gather crowd, the vessel of the nine tails sighed. "Many of you already know this however. Many of you also knew the man to be extraordinarily kind and would do anything for his people whether it was donating some money to an orphanage, help an ailing academy student and would give his life just to save one person."

"He indeed deserves to be hailed among the greatest of shinobi of Konoha and revered as a hero. He saved countless lives on and off the battle field and kept us safe from the nightmare known as war many times. He truly was a man of peace and gave everything including his life for that purpose so maybe that one day… Everyone might understand one another and stop this useless blood shed."

Taking a deep breath, still fighting to keep from shedding tears before the mass, a single tear rolled down his cheek as he closed his eyes. "He is a man that I will try my hardest to follow in his foot steps and be a good Hokage. For not only was he a feared shinobi and great leader with boundless love and kindness for his fellow comrades and citizens… He was like a father to me."

"This isn't well known but… He is the reason I ever bothered to become a ninja of this village for at one point I just did not care and was fed up with the hatred." Naruto's face hardened and his eyes darkened at this revelation. "I had lost nearly every emotion possible and my humanity was non-existent but the old man never stopped showering me with love."

"He brought others into my life that I now deeply care for and with their help he managed to pull me free from my darkest hour and helped me take the right path. For it is easy to get lost into darkness and let it consume you… But it takes true strength and resolve to travel down the rough road of life." Naruto finished telling his story and looked up at the sky above and did something he rarely ever did.

He smiled.

"Not a day goes by now where I don't thank him for what he did for me. …I'm sure many of you have stories of what he has done for you and while they might not be anything like my own remember him by them. Take your time and remember the man that cared for this village for better then half his life." Naruto wrapped his speech up before taking a step back and kneeling before the casket.

"Old man… You were right. I will protect this village like you had for so long. Maybe not everyone will like me nor would he like all of them but… This village is worth it. There are many good people that live here and I will do everything I can for them." Naruto silently spoke to the fallen Hokage, still adorning his smile.

Standing and turning back to the crowd, lightly bowed. "If you wish, you may come up and pay your last respects before he will be buried. I take my leave for there are things I must do."

Turning from them and tilting his hat downwards to cover his face so that no one could see it, Naruto's face hardened and his eyes narrowed for this he would not enjoy.

The trial of Gekkou Hayate was scheduled in twenty minutes and he had to talk to the man before that.


"I knew you would come… Lord Hokage." Hayate sighed, smiling pitifully as he looked up to see his former student standing before his cell. "If I had to guess… You want to know why, am I right?"

Naruto didn't say a word for he knew Gekkou would tell him. Whether or not he wanted to made no difference. The man did not hide anything from him when asked, nor to his wife or daughter. Yet they never asked or could even suspect that their man was a spy for Orochimaru and one of the culprits of informing the outside world of Konoha's problems.

"Where to start…" Hayate sighed and didn't even bother with his fake cough. "Every day I can't believe it myself… I can't understand why I would betray the village I love… The people I love… Yet here I am, convicted and guilty of treason."

"Everything started when I was young and I was placed on Orochimaru's gennin team with Anko and our class star and early graduate, Yugao. I never saw Orochimaru in a bad light… He was a good man to me and taught me many valuable things." Hayate finally began to explain himself.

"But in that trust… It was never severed even after Yugao and I become chunin on our first try while Anko had to stay behind due to getting a bad draw and facing the jinchuuriki of the Waterfall. We could hardly believe what happened over the next year when he abandoned the village kidnapped Anko."

"I suppose you can say that our trust was never broken… No, my trust was never broken. Yugao believed everything Anko said but… I couldn't. Orochimaru was my hero from the first day I met him. In the end he manipulated that trust of mine and used me against my own village." Hayate shifted a little in his shackles, uncomfortable with the situation.

"Despite knowing what I was doing I kept giving his informants what they wanted and once I found out what really was going on I was in too deep. I couldn't get out for now they held something against me… The life of my daughter. I know how strong I am and how great our village defenses are but if Orochimaru wants someone dead… They're dead and I couldn't let him threaten Kihana or Yugao like that."

