Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We Always Know ❯ Show Off/Unwanted Attention ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4 Show Off/ Unwanted Attention
Naruto and Haku headed to the lunch room and went straight into the line. Once they got their lunch (Haku got burger, fries, and orange soda, Naruto Pizza, cheese sticks, and grape soda) they looked around to see no seats. Well actually there where but not where they would like.
There was an empty seat next to Sasuke and an empty one next to Itachi. Yeah….two seats they quickly passed on. Their was two seats at a table of girls who were watching them hoping they would sit over there and then there was pretty much a whole table left to themselves besides the fact that a red head was sitting there.
The two weighed their options and decided the redhead was the best choice. The two walked over and took a seat across from the red head that looked up once they sat down. He looked bored but he was pretty cute. Bright green eyes outlined and a think coat of black eyeliner, the obvious red hair, and a tattoo of love in Kanji on his forehead.
Naruto spoke first. “Hi I'm-”
“Naruto Umino once Naruto Uzamaki, adopted at seven, and can create and manipulate fire, also is an empath, and a mind reader I already know.”
“Yeah?” Naruto said confused.
“Well I'm Haku-”
“Haku Umino once Haku Momochi (1) adopted at age seven as well, can create and manipulate Water/Ice , can control weather, also can orb yourself, others, and items.”
“Yeah?” Haku said just as confused as Naruto. “How do you know all this?”
“I'm Gaara Suna (3) I was adopted when I was eight, I can manipulate sand, and once someone talks to me I know everything about their past and hidden secrets. I know things they don't even know, everything they do, it's more of a curse than it is a blessing, also to the question I know you're gonna ask no I'm not gonna tell our secrets.”
The two stared at Gaara for a minute before they said anything. “Soo….” Naruto said nervously. “You wanna hang out sometime?”
Haku spoke up. “SO why are you sitting over here by yourself?”
“Look Gaara you can tell us or I could read your mind whatever is easier for you.” Naruto said hopefully.
Gaara looked him in the eye. “Fine.”
Naruto began. `You stupid fag get the hell out!'
`Gaara where's your girlfriend? Oh yeah I forgot you're a fag.”
Gaara ran up to a boy he looked roughly 14 Gaara 13 `Hey Neji you wanna hang out after school?'
`Sorry but I don't hang with faggots.' The boy known as Neji said with such hate it shattered Gaara's world.'
Naruto couldn't take it anymore and came back super pissed off. “I. Hate. Being. Called. A. Fag!” Naruto stood up and scanned the room he found who he was looking for and walked over there.
“Naruto what are you doing?!” Haku yelled after his brother but it was to late nothing was gonna stop him. “Oh no.” Haku moaned and put his head in his arms but Gaara watched in amusement.
All you saw was Naruto yelling at a boy with long black hair who looked like he was starting to get pissed. The boy stood and began yelling back at Naruto which caught the whole cafeteria's attention. And you caught the end of the boys' sentence.
“You know what Neji people like you are the reasons why other people in the world are so screwed up. Do you ever stop to think what you do will… oh I dunno FUCK UP SOMEONE ELSES LIFE!”
“Shut up.” Neji said it so low it was hardly heard but Naruto heard it all.
“And if I don't?”
“You don't wanna know.”
“Yes I do Neji because I'm not gonna stop any time soon.”
Neji lunged at Naruto (who had taken gymnastics, karate, and Ti Kwan Do for the years he was adopted by Iruka with Haku) did a back flip away but tripped when someone walked past for a better view he fell but a lot harder than necessary because Neji had tackled him and pinned his hands above his head and was staring at him.
That's all that Naruto had wanted.
Naruto only got a brief vision but that's all he needed.
`Neji you still want to hang with us right' a boy Naruto didn't know said.
`Good but you can't hang with Gaara anymore.'
`He's a faggot.'
Gaara ran up Neji `Hey Neji you wanna hang out after school?'
`Sorry but I don't hang with faggots.' And he walked away. He knew he had crush Gaara's world but he didn't want to be alone.
`I love you Gaara.'
`You too Neji.'
Naruto came back to the world smiling like a buffoon. He started a low giggle only Neji could hear. That caused Neji to loosen his grip but not let go, Naruto used that to his advantage to whisper into his ear.
“Neji if you're so straight why is what I'm about to say gonna fuck with you mind so much?”
Neji looked confused and let go of Naruto's hands and Naruto pushed him up and stood. He motioned for Gaara and Haku to come on so they could leave and they got up and headed to the door but Naruto didn't go through straight away like Gaara and Haku but stopped and looked back at Neji.
“Gaara Says hi, and he's not mad at you anymore.” Naruto saw the look of surprise on his face as the door closed behind him.
In the Hall
“What the hell were you thinking Naruto?” Haku screamed
“I wasn't.”
