Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We Always Know ❯ I Think I'll Like it Here ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 1
I Think I'll Like It Here
People say you can't change the future. But obviously they haven't met me. I, Naruto Umino, have so much control over their future they have no idea. I'm one of the few people who have `special' gifts. I personally think 'special' my ass but, Hey, what can ya do? I'm have visions (if I touch someone or something), read minds (If looking into persons eyes), and I'm an empath (and for those that don't know what that is I feel other peoples' emotions.). I'm also a pyro. For most people a Pyro is someone who likes to play with fire, but I actually create and control fire.
Most people would jump for joy if they had my powers but I'm actually shunned for them that's why my guardian and more like father Iruka (by adoption), and my brother Haku (by adoption) are constantly moving. Once people find about what I can do they always want me to help them or I accidentally open my mouth and things get kind of crazy. I think there's a whole different reason why we keep moving but that's only a theory.
Strangely Haku also has abilities. He can orb things and himself, it actually is quite handy when we're running late for school. Like today Iruka was supposed to be taking us to school but he hasn't woken up yet. He came home really late last night and he wasn't by himself. I'm sitting on the couch with Haku when I'm suddenly hit with a strong wave of lust.
I blink a couple of times then I hear Iruka moaning, and then I jump realizing that I'm starting to get a hard on.
“H-Haku we r-really should go.” I say lightly, stammering a bit.
“How? We can't. Iruka is supposed to take us.” He says.
“Look just orb us there I really need to get out of here.” I say starting to pant.
“Naruto are you okay?” he says with concern.
I let out a low moan. “Yeah just please orb us to school!” I almost yell.
“Fine already!” Haku grabs hold of my hand and we disappear in purple and orange dots. He orbs us to the top of the school roof that is thankfully unoccupied. Once we get to the roof my hard on, and lust fogged mind dissipates and I'm as normal as I'll be able to get.
I look at Haku and he looks at me kind of nervously. He has in blue contacts to match my eyes, (mine are all natural) and his hair is pulled into a ponytail in the back of he head that reaches the small of his back and he has to bangs on the sides of his face. He has on a dark blue shirt that says `SCREW YOU!' and a pair of blue jeans that are loose on his waist and a pair of white forces (air forces). I realize looking at him we are almost matching.
We have the same color shirt but mine reads `GO SUCK A COCK `CAUSE I'M NOT INTERESTED!' My hair is in the
same ponytail minus the bangs and my hair only reaches the middle of my back. But other than that we match perfectly.
We sat on the roof in a zone for a good 20 minuets before Haku spoke.
“Naruto why did you have me orb us here you know dad said do use our powers unless-”
“We're in a life or death situation I know but I had to because he was upstairs with some body and he was horny and I'm and empath and-”
“It's okay I understand the visions, the feeling other people's emotions and playing with fire but what does that have to do with anything? You got to do the fun, destructive stuff with your powers and I get to…to…”
“You get to orb, play with water and ice, control weather and can steal people's powers. And I didn't think it was funny when you stole my powers when we were 15! I was so bored not being able to torch stuff.”
“Hey dad told me to he said you were on punishment for burning Sakura's cat.”
“Hey she was being an ass I had no choice.” We laughed then the 5 minuet late bell rang. “Shit! Haku!” I said pleadingly.
“I know, I know.” And he orbed us into a broom closet next to or home room class. We busted out of the closet and ran into class.
Oh I forgot to tell you, me and Haku are in 11th grade. We go to Kohona High. It's a Private school of stuck up rich people or people who were smart and lucky enough to get a scholarship like me and Haku. When we got into the class room we were that last people there. And all eyes were on us. I was hit with wave after wave of lust and hate directed at me and Haku. Yeah we get that a lot we get use to it after a while. I mean we know we look good but we never actually knew to what extent at least until now.
It seems girls want us and guys want to be us and hate us for that. Huh, well that`s life.
We looked around the room and was surprised to not see a teacher. That was definitely different. Then just as if he knew what I was thinking he walked in very disheveled and unorganized. He drops off his papers on his desk and scratched the back of his head.
“Sorry I'm late I got caught up playing with my little dolphin this morning.”
`Oh I bet you did.' I thought smirking on the inside.
“So boys-” Kakashi says after a second of silence “Tell us a little something about you.”
“Well-” Haku started “For those of you wondering why Kakashi keeps saying boys, I am a boy and for any of you that think you can have fun cracking jokes about my looks-” Haku narrowed his eyes. “I'm suggesting you change your minds.”
The room dropped a few degrees and I look at Haku and smirk.
“You said I was misusing it this morning?” I say cocking an eyebrow. Haku smiles and shrugs his shoulders.
“Okay thank you Haku. Now Naruto.”
“Well Haku and I are both 17. We were adopted at age 7. Uhh… we've moved about…8 times in the past 10 years. Haku and I are different and you'll be able to tell through out the year. I don't like to be touched.” I smiled and looked at the people in the class everyone was looking at us as if we were some piece of meat. But my eyes locked with onyx eyes and then red. I was pulled into their depths and tried to read their minds but it was as if they were blocking me out.
But I did get one thought from each of them `You will be mine now get out of my HEAD!' the boy with onyx eyes smirks at me but the one with red eyes was incredible. `If you're gonna be in my head at least have the decency to ask first oh and tell your brother I like his shirt.' Then I was cut off.
How the hell they knew I was in their head was completely beyond me but at the moment I really didn't care. I was actually gonna have a place I can stay and enjoy myself and not live in fear.
I have a feeling I'm really gonna like it here. I smirk and look at Haku and I share a smile. You and me both Haku, I'll have to make sure Kakashi makes Iruka very, very Happy.
This chapter wasn't changed very much but I did lengthen it a bit. Not much though. So for people rereading this I hope u liked it this way, and 1st time readers I hope you liked it and please review.