Taking a deep and closing his eyes then actually coughing from the dusty air, Gekkou Hayate locked his gaze with his former student's. "Do not pity me. I don't want any mercy because of this. I am willing to face the gallows without fear for what I did is unforgivable. The only thing I want from you is the same thing I wanted from you every time I left this village."

"Take care of Yugao and Kihana for me. They are the world to me and they are the reason for my treason, nothing more." Hayate told Naruto for he knew that the blonde would.

"I'll give you my word they will be safe… And your sentence will be known soon enough." Naruto steeled his voice to neutrality, finding the act far more difficult than it normally was for this was his sensei, one of those he care for the most.

But his actions against his village were unforgivable and he could not show mercy for this would be the first test of his reign. But yet… What would the old Hokage have done?

Turning from Hayate, simply nodding at the guard for it was almost time, Naruto exited the cell rooms and strode to the signature he had felt nearby. Stopping once he arrived, he simply turned to her and shook his head. "You shouldn't be here… I don't want you to see this."

"I'm going to see it Naruto… I have to know." Yugao growled out, her eyes narrowed at the young Hokage. "You heard his story… And you're going to go through with this?! He may not be an innocent man but he doesn't deserve to be executed like all those pompous clans heads and fucked up civilian councilmen think!"

"Whether he is executed or another sentence is given… It is all up to me." Naruto coldly responded before he gazed into Yugao's brown eyes. "And unfortunately he is my first act as Hokage and I can appear weak hearted to anyone and you damn well know the consequence if I do show it!"

"So you're going to make him a martyr, is that it?! After everything he did for you, Hana and Miko… After taking care of me and naming you godfather of our child you're just going to let him be fried?!" Yugao screamed and with drew her katana, almost ready to strike.

It shattered into pieces with a simple flick of Naruto's hand before he gripped her by her collar and pulling her face to his, standing off his own Anbu guards as he did so. "Listen to me here Yugao… Do not think you are the only one that is hurting and is enraged by this! But dammit I am Hokage now and I know what must be done and you will listen to me as a kunoichi of Konoha, do you understand?!"

Letting her go and turning to his Anbu, Naruto motioned to continue forward to their destination. But after one step he almost stopped his heart. Something he never wanted to hear from anyone that he was close to. Three words that made his heart clench tightly and pain tear through his entire body.

"I hate you… I fucking hate you!" Yugao screamed at his retreating form, all her bottled up anger and pent up grief exploding from her very being.

Stopping, waving his Anbu off, Naruto slowly turned his head to Yugao with his eyes gleaming with sympathy and anguish. "Yet I still love you, Yugao. And I always will for you were there for me in my darkness when only a few others like you saw me for what I truly was."

"I will do what I must… Just remember that, Yugao." Naruto turned with a heavy heart and headed to the council chambers for the trial would begin soon.


"Gekko u Hayate. You are charged with treason of the highest degree. You are also hereby charged with multiple accounts of supplying vital information to an S-rank felon, endangering the life of a kunoichi of Konoha, nearly killing them, and indirectly the cause of the death of one Sarutobi Hizuren. How do you plead to these charges?" Homura announced to the accused now standing before him in a rather dull and emotionless tone.

There were few people there for this was a closed trial and the public was not allowed to know of. Outside the Hokage and the council members only direct family of Hayate was allowed to enter. There for only Yugao was present, not wanting Kihana to see her father like this.

Standing along side two Anbu with their blades ready, almost as if expecting an execution, Hayate took a deep breath before he looked upon to the council seated before him. "I plead guilty on all charges and hold myself responsible for everything I have done. You may do what you will of me."

"I see. Very commendable of you." Koharu kept her voice cool and collected before glancing down at the Hokage. "Now all that we must decide is a punishment. Seeing as the majority here agrees we will get this over with quickly…"

"You are in no position to order and execution. You will steady and sheath your swords men." Naruto cut off Koharu off before his gaze turned to the two in question.

Neither Anbu said a word and did like they were told, watching their Hokage stand from the front most seat and turn before the council. "I believe it is time to get things in order first… I should like to remind you this is a dictatorship and the only word that matters in the end is mine."

"Now despite this I welcome the council for its years of experience and wisdom and allow you wield your power over the populace. I will simply say that anything that involves shinobi will run through me and if I let alone hear of one of you going behind my back on such matters there will be swift consequences and treason may well be involved." Naruto stated, his gaze falling to Danzo for a moment but this notion was to everyone.