“Exactly! Even though I know you can handle yourself I'm your older brother and…”
“Dude you're older than me by 2 months and 4 days that hardly qualifies. And you act like my baby brother anyway.”
“So…he doesn't have to know that.” Haku said with a slight pout. “You know what forget you, Gaara what class do you have next?”
“Music with Tsunade. Why?”
“We have that class next…why are you even in that class you don't seam like the…music type.”
“Oh…you play the drums. Well I play guitar and sing, with the occasional song writing.” Haku said smiling.
“Well I play piano or keyboard whatever is available, and I sing, with occasional song writing too.” Naruto said putting up a peace sign at the end.
“Well the bell is about to ring we should start to class.”
“The bell but there isn't a clock in the hall how would you know?” (B/N Naruto is such a Blond!! Blonds will rule the world!! ;))
“I just do.” And Gaara began to walk away and put five fingers in the air and began to count down.
And just like that the hall began to fill with people. Naruto stood there in shock. “HEY HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?” but Gaara kept walking and Haku wasn't far behind. “GUYS! WAIT UP!” and Naruto ran to catch up with the two.
Music class
“Okay today class we are gonna introduce our two new students Haku and Naruto Umino. Some of you passing by this morning might of heard that beautiful song they sang, though it wasn't exactly school appropriate-”
Both boys blushed and scratched the back of their heads at that. “Now boys I know you can sing but is their any thing else you can do?”
“Guitar with the occasional song writing.” Haku answered.
“Piano or keyboard with the occasional song writing.” Naruto answered nonchalant.
“Okay you two thank you now if you'd please take the seats behind Itachi and between Sasuke and Gaara?” (Gaara is closest to the window with an empty seat in front of him which is behind Itachi and to his left between him and Sasuke.)
The two sighed and went to take their seats but stopped before they sat and switched places. Haku sat next to Sasuke and Naruto behind Itachi. The two smiled at where they sat no one would be bothering them any time soon.
“Now class this year we are going to have a play auditions will be held in three weeks so anyone who is interested will have to sing and dance, if wanting a place in the play. Who ever wants to be part of the music for the play has to play the songs that people will have to sing to. Now any questions?”
No one raised their hands. “Good now everyone-” The door flew open to reveal a very pissed Neji. “Nice of you to join our class Mr. Hyuuga.”
“You.” He said pointing to Naruto. “I want to speak with you now ALONE.”
“Now why would I wanna do something stupid like that?” Naruto said quite proud of himself.
“Look will you please just come talk to me for like 5 minutes?”
“Four and we have a deal.”
“Fine four just come on.”
Naruto smiled and rose from his seat. “I'll be back in a minute Tsunade-baa-chan.”
“Sure Naruto.” Tsunade said slightly confused.
In The Hall
“What you said back there did you mean it?”
“What that you're an ass? Of course I did.”
“That's not what I meant but thanks for your opinion. I meant about Gaara not being mad at me and saying hi.”
“Well saying hi was a lie but I'm sure he wanted to, but him not being mad at you was the truth to the fullest why?”
“I…it's nothing that you would know about but I did something really stupid that I didn't mean and he kinda sort of hated me for it.”
“Oh so Mr. Big and Bad is now lonely and sad huh?”
“No it just I really want to tell him sorry but he keeps avoiding me and this is one of the few class the we have together and have to work together because we both play drums and his dumbass still manages to avoid me like the goddamn Black Plague!”
“Well look all I can say is start slow and I'm sure he'll come around.” Naruto looked at his watch less wrist and smiled.
“Looks like your 4 minutes are up that'll be $47.50 please.” Neji didn't look amused “Okay then ass wipe lets head to class.”
And the two headed into class. Once inside they noticed that the seats were rearranged from left to right it was Haku, Itachi, Sasuke, empty seat, empty seat, Gaara, empty seat. That didn't look to encouraging to either boy.
“Oh boys just in time I've re arraigned the seats by a persons abilities. From the empty seat to Sasukes right, to the left and back is singers and instrumental. From the second empty seat and to the right and back is instrumental and dancing. So Naruto next to Sasuke, and Neji next to Haku.”
“WAIT! Tsunade we dance.”
“Me and Haku we dance to we can show if you'd like?”
“Uh sure but don't you need music?”
“Yes we do uhh Gaara you play drums can you play for us?”
Gaara nodded and stood.
“Any one to play Keyboard, we need a guitarist, and Gaara can you be our drummer?” Gaara nodded. A boy with unruly brown hair stood and waved his hand enthusiastically.
“My name is Kiba and you've got your guitarist.”
A girl with eyes like Neji stood. “Umm my n-name is Hinata and I p-play the k-keyboard.”
