Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We're Back! ❯ I Want Some Milk Too! ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N hey what's up its me! Welcome to chapter 10! I hope that yall will enjoy it;) and thanks for all of the reviews 52 whoo hoooo!!!
Disclaimer I don't own Naruto.
“Knock…Knock!” “Come in!” Sakura said in a hushed voice. Tsunade opened the door. “Oh, good after noon Tsunade-sama.” Sakura bowed.
The sanin smiled. “How are you today Sakura?” “I'm fine.” She replied. “Good.” Tsunade looked over towards the twins. The little angels were sound asleep.
“The look peaceful.” Tsunade said. “Yes, I have not heard a peep out of them all afternoon.”
“Hmm.” The blonde woman placed a hand under her chin. “What is it Tsunade-sama?” Sakura asked. “Oh nothing just thinking to myself.”
“SAKURA-CHAN!” Our favorite ramen eater yelled. “BE QUIET GAKI!!” Tsunade glared at Naruto.
“Heheheh…sorry.” He laughed nervously. Hinata sweat dropped. Naruto ran over to Sakura. He gave her a huge hug.
“I'm so happy for you Sakura-chan!” Sakura started to turn blue. “N...naruto I can't breathe! She struggled for air.
“Naruto-kun let go she can't breathe!” Hinata yelled. “Sorry!” He let go of her. Sakura gasped for air. “Sakura-chan are you ok?” Hinata asked. “I…think…so.” She replied in between breathes.
“Oh Sakura-chan, your twins are beautiful.” Naruto picked them up. “Naruto-kun be careful!” Hinata warned.
“Don't worry Hinata-chan, I think I know how to hold babies.” For some reason, Naruto started to spin.
“They are sleeping, so I'm trying to wake them up!” He explained. The blonde man lifted them up high in the air, and started to spin faster.
“NARUTO PLEASE STOP!” Sakura yelled. He kept on spinning.
“Naruto, you are going to make them sick!” The Hokage said.
“Look obaa-chan, I know what I'm doing!” The twins slowly started to open their eyes. “See its working!” He went faster and faster.
“NARUTO PLEASE STOP YOU ARE GOING TO DROP THEM!” Sakura begged. “Sakura-chan, I'm not going to dr…”
Suddenly, Funaho slipped out of Naruto's hands. “FUNAHO!” Sakura yelled. Naruto tried to grab her, but she slipped out of his hands.
“Oh no!” Hinata gasped. The tiny infant flew over her terrified mother. “CATCH HER TSUNADE-SAMA!” They all yelled.
The old woman jumped and almost caught her, but she did not jump high enough. She landed in defeat.
DAMN THESE BIG BOOBS OF MINE!” She cursed inwardly. “MY BABY!” Funaho's head was seconds away from hitting the ground, when…
“POOF!” Kakashi appeared out of nowhere. The baby landed on his chest. He quickly grabbed her with his free hand.
“KAKASHI!” They all yelled in unison.
“I did not know babies could fly.” He said sarcastically.
“KAKASHI-SENPAI, YOU SAVED FUNAHO!” Sakura yelled. He walked over to sakura and gently handed the baby over to her.
“Thank you so much!” The cheery bloom cried tears of joy as she held her baby close to her heart.
“Yeah Kakashi-sensei, you saved my butt!” Naruto gave him thumps up. The silver haired man sweat dropped.
`GRRR NARUTO YOU ALMOST KILLED FUNAHO!” Sakura glared at him. He looked down.
“I'm sorry Sakura-chan; I just wanted to play with them.” He said in a sad tone of voice.
Sakura sighed.
“I forgive you.” He perked up. “YAYAYAYY!” Naruto jumped up and down. Sakura sweat dropped.
“Besides, how could I be mad at someone that still acts like a child?” He stopped and pointed at Sakura.
“Hey what's that suppose to mean?” “HAHAHAH!” Everyone (expect for Naruto) laughed.
“WHAAAAA!” Sanosuke crying stopped the laughter. “What should I l do? Naruto asked. “Give him to Sakura-chan Naruto-kun.” Hinata replied. “Ok.” The blue eyed man handed the crying infant to his mother.