"If any of you have a problem with this or wish to speak with me in private, make an appointment with my receptionist. As I'm said I welcome you for your experience and wisdom and will need it to help guide through these first few years. But I will make it a point that this is now my village and my word is law." He finished and without another word turned and drew his ninjato from beneath his own cloak.

"Gekkou Hayate!" Naruto bellowed, turning to the chained man and placing his blade at his throat. "You are guilty of treason and are willing to accept any consequences that follow. Are you sure of that?"

"Yes… I'm willing to accept my fate." Hayate spoke without a hint of fear and closed his eyes, waiting for the metal to rip through his throat. Yet it never came.

Removing his sword from the prisoner's throat, Naruto gazed once at Yugao before it was fully upon Hayate once more. "For the next thirty years of your life, fifteen to twenty if you show good behavior. Not only this I will have your chakra coils destroyed by way of jyuken and have you sent to Interrogation and Torture to have your muscles breakdown until you are weaker then an average civilian man."

"For the first year you will have only one hour of visiting time with your wife and child each day and only thirty minutes alone with your wife every month until she either passes away finds a new man." Naruto continued with his sentence. "But I won't be kind enough to just let you sit there and rot during this time."

"Each and every day you will be forced to labor in the mines to the north for coal and other precious minerals with an Anbu squad watching you ever second to make sure you don't run and to keep you from dying. I don't want you dying for I want you to live through every day of your punishment." Naruto finished with his eyes angrily boring into Hayate's.

"Guards, take him to his cell. Hiashi, I want two of your clansmen to arrive at his cell at ten tonight to destroy his coils. They will be paid in full for an S-rank mission and if needed they may have free counseling sessions afterwards." Naruto ordered the Anbu and the Hyuuga head.

Allowing the Anbu to take Hayate from the room, Naruto turned his gaze back towards the council. "Unless there is any other business to discuss, this meeting is adjourned. We will meet tomorrow at eight in the morning to discuss our further plans with the Sound and our current dealing with the Cloud's resistance force."

While he left room for someone to speak, no one seemed to do so and they seemed more than eager to leave. Well, a few did at the very least. A few of the clan heads simply tilted their heads towards him and left. The only three that did not do so were Itachi, Tsume and Hiashi and the latter walked over to the blonde Hokage.

"I will send of two of my clansmen at that time… But may I ask why suck a sentence? While you made it seem like you were being ruthless to many of the more inexperience members of the council, I could clearly see you were being merciful. We all know he was your sensei… And I hope that did not cloud your judgment." Hiashi commented, wanting to alert to Naruto that a good few saw through his act and he was one of him.

Naruto's gaze simply turned to Yugao, who was still looking at him in an unexplainable manner and had stopped at the door hearing what Hiashi had said, he answered just loud enough so he knew she heard him. "I was being merciful… But not for him. His wife and child had nothing to do with this and I would be punishing them if I executed him. …Besides, my family is precious to me. No matter what I cannot be vicious to them like I can be with anyone else."

"Hayate may not be family… But she is. This punishment is to let her know I love her like I love my other sisters and mothers and would do anything for them… Even if it makes me look weak before the council." Naruto closed his eyes and tilted his hat over them. "Besides… I wasn't kidding about my threats. If Danzo or anyone else tries to make a move I might not be so lenient."

At that Hiashi shivered. That wasn't a threat by the young Hokage. That was the truth. Getting a trial would be the least of their concerns.

Shaking that off, Hiashi simply waved and turned to leave. Now that left Naruto with Itachi and Tsume, the former just coming up and patting him on the shoulder. "I'll keep the civilian members off your back best I can. Even with that threat I doubt they won't try something."

"See you later… Anko will bitch at me if I don't get her any dango soon. I just hope she likes mitarashi and anko flavored dango… Because I do!" Itachi gleamed before he suddenly found his nose was broken and he had a pet raven named Rodney circling around his head.

"Asshole of an Uchiha… Talking about bedding my nee-chan in front of me will he?" Naruto growled at the downed Uchiha, completely missing the fact that they were actually flavors of dango, before turning to Tsume. "And what is your reason to talk to me? Hiashi and Itachi pretty much covered the necessities."

