Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We Ninjas Three ❯ THE BEGINNING!! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We Ninjas Three
By Space Toaster and Maiden of Time and Space
(AKA The Deadly Duo)
Summary: Three freaky ninja gals have somehow gotten into the ninja school! Aya, the shrine maiden who dreams of ninjadom, Ayame the rocker with a big mouth and Ayashi, the mystery girl that acts like Hinata! Will they become ninjas, or just drive everyone crazy? Read and find out, stupid!
Chapter One
Aya was sitting peacefully in her shrine drinking her tea. Then suddenly, she was bowled over by loud heavy rock music coming from a nearby hut.
Aya glared and stood up, blondish pigtails drenched in her tea. She stuck her head out the window (assuming shrines have windows) and screamed.
“Miyazaki Ayame, turn that DOWN!”
A short girl with brown hair in buns poked her head out of her hut. “Make me, why don'tcha?”
“Fine then, I will!” Aya stormed over, rolling up her sleeves.
Five Minutes Later
“Nooooooo, my radio!” Ayame wailed, sobbing over the remains of her radio. “My poor baby!”
Aya dusted herself off. “Oh grow up!”

”Make me!”

”I'm grown up, I'm grown up!” Ayame shielded herself from The Wrath of Ayaâ„¢.
Aya rolled her eyes. “You can just buy a new radio.”

”That's true! With bigger speakers!”

”NOOOO!!! DIE!” Aya then chased Ayame around her hut with her stolen kunai knives.
“WAAAAAH! Ayashi, Aya's trying to kill me again!” Ayame wailed. Ayashi stepped from the shadows and sighed.
“I don't know WHAT I'm going to do with you two.” She facepalmed.
Ayame stopped running, causing Aya to slam into her and causing them both to fall down.
“ACK! You klutz!” Aya swatted Ayame, who hit her back and they rolled across the ground fighting. Ayashi seized them by the backs of their shirts and slammed their heads together.
“Enough!” She barked. “Save it for the ninja academy!”
“The what now?” Ayame inquired. Aya rolled her eyes.
“We're going to the ninja academy today, how could you forget?” She asked.
“Um…cheese cube?” Ayame offered Aya cheese.
“Um…okay!” Aya ate a cheese cube. “Mm…cheesey!”
“Whatever, let's go.” Ayashi dragged the two girls away by their ears.
“Oh maaaan, we're late!” Aya said, running up to the front gate. Ayashi glared at Ayame.
“You just HAD to stop to flirt with that guy, didn't you?”

”Yes. I NEED LUV!” Ayame shouted. Aya swatted her.
“Stop sounding like a badly written Mary Sue.” She said. Ayame looked around shiftily, then stopped.
“Wait, if I was a Sue I'd be really pretty. I'm stuck at the cute level.”
“Uh…huh…let's just go in already!” Ayashi said, leaping over the wall. Aya and Ayame shrugged and followed suite.
All was quiet and tranquil…even Naruto was calm. That is, until three girls kicked the door open.
“Finally, the right classroom! Last time we went into the men's bathroom!” Ayame said. Aya shuddered.
“I saw things I wasn't meant to see!”

Ayashi tapped them on the shoulders and whispered to them.
“Oh yeah!” Aya said.
“We'll be back!” Ayame said, the three girls ducked out of the classroom.
Out of nowhere, crazy music began to play.
Aya came running in and shouted. “Hey everybody! I'm Aya!”
Ayame cartwheeled into the classroom and posed. “I'm Ayame, release the doves!”
Aya let some doves loose, flying around Ayame.
Ayashi slithered into the room mysteriously. “I…am Ayashi!”
“And we're the NINJAS THREE!”

They all posed. (Ayame's doves fell around and pooped on a few heads)
The classroom blinked in astonishment. Who the crap were these girls?

Iruka finally found his voice. “Um…are you even registered to this school?”

”It's not about who's registered!” Aya said.
“It's about the fact we want to be ninjas!” Ayame said. They threw themselves down, bowing in front of Iruka.
Sasuke rolled his eyes. “Idiots.”
Naruto woke up from his nap. “Huh?”

Sakura blinked at him. “You slept throughout that chaos?”

”What chaos?” Naruto asked. “What happened?

”Never mind.” Sakura sighed.
To cut a long story short, the girls convinced Iruka to train them. So they gave him back his pants and they sat down in some empty desks. Who knew that Iruka owned Fullmetal Alchemist boxers? (Or that FMA existed in Naruto)

That's it for Chapter one!! Stay tuned for Chapter 2!! ^___^
Kat: OR PERISH!!!!
Sarah: Yesh, or perish!