“Aww come here Sanosuke. The boy kept on crying. He stretched out his hands towards Funaho.
“I think he wants to be closer to his sister.” Kakashi said. “Yeah I think you are right.” Sakura moved the babies closer together. Sanosuke finally stopped crying. He kissed Funaho on the cheek.
“AWWW!” The women said on cue. “That's so sweet!” Hinata smiled. “Yeah Sano-kun loves his little sissy!” Naruto grinned.
Sakura smiled widen. “They seem to get along.” Tsunade said. “Even when they were in the womb.” “Yup, I'm so happy!” The new mother said cheerfully.
Hinata looked over towards Kakashi. “Is he hiding something behind his back?” She asked herself.
“Ummm…Kakashi-senpai?” He looked at her. Hinata pointed to his left hand. “Ummmm…are you hiding something?”
Kakashi blushed. “Well…ummmm not really.” He removed his hand from his side. Sakura's eyes sparkled. “COSMOS FLOWERS!” She exclaimed.
“I got them for you….you know to celebrate the birth of the twins.” She smiled at him. “Thank you Kakashi-senpai.”
Sakura lifted herself up and kissed Kakashi on the cheek. His blushed deepen. “You're very welcome.
“Hehehe!” Naruto laughed. “Kakashi-sensei you sly fox.” The wanna be Hokage winked at him. The copy-nin narrowed his eye at Naruto.
“Oh stop it Naruto, Kakashi-senpai it not a prev.” She stopped in mid-sentence. “Well….?”
“Come on I'm not that bad!” Kakashi yelled.
“Hahahahhah!” They all laughed.
“Hey where's Sasuke-teme?” Naruto asked. “He should be here!” “He's recovering from some injuries.” Tsunade replied.
“Oh is he ok?” Hinata asked. “Yeah, he should be able to leave by 3o'clock…if...”
“If want Tsunade-sama?” Sakura asked.
“If he stops trying to move around and rest. Grrrr, that boy is so stubborn!” Kakashi chuckled. “He's an Uchiha what do you except?” Tsunade sighed. “That's true.”
“ACHOO!” Sasuke sneezed. “Bless you, Sasuke-kun!” Shizune said. “Hn.” He rubbed his nose. She smiled.
“Shizune!” Sasuke said. She looked at him. “You don't have to be in here all the time you can leave!” he said in a rude tone.
“Sorry Sasuke-kun, I can't do that!” “Why?!” “Because you will try to get up again, and your body still needs rest.
“Humph, I'm fine!” He tried to sit up, but he felt a pain in his side. The Uchiha quickly laid back down.
“See I told you!” Shizune smirked. He pouted. “Whatever!” Then all of a sudden, a nurse opened the door.
“SHIZUNE-SAMA, WE NEED YOU IN THE OR NOW!” The young man yelled.
She nodded. “Ok, I will be right there!” She got up and stated to leave. Shizune stopped and looked at Sasuke.
“DON'T MOVE!” She yelled. The medic-nin ran towards the OR.
“Now that she is gone, I can finally get out of here. The Uchiha slowly got up. He started to feel pain again.
“Suck it up Sasuke!” He said out loud. Finally, he was able to get on his feet. Sasuke very slowly made his way towards the door. The dark haried open the door. He looked out.
Damn!” Shizune had posted two guards outside the door. He sighed. “Well, I can't get out that way.”
“I guess I will have to go out the window.” Sasuke started to make his way towards the window. He opened it. The young man was met with a cool breeze. He sighed.
“Here goes nothing!” Sasuke leaped on the window seal. “Oww my leg!” He complained.
Now let's see, I think Sakura's room is on the second floor.” Sasuke concentrated what little chakra he hands left in his feet. He slowly made his way down to the second floor. After he got down a few feet, Sasuke peeked in a window. His eyes immediately saw pink.
“Sakura!” He shouted mentally. Sasuke looked around the room. “Damn!” He cursed. “The old cow is in there!”
Tsunade looked towards the window. Sasuke quickly moved out of sight. “Did she see me?!” His chakra started to fade.