"That they did… However this has nothing to do about any of this." Tsume smiled for a moment before her face dropped and became serious. "I was told you know of your sister… And I know you will be sending a mission out soon to try and take her back from Orochimaru's grasp. I would just like to let you know… I want to be on that unit. I know and still remember her scent and can find it if she's nearby."

"Then you shall be on that mission when I can afford to send a unit out. However that will not be for at least a few months with everything piled up as it is for the moment. Maybe a month if I can get my clones to sort everything out." Naruto groaned for he knew that was going to be a problem and a half.

The Third had been seriously behind in his paper work and it was causing him hell in these first few days. How he would like to go back in time and smash his face in just before he died. He was beginning to see paper work truly was the devil. "Thank Kami almighty for Shadow Clones."

Tsume couldn't help but bark out in laughter. "Oh you will see soon enough why the old man didn't use them?"

"I already know… But I can deal with it. After all doing all the papers and having a few to work on is better then having stacks upon stacks to deal with." Naruto grinned despite feeling a little gassed from all the tedious papers that were now stored in his memory.

When he crossed over he was going to have a word with both the old man and the First. And punch them right in the face for making him do this.

Couldn't he just assign people to do that work for him? He was the Hokage for crying out loud!


"Today 's my first day in office and I can't get a break can I?" Naruto twitched, almost ready to hit the reset button himself and become emotionless and detached like he had been for a few years. "Now what is it that you want, Yugito?"

"Um... You called me here." Yugito dead panned before grinning seeing Naruto groaned rub his temples in annoyance. "But I do know of a few good stress relieving techniques to help you out... Too bad I can't use them! I wouldn't want to get you in trouble Lord Hokage."

Naruto wish he could kill with just his gaze. He was sure the intense glare he was giving the elder vessel would drop her in a heart beat. Not only did he forget that he had called her here in the first place she had to go and tease him before ruling out any possible forms of pleasure.

He could use an old fashion right about now...

"Yugito... I care for you and we're going out but I swear if you sexually taunt me like that again there will be hell to pay! I get enough of that from nee-chan and mother and right now I'm not in the mood for it." Naruto hissed before his voice dimmed down into an irate impassiveness.

Slightly wincing at this, enjoying the rise she got out of him before frowning at his darkened voice, the blonde sat on the side of the desk and smiled softly. "You did what you had to do. Hayate would have been punished far harsher if you or Itachi had not become Hokage and Yugao will forgive you in time."

Simply nodding, Naruto nearly jumped when a crackle on the intercom startled him before Mei Ling's voice came over the speaker. "Sir, the teams of the gennin that were promoted are here along with the jounin you requested."

Rubbing his temple once more, still trying to get use to this, Naruto pressed the button. "Please send them in and tell my next clients to wait if they arrive early. This shouldn't take long."

Standing from his seat after releasing the intercom, Naruto had enough of the robe and slid it off and tossed it on the coat rack along with his hat. He preferred to look like he normally did and didn't see why he had to wear those robes outside of formal occasions. The hat maybe the rest...

Taking his on the front of his desk, reminding himself to order a different chair for he didn't like the current one, Naruto crossed his arms and gazed upon the nine gennin and to Gai and Kurenai. "I believe you each know why I have called you here today so let us get down to business."

"Seeing that the only team still intact from these exams is your Kurenai I thought it would be best to call you to inform you that I've made some rearrangements. You will remain a jounin sensei but now will preside over a new team of gennin. So will Gai and you to... Yugito." Naruto stated gazed at the three jounin in his room and smiled at Yugito's small curse.

"Fine... I'll take over seeing that you can't now thanks to your new job." Yugito grumbled but knew that Naruto was intrusting her to take up his old team, or at least Sakura and Kerlya at the very least.

"The only objection I have is that I may keep Hinata in my current squad for I've been personally teaching her since the academy and I would like to continue to do so. I'm sure Gai would feel the same about Lee." Kurenai commented and Gai could only nod in agreement though he doubted Naruto made any significant changes.

