Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We Always Know ❯ We Could Change It ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3 We Could Change It
Naruto and Haku got home and was surprised to find out it was empty. Haku took Naruto to the bathroom and started a cold shower. Haku placed Naruto into the shower and watched as his fire dissipated and became smoke. He got in behind him and let the remaining heat finish melting his ice.
“So Naruto you gonna tell me why to flipped out over a vision like this?”
“I already told you I saw you raped, and all of us dead, what's there to say?”
“So,” Haku says while turning off the shower. “How many times have you seen something bad happen to someone and stop it before it happens?”
“Too many to count.”
“Exactly so why are you panicking over something as simple as this? You could easily change the outcome of this vision right?”
“Yeah but it's not that simple. This one felt different…like no matter how hard I try this was gonna happen.”
“Naruto how about this. We look at the facts, you don't know when we die or who does it.”
“Actually I saw a man with tattoos laughing at our graves. And the graves said we die three days apart. Yours is July 10, 2007 mine was July 13, 2007.”
“July of 2007? That's a little more than 9 months away. Dude do you have any idea how much time to have to change the outcome of your vision? Do you think that your panicking for no reason is going to help us change it? So let's forget about your dumb vision and avoid people with snake tattoos.”
“Fine whatever but how are we supposed to get back to school without getting into trouble Mr. Goodie-Goodie?”
“We'll orb. I've done it twice today one more time won't hurt, they say third times the charm anyway. Now go change and we can go back to school before they miss us.” Haku watched Naruto leave the bathroom and followed after but went to his room. `Hmm it's a good thing we came back I forgot my cell.' Haku grabbed his cell and went down stairs to wait for Naruto.
He felt his phone vibrate signaling he just got a text. He opened it up and read it. `EncontradoTu.' He quickly deleted the message in time to see Naruto come down stairs.
Haku orbed them back to the closet and walked into the hall. Naruto spotted a clock. “Wow Haku we were gone an hour and 19 minutes. There's only 15 minuets of third period left.”
“Really? Well let's look around then.” Haku and Naruto began to wander the halls until something caught Naruto's eyes in a room.
“Haku look! They have a piano in there can we please?” Naruto asked.
“Naruto, why do you like playing the piano so much?” Haku asked agitated.
“Because I rock at it, I love to sing and I rock at that, and you can sing and I love to hear you sing.”
“Oh.” Haku said with a blush. “I didn't know you knew I could sing.”
“Yeah I can hear you sing when you listen to your CD-player, and remember at our other school you sang when I would play the piano. So can we please?”
“Yeah I guess.” Haku and Naruto walked into the music room Naruto took a seat at the piano and Haku sat next to him. “SO what are we gonna sing?”
“Uhh-” Naruto remembered what happened that morning with Iruka and smiled. “How about Mirror?”
“Mirror why that?”
“Because this morning I had the privilege to feel Iruka uhh…how do you put it…be able to experience that.”
“Ohhh. So start the music already.”
Naruto started to play and Haku listened to the flow of the music before he started to sing. “I must be honest with you babe,” Haku sang with a smile.
“Just gotta be honest.” Naruto sang in the background.
“I love to watch the faces that you make.”
“When we make love oh girl.” Naruto smiled as he sang.
“But when I'm behind you holding your hips
“and you close your eyes and bite your lips
“I can't see you so might I suggest a change?
“Now mama please don't think me strange for what I'm about to say.”
“Please don't think me strange”
“If you know anything bout me by now you know I'm a freak just follow my lead.”
The two began to sing together. “Baby I love making love in front of the mirror. (In front of the mirror). So that I can watch you enjoying me. (Baby tonight) Baby tonight let's try in front of the mirror. (In front of the mirror)
“Watching ourselves make love. Girl why don't we?”
They switched and Naruto sang the verse alone.
“Little mama keep your chin up, please watch me do the...nasty. I like it when you make it move fast. Mami if I pull your head back Cuz I want you to see that we look so good together, I understand that your not ready for me to make my directorial debut, featuring me but starring you, Baby that's okay with me, Honestly this is the next best thing.”
They sang together. “Baby I love making love in front of the mirror.”
(In front of the mirror).
“So that I can watch you enjoying me.”
(Baby tonight)
“Baby tonight let's try in front of the mirror.”
(In front of the mirror)
“Watching ourselves make love.
Girl why don't we?”
“I see you can you see me watching you loving it?” Haku said first.
“I see you can you see me watching you loving it?” Naruto followed
“I see you can you see me watching you loving it?”
“I see you can you see me watching you loving it?”
“I see you can you see me watching you loving it?”
“I see you can you see me watching you loving it?”
“I see you can you see me watching you loving it?”
“I see you can you see me watching you loving it?” They both said together.
They sang together. “Baby I love making love in front of the mirror.”
(In front of the mirror).
“So that I can watch you enjoying me.”
(Baby tonight)
“Baby tonight let's try in front of the mirror.”
(In front of the mirror)
“Watching ourselves make love. Girl why don't we?”
Together, fading away, they sang “Can we make love in front of the mirror?”
The two looked at each other and smiled and jumped when someone began clapping but more like a couple someone's. They had been so into their singing they hadn't noticed that a group of people had found their way into the room and were listening.
The two blushed and stood up. They went to leave the room but were stopped by the teacher, with the biggest brestises (1) they had ever seen.
“Holy tit- I mean shit- I mean shoot.” Naruto said in shock. Haku elbowed him in his side and Naruto grunted. “Sorry but is this your class?” Naruto asked.
“Why yes it is and judging by that question I'm taking it as you're new. I'm Tsunade and this is my music room and class. You two are one of the best singers' here. You two rival Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha in abilities. You two should try out for the play in three weeks I'm sure you'll get a great spot.”
“Tsunade-sensei we'd love to but you don't even know us but we have you fifth period, but we have lunch right now so see you after fourth period. Oh and by the way I'm Haku Umino and Blondie is Naruto Umino. We have to go so see you later.”
Haku grabbed Naruto's hand and they ran down the hall.
Tsunade stood there for a second. “Umino? Isn't that the new Gym teacher's last name? Oh well.”
(1)My little 3 year old cousin got in trouble one day for saying `mommy you have big tits. (I think he heard it from his dad) but anyway his mom yelled at him but after that she said their not tits their brestises. So that's what he calls them.
Well once again here goes a revamped chapter. I hope you liked it. To first time readers I home you enjoyed it and please review. and to second time readers Like it? Love it? Hate it?