Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ We're Back! ❯ Sasuke's Daycare Part 2: Great Balls of Fire! ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey y'all it's me. Guess what... I finally got a job YAYAYY!!!!! I'm so happy. Anyway, let's get on with the story! It's time to get down and boogie! :) Oh yeah, thank you beta!
Disclaimer I don't own Naruto.
Naruto and Sai could hear their hearts beats thought their chest. Beads of sweat slowly ran down their faces. They stared into the eyes of the enemy. Ok, The blonde man thought. “Sanosuke-kun and Funaho-chan are near Sai. Tenji, Koji, and Hideki are in front of me, and Kai and Shikano are in the middle.” Naruto gulped. “WE'RE SURROUNDED!” He mentally screamed.
“What are they doing?” Sai thought. “They are just sitting there looking at us.”
This staring contest continued for five minutes. Until all of a sudden, Tenji lifted up his pacifier and said.
“GOO GOOO GOO GO!” (Translation: Ninja Babies Attack!)
The little devils pounced on Naruto and Sai. “AHHHH!” the two grown men screamed. Tenji grabbed his father by the neck. While, Hideki and Koji tried to wrap their tiny arms around Naruto's leg. “HELP ME SAI!” he yelled.
“IM SORTA BUSY RIGHT NOW!” Sai had his own problems. Shikano had some way crawled up Sai's arm. He stared licking the milk off. “EWWWW BABY SPIT!” The artist yelled. Meanwhile, Sanosuke had made his way up Sai's leg. The little Uchiha started humping it.
Sai shook his leg violently. Trying and failing to get Sanosuke of off his leg. “HE WON'T COME OFF DAMN IT!” “Heheheehehh!” The baby giggled. Sanosuke licked his lips. “Eww!” The dark haired man turned and glared at Sasuke.
“HEY SASUKE, GET YOUR GAY SON OFF OF MY LEG!” The Sharingan user narrowed his eyes.
“He's not gay!” Sasuke yelled. “He's just…um…confused.” Sai sweat dropped.
“Like I said….get you gay son off of me!!!” He exclaimed. “Damn it!” Uchiha cussed under his breath. Sasuke sighed and started to perform hand signs. Neji's eyes widened. “No Uchiha, don't!” The coffee haired man shouted.
“KATON: GOUKAKYUU NO JUTSU!” But it was too late. Flames bellowed out of Sasuke's mouth.
“What's up girlfriend?!” chirped a blonde man. He skipped over to Ino and kissed her cheeks. “Hey Kiki-chan, no time no see!” She smiled.
“KIKI-CHAN!” The women yelled.
Sakura and the others glanced at the young man. His face was lightly tanned. Kiki had purple lip stick on and pink eye shadow. His clothes were…well…different. They consisted of a white tank top, a blue scarf, and black leather hot pants.
He faced the other young mothers. “Oh Ino-hun, are these the friends that you were telling me about?” He asked. “Yup!” She replied. “Everyone this is Kiki-can, he is the head manager of the spa.” They bowed. “It's nice to meet you Kiki-san.” Hinata said. He waved his hands. “You don't have to be so formal. Just call me Kiki-chan, ok.” He winked at Hinata. She blushed. “Ummmm…ok. Kiki-s-- I mean Kiki-chan.” She corrected herself.
He smiled. “You must be Sakura,” Kiki said. “Umm… yeah… that's right,” She replied.
He stared at her for a while. Then, he bent down to whisper in Ino ear. “Hey, Ino-hun?” “Yes, Kiki-chan?” She answered back. “I don't think Sakura-chan's forehead is that big.” “Hahaha!” The blonde laughed. “Are you blind, Kiki-chan? It's huge!” Unfortunately for Ino, Sakura heard the entire conversation. Veins stared to pop up on Sakura's “big” forehead.
“HEY, I CAN HEAR YOU TWO!” She yelled.
“Oppise!” Ino said. The blue eyed woman put her hand over her mouth. “So, you have been taking about me behind my back Ino-pig!” The pink haired woman raged. Ino shook her head.
“Sakura, you are my best friend. I would never ever talk about you.” She gave Sakura a fake smile.
“Yeah right, you fat-ass pig!” Sakura mumbled.
Ino balled up her fist.
“I HEARD THAT FORHEAD-GIRL!” The two best friends glared at each other.
Kiki sweat dropped. “Now now, come on girl friends. Kiss and make up!” Sakura and Ino pouted.
“I WOULD NEVER KISS HER!” They yelled in unison. The blonde man narrowed his eyes. Out of no where, a bat appeared in his hands.
“I SAID KISS AND MAKE UP!” He shouted as he swung the bat towards Sakura's and Ino's head. The two young women trembled with fear.
“Ok...ok we will kiss and make up!” They waved their hands in front of Kiki. He slowly put the bat down. “Then, do it!” He said in a forceful tone.
Sakura and Ino looked in to each others eyes. “I don't see any lip action!” Kiki warned. “Ok ok!” They started to mover closer together. “Man, I don't want to kiss Ino-pig!” The cherry blossom thought. But if I don't, Kiki-chan will kill us!”
