Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We're Back! ❯ AWWWW! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N Yayayya!!! Chapter number 3 is up. Thank you to everyone that reviewed. It really means a lot to me.
Disclaimer I don't own Naruto
P.S Now, let's go!!
Sasuke ran over to his frighten wife's side. “Tell us what is going on.!!” The Uchiha heir demanded. “It's…so CUTE!!!!” Shizune exclaimed. “Nani? Tsunade-sama!!” Sakura yelled. “Calm down, Shizune turn the machine this way. So, they can see what's happening.” Shizune pushed the machine over to them.
“Oh” Sasuke said emotionlessly. “What. What is it I can't see?” Sakura was struggling to look over her gigantic stomach. Sasuke helped Sakura up so she could see. “Oh my they are. They are…KISSING!!!!” Sakura exclaimed. “AWWWWWWW!!!” The tree woman said in unison. Sasuke sweated dropped.
“I don't see what the big deal is.” “Sasuke, I can't believe you. The pink haired woman ranted. “Don't you think that this is cute?” “No” “Grr, Sasuke you you are so so so you!!” “It is common for twins to interact with each other in the womb.” Tsunade interrupted before things got out of hand. “Maybe this is a sign that the twins will get along with each other.” Shizune added.
“I hope so.” Sakura smiled and looked at the twins. “Can we go now!” Sasuke blurted out. Before Sakura could answer, Tsunade grabbed Sasuke by the collar and lifted him high in the air. `OI, UCHIHA, THIS MAY NOT BE IMPORTANT TO YOU, BUT IT IS TO SAKURA. I KNOW THAT YOU ARE A COLD UNCARING PERSON, BUT YOU COULD AT LEAST RESPECT YOUR WIFES FEELINGS!!!!” Tsunade preached.
Sasuke glared at the Goidame. “Tsunade-sama please stop!!” Shizune started to panic. “Tsunade-sama, its ok. Sasuke is Sasuke after all.” Sakura said looking down. “Yeah I know.” She dropped him down on the hard concrete floor. “Damn old cow!” Sasuke said under his breath while he brushed himself off.
“Nani?” The mad woman said glaring at Sasuke. “Nothing. Nothing at” He replied in a hurried tone. “Hurry up and get changed Sakura we are leaving.” “Yeah whatever” Sakura responded. Shizune helped Sakura to the chair. “Is he always this way? Shizune inquired. “Yes” “Saku…” “Let's hurry. He wants to go.” Sakura interrupted her. Shizune frowned. “Ok.”
5 minutes later…..
“I'm ready Sasuke” “Good” He grabbed her hand. “Good bye Tsunade-sama, Shizune-san.” They waved. “Thank you both so much.” “No problem, see you in four weeks.” Shizune smiled. “Let's go now Sakura!? Sasuke pulled her out of the room. “Damn it Uchiha, you still have hate and anger in your heart…even after you got your revenge.” Tsunade thought to herself.
Sasuke and Sakura walked out of the hospital. “Finally I'm away from that stupid old cow.” He said out loud. “SLAP!” “HOW CAN YOU TALK ABOUT TSUNADE-SAMA THAT WAY, WHEN SHE BASICALLY GAVE YOU A SLAP ON THE WRIST FOR BETRAYING KONOHA?” Sakura's voice was filled with venom. Sasuke rubbed his cheek and spit up some blood.
“OK, I HAVE HAD IT!” He grabbed Sakura by the shoulders and forced her to look in his eyes. “Sa”…. “”NO YOU LISTEN TO ME!” The angry man cut her off. “What is up with you woman? You pulled me by my nose, punched me, and slapped me.” Sasuke began to squeeze harder on her shoulders. “And to top it all off I got man handled by that DAMN AMAZON!!!!”
“Onegai stop Sasuke you are hurting me!” “I DON'T CARE!” He exclaimed. “I have dealt with a lot of crap today.” Tears started to overflow out of Sakura's jade eyes. “I'm sorry Sasuke-kun onegai stop.” She begged. After he saw the pain he was causing his wife, Sasuke let go of her.
“Sakura…… I don't mean to...” she covered his mouth with her hand. “I know Sasuke-kun. Let's go home.” “H...hai” He gently took Sakura's hand and they walked home.
Sasuke slid the door open and let Sakura go in first. “RING RING!!” “Grr stupid phone, we just got home.” Sasuke complained. “Sasuke-kun, I will get the phone.” “Are you sure, you are not too tired?” He asked. “Yes I am sure, go on and train.” Sakura leaned over and kissed his bruised cheek. She started to move towards his mouth when... “RING RING!!” “GRR” “Hehe” Sakura giggled. “You better go on and get going.” “Ah” Sasuke nodded and left for the training grounds.
“RING RING” “I'm coming I'm coming.” Sakura walked to the phone while holding her back. “Hello?” “SAKURA!!” Ino cried out. “Ino what's wrong?” She asked in a very concerned voice. “SHIKAMARU!!” Ino began to cry even louder. “Ino calm down and tell me what happened.” “Ok” She sucked up her tears.
“RING” The bell from the Yamanaka flower shop. “Welcome may I help you?” Ino asked smiling .She got a good look at her costumer. “Temari, What are you doing here??” I need to talk to Shikamaru.” Temari was holding a small baby in her arms. “Al...Alright” “SHIKAMARU!!” “WHAT” SOMEONE WANTS TO SEE YOU” “Oh how troublesome” Shikamaru muttered to himself. He got off of the sofa and walked down the stairs.
“Temari” Shikamaru's eyes widen. “Hello Shikamaru, I need to speak to you. Her eyes darted over to Ino. “Alone” She added. “Hey Ino could you leave the room for a sec?” “S..Sure.” Her voice was trembling. She left the room. “It can't be what I'm thinking can it??” Ino placed a hand on her stomach. “No it can't be Shikamaru would never…”
Shikamaru walked over to Temari. “Is he..?” “Yes” She cut him off. “Why did not you tell me?” He asked while looking at the tiny infant. “I” “SHIKAMARU!!!!” Ino yelled at the top of her lungs. “I..Ino!” “How..How could you!!” “Ino…I” She ran out of the flower shop.
Sakura's mouth was on the floor. “Oh Ino” Were the only words she could say... “SAKURA WHAT IM I GOING TO DO???” She started to cry again. “Ino don't cry. It is bad for the baby.” “I know.” The blonde haired woman tried to contain her tears. “What I', I going to do Sakura?” She asked her friend. “Where are you?” “I'm at Ten-Ten's house.” “Good I am coming over and we can talk about it more than.” “Sakura reassured her broken hearted friend. “Ok thank you Sakura bye” “click” Sakura hanged up the phone.
She started to leave the house, and then she thought... “I better leave Sasuke-kun a note. She opened the desk drawer and got a pencil. “There that should do it.” She left the note near the phone. “Well I better get going.” Sakura left the house.
A/N Oh my, did Shikamaru cheat on Ino... Find out next time^_^