"They both will remain on your teams, that I will give you." Naruto knew the bound between teacher and student and smiled lightly at both Sakura and Kerlya. "Sakura you will remain on team seven and will be joined by Kiba and Tenten. Yugito will be your new sensei since I am unable to continue training you extensively and will only be able to watch over the team from time to time."

"Kurenai... You will keep Hinata like I said but both Kerlya and Chouji will be joining your unit turning it into more of a physical assault squad with you to provide the long range back up. Gai you will have both Ino and Shino will join yours along side of Ino to form a reconnaissance unit." Naruto told his jounin and the gennin, smirking slightly informing Gai what kind of unit he was being given.

Gai wasn't too pleased for he preferred and assault or sweeping unit but he knew what Naruto was doing. Both were already well rounded in that aspect and he wanted him to increase their strength and speed to make their jobs just a little easier. And he also caught the hidden meaning of the team.

Tone down both his youthfulness and Lee's for one day it could cause dire consequences. Of course he knew this but Lee...

Kurenai wasn't too upset. She did loose Shino and Kiba but Kerlya easily replaced Kiba and would take command of her unit being an elite gennin now. Chouji wasn't the greatest fit but she knew that he Hinata was gentle close ranged fighter and Kerlya seemed to be a jack of all trades from what she saw in the finals. So in the end Chouji was almost the perfect fit to be the lead in their unit.

Yugito twitched for she had rather had Kerlya then Sakura. She could train Kerlya and Sakura had all her bases covered by her tutors and senseis. She liked Tenten for she already had the needed mentality that Kerlya still lacked and would be easy to coach. Kiba she wasn't so sure about for she did not get along with many of the Inuzuka now.

Yeizu was the cause of that thanks to him slandering her to his clan. Hana and Tsume could only do so much.

Getting no complaints, other then the dirty look from Yugito, Naruto simply nodded. "You may go and meet with one another. Team seven will however have to wait for tomorrow. Yugito is a part of this next mission. Sakura since you know the meeting place show it to the other two and Yugito will be there at our normal time."

"Oh... And before you go I would like each of you to know." Naruto snapped his fingers almost having forgotten and turned his focus onto the nine gennin. "While I may not be able to do much now as the Hokage I am still available for some training for each of you. It may be nothing more then a clone but if you need assistance you may ask me. A new jutsu or something like that we will have to discuss, however."

Smiling warmly at them, despite seeing that many were shocked he wouldn't mind teaching them a little, Naruto shook his head and turned to Yugito who was now sitting his chair. "Okay... Get a new chair. I don't see how old man Hizuren could sit in this thing. And start redecorating in her. This office should look how you want it."

"It was probably comfortable for his back." Naruto smirked for he had the same problem too. "And this office is how I want it. The only thing I would add would be painting of each Hokage at their greatest in the background and I've commissioned that Kurama girl to do them for me. ...And besides it will make everyone a little more comfortable with a familiar setting when their here."

"Fair enough... So what's this that we have to discuss? Unless this is personal I can't really fathom about what this could be about." Yugito commented before standing back up and popping her back into place. "Or maybe is it because you want an old fashion? You know I don't come cheep."

"Neither does Anko." Itachi suddenly said coming out of a pit of darkness, grinning at the two blushing blondes. "And try not to do that in here. I might just pop in and see some things I don't really want to... Like the fact I know he's hung like a moo..."

"Itachi... Do you want to know how a Rasengan in your ass feels like?" Naruto growled out forming the said orb of chakra in his hand and his eyes dangerously glinting towards him. "Or do you want to not be able to procreate after today? I'm fine with either for the first punishes you and the second takes care of nee-chan for telling that information to you!"

"As much as you want to do either of those we have a rather important meeting to attend to and I know Shikaku and the others are almost here." Itachi quickly came up with the best excuse he had to save himself from the pain that either punishment would deliver onto his being and forestall his judgment for later.

It was a difficult decision really.

Thankfully Naruto reigned in his anger when the door opened. Shikaku, Inoichi, Ibiki and Yamato all entered and formed a small circle around the center of the room before it was silenced by Naruto. "I'm sure the five of you know why I have called you here. But to clarify I will need each of your experience for this upcoming battle."

"We will be physically aiding E and the rebellion force in one month's time to help establish a friendly regime in the Cloud."
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