“Thanks for you help now if you guys can figure out how to work together, that would be great Gaara you start you guys follow with what feels right, and we need something fast. Haku get up here.” Haku smiled and stood.
Kiba spoke. “But how do we know what you want?”
Haku sighed and walked up to each and whispered something into each of their ears.
“What did you say to them?” Naruto asked a bit scared.
“You'll see.” Haku said with a smile and then the music stared and the boys stood still. Naruto smiled when he realized what they were playing then Haku began singing.
“Girl what you want... Big chips is it?
“Nice whips?”
“A nice boot with jeans that just fit
“into perfection how they stick to 'em hips?”
“She's so serious…”
“Ohhh, your walk is vicious, delicious.”
Then he began dancing to the music as if dancing a choreographed song but yet you can tell he doing moves off the top of his head.
“Millionaire's wife so above mistress.
“And lookin' at me like
"Come get this."
“This one is a superstar...
“Can I be the sky that you shine in?
“Dedicated I put the time in.
“Shorty that's the frame of mind I'm in.
“Let me show you who you are...
“Can you be my present and future?
“Can I show ya things ya not used to?
“Baby where's the contract?”
Naruto, not wanting to be up-staged by his brother, began dancing more provocatively while singing.
“Sign Me Up...
“Won't you put me down?
“I just wanna rock wit you,
“rock wit you baby.
“You lookin' for a real love,
“this is real love.
“Sign me up, sign me up, sign me up baby.”
Haku, who is always up for a challenge, began singing with Naruto.
“Girl I'll be worth your time...
“Cause you got my attention.
“I wanna make this connection.
“Not now but right now girl.
“Show me the dotted line....
“Cause I'm sold on your sugar.
“I wanna be everything to ya.
“Just tell me what I got to do girl.
“This one is a superstar...
“Can I be the sky that you shine in?
“Dedicated I put the time in.
“Shorty that's the frame of mind I'm in.
“Let me show you who you are....
“Can you be my present and future?
“Can I show ya things ya not used to?
“Shorty where's the contract?
(Hey hey!).”
Naruto stopped singing seeing what his brother was getting at and his dancing became a little more, I dunno what to say but it sure was getting more attention then Haku's singing.
“Sign Me Up...
“Won't you put me down?
“I just wanna rock wit you,
“rock wit you baby.
“You lookin' for a real love,
“this is real love.
“Sign me up, sign me up, sign me up baby.”
Naruto sang the next Verse while dancing
“You make the room stop
“Sit back and just watch.
“Cause you bad than a mother.
“Can we make this thing for real?
“Girl cause I got more than enough.
“Just sign me up.
“I wanna be down with this program.
“Tell me what the deal (Oh yea!).”
“Aniki they're starting to up-stage us. They're supposed to know their place at our side's not gathering attention. They're showing off.”
“Dear brother they aren't showing off their just gathering unwanted attention. But don't worry we'll get them back into their places.”
The beat of the music changed and speed up slightly Itachi stood up from his seat and stepped behind Haku and began dancing with him Sasuke not far behind found his way to Naruto and began dancing with him.
They didn't notice the two behind them until an arm wrapped around their waist and they began to grind against the other.
Then Naruto and Haku's eyes snapped open in realization. Haku not wanting to look like a punk to his brother made Itachi work.
He took a step away from Itachi and looked him in the eye then dropped then came back up doin the chicken head (3) and did a roll grind against Itachi and locked his leg behind his. Then looked at Naruto with a smirk as Naruto pouted at his brothers' move, quickly thinking about what to do. When it came to him he smiled.
He pushed off of Sasuke and took a step back he spun doing the chicken head then did the heel-toe (4) back to Sasuke then spun in a circle and ended up behind Sasuke and put an arm over his shoulder onto his chest, and arm around his waist, and then locked his leg around his and stood panting as the music came to an end.
Haku and Naruto stood their panting smiling like idiots. Both in quite…intimate positions. A knock came to the door and someone walked in.
“Hi was told- HAKU! NARUTO! What are you two doing!?”
The boys snapped their heads to the door and quickly separated from their partner when they saw who it was.
“DAD!??” they yelled in unison.
(1) For those of you that didn't know Momochi is Zabuza's last name.
(2) I couldn't think of any other last name so I had to put Suna.
(3) It's a move I can't explain only show if you wanna see ask me in a review but it's in a music video (I'll need your e-mail address)
(4) Umm it when a person spins their foot starting with their heel and ends with their toes. Ask in a review if u wanna see it but that's also in a video.
A.N/ I changed the song they danced to because I didn't like the 1st one to much. The song the danced to the first time was Chris Brown- Who's girl is that. The song they're dancing to now is Ne-Yo's - Sign Me Up. Anyway to second time readers what do you think and to first time readers please review.