I have to get inside fast, but I don't have enough chakra to make it back to my room!” Then, he noticed something. “Hey, I think I see an opened window!” Sasuke quickly made his way to the window and jumped in. “Man that was close!” He sighed.
“Well, hello there young man!” Sasuke turned around. His eyes met a with old man. He appeared to be in his 80s.
“What's a nice looking young man like you doing here?” The old man purred. “OH SHIT!” The Uchiha shouted mentally.
“Why don't you come a little closer? I have some Jell-O in my pocket. We can share it.” The old man winked at Sasuke.
Sasuke put his hand over his mouth. “IM GOING TO ME SICK!”
“Aww come on now I don't bite.” He paused. “Hard!” He said in a weird yet scary sexy voice.
HE'S JUST LIKE OROCHIMARU!” Sasuke started to claim back into the window. Suddenly, he collapsed and fell on his back. “Damn I'm out of chakra!”
“Are you alright sweet cheeks? Here let me help you.” The old man grabbed his walker and gingerly made his way to the fallen Sasuke.
IM GOING TO GET RAPPED!” Sasuke cried inwardly. The old man stood over the frighten young man. His eyes were filled with lust.
“Let's eat my Jell-O together!” The old man smirked.
“NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” Sasuke screamed.
The door busted open. “OLD MAN HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU? Tsunade ran over and hit the old prev on the head.
“WE DON'T RAPE PEOPLE! She roared. The old man started fake crying. “I'm sorry Tsunade-sama!” She nodded.
Tsunade looked over towards Sasuke. “AND YOU UCHIHA, I TOLD YOU TO STAY IN BED!”
“Hn!” That was his only rely. Although, he was very grateful to the “old cow” for saving his butt hole. The proud man would never admit it.
Tsunade picked up Sasuke bridal style. “Hey!” He shouted. “Be quiet!” She snapped back. “Since you won't be a good little Uchiha and stay in your room.” The blonde woman paused. “I guess I will have to let you recover at home.” Sasuke smirked. Uchihas always get their way. “But that means…..Naruto will have to carry you home.” Tsunade smirked.
“DAMN IT!!!!”
“Stop moving around Sasuke-teme!” Naruto shouted. “I will if you put me down!”
Sakura and Hinata sweat dropped. “Will they ever grow up?” Sakura asked Hinata. “Sigh, I wonder.” The lavender eyed women continued to push Sakura in the wheelchair.
“OWW DON'T BITE ME TEME!” Naruto yelled.
The women sighed. It was going to be a long walk home.
The finally made it home. Naruto put Sasuke on the bed. “Good night Sasuke-teme!” Naruto smiled. “Dobe!” Sasuke smirked.
Sakura shook her head. “Thanks for helping us!” “No sweat Sakura-chan!” The blonde man smiled. She bowed. Naruto and Hinata went home.
“Yawn man I'm so sleepy. Sakura walked into the bed room. “Goodnight Sasuke-kun.”
“Hn.” She sighed. “Typical Sasuke-kun.” She thought.
Sakura laid down. She felt something poking her shoulder. The young woman turned around. It was Sasuke!
“Are you alright Sasuke-kun?” She asked. He smirked at her and licked his lips.
“What do u want Sasuke-kun? I'm sleepy. Sasuke sweat dropped. He winked at her.
“You know what I want baby.” His voice was low and Sexy.
“A glass of water?”
He sweat dropped again.
“No not that!” He moved closer to Sakura. Sasuke was about to kiss her.
“WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!” Sanosuke started crying.
“Oh no!” Sakura jumped up. “Tell me what you want later Sasuke-kun. I have to feed the twins!” She dashed out of the room.
Sasuke started to cry inwardly. “WHERE'S MY MILK!”
Hahahahha poor Sasuke-kun did not get any “Milk” tonight. Hahahahha Oh yeah. I have something to tell you guys. I'm thinking about doing a prequel for this story. Vote and tell me should I or should I not do it. I have to warn you I'm not sure when I would be able to start it. I go to back to school very soon. Any ways tell me what you think and please review! Ja mata ;)