Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We Always Know ❯ I'm Not that Easy ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

`Blah' is Naruto telepathically speaking
`Blah' Is Haku telepathically speaking/answering Naruto
Chapter 2 I'm Not That Easy
Naruto and I smiled at each other then the teacher spoke.
“Take a seat in front of the Uchiha's.” Surprisingly the two boys Naruto was eyeing raised their hands and we walked over to the two seats in front of them. I sat in front in the one with red eyes and Naruto the one with onyx.
Once seated Red eyes started talking. “I'm Itachi and this is my brother Sasuke. Obviously you two are new so how about you stick with us and we'll show you around?”
I just shrugged my shoulders and let him keep talking. “I'm sure your brother didn't tell you but I like your shirt.”
`Like my shirt? How would Naruto know he likes my shirt unless…' Naruto just stares.
`What it wasn't my fault he knew I was in his head!' Naruto says looking at me.
`Yes it is! Dad told us not at school.'
`Do you always do what you're told?'
`Then let it go or I'll tell dad why his room always drops 10 degrees when he grounds you.'
`You wouldn't.'
`Oh I would.'
I growl but let it go then realize Sasuke was talking to us.
“Huh?” I say.
“I said we're not busy, you should come over tonight.” I look at him curiously.
“Why would he do that?”
Itachi looks into my eyes and I'm caught in a trance as if I'm hypnotized voices drown out and it's just me and Itachi then three designs appear into Itachi eyes and all I hear is his voice.
“Because you and your brother belong to us. You are ours. No one can change that.” He says it in the most hypnotic voice. I feel like I'm drowning in his eyes, and it feels like my body is on fire. I'm getting hot, too hot I realize. It's because Naruto is burning my arm with his hands.
I snap back to reality then snap at Naruto. “WHAT THE HELL!”
“Mr. Umino.”
“Sorry Kakashi-sensei.”
“Now like I was saying Come Come Paradise is a book your parents have to approve of….”
I whisper, “Naruto what the hell was that for?”
“They have it too.”
“They have it too. I mean what they have is different but they have it too.”
“It?” I glare at Itachi. He had hypnotized me and was gonna make me his little lackey. “I'm not that easy Itachi!” I go to stand up and realize I can't.
I glare at Itachi and he puts his hands up in a manner as if saying it wasn't me. And points to Sasuke. Sasuke is pointing at me, he opens his hands all the way, then begins to slowly close his hand finger by finger.
“Let him go Sasuke.” Naruto demands.
“Why would I do that?”
“Because I told you to, now let my brother go.”
His hold on my body tightens and I grit my teeth together and look to Naruto for help.
“I'd rather not.” He says with a smirk.
I start to get agitated and can feel my fire itching to be let go.
“You see Naruto no one has ever caught mine or my brothers' attention before.”
I hear Haku sigh and see him relax so I'm assuming that Sasuke let go of his mental hold on my brother
“I would suggest you do as we say and be nice little boys and just turn around and pay attention to Kakashi-sensei, and excuse us for going about this in an Uchiha manner.”
“By Uchiha manner you mean getting what you want no matter what?” he smirks, I glare but turn around and look at the clock. We should be leaving soon to second period. I look at Kakashi and Sasuke leans up to whisper in my ear.
“Also you and your brother might want to get use to our…possessiveness.” And then he places a not very chaste kiss onto my neck and I'm assaulted with visions and emotions all at once.
Haku laughing at me and I'm covered in water.
Sasuke laughing and me in his lap.
Itachi kissing Haku , me rolling my eyes.
I'm sprawled on the bed in pure bliss.
Haku on the ground covered with blood and ice.
Haku's getting raped and I'm forced to watch.
I'm scared in a corner covered in blood.
I'm raped and Sasuke is forced to watch.
Me crying into my dads' chest.
I'm burning everything in sight.
Itachi and Sasuke at graves when they've turned away I see mine and Haku's names engraved into the stone.
Sasuke covered in blood panting looking at a dead body.
Itachi's hand on Sasuke's bloody shoulder.
A man covered in snake tattoos laughing at four tombstones.
Kakashi and my dad crying at a funeral.
I take a deep breath and come back to reality taking in ragged breaths. I realize every single person in the class room including Kakashi is staring at me.
“Naruto are you okay?” Haku asks, everyone is staring at me confused, and a few guys are laughing, scared, confused, annoyed, lust, to many emotions at once I can feel myself losing control. I shake my head and run out.
“NARUTO! WAIT!” I hear Haku yell, but I don't… I can't stop.
I feel myself slowly being consumed by the heat. God I feel so helpless like the nightmare won't end.
All I see is Sasuke kiss Naruto on the neck and I knew Naruto was gonna have a vision. I didn't think much of it, he'll probably see Sasuke and him on a date or something. But when I look into Naruto's eyes and notice that all color has faded, I realize he's seeing so much more and that's when he starts to talk to himself.
Then color returns to his eyes and he's panting, and he's trembling. “Naruto are you okay?” I say obviously scared which I know isn't helping him. I know everyone is staring at us but I pay no mind. He shakes his head no then runs out.
“NARUTO! WAIT!” He just keeps going. “I'm so sorry Kakashi-sensei but I have to go.” And I get up and rush after my brother.
I have a feeling that Naruto's Fire is out of control, and I see him dashing down the hall I quickly follow.
I watch him run into the empty athletics room fire slowly consuming him. I don`t have much time. I follow and see him sitting in the empty shower room. I walk over and sit on my haunches by him, near enough to feel very, very warm.
“Naruto it's me Haku. Are you alright?”
“No I'm not alright I just saw you raped Haku! I saw you, me, Sasuke, and Itachi FUCKING DEAD! HELL NO I'M NOT ALRIGHT!”
“Look Naruto can you at least put your fire out?”
“I can't I've tried. Haku please I don't like this please just…just go away. I don`t wanna hurt you. Please.”
“Naruto, I can't do that because then you would burn the school down so let me see what I can do.” I made the room drop to freezing but Naruto was still burning. “That didn't work did it?” I walk over to Naruto and cover my self with ice so his fire doesn't burn me and give him a hug and orb us home.
Little did Naruto or Haku know that a boy/man with snake tattoos watching them. “I've finally found you, you stupid little firer starter. Now you and your little ice prince are gonna pay for what you did.” Then the figure transformed into a snake and slithered away.
I changed it up a bit changed the convo and added a bit more. Anyway to the readers like it? Love it? Hate it? And to the 1st timers please review.