Ino closed her eyes. “Hurry up forehead-girl!” Sakura gulped. She placed her arms around Ino's waist. After that, she closed her eyes. “Here's goes nothing.” Sakura leaned in and.
The kiss was quick and to the point.
“EWWIE!” Both of the women thought. They instantly backed away and started gagging.
“Aww, how sweet!” The girly man purred. Hinata, Tenten and Mai sweat dropped.
“Cough Cough!” Ino gagged. “Forehead-girl you taste like a tomato!” Sakura smirked.
“Yeah, that's what Sasuke-kun says.” Ino blushed.
“Girl, you are nasty!” She yelled. Sakura grinned. “I know.”
Tenten cleared her troat. “Ah hem! Can we go on now?” She asked impatiently.
“Oh yes, right this way.” The women followed Kiki down the hall.
Sasuke's fire balls missed Sanosuke completely and hit Sai's--.
“Oops!” Sasuke sweat dropped.
Sai danced around the house screaming. His face was filled with fear and panic.
“HELP ME!” He exclaimed.
The other young men stared at him with shock in their eyes. While Sanosuke continued to hump away. The house started to fill up with smoke. “Cough…Cough! Let's get out of here!” Neji yelled.
“WILL SOMEONE PLEASE HELP MY BALLS?!” The dancing man cried out. The other fathers looked in the other direction.
“YOU GUYS SUCK!” He yelled.
Naruto put his hand behind his back. “Sorry Sai, but I just don't want to near your `no no' zone.” The blue eyed man laughed nervously.
A water dragon came out of nowhere and splashed down on Sai.
Sai and Sanosuke were now soaked from head to toe. Sasuke, Neji, Shikamaru and Naruto turned towards the direction of the attack.
`KAKASHI!” They shouted.
He smiled under his mask. “I thought you guys could some help,” he said. “So, I decided to come over.” Kakashi looked over to Sai and Sanosuke. Sai was knocked out cold. While, some how, little Sanosuke continued to hump the poor mans leg. The copy-nin sweat dropped. “By the looks of things, I made the right choice.”
Sasuke sighed. “Sakura is going to kill me! The house is a disaster!”
“Sniff…Sniff! Hey what's that smell?” Kakashi asked.
“Hehe booie boo!” Naota laughed.
“Hey I think Naota's diaper needs changing,” the silver-haired man said. They all looked down.
“Do any of y'all know how to change a diaper?” he asked.
Kakashi sweat dropped again. “I guess that means that I will have to do it.”
“Yayaie!” The little Naruto cheered.
“Keep it down Ino!” Sakura yelled. “The whole building can hear you!” The blonde turn to her friend. “I am sorry Sakura, but it feels so GOOD!!!!” Ino moaned. As she felt Kiki's nimble fingers, massage the delicate skin of her back. “My goodness Ino-hun, I did not know that you could moan so loud!” Kiki said. She smirked. “Only you and Shikamaru could make me moan this loud.” Sakura, Hinata, and Tenten blushed.
“INO!” they yelled.
“What?” she replied.
“What's going on?” Mai asked. “I don't get it.” The blue haired woman had a confused look on her face. They all sweat dropped.
“It was a joke, Mai,” Sakura explained. “It was?” She blinked her eyes. Tenten sighed. “Yes Mai, it was a dirty joke.” “Hahahahahahahaha!” Mai laughed. “Tenten-chan, you are so silly. Jokes can't get dirty; they are only words! Hahahaha!” Tenten narrowed her eyes. “She can't be that stupid, can she?” Sakura shook her head. “Man Sai, you really know how to pick them, don't you!”
The blue-eyed woman continued to laugh. “I have to stop this laughing fool!” Ino thought. “So, Mai!” She finally stopped laughing and faced Ino. “When are you and Sai going to get married?” She frowned. “Well…you see ummm…” The woman leaned in. “Well..?” Ino said. “You see we are having money problems and…with the baby and all…” She trailed off.
“Why did he not marry you before you had the baby?” Ino asked. “Well…ummm” Mai started to sweat profusely. “I have to go to the bath room!” She blurted out. Then, she dashed off in to the other room. “Hehehe, works every time!” Ino grinned mischievously.
“Ino, you are so mean!” Sakura said. She pouted. “Whatever, I don't like her anyway! She's a stupid who...” “Ino-chan!” Hinata yelled. “What, she is a stupid whore!” The petal-haired woman sighed. “Let's talk about something else please!” Ino smirked.
“Ok, sure Sakura lets talk about you and Sasuke-kun.” She glared at Ino. “What about me and Sasuke-kun?”
“Like, you know do you two still…” Sakura turned as red as a cheery. “That's none of your business Ino-pig!” She raged. The blonde arched and eyebrow. “I'll take that as a no.” Kiki gasped. “Your man is not giving you any loving? Girl friend you need to dump him!” The lipstick wearing man rolled his neck.
