Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We Don't Have To ❯ We Don't Have To ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"We Don't Have To"
By: DarkSeductress
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters of Naruto.
Pairing: Sasuke/Hinata
Summary: (AU) Sasuke and Hinata are faced with a life changing decision.

Author's Note: I know this is an unusual pairing but if situations were correct, it could possibly
happen. Also, this story is inspired by a published story I read once in my College English class last
year. I can't remember the name though (sheepish grin.)

Sasuke Uchiha sat in the motionless car, staring straight ahead, his hands gripping the
steering wheel. Hinata Hyuuga sat beside him in the passenger seat, head bowed, purple hair
dripping into her face, eyes on the verge of tears, a hand over her abdomen.
"You don't have to do this." Sasuke's voice came out calm and cool, never betraying the
torment in his soul.
"I-I know. But it's the right thing to do." Hinata barely stammered because she speaking so
slowly. She fought the tremors spreading through her conscience to every limb in her body.
Sasuke's grip on the wheel tightened. Anger laced his voice as he spoke, "It's not the right
thing to do and you fucking know it."
Hinata blinked back tears as her hand rubbed her abdomen. This time she couldn't control
the stuttering. "W-we have to d-do this."
Sasuke's knuckles turned white from his grip. His voice rose a level, dripped in anger,
annoyance, and disgust. "If we had anything to with this, then we wouldn't be here right now."
Hinata cringed and clasped her eyes shut. She was silent for a moment. Her lips trembled as
a lone tear escaped the corner of her left eye. "B-but my f-father-"
"This doesn't have shit to do with your father. Fuck him." Sasuke seethed finally turning to
stare at her bowed head.
After what seemed an eternity, Hinata met his eyes. The tension and anger were evident in
his face by the set of his jar and the fire burning in his eyes. The tension and guilt that had been
etched into her demeanor was now mixed with the white anger in her eyes.
"Y-you don't c-care. I-I'll lose everything." There was a little confidence in her voice due to
her anger but the stutter remained.
Sasuke sneered at her, scorned her with his eyes. "Does everything mean that much to you?
Are you that selfish?"
More tears leaked from Hinata's eyes as she looked away. She sounded drained of anger as
she spoke. "Y-you d-don't understand. Y-you d-don't care." Silence stretched between them before
she whispered, "I-I'm n-not selfish."
Sasuke growled as he ripped his eyes away from her trembling form. He rested his head on
the steering wheel he continued to grip and squeezed his eyes shut, willing tears of frustration away.
He couldn't let her do this. He'd never forgive her. He'd never forgive himself. He'd hate them both
Hinata wrapped her arms around her stomach and held herself. She really didn't want to do
this but couldn't see a way around it. As much as Sasuke had growled, sneered, and belittled her, he
never gave her any other options. Her pearl eyes wandered to the plain white building that loamed
beside the car and dread settled in the pit of her stomach.
Her voice trembled as much as her body. "Sasuke . . . "
Sasuke's body snapped to attention as he turned to peer into her panic-stricken eyes. She
didn't have to verbalize the feeling, it dripped off her soul, but she said it anyway.
"I-I'm sc-scared."
As she burst into sobs, Sasuke felt his heart clench. Maybe this wasn't as easy for her as he
thought. He reached over the armrest and pulled her form into an awkward hug. Her hands gripped
his jacket as she burrowed her sobbing eyes in his chest.
"I-If I don't, h-he'll hate me. He won't t-take c-care of me." She sobbed the sentence over
and over. Sasuke felt his heart break.
A tear escaped an eye as he whispered, "I'll take care of you. . . . I love you."
Hinata pulled back to stare at him. He had never said that to her before and she wasn't sure
how to take it but the intensity that had his eyes burning like live coals couldn't be faked.
She still had to be sure as she sniffled, "R-Really?"
Sasuke's voice was gruff with emotion as he used his thumb to trace her trembling bottom
lip. "Yes. I'll always take care of you."
A shaky smile touched Hinata's lips, "Okay. I-I want to go h-home."
Sasuke let out a sigh of relief before brushing his lips across hers. He had never said he loved
her before but the time had seemed right. She needed to hear it at least once. He knew if he never
said it again, Hinata would never forget hearing him say it just once. He was glad the truth of how
he felt had given her the strength to overcome her fear of being alone. Just like he said he'd always
take care of her. She didn't need her father for that as long as he was around. He just hoped she
would remember that and never scare him like that again.

~The End~