Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We're Back! ❯ Where is Sasuke-kun? Part 1 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N Hey y'all what's up? This is chapter 7 yayay! Thank you for all of the reviews. I would also like to thank my beta, Piellio9. She is awesome!
Disclaimer I Don't own Naruto or any other anime I use in this fanfic.
3 months later……..
Sasuke-kun has been gone for a long time, Sakura said to herself as she washed the dishes, “I hope that he is okay.”
“AWW, SASUKE-KUN, THIS IS SO CUTE!” Sakura exclaimed. She held up a giant plush Jiggypuff. Sasuke twitched his eyebrow. “It's pink!” he replied bluntly.
“So? I think the babies will like it!” Sakura smiled. “It's a pink marshmallow!” “Oh Sasuke-kun, that's why I think they will like it, because it's so soft and squishy! Sakura hugged Jiggypuff.
“IT'S HOLDING A DAMN MARKER!” Sasuke yelled. “Shh, Sasuke-kun, don't cuss, the babies can hear you!” “Hn. “Poof!” A cloud of smoke appeared. “Cough Cough!” Sakura coughed and fanned the smoke away.
“Yo!” Kakashi waved. “Kakashi-senpai!” Sakura exclaimed. “Sorry to interrupt your little shopping adventure,” Kakashi winked at Sasuke. “Grr!” He looked away. “But the Hokage wants to see both of you right away.
“Why?” Sakura asked. He shrugged “I don't know. I'm just the messenger, see ya!” “Poof!” “Hmm… I wonder, why do you think Tsunade-sama wants Sasuke-kun?”I have a bad feeling about this!” Sasuke thought. “Sasuke-kun, did you hear me?” “Hn.” Sakura sweat dropped.
At Hokage tower…
Sasuke and Sakura were about to claim the steps when…”Uchiha!” A voice cried out. Sasuke turned around. “Hyuuga!” The two young men smirked at each other.
“SAKURA-SAN!” Lee ran up to Sakura and hugged her. Sasuke gave Lee a death glare. “Hey, Lee-san!” Sakura smiled. Lee placed a hand on Sakura's stomach. “How are the twins? KICK! “OH MY, THE BABIES ARE KICKING!” Sakura yelled. “OH SAKURA-SAN, YOUR BABIES ARE FILLED WITH YOUTH!” Lee exclaimed.
“Hahahah yeah!” “Grr!!” Sasuke growled. Neji chuckled. “You better watch out Uchiha.” He spat on the ground “Whatever!”
“Hey, what's up?” Kiba and Shino appeared behind Neji. “Oi, Kiba, Shino!” Sakura waved. “So, you guys were summoned here too, huh?” Sakura turned around.
“SAI!” She yelled. “What are you doing here?” “Geezs, we haven't seen each other in a while, UGLY, and this is the greeting I get!” Sakura turned red. “GRR, DON'T CALL ME UGLY!” “I'm sorry,” he paused, I meant FAT AND UGLY!”
“GRR!” Sakura was about to punch Sai. Lee placed a hand on her shoulder. “Please don't disrespect Sakura-san!” Sakura blinked. L…Lee-san?” “Sakura-san is the most beautiful flower in the world!” She blushed. “Thank you, Lee-san.” He gave her the “nice guy” pose. “Anytime!”
“EWW!” Sai said. I'm going to be sick. I'm going in. They all followed Sai up the stairs to the Hokage's tower.
“Tsunade-sama, they have arrived,” Shizune said. “Good.” “Are you sure about this Tsunade-sama?” Shizune inquired. “SIGH, we don't have a choice Shizune.” The medic-nin frowned. “Sakura-chan is going to be so sad.” Tsunade looked down. “I know.”
Knock Knock! “Come in!” Shizune yelled. Sai opened the door. They walked in. “Welcome everyone!” Tsunade smiled. “I'm glad all of you could make it!”
“Cut the crap!” Sasuke yelled, “Why did you call us all here?” Tsunade's smile changed into a frown. Uchiha, you are still on my bad list!” The sannin glared at Sasuke. “I wouldn't push it if I were you!”
“Anyway, I was about to tell you guys why I called you all here,” Tsunade had a serious look on her face. “The sound daimio has requested our help.” “But why? Konoha and Sound are still enemies! We hate each other!” Sakura said. “Yeah, ugly is right… for once!” “Grr!” Sakura glared at Sai.
“Stop it you two!” Shizune yelled. “That is true, Sakura, we are enemies, but this matter concerns not only Sound, but all of the ninja nations!” “And what would that be?” Sai asked.
“Demons!” “Demons!” They all exclaimed. “Yes demons, they have reportedly destroyed entire villages.” “No way!” Sakura shouted. “However, I have a theory, that these creatures are not demons at all.” “Then what are they?” Kiba asked.
“Orochimaru's experiments!” Tsunade hissed. “What?” Sasuke's eyes narrowed. “On what fact do you base this theory on?” Uchiha asked. “All of the attacks have been near Orochimaru's old lair. She answered him. “Demo, I thought that place had been destroyed!” Sakura said. “It was,” the blonde replied, “Some of his experiments must have survived somehow. Sai sighed. “And you want us to go there and kill them before they get to Konoha.” “Exactly!” Tsunade said. “Whoa, wait a minute!” Kiba yelled, “These things have taken out entire villages, and you are only sending us?”
“Of course not, I have sent a letter to the Kazekage. He will be sending reinforcements to back you guys up.” “Man, that's a relief!” Kiba breathed in a sigh of relief. “Scared, Kiba?” Shino smirked. “No, I just don't want to get, you know, like, DEAD!” Tsunade smiled.
“Good, then it's agreed. You all will report to the gate at 7:00a.m.” She looked at Neji. “Neji!” “Yes, Hokage-sama,” he replied. “You will be the captain.” He nodded. “Understood.” “Good, all of you my leave except for Sasuke and Sakura.” “They all bowed and left.
“Tsunade-sama,” The Hokage held up her hand. “I'm just going to get to the point. I don't know how long this mission is going to last. It could be days, weeks,” she paused, “or months. I will let you choose, Sasuke, weather to stay or go.”
Silence hit the room. Sasuke looked down. “I don't want to go back there again!” he thought. “So many horrible memories are there!” “He can't!” Sakura said inwardly. “He might not make it back in time. He wants to see the birth of his kids…Right?
“I accept!” Sasuke voice broke the long silence. “WHAT? SASUKE-KUN, DID YOU HERE WHAT TSUNADE-SAMA SAID?” “I have to do this mission,” Sasuke thought. “If it has anything to deal with Orochimaru…then I will personally take care of it. I shall destroy anything that snake created!” “Sasuke-kun, did you here me?” “Hn.
“Grr!” “Maybe you two should go home and” “I accept.” He interrupted Shizune. “SASUKE-KUN!” “Hn.”
End Flashback
That was three months ago…and he still hasn't returned! She sighed. “And the twins are due any day now! What...what if he is?” She shook her head. “NO…NO IT CAN'T BE! I WONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!”
“KNOCK….KNOCK!” She looked up. “Could it be?” Sakura dropped the bowl she was washing into the water and ran to the door. Tears poured from her eyes.
“It has to be Sasuke-kun, I know it's you!” She opened the door.
A/N Is Sasuke back? Find out next time!
P.S I know this chapter was kinda short but I will make it up. Also I will probably start updating this story once every 1-2 weeks (I'm trying to work on my drawing skills). Oh Yeah I forgot to tell you guys last time that I drew a picture for this story if you want o see it, email me. Please review! Ja-ne.