“No no...I mean we you know sometimes….” Her voice started to fade. “Ummm humm, it sounds like something is up. Come on girlfriend tell us!” “It's just that, Sasuke-kun he does not show any emotion. Sakura said. “But Sasuke has always been that way.” Tenten said. “I know I know, but I though the twins being born would change him.” “But it did not?” Kiki inquired. “Sigh! Nope, he barely spends time with them, or helps me take care of them. All his does is train and go on missions.”
“Oh!” Kiki said. “Yeah and sometimes I think he he…” “He what Sakura-chan?” Hinata asked. “That he hates Funaho!” She finshed.
“WHAT!” The group exclaimed.
“What do you mean Sakura-chan?!” Tenten asked. “It's the way that he looks at her.” “How does he look at her Sakura?” Ino inquired. “With.” She paused. “Hate filled eyes.”
“That's crazy!” Kiki yelled. “How can anyone look at a baby that way?”
“And that's not all of it! Today when I walked in the baby's room, he was…yelling at her!”
Their mouths widened with shock.
“Girl you need to get your man some counseling!” Kiki said.
Sakura looked down at the floor. “I don't know what to do!”
“Poor Sakura-chan, Hinata thought.
The brave silver haired ninja stood over the blue eyed baby.
“Hhehe kaka!” He giggled.
Kakashi had a diaper in one hand, and baby wipes in the other one.
“Now watch!” He said in a commanding tone.
The copy-nin gracefully pulled off the diaper. Then, he quickly threw away the bad diaper. Kakashi wiped the baby's bottom swiftly yet, gently. Finally, he put the new diaper on.
“Yayaya all gone gonie!” Naota clapped. He smiled. Then, he picked Naota up and placed him down on the ground.
“There, was that really hard!” They all looked down in shame.
“No!” They grumbled.
“Thank you Kakashi-sensei!” Naruto smiled. “No problem.” He said calmly.
Naota, meanwhile, crawled over to Funaho. “Goo goo boo boo!” (Translation: Hey baby girl, what's up?) He smiled. Funaho continued to stare at the wall. The little Naruto frowned.
“Aww look at that!” The ramen lover yelled. “Naota is trying to make friends with Funaho!” Sasuke and the others turned their heads and watched the little play unfold.
“Goo gooo gooo gooo booo boo!” (Translation: Come on baby girl, don't you want to play with my rattle?”)
Tears started to from in his little eyes. Naota stared to crawl closer to Funaho. Well, Sanosuke finally stopped humping Sai's leg (he's still knocked out) and dashed in between Naota and Funaho.
“Goo googol dobe go!” (Translation: Don't touch my little sister, dobe!) “Goo goo goo teme goo!”(Translation: Don't call me a dobe you teme!) They gave each other a death glare.
“Hey, why is your son being so mean Sasuke-teme?!” Naruto shouted. Sasuke narrowed his eyes. “He's not being mean. He was protecting his sister from your perverted son!” “My son is not a pervert you…”
Naota was crying hysterically and holding his arm.
“What happened?” Naruto asked.
“While you two were fighting, Sanosuke bit Naota on the arm!” Kakashi yelled.
“Oh no!” The blonde man picked up the baby and rocked him back and forth. “You should teach your son not to bite people Sasuke-teme!” He raged.
Sasuke bent down to Sanosuke. “Bad boy bad!” He yelled. Then, he leaned in a little close and said. “Good job son, next time bite him a little harder.” Sasuke smirked. “Hehehe!” The little Uchiha laughed maliciously.
“We're home!” Ino announced. Sakura's eyes darted around the living room. “What happen to the floor!” she raged. “Hn.” Sasuke replied.
“WAHHHHHHH!” Naota cried.
“My baby!” The lavender eyed woman ran over to the crying baby. “What happened?” Hinata's voice was filled with worry. “Sanosuke-kun bit him.” Naruto explained.
“What?” Sakura exclaimed. “Sasuke-kun, did you punish him?” “Hn.” She sweat dropped. “Oh my poor sweet heart. Come on let's go home!” Hinata said.
“Hey get up silly dilly!” Mai said as she poked Sai. Kakashi sweat dropped. “I'll carry him home.”
So, they all gathered up their things, and left the Uchiha house whole. Sakura turned and looked at Sasuke. A bucket and a mop appeared in her hands.
“Get to work!” she yelled.
Oh hell!”
“There you go my little one!” Hinata said as she placed a ban-aid on Naota's wound. He smiled. “Gogoies!” (Translation: Thanks mom, you are the best!)
“Is he better not?” Her husband asked. “Yes, I think so, but..” She paused. “But what Hinata-chan?” “The wound looked…odd.” Naruto raised an eyebrow. “Odd?” “Yes it looked like as if… a snake had bitten it.”
A/n well that's the end of chapter 13, I hoped y'all like it. Sorry I was expecting to update this story sooner but things happen. Oh yeah I want to thank Ninja of the Mist for giving me the idea for Ninja babies. I “Hn” you! Speaking of “I HN You!” I will try to update it next weekend ok! Ja mata!