Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Way of the Shinobi ❯ Enter: Mizukage ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"Rargh!" A voice rang out. Within the misty field besides a stream of water, two figures were seen fighting. The first figure bore a raven color mask with a large silver headband on the front. It wore a tight black shirt with matching pants and boots; clearly outlining it's muscles. The figure, easily seen as a young male upon closer inspection, had thrown a punch toward the other figure. The second figure, clearly scrawnier than the first, easily dodged the blow. The second figure, also a male, had snowy-white hair. Multiple bangs hung over his dark skinned face, but stopped just short of his turquoise eyes. His hair ended at the middle of his neck. For clothing, he wore a navy blue form-fitting shirt, which was long sleeved and zipped up. Over top of this, a yellow vest was present, which was open. His hands were covered with navy blue gloves. His pants were slightly baggy, and white in color.

"Oh so close, Kiri." The second figure teased.

"Damn it Chaos! This isn't a game!" Kiri proclaimed, reaching on his back. He grabbed a katana; it's crimson handle gripped tightly in his hand, and drew it. With one quick slash, he nearly struck Chaos in the face.

"Calm down, Kiri. I said I'd train you, and I am aren't I?" Chaos retorted, once he had gotten a safe enough distance away. While Kiri was on the solid ground, Chaos had moved to stand on the water.

"Fight me seriously, Chaos. That’s the only way I'll be satisfied!" Kiri shouted at Chaos, readjusting his grip on his katana.

"You're kidding right? Kiri, you're strong I'll give you that. But I'm the Mizukage and you're only a Chuunin. And on top of that, you're my cousin. I'd hurt you." Chaos reasoned with Kiri, now revealed to be his cousin.

"You'll fight me seriously one way or another!" Kiri shouted, charging at Chaos. He ran across the water, and went into a slashing frenzy. Each slash getting faster, coming closer and closer to striking Chaos. Finally, Chaos jumped backward, while reaching into his pocket. He withdrew a scroll from it, bit his thumb until it dripped blood, opened the scroll, and wiped his thumb down it.

"Weapon Summoning: Kyuuten Yaiba!" He cried, as a large zanbatou appeared in front of him. The blade, which was half raven colored and half snowy colored, bore the kanji for pure and wicked on either side, while the handle was pure white with three golden gems going down it. He grabbed it, and landed on the water once more. Kiri, meanwhile, had been building momentum, and slammed his blade into the Kyuuten Yaiba. Chaos and Kiri were locked in a weapon clash. Kiri, previously using one hand, resorted to using both in order to try and push Chaos down. However, Chaos was holding his own, while still using only his right hand. "Mizu no mai (Water's dance)." Chaos calmly stated, as a flood of water bursted from his blade, and threw Kiri across the water and back onto the solid ground.

"Now do you get it, Kiri?" Chaos questioned his younger cousin.

"Yeah...I get that you'll fight me seriously!" Kiri shouted, rising to his feet and dropping his sword. He placed his index and middle fingers on both hands in a position so that they formed a "T." "Shaningu Bunshin no jutsu (Shining clone jutsu)!" Kiri shouted, as the area around him lit up. Suddenly, thirty Kiris stood next to the original, all prepared to fight.

Chaos whistled sharply once he saw this. "Impressive. Thirty of our bloodline's jutsu? You never could do that many before. So to reward you...just for a second...I'll fight you seriously." Chaos stated. "Terugan (shining eyes)." Chaos calmly whispered, as his turquoise eyes turned amber, and white angel wings appeared over his eyes. "Soukei Fuchi (Total abyss)." He then added, as the area Kiri and Chaos were fighting in turned pitch black. The darkness was overwhelming, blocking all light from entering the area.

"Damn it Chaos! I thought you were fighting me seriously! Even I can do the Soukei Fuchi jutsu!" One of the Kiris proclaimed.

"I'm not done yet. 1080 Hikari Tantou (1080 Light daggers)." Chaos, unlocataeable due to the darkness, told Kiri. Suddenly, one thousand and eighty daggers of light formed around the thirty-one Kiris, and began to rain down upon them.

"Shit!" The Kiris shouted in unison, as they began dodging the daggers. Each Kiri dodged one or two daggers, before being smashed by five more. All except the original Kiri, which Chaos was able to locate due to his Terugan's ability to control and see light, and the fact that the clones were composed of light and thus gave off more than the original. The daggers avoided the original, which was too busy looking at the light daggers destroying his clones to notice this fact.

"Where are you looking?" Chaos whispered in Kiri's ear, appearing behind him by using the darkness as a blanket and the daggers as a distraction. Kiri slowly started to turn around, but it was too late. By the time he was facing Chaos, the world around him faded into an even deeper darkness.

Once the darkness faded, and the daggers stopped falling, the light returned to the area. Kiri was slumped over on the ground, and Chaos was standing overtop of him. "I hit you with the handle, so you should be up soon. I'm going to the Kage meeting now, so I'll see you when I get back...not that you can hear me right now." Chaos whispered into his cousin's ear, before vanishing in a swirl of water. The water flew into the air, and came just inches away from Kiri, before transforming into mist...